MTL - Almighty Dad-Chapter 96 Sick Dad 7

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In the past few days when the family has food, Mrs. Han asked her three daughters-in-law to take turns to cook. The son has grown up, married his daughter-in-law, and has six or seven grandchildren. The second and third daughters-in-law are lavish and don't know how to save money at all. It's okay. With her watching from the side, forgive them for not daring to make any small moves.

Wang Caiwei stopped talking, she always listened to her mother-in-law. San Lang's daughter-in-law, Wu Shi, married into the Han family for a few years and had only one daughter. She lacked confidence. Even if she was reluctant in her heart, she would scoop as much rice as her mother-in-law asked, without the slightest rebellion.

Erlang's daughter-in-law Zheng's natal family has many brothers, and she consciously gave birth to two boys for the Han family, and she stands up straight in front of her husband's family. In front of her mother-in-law, she scooped up as much rice as she asked, and when her mother-in-law turned around and left the kitchen, she sneakily scooped up half a bowl of rice and poured it into the pot. Eat enough, but be scolded.

Mrs. Han has cooked rice all her life, and she can tell the difference between a handful of rice and half a bowl of rice porridge at a glance. Don't say she can see it, anyone in the family can see it, usually a bowl of porridge can't get two grains of rice with all the strength of chopsticks, and the bottom of the bowl can be seen at a glance if the soup is clear. At this moment, not only can the rice be fished out of the bowl, but also a few mouthfuls can be picked by one person. Only a fool can't tell the difference.

Mrs. Han's face turned black immediately, this prodigal **** was about to scold at the first opening of her mouth.

Zheng shrugged her shoulders and pretended that she didn't exist. Anyway, her mother-in-law often scolded her, so she just got used to it. Wu secretly glanced at the second sister-in-law, admiring her in her heart. This is the difference between having a son and not having a son. Even if she was killed, she would not dare to disobey her mother-in-law's wishes. She couldn't help being envious, if only she could give birth to a son. .

Han Ze is quite funny, there are policies on the top and countermeasures on the bottom. The adults and children in the family all looked disheveled, wanting to have a full meal, there was nothing wrong with that, he could understand Zheng.

He stopped him in good time: "Mom, I'm already in good health, and I can earn some money by copying books every day. No matter how good the food is, I should let my parents and children fill their stomachs."

When Zheng's tense body loosened, the mother-in-law would not listen to the persuasion of others, but the mother-in-law would definitely listen to the elder brother's words. She is used to being scolded, but she is not a scumbag, whoever has nothing to do likes to scold her, but she is also grateful to her elder brother for helping her speak.

Sure enough, as soon as Han Ze opened his mouth, Mrs. Han's mood eased, and she swallowed the words that came to her lips. Using chopsticks to pick up the rice in the bowl, I still feel very distressed, and I keep scolding the prodigal girls in my heart, but I also think about it in my heart, and I look at the children carefully, seeing that they all shrink their heads, wishing to bury them under the table Go, is she that scary?

She was a little upset, cleared her throat, and said in a low voice: "Okay, I didn't say anything, look at you all scared. Forget it this time, next time you cook, you can't secretly add rice, or you will be spared." It’s not for you. A family can’t do without some rules.”

Han Ze persuaded calmly: "Mother, in just a few days, I have copied ten books, and I can get a lot of wages. You don't have to worry too much about eating, you still need to fill your stomach no matter what."

Of course Mrs. Han knows that her eldest son can get a lot of money by copying books, but the family is in debt, and the eldest brother will have to take the imperial examination next year, so he needs to spend money everywhere. all?

Han Ze understood Mrs. Han's worries, and he said, "Mother, I have to pay back the debt owed to Eldest Sister's family slowly, I think Eldest Sister will not mind."

Mrs. Han was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice: "It's easy to talk to your elder sister. But the money owed to the villagers..."

Han Ze said again: "As for the money owed to the villagers, we can pay it back when we have a little more money."

What else can Mrs. Han say, she can only follow the boss. The boss has spent a lot of money in studying and treating diseases in the past few years, and the debts outside are all because of him. Thinking about it, he is also very anxious. He has not been a scholar for so many years, so he must have a hard time. Thinking of this , She didn't want to say anything anymore. If she said too much, it would be embarrassing for her son. She waved her hand and said, "Let's eat."

