MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 15 shampoo

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Between the heavens and the earth, there are all the hands like claws. They are like ghosts wandering in hell. They stretched out one by one and pulled Meimumu, causing it to almost collapse.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah-"

In the scream, Mei Mumu was thrown into a kaleidoscope glass world again.

"This world is just one of the worlds in the infinite universe."

"The world is infinite."

"It's beautiful and vibrant."

"Some are evil and full of killing."

"In those dark corners, the power of the wild is greedily... waiting for an opportunity!"

Then, Mei Mumu finally saw it with his own eyes, a dark planet changed face in front of him, the earth wrinkled like a folding fan, and the two eyes full of evil and tyranny in the center of the planet suddenly widened, staring at him.

The black planet, the mottled dark universe, this existence is so huge that it is completely beyond the imagination of mortals.


The king of darkness!

Even if Mei Mumu knew, the Dormammu in front of him should be an illusion.

But his sixth sense told him that the Dark King came, he really did. He was the one who killed Stephen Strange.

Now Dormammu will definitely use all his means to kill Meimumu who inherited Stephen's fate!

Gu Yi's voice was like the sound of heaven, calling out to Mei Mumu softly.

"In this multiverse, Mei Mumu... Who are you? Or, what kind of role are you going to play..."

Is this hypnosis?

Or is it the search for true knowledge?

Mei Mumu found that her soul was already extremely tired after so much tossing. In the face of Gu Yi's question, he didn't even think of the idea of ​​concealing it.

"I'm just a survivor! I don't want to die! I'll kill anyone who wants me to die, even if his name is Dormammu, or... Thanos!"

He just didn't want to die, and he actually said that he wanted to destroy all the tyrants in the single universe that were so strong against the sky...

This desire to survive can be said to be very strong.

For some reason, upon hearing this answer, a series of images appeared in Gu Yi's mind: a lizard that was swallowed by a bullfrog half into its mouth and still struggling; an arm bitten by a crocodile and dragged into the water, even if it broke its arm to break free A monkey who survived; or a surfer who was bitten by a shark and still poked the shark's eyes and nose!

Although Mei Mumu plays the role of the weak in every picture, it gives Master Gu Yi a different kind of feeling.

Sighing lightly, Gu Yi said loudly: "Very good... There has never been a natural coward, let alone a natural hero. Even if the reason you aspire to be a Templar Mage who protects mankind is a bit interesting, I approve of you!"

Suddenly, all the illusions around him disappeared without a trace, and Mei Mumu's soul, which felt that it had been fragmented and spread into the endless universe, was suddenly taken away and re-gathered into his body.

"Hu! Hu! Hu-hu..." Hu Chi hu chi gasped, Mei Mumu twisted her neck and looked at Gu Yi who was actually standing beside her. He was greeted with a kind, recognizing smiley face in return.

Mei Mumu has a clear understanding: In the original book, Stephen Strange has not been tested too much. Because he is a piece of perfect jade that any mages can see at a glance.

Stephen is a raw jade, he... let's say he is a piece of dead wood! If there is no balance of destiny to help, then no Master will accept him as a disciple.

Now, Gu Yike has moved his mind to carve this piece of rotten wood into a beautiful jade.

After Mei Mumu tried to squeeze out a smile in response, he passed out.

The middle-aged mage, Hamill, with his hair in a bun and dressed like a Taoist priest from the Celestial Dynasty, came from outside. Two magic whips protruded from the sleeves of his arms, lightly supported the collapsed Mei Mumu, and carried him down.

Everything settled down, but Master Gu Yi sighed: "It feels like... I seem to be moving from one extreme to the other. Mei Mumu is humble, unambitious, and seems to have no principles... No, he even believes that he sees There were more omens than he believed in himself. A very eccentric lad."

Baron Mordo came over, his hands folded in front of his belly, with a strange smile on his face: "Just the opposite of Casillas - arrogant, stubborn, and ambitious. However, perhaps because of this temperament, he did not So easy to be swallowed by darkness."

"Perhaps I just didn't want another student of mine to fall, so I chose Mei Mumu."

Modu took the first two steps: "Teacher, Casillas has completely fallen. In order to steal those pages of the forbidden code, he did not hesitate to kill the guardian, even a witness like Mei Mumu. Maybe Mei Mumu will not let go. I can't become Kama Taj's fighting force to tide over the difficulties in a short time, I still suggest to protect him."

If Mei Mumu was here, she would know how unwelcome she is. Stephen in the original book, Mordo hopes that Stephen can quickly become the fighting force of Kama Taj.

When he arrived at Meimumu, he became the object of protection.

Gu Yi shook his head: "Protect? No! Since he has chosen to be a mage who protects mankind, he is the guardian. He has his own responsibilities."

"Then please let me be responsible for teaching his daily life. I hope he can be as eager to destroy the enemy as I am. Gain strength and use strength to destroy the enemy. Follow the principles. And destroy the demons."

Gu Yi looked at his disciple with kindness and worry in his eyes.

Mordo is too stubborn, he has his own absolute creed.

Many times it is a good thing. If there is an emergency, it is likely to develop in an unpredictable direction.

Gu Yi emphasized: "The inner demon cannot be eliminated. We can only learn to live with it, Mordo!" Finally, the ending of the disciple's name was called with a strong British style. That kind of extravagant English accent, whenever I listen to it, I feel it is a kind of enjoyment.

Knowing that he couldn't speak to his master, Modu decided to change the subject: "If Casillas learns those few pages of forbidden code, it will completely destroy us. The darkness is getting stronger and stronger, and every ounce of combat power is precious. Master Gu Yi, I will help you train him well."

Gu nodded slightly.

On the other side, Mei Mumu finally woke up slowly after an unknown amount of time.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Mordo's swarthy black face. It has to be said that different races have different aesthetics. Seeing that the black buddy's big nose and thick lips was less than half a meter away from his face, Mei Mumu felt a pain in the ass.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Your soul power is overdrawn."

Oh, fortunately, it's not a kidney overdraft.

"The soul is the most important thing in a person, and your soul ability is a little weak. Therefore, Master Gu Yi's demonstration is a bit heavy for you." After speaking, Mordo handed him a note that said ' ', which means Shambola in Chinese.

"I see, this is the wifi password here!"

"It's the opening spell for your room!"

Damn it!