MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 16 divergent thinking

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Mei Mumu clearly remembered that in the original book, Kama Taj had wifi, because they claimed that they were not primitive people!

How did getting to him become a room spell?

Mo Du demonstrated in front of Mei Mumu. He walked out and knocked on the void at the door frame, and a golden ripple appeared in the air. Even though the door was wide open, a mysterious force was denying Baron Mordo's entry.

Mei Mumu was stunned.

The next second, Mordo quickly chanted the spell, and then he passed the gate.

"What?" Mei Mumu savored the word. Shambola has the meaning of paradise, representing the pure land pursued by the world.

It's just that other people's wifi passwords have become their own room passwords, and I still feel a little pain in the ass!

At this time, Mordo, who had been stern, suddenly burst into a smile: "Okay, Mei Mumu, I admire your intuition, this is indeed Kama Taj's wifi password. Your room is your private space. , not just anyone can enter. Your room spell code is - Stephen Strange, you can change it yourself after you learn the spell. What I just said is the name of the Sanskrit spell."

Mei Mumu stared at Mordo with murderous eyes—your sister! Are you going to do something! ?

Modu was also a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, this is what Master Gu Yi meant."

Mei Mumu was stunned.

Gu Yi, what does this mean?

Is she the one who saw the future of Doctor Strange and made me as a bunker like Doctor Strange?

Is this an encouragement?


Still tell me, ‘Although you are a piece of garbage, you are at least flammable! Looking forward to your future performance! ’.

It is clear that Mei Mumu is very clear that Guben is definitely a kind-hearted bull, but a certain traveler has always lived in a strong spit wind before. Those animals in the dormitory are so poisonous. If you are not careful, your thinking will be skewed.

Uh... Mei Mumu's neck is a little stiff.

Immediately, there seemed to be sparks in his eyes.

That's right, he's a stray. There is no peerless talent like Doctor Strange that even the Supreme Mage Gu Yi envies. Some are just the aptitude of the deadwood level, and a talent like a 'variable'.

How to fight a **** path in this dangerous world depends on his ability.

After finally waiting for Mo Du to explain the things and precautions here, Mo Du finally left.

Mei Mumu breathed a sigh of relief.

Lying on the uncomfortable hard board bed, Mei Mumu looked at the dusty ceiling and beams, and began to immerse her thoughts in her spiritual world.

Almost at the same time as he was concentrating, there was a jolt in his spiritual sea.

The balance of destiny appeared in my mind again, and at the same time came the voice of a certain balance girl: "Hey! Ant, are you interested in cleaning up that Mordo? The balance of destiny never treats anyone badly. If you can avoid Mordo's fall, I will give you three Destiny deviates a bit, do you want to do it?"

"Bah! It's too late for me to protect myself. Who has the time to take care of that Mordo. Do you think I'm a man who welcomes men?" Mei Mumu said ironically.

"Five o'clock!"

"Humph! Do you think I'm such an unscrupulous person?" Mei Mumu was very stiff.

"Don't pull it down!" Li Ping gritted her teeth.

"Okay, five o'clock is five o'clock." Mei Mumu suddenly agreed.


Mei Mumu suddenly lost his momentum and replied with a smile: "Actually, let me tell you a little secret, my online name is Zhan Cao."

"Damn! Mei Jiexi!" The female voice was full of killing intent: "Why don't you die!?"

"Uh, please forgive me for only accepting one way of dying - a cool death!"

Li Ping was about to explode with anger: "Damn it! You just wait for the snap of your fingers by Thanos in two years!"

After all, she suddenly became silent.

It's rare to play with the balance girl, Mei Mumu is in a better mood.

At this time, Mei Mumu couldn't help showing Mordo's face again.

I didn't think so at first, but the more I read it, the more I think the black buddy is a little interesting.

As a traveler, Mei Mumu naturally knows that Baron Mordo is actually quite a bunker. If you follow the historical trend of the original work, Mordo will collapse because of discovering that "the ancient one whom he worships and superstitious actually uses the power of darkness", and eventually he will go to the dark path.

Later, Mordo became Doctor Strange's lifelong enemy. It's just that this is a comic, not a plot from a movie. The movie has only reached the first episode of "Doctor Strange", and there must be a second episode in the future.

Modu... It's a pity to think about it.

After all, at this moment, Mo Du, who is standing in front of Mei Mumu, is a loyal, righteous and courageous man who is dedicated to destroying the evil and wants to fight the evil faction to the end!

With the aptitude of Modu, he is good at fooling around, and he can be a great help to him in minutes.

In addition, the "King" in the original book will become Doctor Strange's loyal companion and assistant.

The three of them can completely learn from Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Ce, and come to Taoyuan to form a friendship!

Wait, something seems to be wrong!

No, no, there is no Taoyuan without Kathmandu.

Then come to Aragaki Yui, er, Xinyuan Yuyi is also good!

However, flickering Baron Mordo, that is a matter of taking your time. The key now is that Mordo has run away, and he can finally calm down.

At this moment, Mei Mumu was surprised to discover a serious problem - after she woke up, UU reading www.uukanshu. com It seems that thinking is easy to go astray?

What the **** is this?

The voice completely different from the balance of fate appeared again.

"It is detected that the host has [divergent thinking phenomenon], and this imagination is likely to cause the host to be inattentive."

"It is detected that the host has officially become a trainee mage. Does the host use the fate offset point to draw a lottery for the [divergent thinking phenomenon], which costs 1 point each time?"

Two consecutive questions made Mei Mumu stunned.

Divergent thinking, also known as radiating thinking, radiating thinking, diffusing thinking or seeking different thinking, refers to a thinking mode in which the brain presents a diffuse state when thinking.

It is manifested in the broad vision of thinking and the multi-dimensional divergence of thinking. Such as "multiple solutions for one question", "multiple writing for one thing", "multiple use of one thing", etc., to cultivate divergent thinking ability. Many psychologists believe that divergent thinking is the most important characteristic of creative thinking and one of the main indicators of creativity.

Then... Gu Yi's demonstration gave his brain light?

Mei Mumu also noticed that the scale of fate seems to be divided into two states: intelligent and non-intelligent mechanical. One is more human, the other is more real.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he fought!

"The lottery, I'm all in!"

Originally, Mei Mumu thought that he was pumping like this a little at a time, but unexpectedly, a huge disc with a scale as the background suddenly appeared in his mind. I couldn't see what was inside at all, and the disc had already started to spin at a high speed.

In that moment of stupefaction, it felt like the disk that was spinning at a speed of more than 1,000 revolutions per minute suddenly turned from extremely high speed to stationary, and the pointer pointed to a strange dynamic human figure.

"Congratulations to the host! You have won the [Left and Right Fight]!"

"Shrimp rice!?"

Read The Duke's Passion