Mrs. Zheng escaped, so she doesn't have to cook secretly in the future, so she relaxes her scalp. Thinking that this result is all due to the uncle's contribution, I feel a little ashamed.

But the shame was only for a moment, and the guilt disappeared without a trace. The reason why the family can't get enough to eat is not because of the uncle, but if he has a bit of conscience, he will not rely on his mother-in-law to make the family hungry.

Less than one hundred catties of grain, a family of more than a dozen people, if they really want to eat on their stomachs, they won't be able to eat for long. Fortunately, Han Ze's wages for copying books can be obtained quickly, and with money, he can buy food.

In order to practice calligraphy, Han Ze's handwriting speed was a little slow. After he merged the original body with his handwriting, his hand speed became faster. It would not be a problem to copy a "Three Character Classic" in a day. In just ten days, Han Ze copied seven copies of "Three Character Classics", five copies of "Hundred Surnames", and five copies of "Thousand Characters".

Taking the book to the town, the shopkeeper of the library was very satisfied after reading it. After summing up, he was paid 540 Wen according to the salary agreed at the beginning. Walking out of the library, Wang Caiwei said: "Sir, you earn more silver in ten days than I earn in a month."

She was speaking with a smile on her face and a strong sense of pride in her tone, it can be seen that she was not sad because her husband earned more money than her.

Han Ze smiled and said, "After studying for so many years, I can only earn money now, so there is nothing to say. Let's go buy food."

Wang Caiwei didn't think that way, and not everyone can read. The two of them turned a corner and went to the food store, where they also bought rice noodles and spent three hundred Wen. Passing by the vegetable market on his way back, Han Ze stood in front of the meat stall and did not leave. He looked at Wang Caiwei and suggested, "Buy two catties of meat and go back."

Wang Caiwei looked distressed. One catty of meat costs more than a dozen Wen, and two catties of meat can buy several catties of grain.

Han Ze smiled and said, "Buy two catties of meat. The family hasn't seen the smell of meat for a long time. The children are all hungry."

Not to mention children, even adults should be greedy.

Wang Caiwei gritted her teeth, she didn't have a penny in her hand before, so that's all. Now I have money in my hand, but it is only two catties of meat, buy it, buy it. As he spoke, he asked the boss to weigh two catties of meat.

Back home, Mrs. Han saw that the two had bought rice and noodles again. She frowned and disapproved: "The family hasn't finished eating, why did they buy more food?"

Wang Caiwei carried her things and followed Han Ze silently.

Han Ze put the rice noodles on the stone platform and explained with a smile: "The family is running out of food, and I can't eat it for a few days, so I bought some."

Mrs. Han knew about her eldest son's stubbornness, and knew that her elder son was in good health. She wanted to make up for the family, but swallowed her words, and finally said: "No matter what, I should save enough money for next year's scientific examination."

Han Ze nodded: "Mother, don't worry, I know it well."

The wheat will be harvested soon, and when the wheat is harvested, he will not need to spend money to buy grain, and then he can save some money.

Today it was Zheng's turn to cook, and she was cooking porridge at the moment. Wang Caiwei put the meat she bought back on the chopping board. She had sharp eyes, and when she saw the meat, she immediately blinked: "Sister-in-law, have you cut the meat? Have you stewed meat at noon?"

This is meat. How long has it been since their family had meat? My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Wang Caiwei said softly, "Let's stew."

Meat is eaten when you buy it, there is no need to keep it.

Mrs. Zheng rubbed her hands, feeling a little embarrassed, and said falteringly, "Sister-in-law, I'm not very good at cooking, why don't you stew this meat?"

This is meat, if it's not done well, she will feel sorry for herself, not to mention her mother-in-law scolding her.

Wang Caiwei didn't intend to let her stew meat at first. The second sibling's cooking skills are not very good, and her husband's hard-earned money and meat can't be ruined by her.

Although Wang Caiwei's cooking skills cannot be compared with the chefs in restaurants, she can cook ordinary farm meals well. After a while, the smell of meat filled the air. The children smelled the smell, and all ran to the stove, stood by the pot, poked their heads, stared into the pot, and kept on going. Swallow.

Mrs. Han entered the kitchen and shouted with a dark face, "What are you all doing here? Get out."

