MTL - Always with the Old Attack-Chapter 71

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There was no zombie around the door of the supermarket, and Xu Jinyi ran a turtle's breath **, then took out a sword from the backpack grid where the firearms were stored, tried not to open the door, and then flashed in.

Because the supermarket is not large, there are not many zombies inside, but Xu Jinyi frowned deeply when he saw the scene.

The flesh was chewing in the mouths of several zombies, and the stiff arms were stained with bright red blood or other yellow and white liquids. Under their feet, most of the flesh disappeared from the body in a red dress, and the intestines and minced meat were scattered. One place.

There are still a few scenes like this. Xu Jinyi straightened her lips and raised her hand to shoot the improved life and death symbol. All the zombies who were eating human flesh were headshots.

Perhaps they were good people before they were infected with zombies. They had done good deeds, had glorious or tragic experiences, and even had joy and anger that moved the world. But now they have unfortunately become zombies. Since then, they have no idea, only to catch people and eat meat, and to harm the lucky ones who are lucky to survive this poisonous gas.

The guilty are the leaders of the R country who support the study of poisonous gas, and are experts in the study of poisonous gas. They are definitely not these zombies that are even more miserable than the survivors. But they should not be alive and continue to mutilate their compatriots unconsciously.

These regrets Xu Jinyi just passed by, and the water droplets on his hands paused and continued to shoot out resolutely. Until there were no zombies in the entire first floor, Xu Jinyi turned his attention to the items on the shelves. The first is the beverage area. Xu Jinyi walked to the shelf and extended his right hand to point on the beverage bottle. His fingertips slipped, and a large area of ​​beverages and mineral water disappeared.

Xu Jinyi took one-half of the shelves and stopped moving. If someone came to this supermarket in the future, the rest might save their lives. Then he continued to move forward, and also took about half of the red wine, white wine, tea and other items.

Then Xu Jinyi came to the food area. This side was vacuum-packed whole chicken, whole duck, pork elbow, chicken feet, ham and so on. One side was instant noodles, biscuits, and cans of porridge. These things were ready to eat out of the bag However, it was most convenient in the last days, but Xu Jinyi was satisfied, and also took one half.

Then fruits, vegetables, meat and seafood, rice noodles and pickles seasoning, and bread in a rack, just as Xu Jinyi received bags of toilet paper, he suddenly heard a roar of zombies.

The roar was on the second floor of the supermarket. Xu Jinyi hurriedly collected some paper towels, and some toothpaste, soap and other things on the side. Looking around, he saw that all kinds of items on the first floor had been put into the backpack grid. Go up the stairs.

A few zombies upstairs were surrounding a man, his stiff arms stretched forward relentlessly, and he stepped forward tirelessly to bite the man. The zombies opened their mouths wide, exposing ugly and fangs, and even saliva was dripping down the roots of the fangs. At their feet, there were several zombies.

It seems that this man still has two brushes.

Sure enough, those few zombies did not take half the bargain, the man seemed to glow purple between his fingers, and there was a crackling sound when he listened carefully.

Xu Jinyi raised an eyebrow, and thunder was power.

Among the power abilities, the number of power and speed abilities is the largest, followed by natural powers, mutation powers are very rare, and thunder powers are rare.

In the huge base of city A where the original owner of the previous life was, there were only two Thunder abilities, and one of them was an ability that awakened only half a year after the last days.

What about this person?

Xu Jinyi looked up and saw that the man surrounded by the zombies had gathered a current that was not as thick as the noodles of the dragon, and the current was tangled in a zombie, and that zombie would roar, and fell to the ground after half a second.

In addition to the electric current, the man also did some fist work. For a time, several zombies could not approach. After the last zombie fell to the ground, the electric current in the man's hand disappeared immediately and fell down with his eyes closed.

More than a dozen zombies were lying at the feet of the man. Xu Jinyi was afraid that he would be infected with the zombie virus on his body. He quickly took a few steps to support him and looked around. There was no zombies. Xu Jinyi raised his man's wrist. He took the pulse.

He was exhausted before he passed out.

Xu Jinyi was relieved, moved the man to the root of the wall, let his body lean against the wall, and stole things by himself.

The second floor is mostly clothing and shoes. Xu Jinyi picked up a lot of clothes that he could wear. Others, men, women, and children also took some, and went up to the third floor.

The third floor is an off-season store. There are a variety of down jackets and cashmere sweaters, and some bedding. Xu Jinyi hurriedly collected some and went directly to the second floor.

Although the supermarket door was closed for safety after entering the supermarket, in the event of a zombie knocking open the door, the man fainted on the second floor would worry about his life.

Encounter is fate, Xu Jinyi confessed that he could not ignore his life and death, regardless of whether the person has thunder ability.

Xu Jinyi walked back to the man, and was about to bend down to check his physical condition again. Unexpectedly, the man suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were cold like a knife, and he stared at Xu Jinyi.

"Sorry." The man looked around first and found that all the zombies surrounding him had fallen to the ground, he had been relocated, and his back was still at the root of the wall. "Thank you."

