MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 81 Dad Rules 3

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On the long-distance bus, Han Doudou looked at the destination on the ticket and said: "I remember that my aunt's house is in Jian'an County. My aunt once brought Wang Yurui to our house. The girl was very naughty and beat my crystal doll. It was broken, but I didn’t tell me, and secretly threw it under the bed. At that time, I suspected that she broke it, but you didn’t let me say anything. After they left, I searched the room, and finally found the broken one under the bed. The torn crystal doll... It's more than that, when she was leaving, she even tore up my exercise book, all in all, the few days she came to our house, the house was a disaster."

Her tone was full of resentment. Thinking about what Wang Yurui did at that time, when she mentioned her aunt, she would reflexively think of Wang Yurui's naughtiness, and she would still be angry.

Han Ze asked her, "How old was she then, how old were you?"

Han Doudou said: "I remember, I was in the sixth grade at that time, and she seemed to be going to the first grade at the beginning of the summer vacation."

Han Ze said in a deep voice: "She was six years old at that time, and you were twelve years old. Why can't you forgive a child who is six years younger than you for unintentionally doing something? It's been so many years, and you still can't forget it? Maybe she Have you regretted what happened?"

Han Doudou's lips twitched: "She didn't do it unintentionally, it was intentional at all. When she was six years old, she broke other people's things. She was afraid of being scolded, so she knew to hide things quietly under the bed. She has more eyes than stars in the sky. "

Han Ze asked her: "At least Dad believes that she definitely didn't break your crystal doll on purpose, nor did she tear up your book on purpose. As for the act of evading responsibility by hiding the broken crystal doll in order to avoid being scolded, is it true?" No. Didn't you do something wrong?"

Han Doudou stopped talking. Of course she did something wrong, and she also lied to her father in order to avoid being scolded.

Han Ze sighed: "Did I forgive you?"

Han Doudou blushed, pursed her lips tightly, and did not speak.

Han Ze said again: "Dad can forgive you if you do something wrong, why can't you forgive Wang Yurui? Besides, it was all a few years ago, when she was young and ignorant, we should be more tolerant, maybe Has she become better and no longer naughty?"

Han Doudou looked sullen, did Dad mean that she was fussy?

She bit her lips: "Well, she was six years old and ignorant at that time, and now that she's in elementary school, she shouldn't be so annoying."

Han Ze looked at her with a smile and said, "You think she's annoying, but Dad sometimes thinks you're annoying too..."

Han Doudou looked at him dissatisfied.

Han Ze said: "Look, you like playing games, you don't like studying, you like to buy clothes, you need to buy shoes last week, and you need money to buy concert tickets this week. Dad can only earn a few thousand yuan a month. The sky goes east and west."

Han Doudou lowered his head.

Han Ze looked at her, paused and continued: "Sometimes Dad sees that you really want those things very much, and tears flow from crying, so he can't bear it. He really wants to meet your requirements, but suffers from the inability to do so." , At that time, I will blame myself, even feel inferior, and hate myself for being incompetent, why I can’t earn money like other parents, can’t give my daughter a rich life, and can’t even afford to buy a designer dress for my daughter.”


Han Doudou was startled, and looked at his father intently.

Han Ze said: "Dad urges you to study hard, not to satisfy Dad's vanity, but to hope that you will have more choices in the future, and hope that you will not have the inferiority and regret of Dad in the future."

Han Doudou lowered her head, Han Ze couldn't see her expression, but from her drooping shoulders, it could be seen that she should have listened to his words.

Han Ze sighed, and said: "But more often, Dad thinks you are ignorant, that you don't know how to understand Dad's difficulties, and you have to compare everything with others, angry at why you can't be as obedient as other children, and think you are annoying. "

Han Doudou slowly raised her head, looked at her father blankly, and couldn't help asking, is she really that bad?

Han Ze said again: "Of course, you have such a personality, so we can't blame you entirely. It's our parents' failure to set up the correct concept for you. When your grandparents were alive, they had retirement wages and the family was well-off. You were the only child. You Whatever you want, they will buy you what you want, so that you can develop your own personality. This is my fault. I was busy with work and had no time to care about you. If I can spare time to spend more time with you and teach you , you may not be like this."

Han Doudou's tears welled up all at once.

Han Ze blamed himself: "The child is disobedient. You can't just blame the child. You were young at that time. What did you know? A good character is cultivated. When you were young, your father didn't take care of you. What about the child that father asked for?"

Han Doudou's tears were like a fountain, and she couldn't stop it.