The children were startled, and Han Jinxiu was afraid of grandma's power, so she hurriedly grabbed her younger siblings and ran out in a swarm. Although they ran out, the children did not run far away, but hid in the yard, kept looking into the stove, as if the meat was cooked raw, and ran away.

Han Ze smiled and did not stop their movements.

When the working men of the Han family came back and saw the stewed meat on the table, they all twitched their index fingers, not to mention the children, even they couldn't help drooling, it was too long since they had eaten meat. With a wave of her hand, Mrs. Han bought all the meat, and let them eat with their stomachs open.

So, the whole family, no matter adults or children, ate all their mouths. It was Han Ze, who hadn't smelled of meat in these days, and couldn't help but eat two pieces of meat.

After harvesting the wheat and planting the second season of crops, the season has entered the hot summer. These days, because of Han Ze copying books to subsidize the family, while the whole family is filling their stomachs, occasionally a plate of meat can be seen on the table , full of food, no worries, his face gradually became rosy, and his face was no longer pale.

Now, Han Ze's copying speed is getting faster and faster, and he can copy a copy of the "Three Character Classics" in half a day. Of course, for next year's imperial examination, he will not only copy enlightenment books, but as time goes by, he will start copying the Four Books and Five Classics.

The "Great Learning" in the Four Books has relatively few words, about 2,000 words. Starting from the Four Books, he not only recited them, but also wrote them down verbatim.

In the past few worlds, he had read the Four Books and Five Classics several times, but he could not recite them. Fortunately, with the memory of the original body, it can't help him. After writing silently, organize them into a book, and understand them. In this way, the copying speed slowed down again. But Han Ze wasn't in a hurry, and he couldn't be in a hurry. Learning didn't happen overnight.

After Han Ze had written all the Four Books and Five Classics silently, and finished understanding and memorizing them, Mrs. Han urged him and Wang Caiwei to go to the town to give the Wang family a new year gift. Only then did Han Ze suddenly realize that the New Year's Eve is coming soon. It has been nearly eight months since he came to this world.

However, before going to give the Wang family a new year gift, the copied Four Books and Five Classics must be sent to the library. The number of words in the Four Books and Five Classics is very large, and it is not easy to copy. Relatively speaking, the wages are relatively high. I paid ten taels of silver for wages. With these ten taels of silver, he will stop copying books after a year, and he doesn't have to worry about not having money for scientific examinations.

Thinking of giving the Yue family a New Year's gift, Han Ze gave Wang Caiwei two taels of silver and asked her to watch the New Year's gift. Wang Caiwei didn't want it, she had her own ideas, ten taels of silver seemed a lot, and Xianggong needed about five taels of silver for this scientific examination, but just in case, it is always right to have more silver.

As for giving gifts to her natal family, she smiled helplessly. If the husband became a scholar, they would not say anything even if they gave less gifts for the new year. Now that my husband has not passed the examination of scholar, even if he spends all the ten taels of silver on New Year's gifts, they don't seem to like it very much.

Han Ze could understand her thoughts after thinking about it for a while, and Wang Caiwei was vague: "Just give it according to the annual gift in previous years."

In previous years, catching one of the chickens raised at home and buying some pastries in the town would be considered a New Year gift. She also knew that her father and her two elder brothers looked down on her, but there was nothing she could do, the family was poor. To be able to give away a chicken, the family has done their best, and they can't get any extra, let alone the family has more than one son.

Three sons and three daughters-in-law, each daughter-in-law gave away a chicken, three chickens at a time, the mother-in-law had worked so hard to raise the chicken for a year, but her family didn't enjoy it, and she was disgusted by them, even if she had a good temper I also have some ideas.

Han Ze followed her wishes and said, "The better things are when you stay at home, then give them some more New Year's gifts. I've wronged you all these years."

Wang Caiwei shook her head lightly, she didn't feel wronged, her natal family was full of food, drink and flowers, she knew very well what they lacked.

When Han Ze fell ill, Wang Caiwei went back to her mother's house to borrow money but failed to borrow money. After returning, she embroidered at home all day and never returned to her mother. Wang Caiwei's wife, Wang Xu, saw that her daughter hadn't come to the house for a long time, and guessed that her son-in-law might be fine. Although she was also thinking about it, she didn't inquire further.

