MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 668 Thunder Man vs Hulk (Part 2)

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Thor, who was blown away by the giant force, flew out like a solid iron ball from a medieval artillery cannon.

Rao is Thor's powerful divine body, but still had to use the drawn dagger to stick to the ground, plus his legs mercilessly plunged into the ground, ploughing a deep scar of more than ten meters on the ground, and barely offset the Hulk. The terrifying power that shocks the world.

Seeing this scene, Gao Tianzun finally felt relieved and clapped his hands happily.

Below, Thor is still chanting "We are good friends! I don't want to hurt you." How could the Hulk listen.

On the other hand, Mei Jiedao burst his belly with a smile: "Hahaha! I really think Hulk is a vegetarian!"

Sif was a little worried: "Let them fight like this, okay?"

"Have you forgotten? Thor is too weak now. He needs someone or something to stimulate his nerves. Hulk is a good opponent."

Erica asked again: "Why did Hulk beat Thor desperately?"

"You can wake up your self-awareness as a year old child." Mei Jiexiao pouted.

Human children will have ego when they are 5 years old, feel that many things are their own, strive for more power, and hope that adults will listen to him.

The Hulk is similar. Before, his consciousness has been dominated and controlled by Bruce Banner, and he even hoped to destroy him, at least not let him come out. It happens that pacifist Bruce comes across too many places where brute force is needed to break through the dead end.

This is a typical example of having a horse run fast without grazing.

Where is there such a cheap thing.

Over the years, even if Bruce has been trying to control himself, he has to contribute to the reunion, which has led to the fiercer inner resistance of Hulk, who also has an independent personality.

When the repression was too ruthless, but Bruce encountered the Sokovia incident again, and he was condemned by people all over the world, and Bruce sank. When he was in too much pain and wanted to escape from reality, the Hulk naturally dominated.

The result was that the Hulk miraculously 'stealed' a dagger fighter plane with predetermined spatial coordinates and flew to the Saka star. Everything the Hulk loves here.

He can enjoy unbridled destruction, gladiatorial fights, and cheers from the audience!

The approval of others is also a very important part of psychological needs.

Coupled with Thor's death, and he kept calling the Hulk by the name of that weak Bruce Banner, it would be strange if the Hulk didn't beat Thor.

As a result, Hulk got on, and the huge warhammer and axe in his hand touched hard, making a crisp clanging sound.

Hulk pounced again, and had a ping ping pong pong with Thor who drew his swords!

Both of them have a power flow style of play, which is simple and rude, and the technical content is a bit low.

But it's beautiful!

The audience likes to watch this kind of savage battle of blood.

Thor had reservations, and his natural movements were slow. He fought in a round, and was kicked by Hulk when he found a flaw.

The destructive power of hundreds of tons at every turn, even Thor's divine body couldn't hold it up a bit, and before he could feel the violent suffocation from his chest, his whole body was blown away like a cannonball again.

This time, Thor couldn't keep his balance, and was beaten to the parapet beside the arena in one breath. The hard wall exploded like fireworks, revealing the steel-like structure inside.

Before Thor climbed out, he saw Hulk incarnate as the 'Mother Throwing Thunder' and threw the deadly giant hammer over.

It is conceivable that if Thor was hit by a metal hammer that weighed a ton at least, the facial features on a face would definitely become unrecognizable by Frigga.

Throwing down in embarrassment, Thor was also a little angry.

Seeing the Hulk running over with his battle axe high, Thor pulled out the war hammer embedded in the wall in the audience's astonished eyes, and smashed it into Hulk's face with a faster and fiercer momentum.


It was the sound of 100,000 people gasping for breath.

In the unbelievable eyes of others, this time Hulk was beaten away. The burly green figure is like a bulldozer, shoveling towards the parapet, ploughing the ground, and ploughing out a deep ravine with at least five parapets!

Sif: "Wow! Thor is pissed. That's rare."

On the other side, Gao Tianzun was stunned: "What the hell?"

The other gladiators who greeted Thor below were dumbfounded.

Everyone thought that this would be another unilateral hanging by Hulk. Who would have thought that this little man had such amazing power in his body?

One move ahead, Thor, the fool, actually tried to wake up the Hulk's inner Banner, humming the song that Betty Ross once hummed in this life: "The sun is going down."

Thor stretched out his left hand without a weapon to touch the big green hand of Hulk, who was stunned for a while.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

He forced Thor to be grabbed by Hulk and slammed to the ground.

Fall forward! Fall back! Fall back! Fall again!

A set of Hulk version [Heaven and Earth Return] fell so much that Thor didn't want it.

The audience cheered, but some unscrupulous guy was dubbing: "Well, what a weak god!"

All the girls around him burst out laughing.

At the time of the battle in New York, the Hulk used this set of tricks to wake up the hard-pressed Loki from the state of mind control. The ghost knows that a few years later, it was actually used on Thor.

Is this to complete the [Beat the God Package] achievement?

The **** of the dignified hammer, with a hammer in his hand, even if it is not the original one, it will have a strength bonus. Thor exploded.

A whirlwind hammer slammed into Hulk's big face.

Back left! Swing right!

Forward! Back strike!

With his 'petite' body, Thor beat the Hulk, who was almost twice his height, and every blow caused the audience to exclaim!

Is this thunder man a god?

How could he actually beat up the famous champion gladiator?

The mood of the audience couldn't help but change.

In turn, Hulk's characteristic that the more he gets beaten, the stronger he gets, also came out. When Thor jumped and tried to hit his forehead with a hammer, his big green hand actually grabbed the huge metal Hulk's counterattack!

Taking advantage of the opportunity to hit Thor with a punch, Hulk launched a charge full of violence and beauty, hit Thor again, and rode on Thor's small body. face.

"Bang bang bang!" It was like a drum beat.

Every time the rough fist smashed down, the earth trembled.

This time, even Sif covered her mouth, her left hand grabbed Mei Jiexiao's arm, and she tried harder: "Tor, will Thor fall?"

"No!" Mei's firm tone made Sif relax a little.

But the terrifying fist that exceeded 100 tons in a minute still looked very disturbing.

No one but someone knew that at this moment Thor saw the old father of the kingdom of heaven in a trance.

Thor... has transformed.