Han Ze patted her hair gently, and sighed: "Since what Dad did is unqualified, how can he be strict with you? You are Dad's daughter, but you didn't train you well. Dad did wrong things in the past. You apologize."

Han Doudou wiped away tears, sniffled, and did not speak.

But Han Ze knew that the child listened to his words, otherwise he wouldn't cry so sadly.

Han Doudou calmed down a little, she whispered, "Actually, I was also wrong."

The sentence that her father was inferior and could not give her a good life really shocked her, and at the same time made her deeply realize that she asked her father for things without any scruples. Although she was unintentional, it really made her father Embarrassed, even embarrassing enough to make him feel inferior.

Han Ze patted her head, but said nothing.

Han Doudou said again: "In the evening, I will call Xu Yining and tell her that I will not go to the concert tomorrow."

Han Ze looked at her and thought that even if you want to go, you can't go. We are going to the countryside, so we can only come back tomorrow afternoon.

Han Doudou explained softly: "Sixteen hundred yuan is enough for me to spend for a month."

Now that I think about it, she is really irrational. Xu Yining and the others spend tens of thousands of dollars a month in living expenses, and 1,600 yuan to see a concert is commonplace for them. But to her, it is a luxurious feast, and once in a while, they can save them a lot of money.

For her greedy enjoyment, she makes her father embarrassed, blames herself, and even feels inferior. From this point of view, she is really bad, and she needs to learn slowly, but saving money and trying to think about her father can start from now.

Han Ze thought for a while and said, "I'll tell you a story."

Han Doudou looked at her suspiciously: "What story?"

Dad's topic jumps too fast, and her thinking can't keep up.

Han Ze smiled and said: "It's not a story, it's about my father's time in the army. When my father was in the army, he had a comrade in arms. His family was richer than Xu Yining's family. His life was so luxurious that a watch cost hundreds of thousands. At that time, I I once doubted life, people wear hundreds of thousands of watches, but I don’t even have watches worth tens of dollars, why is the gap so big?”

Han Doudou nodded, feeling that this mood was somewhat similar to hers. She urged: "What's next?"

She wondered, would Dad ask grandparents for money next time, even if he didn't buy a watch worth hundreds of thousands of yuan, at least he would buy a watch worth several thousand yuan?

Han Ze changed the subject: "At first we were not friends. Until a few months later, that friend replaced a watch worth hundreds of thousands of dollars with a watch worth hundreds of dollars. When we went out to eat, it was just a random restaurant, that is, That's when I became friends with him."

Han Doudou was taken aback, it was different from what she had imagined, and she was even more curious: "Why did he change his watch and invite you to an ordinary restaurant, and you became friends?"

Han Ze said: "We were both recruits at the beginning, and he wanted to be friends with me, but I was timid."

Han Doudou frowned and looked at him with curiosity in his eyes.

Han Ze explained with a smile: "Although Dad is a child of an ordinary family, your grandparents taught me in elementary school, so you can't take advantage of others. The first time we went out for dinner, he invited me to a big hotel. I insisted on not going. There was no other reason, but I was afraid that I would not be able to invite him back and make him look down on me. You may think such self-esteem is ridiculous, but Dad insisted. "

Han Doudou agrees, and she also has this idea, so she never accepts Xu Yining's expensive gifts, and hurriedly asked: "What happened next?"

Han Ze laughed and said, "During the holidays, he invited me out to play many times, but I still insisted on not going. He didn't give up. He seemed to have found the reason why I didn't agree to go out with him. He changed the watch and gave it to me outside. I packed a barbecue, and I ate it with a smile without hesitation."

Han Doudou was surprised: "Why did he change his watch? Don't you want to be friends with him if you don't change your watch?"

Han Ze shook his head and said, "Actually, he doesn't change his watch. As long as our communication and consumption level are within my expectations, it's fine. After all, Dad can resist the temptation and won't see what other people have. would want something."

Han Doudou looked away uncomfortably, she looked down on her father, but she still couldn't resist the curiosity in her heart, and asked, "Then why did he change the watch?"

Han Ze smiled and said: "Later, he told me jokingly, since we are all friends, we should have the same blessings and share the same hardships during the military service. I don't even have a watch, so what if he wears a watch worth hundreds of thousands of dollars?" Something happened."

Han Doudou said ah, she never thought of this as the reason.

Han Ze raised his eyebrows, and casually said: "You and Xu Yining are good friends, and her family is rich. You must be under a lot of pressure when you go out to play with her. I believe that when she goes out to buy things, she will definitely not call you, and she usually does not." In front of you, she will mention how many brand-name clothes and shoes she bought. Because you are friends, she will definitely know, and she will make you uncomfortable when she says these things."