I was afraid that if I found out that something happened to my son-in-law, my daughter would borrow money from her again. If I didn't borrow money, I would feel uneasy. If something happened to my son-in-law, my daughter would hate her. Looking at the New Year's Eve, I figured that it was time for my daughter to come to give the New Year's gift. If Han Ze is healthy, I think he will come here together.

Finally looking forward to the daughter and son-in-law bringing the children to the door, Wang Xushi saw his son-in-law, he was full of energy and rosy complexion, he was relieved, but secretly wondered how his son-in-law's body was better than the previous few years, could it be possible Did he meet some miraculous doctor and healed him?

Mr. Wang had so much expectations for Han Ze as his son-in-law, but now he is so disappointed. In the first half of the year, his son-in-law was in poor health and his daughter came to borrow money. He didn't know about it, but he also pretended to be deaf and dumb, pretending not to know. Unexpectedly, this son-in-law is very resilient, and he survived again.

He didn't have any regrets at all. Just because his son-in-law survived the exam, it didn't mean he could pass the exam. Usually, before he entered the exam room, he looked fine, but he still fainted in the exam room again and again. Even if the son-in-law will take another scientific examination next year, who knows if he will faint again in the examination room.

In other words, even if Han Ze is his son-in-law, he is not his own son. He is a businessman, and since he has lost confidence in him, he will not waste money on him.

Mr. Wang asked: "Will it end next year?"

Although he would not waste money on his son-in-law, he would not treat his son-in-law slowly when he came to the door, but he would not be too enthusiastic, just a few polite words of concern.

Han Ze smiled, seeing the indifference in the old man's eyes, he didn't take it seriously, he just said gently: "Take the exam again next year, if it doesn't work, I don't plan to take the exam again."

Mr. Wang, with a long beard, was quite satisfied with his answer. Wouldn't it be a drag on his daughter if he failed the exam and still had to take the exam? Even if he doesn't value this girl very much, she is still the daughter married by his Wang family. Just as he was about to answer, Boss Wang came in. He smiled brightly: "Father, Caixia and brother-in-law are here."

Han Ze raised his eyebrows slightly. In his original memory, Wang Caiwei also had an older sister, Wang Caixia, who was born to Mr. Wang's original spouse. Wang Caixia's husband's family name was Liu, and he opened a restaurant in the county. Her husband was selected as a scholar last year, and Mr. Wang favored him very much.

Mr. Wang laughed, the joy in his eyes was obvious, and he hurriedly said, "Let them in quickly."

Elder Wang laughed and said, "Father, they have already come in."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Caixia's family entered the house.

Wang Caixia married into the county town, and Wang Caiwei married into the Han family. One was in the county town and the other was in the countryside. They were far apart. When they were girls, the relationship between the two sisters was not very good. rare.

Wang Caiwei has not seen this sister for two years. If you beat the little sister, you don't like her, and of course you don't like her mother and her brother. Unexpectedly, I haven't seen her for two years, and my sister is still the same. She is younger than her sister, but she looks older than her sister. I think my sister is married and living a good life.

Wang Caixia didn't expect that Wang Caiwei was also at her mother's house. She casually glanced at their family, then looked away, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect my sister to come today."

Wang Caiwei smiled and called: "Sister, brother-in-law."

The two sisters stopped talking.

Wang Caixia turned to look at Mr. Wang, who had already started talking with his eldest son-in-law. She smiled helplessly at Wang Caiwei.

Wang Caiwei's expression was a bit unnatural. Her father's attitude towards her husband and brother-in-law was very different. She wasn't too stupid to see it, but she still managed to force a smile, and then looked at Han Ze, for fear that he would think too much. Han Ze smiled indifferently, indicating that he didn't care.

Wang Caiwei's heart was sour, and when she returned to her natal home today, she could see that her father was contemptuous of her husband. She should have thought that her father had lost faith in him because he failed in many trials. It is because of his poor health, now that he is in good health, he will definitely be selected as a scholar next year. He is also father's son-in-law, how sad it must be for his father to treat his husband so slowly and kindly to his brother-in-law.