Xu Jinyi straightened up and nodded at him. "You are exhausted, so you will be weak or even fainted. Resting for a while will restore some of your strength."

"Power?" The man was puzzled.

"Isn't your hand discharging electricity just now? That's a thunderbolt. You're a thunderbolt."

"Thank you!" The man should still have questions, but instead of asking, he stood up against the wall and stretched out his palm to Xu Jinyi. "Mo ask heaven."

Xu Jinyi reached out and shook him, "Contemplation."

Mo Wentian pumped his mouth and seemed to want to squeeze out a kind smile, but he was determined, his two gullies between his eyebrows were unconsciously wrinkled, and it was obvious that he was also a very serious person. This smile could not be squeezed out. Then he turned his eyes around, and was surprised to see that the half-empty and half-empty shelves were left, but he just blinked his eyes without asking Xu Jinyi directly.

Xu Jinyi didn't know the pretending, nodded at him, "Where are you going? Zombies are everywhere, and the owners of the cars at the supermarket door don't know if they have become zombies or were eaten by zombies. You can drive a car home. "

After that, Xu Jinyi turned to leave.

This person may have guessed that what disappeared on the shelf was his reason, but now the system has no hypnosis ability. Although he also studied hypnosis for a few days in the last world because of curiosity, he cannot eliminate this extremely conscious man Memory in the brain.

Xu Jinyi is not a holy father and will not threaten his life. At the moment when this man's eyes flickered, he also thought about killing this man!

It was just that he suddenly thought of the plot, and the name of the first awakened Thunder power in the base of his life was also called Mo Wentian. The abilities are the same, and the name is the same. The person next to you must be the so-called first person in the base.

This city is named City A and is the capital of Province A. A group army is stationed on the outskirts of City A. The leader of the group army is Mo. The head of Mo is the father of Mo Wentian.

According to the plot, after the end of the last days, the leader of the army of Mo held the military force of the army for the first time. Later, the base of city A where Ouyang Ranqiu and Shen Siyuan went was the place where the leader was vacated and built.

Chief Mo is the first head of the country to send troops to rescue the masses. No hundreds of people can survive because of him, and the city base A created by Chief Mo is also the best-treated base in the country. It is a paradise that ordinary people and abilities in the country want to enter. .

Mo Wentian is the son of Chief Mo. With his thunder ability that arrogates everyone, Chief Mo can hold the military power of city A firmly.

This man's status is very special. If he is killed, Chief Mo may not be able to succeed smoothly, and the city base A may not be established quickly. The lives of millions of people will not be guaranteed.

Regardless of whether this person suspected him, Xu Jinyi was unwilling to affect the lives of millions of people who should have survived.

Not to mention that in the first episode of the plot, Mo Wentian also saved the thought of Shen Yuanyuan in a tide of zombies. With the saving grace of the original owner, Xu Jinyi would not easily kill him.

"Okay, thank you!" Mo Wentian nodded, and went downstairs with Xu Jinyi behind him. The psionicist's body was strong. After a while, his physical strength was restored, and walking was still possible.

Xu Jinyi runs Turtle Breath **, but there is still a breath of wonder, so there are several zombies gathered outside the supermarket door, they are swaying and pushing the glass door of the supermarket.

Xu Jinyi kicked her foot, and when the door opened, a few drops of water condensed in the hands of the zombies shot at the heads of the horrors with a thunderbolt. The heads of the zombies burst all of a sudden, and then a "bang" planted Fall to the ground.

Mo Wentian's pupils shrank.

Xu Jinyi picked up a few crystal nuclei, turned his head and nodded at him, "Go to a car and go home. When you meet a zombie, hide away. Do not use the power excessively. After the power is exhausted, it will be physically weak and very dangerous. In addition, after being scratched or bitten by a zombie, they will be infected with the zombie virus and become the same thing as a zombie. "

Mo Wentian looked right and nodded sincerely, "I see, thank you."

Xu Jinyi no longer cares about him, and starts Hummer driving all the way. If he meets the wanderer's zombies on the road, he shoots two drops of modified life and death symbols. If he meets the zombies, Xu Jinyi stops the car and headshots all the zombies and picks up the crystal. After the check, board the car and continue to move forward.

Occasionally, survivors were encountered along the way, and he rescued and warned to leave on his own. This is the end time. No one has the time and energy to help people to the end. Only their own lives can be saved. Although these zombies are not exhausted, they have just changed now, and they are ordinary zombies of the first level. They are sluggish and slow in action. If it is not the danger of being surrounded by zombies, it is not difficult to save their lives.

Soon Xu Jinyi found a pharmacy. He swept away the medicinal materials again, and then walked around. When he saw a useful shop, he stopped to pick up some things. Until the street was killed, Xu Jinyi drove back. Shen family.

Ouyang Ranqiu cheated Shen Siyuan's jade pendant, framed Shen Siyuan to be eaten by the zombies, and finally saved the thunderbolt with the medicine prepared by Shen Siyuan, and let the thunderbolt fall into her heart, and lived a lifetime unlimited.

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