Han Doudou looked at him blankly, she didn't know why, after hearing what her father said, she felt uncomfortable, she didn't know why she felt uncomfortable, and subconsciously asked: "What does this have to do with Xu Yining?"

Han Ze smiled and said: "Our father and daughter are lucky. When we were young, we could meet a sincere friend. Dad is very pleased for you. If Xu Yining can be like my comrade-in-arms, he will not show off in front of you everywhere." Fu, Dad will be more assured of you being friends with her."

A thought flashed in Han Doudou's mind, but before she had time to think about it, the thought disappeared in an instant. She frowned and asked, "Why?"

Han Ze patted her head: "It's easy to be tempted when you're young. If she shows off her wealth in front of you everywhere, you will feel inferior over time. Being friends with her will put you under pressure. The pressure on study is already great. Dad doesn't want you to be under pressure in other ways."

Han Doudou stared blankly at her father: "Yining often told me that she bought a lot of clothes and cosmetics from big brands..."

Han Ze frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "Then what do you think after hearing this?"

Han Doudou said with shame: "I am very envious..."

Speaking of this, she was a little bit speechless. In fact, she was not only envious, but also wanted to have those things. It takes a lot of courage for people to admit their shortcomings, but she didn't have the courage.

Han Ze nodded: "You are young, maybe she doesn't know that saying that will arouse your envy, let alone that it will make you uncomfortable, after all, you are friends, she can't show off to you deliberately and make you jealous of."

Han Doudou didn't think that was the case, Xu Yining was very smart, she might not know that she was uncomfortable, but she still chose to show off her wealth in front of her, thinking of this, she silently lowered her head, a little sad, and began to doubt her friendship with Xu Yining for the first time.

Han Ze didn't say any more, Han Doudou was silent for a long time, she slowly raised her head, looked at her father, and asked, "Are we going to my aunt's house?"

Han Ze nodded, "Your aunt's cervical spine compressed her nerves and passed out. She had an operation not long ago. Let's go and see her."

Han Doudou asked worriedly, "When did it happen?"

Han Ze said guiltily: "It's been two months. I haven't had time to see her."

Han Doudou frowned: "Then what are you doing with my old clothes?"

Han Ze sighed and explained: "Yu Rui's father passed away in a car accident, and her mother worked out of town with a low salary. The last time your aunt and grandma had an operation, she borrowed money. Apart from repaying the debt, there is not much left in her monthly salary. Children The body is growing fast, Yurui's clothes are all too small, I called your aunt yesterday, she thought that you are older than Ruirui, so she asked if you still have your old clothes, and gave them to Ruirui to wear."

When Han Doudou came to her aunt's house, she frowned: "It's not good to give her old clothes. Why don't you buy her two new clothes."

Han Ze patted her on the head: "If you don't save the poor, buy her two sets of clothes. Why don't you give her a few hundred yuan to buy books and school supplies? Besides, your clothes are just old and not broken. Patch, what's wrong?"

Han Doudou said: "Ruirui is willing to wear my old clothes? Doesn't she dislike it?"

Han Ze smiled and said, "You think everyone looks like you, Ruirui not only doesn't dislike you, but she was very happy when she heard that I was going to give her your old clothes, and said that the clothes in big cities look good."

Han Doudou was ashamed at first, and then asked suspiciously: "Is that naughty ghost so good at talking?"

Han Ze glanced at her: "Whether she can speak, you will know when you arrive at your aunt's house."

Han Doudou said oh, in her impression, Wang Yurui is still a naughty fur doll, it is really unimaginable what she will look like when she grows up.

This was the first time Han Doudou came back to the countryside. She looked at the two-story building in front of her and asked in surprise, "My aunt's family is not poor, so they can build a building?"

Han Ze glanced at the house in front of him, and explained: "This house has been built for many years. It was built when your aunt and grandpa were alive."

Han Doudou said oh.

Wang Yurui came back from the outside with a vegetable basket in her hand. When she saw Han Ze and the two of them, she said in surprise, "Uncle Biao, Sister Doudou, you have finally arrived. My grandmother was still talking about you just now."

Han Doudou turned her head, looked at the dark and thin Wang Yurui, and said hesitantly, "Are you Ruirui?"

Wang Yurui, who was white and fat when she was a child, is fine if she loses weight. Why is she so dark?