When the banquet started at noon, Mr. Wang took his eldest son-in-law to sit beside him. As for Han Ze who was next to him, he casually said a few polite words and didn't ask any more questions. Boss Wang laughed and said to Han Ze: "My father and brother-in-law have always hit it off, don't take offense to brother-in-law."

Han Ze was not surprised at all. After all, the Weng and his son-in-law fell in love with each other, and he didn't care whether they really hit it off. He smiled and said, "I won't be offended."

Boss Wang was just talking, even if Han Ze was unhappy in his heart, he would not take it seriously. To put it bluntly, Han Ze was not as important as his elder brother-in-law even if he was selected as a scholar.

After the banquet was over, Mrs. Wang Xu pulled her daughter into the room, opened her mouth and asked, "My son-in-law has passed the year, and he still has to take the imperial examination?"

Wang Caiwei nodded with a smile: "Well, my husband is in good health, and he will definitely pass the scholar examination next year."

Wang Xu nodded her daughter's forehead, "Why are you so stupid, mother knows that my son-in-law is getting better. But my son-in-law is unlucky, even if he is talented and academic, he is not a scholar, otherwise how could he faint when he went back to the examination room? Others are also in poor health, why didn't they faint?"

Wang Caiwei was a little unhappy, she didn't believe in the unlucky ones, she said: "If you talk about luck, who can have better luck than Mr. Xianggong? The body is so poor, seeing... Seeing that it is not good, Mr. Xianggong is even worse. It's because the medicines have been stopped, but his health is getting better day by day, and now there is nothing wrong with him, isn't this considered luck?"

"Are you serious?"

Wang Xu was taken aback, "The son-in-law really didn't take the medicine, so he is fine?"

Wang Caiwei nodded, "My husband has been taking the medicine for a long time, but it didn't work, and he refused to take the medicine. The mother-in-law thought that it would be fine if she didn't take the medicine for one or two meals, so she obeyed him. Who would want to stop the medicine? He'll be fine."

"Why is it so evil?" Wang Xu didn't believe it, she frowned: "Could it be that there is something wrong with the medicine? Otherwise, how could the body be cured once the medicine is stopped?"

Wang Caiwei shook her head amusedly, "How can there be a problem with the medicine, the medicine was caught by my aunt and father-in-law."

The authorities were bewildered by the onlookers, Wang Xu firmly believed that there was something wrong with the medicine, and she said solemnly: "My son-in-law stopped taking the medicine, and he recovered. You didn't even think that the son-in-law's poor health is due to the medicine?"

Wang Caiwei stood up suddenly, her face full of bewilderment: "The medicine was caught by my aunt and father-in-law, what's the problem?"

Mrs. Wang Xu shook her head and said helplessly: "I don't think there is a smart person in your family. The son-in-law stopped taking the medicine and he was fine, but he didn't get better after taking the medicine. Why didn't you think about the medicine for such an obvious problem?" ?”

Wang Caiwei sat down with her head down, wondering what she was thinking.

Wang Xushi stared at her, and suddenly said: "It may not be because I didn't notice it."

Wang Caiwei suddenly looked up at her, and Wang Xu said: "If your elder sister's father-in-law caught the wrong medicine, or his poor medical skills caused the son-in-law's health to be bad, your father-in-law and mother-in-law may choose to remain silent for your elder sister's sake."

Wang Caiwei panicked, could there really be something wrong with Xianggong's medicine? Parents-in-law also know?

After all, Wang Xu is older. She said: "My son-in-law is in good health. Since your father-in-law and mother-in-law choose to remain silent, you should also act as if you don't know anything."

Wang Caiwei wiped her moist eyes slightly and said, "I know. The eldest sister has helped our family a lot. If I tell this, it will cause her to have conflicts with her parents-in-law. I will feel uneasy. But my husband has suffered so much. Isn't it in vain?"

Wang Xu squinted her eyes and said, "That's because his eldest sister has suffered for nothing. If you tell the story, your mother-in-law will think about you, and it is more likely to change your position in your mother-in-law's heart." .”

Wang Caiwei frowned slightly, not understanding the meaning of her mother's words.

Wang Xu stared at her: "Why did my mother give birth to such a silly girl like you?"

Wang Caiwei pursed her lips and said nothing.

Wang Xu said: "Your eldest aunt is your mother-in-law's daughter. You are a daughter-in-law, and the eldest aunt who provokes quarrels with her father-in-law, do you think she will like you?"