Wang Yurui smiled and said, "I am Ruirui, have I changed a lot?"

Han Doudou nodded: "It has changed a lot, a little darker."

Wang Yurui said indifferently: "I sunbathe in the sun every day, so it must be dark, and it will turn white when I cover it."

Han Doudou said disapprovingly: "Why are you going to bask in the sun? When you go out, take a sun umbrella or apply some sunscreen."

Wang Yurui laughed loudly: "Sister Doudou, you are so funny, how can you use an umbrella when you are working in the field. At that time, is that hand doing work or holding an umbrella? Besides, I don't have that kind of sunscreen."

As she spoke, she led the two of them into the yard.

Han Doudou said ah, feeling embarrassed, she glanced at Wang Yurui: "Aren't you a student, why do you work in the fields?"

Han Ze carried his luggage and followed behind the two, listening to their speech.

Wang Yurui scratched her head and said with a smile: "Students can also work in the fields. My grandma has undergone surgery. Although she is better, she still can't do anything. Our peanuts are ripe. My grandma asked my cousin to help us. The family collects peanuts, and grandma can't go to the field, so I can only go and see."

Han Doudou asked curiously: "But you don't have to go to school, don't you have to do homework?"

Wang Yurui said: "There are not many homework assigned by the teacher, and I can finish it in a little time at night. And I was bored while picking peanuts, so I recited the book while picking peanuts, so that I could memorize the book smoothly and save a lot of time."

Han Doudou stared blankly at Wang Yurui, with sincere admiration rising from the bottom of her heart. She never knew that she could even endorse books while doing farm work. What kind of learning spirit was that?

She was deeply shocked, and then she was full of shame. Compared with Ruirui, she was really too bad, too bad. Her father didn't let her do anything, only let her study hard, but she felt that her father was nagging and annoying.

At this time, my aunt and grandma came out of the house leaning on crutches. She smiled and said, "It's getting dark, and your father and son are finally here."

Han Ze smiled and called aunt, and Han Doudou also called aunt and grandma. Han Ze put the luggage on the stool next to him, stepped forward to support her, and asked, "Are you okay?"

The aunt and grandma sighed, and there was a smile on her wrinkled face. She said, "It's better, it's much easier than before the operation. But I still can't do things, and Ruirui is busy at home and outside."

Wang Yurui looked at Han Doudou with a smile, and said, "Sister Doudou, let my uncle and my grandmother chat, and you help me light the fire. The big **** is cooked, and you only need to fry two small dishes."

"You cook?"

Han Doudou stood there motionless, she hesitated and said, "I, I don't know how to light a fire."

She was so ashamed that she was six years older than Ruirui, and Ruirui knew how to cook. When she was twelve years old, she never did any housework, not to mention cooking.

Wang Yurui said: "Grandma is not in good health. If I don't cook, we will be hungry. It's very simple to make a fire. I'll teach you."

Han Doudou looked at his father as if asking for help, "Dad, why don't you cook?"

Before Han Ze could speak, his aunt said, "Let Ruirui cook. Even though she is small, her cooking is not bad."

Han Ze didn't intend to do anything, he smiled and said, "Go, go, help your sister light the fire. Just make something to eat, don't make it complicated."

Han Doudou couldn't believe that her father didn't care about her.

Before Han Doudou could say something to protest, Wang Yurui had already dragged her into the kitchen.

The aunt and grandma said kindly: "Ruirui heard that you were coming, so she caught the big rooster at home last night, and killed it when she came back from school. She won't shed the chicken feathers, so she asked her aunt next door to help. It’s been a long time, and it’s just cooked.”

Han Ze praised with a smile: "Ruirui is really sensible. A twelve-year-old child actually helps with housework. I really should let my Doudou learn from her."

As he spoke, he helped his aunt to sit on the recliner, and his aunt asked him to find a chair to sit on. The two chatted casually.

Wang Yurui couldn't believe that someone really couldn't learn how to make a fire, she said: "Sister Doudou, just sit there and watch, I will do it myself."

She was cooking while adding firewood, and she was hurrying up. Sister Doudou is here to make trouble.

Han Doudou was disgusted and stood aside in embarrassment. She hesitated and said, "Why don't I come to cook? Do you light the fire?"

Wang Yurui looked at her suspiciously and asked, "Sister Doudou, have you cooked?"

Han Doudou straightened her chest and raised her head: "Although I don't know how to cook fire, I have cooked, and your uncle praised me for the delicious food."

After what happened just now, Wang Yurui didn't quite believe Sister Doudou's words, she said: "Forget it, you should just sit there and rest, anyway, there are only two vegetarian dishes, and they will be fried soon."

Han Doudou stared, is this brat despising her?

Wang Yurui looked at Han Doudou, maybe she just disliked Sister Doudou, but thinking that Sister Doudou was a guest, she couldn't be too unreasonable, and asked instead: "Sister Doudou, how old are you?"

Han Doudou said, "Sophomore year."

Wang Yurui looked envious: "Oh, it would be great if I could go to the second year of high school."

Han Doudou curled her lips: "What's so good about being a sophomore in high school? There's so much pressure."

But Wang Yurui said: "I am seventeen years old when I am in the second year of high school. I will be an adult soon and can earn money. My mother doesn't have to work in other places. My grandma is taken care of when she is sick. The last time my grandma passed out, I couldn't hold her. She, if only my mother was home."

Han Doudou froze for a moment, and looked at the little girl who was on the head next to her, standing by the pot, frying vegetables in a dignified manner, and asked cautiously, "Are you not good at grades? Don't you plan to take college entrance exams?"

Wang Yurui said casually: "Knowledge in elementary school is relatively easy, and there is no such thing as good grades, right? I heard people say that if you go to college, you can go out and find something to do."

Han Doudou choked, her grades are so good, it's easy to learn elementary school knowledge, she remembers that when she was in elementary school, her grades were also very good, but at that time, she didn't think it was easy at all. She asked, "Then how many points do you score in each test?"

Wang Yurui said: "Mathematics can be scored 100 points, and Chinese sometimes deducts composition points, so you can only test 99 points, but most of the time the composition is full."

Han Doudou was ashamed, she couldn't believe it and asked: "You do so much housework every day, but you can still study so well?"

Wang Yurui said: "Elementary school knowledge is easy. Besides, although I do housework, I have completed all the homework assigned by the teacher. My grades are not good, and I tend to lose points in my composition."

Her tone of voice was very natural.

Han Doudou asked her: "The composition is not good, didn't you hire a make-up teacher?"

Wang Yurui shook her head, "Our family has no money to hire a make-up teacher."

There are still people in their class tutoring homework at the cram school in the town.

Han Doudou said: "But in order to study, you should also hire a make-up teacher."

Wang Yurui looked at her strangely: "My grandmother has always been in poor health, my mother's salary is not high, and the land and grain harvested by the family can't be sold for a little money. There is no money to ask a teacher to give me tutoring."

Han Doudou bit her lip. In their family, her study is more important than anything else, and she has to give in to everything that comes across her study. She didn't expect that the reason why Ruirui didn't hire a make-up teacher was because the family had no money.

Seeing that she was silent, Wang Yurui said again: "Besides, our Chinese teacher said that if you want to write a good composition, you must read more. There is a small library in the town. Our teacher is in the town. She often borrows books for me. Show me, I read more extracurricular books to accumulate words and sentences, it's the same."

Han Doudou was speechless and ashamed again. She also knows that reading more books and accumulating words and sentences can improve her writing ability, but she has never done it, and only wants to improve her writing ability through supplementary teachers. Think about it, the tens of minutes that the make-up teacher taught is certainly useful. But if you don't work hard and don't take the initiative to learn, the effect of tutoring is actually not great, right? Hiring a make-up teacher is nothing but a waste of money.

After the meal, Han Doudou took the initiative to help wash the dishes, Han Ze smiled, as long as he has a sense of shame. After washing the dishes, Han Doudou called Xu Yining in front of Han Ze, and said, "Yining, I'm sorry, I'm at my aunt's house and I won't be able to watch the concert with you tomorrow."

Xu Yining clenched her phone tightly, her tone slightly reproachful: "I didn't say to go to the concert, didn't you make an appointment with Pan Hao to go together? You should have told him."

Han Doudou frowned slightly, and she said, "Then tell him for me, I'm at my aunt's house in the suburban county."

Xu Yining said angrily: "Since you're going to the countryside, you shouldn't make an appointment with Pan Hao to go to the concert. Although the tickets are not expensive, it's not good to miss the appointment often, what do you think?"

Holding the phone tightly, Han Doudou agreed: "You're right, I won't do this in the future."

Xu Yining smiled and said: "That's right. Since it's not a concert this time, you can make an appointment next time, it's the same."

Han Doudou said in a low voice: "No need. I won't go to the concert in the future. I have something to do, so hang up first."

Xu Yining listened to the beeping tone on the phone, her eyes were cold, Han Doudou dared to hang up on her?