Wang Caiwei bit her lip, she knew what her mother meant and didn't intend to say it. I just feel ashamed of my husband, after all he has suffered so much.

Wang Xu sighed, thought for a while and said seriously: "You should know what to say and what not to say when a daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law. It's not that you are not allowed to ask, you can raise this matter with your son-in-law. Son-in-law Do as you please."

She thought that with her daughter's weak temperament, it was not easy to be liked by Mrs. Han, which also showed that Mrs. Han was not a harsh mother-in-law.

She also said: "Even so, the son-in-law is not sure about taking the imperial examination. After all, his fainting has nothing to do with the medicine your elder sister and father-in-law took. I think he should stop wasting money to take the imperial examination. With that money, he might as well buy it." It's two acres of land."

Wang Caiwei said: "Mother, don't talk about discouragement. Regardless of whether the husband can pass the exam, he said that he will try again next year, so I will support him to try again."

Wang Xu was furious: "Try it, try it, throw all your little money on him, and the whole family will starve with him, and you will be satisfied."

Wang Caiwei said firmly: "I am his wife, even if I don't support him, who will support him?"

Everyone doesn't believe that Xianggong can be a scholar, but she believes that Xianggong will be a scholar next year.

Wang Xu said a few words of persuasion, and stopped talking when she saw that her daughter didn't listen. If you talk too much, it will annoy your daughter, so why bother?

Wang Caiwei said a few words to Wang Xushi, and when she came out, she saw Wang Caixia saying goodbye to Mr. Wang, so she also said goodbye.

The elder Wang and the second elder Wang sent the sisters and their families to the door and separated at the door. The family went to the county seat in a carriage, and the family walked to the countryside on foot.

Liu Xiucai glanced at the back of Han Ze's family, and said thoughtfully: "I used to accompany you back to your mother's house, and I often heard them say that my brother-in-law is outstanding in learning, and I think I will definitely pass the scholar examination next year."

Wang Caixia said casually: "If you are a scholar, anyone can be admitted? There are many scholars with outstanding talents in the world. My brother-in-law is not in good health, and his luck is also worse. His background is even more incomparable with yours. What is admitted as a scholar?"

Liu Xiucai looked at his wife with a half-smile, "You don't seem to like your sister's family?"

Wang Caixia asked back: "She is not my own sister, because she has a mother, she beats me up and bullies me, why should I like her?"

Liu Xiucai felt the same way when he thought about it. He didn't like the younger siblings born to his stepmother, so he said with deep empathy, "You're right."

Then, as if thinking of something, she said, "She bullied you when she was a child, but now that she has grown up, you live a better life than her. Why is she feeling sad? Look at that family who went back to their mother's house, still wearing patched clothes. You My sister must be envious of you."

Wang Caixia smiled complacently: "Of course she wants to envy me. Besides, my husband is a scholar and she can make her envious, even jealous."

Liu Xiucai laughed.

The two people here are talking about Wang Caiwei, and Wang Caiwei is also talking about Wang Caixia and his wife with Han Ze. She is not as jealous as Wang Caixia said. Of course, there is envy.

Wang Caiwei was used to being treated poorly by her natal father and elder brother, so she didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but she was afraid that Xianggong would think too much, and even more afraid of hurting his self-confidence. She thought about it and said, "Xianggong will definitely be admitted as a scholar next year."

Han Ze laughed: "I don't even have confidence in myself, but you do have confidence in me."

That being said, Han Ze is quite confident in himself. However, things are not yet a foregone conclusion, and we cannot say too much.

Wang Caiwei insisted: "Sister-in-law will definitely pass the examination of scholar."

Han Jinxiu heard what his parents said, and said next to him: "I also believe that my father will be able to pass the examination of scholar next year."

The second child, Han Jinye, followed her elder sister with confidence: "I also believe that my father will be able to pass the examination of scholar next year."

Han Jinxiu smiled in satisfaction, and then looked at the twin siblings. The twins understood what their sister meant, and said in unison: "We also believe that Daddy will be able to pass the exam next year as a scholar."

Han Ze couldn't help but laugh, "Okay, since you have so much confidence in daddy, then daddy will also encourage himself. Try to be a scholar in one fell swoop next year."