MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 674 Disaster of Saka

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Suddenly, a voice came from the corner of the room, "Can you bring one more person?"

This time, it really scared everyone.

The Valkyrie drew out the dragon tooth sword, and the widow sister drew out the dagger.

Thor the muscular man clenched his fists.

Under the comfort of his two wives, Bruce Banner, who finally turned back into a human form, also ridiculously tried to block his two wives who turned into giants with his thin body.

Everyone followed the direction of the voice and saw... a weak brother who was **** with five flowers.

It's very interesting, Loki actually sneaked in here by illusion, but unfortunately he was half successful, because he was halfway sneaking, and was discovered by Erica, who was also in a stealth state, with a dagger against his neck. As a result, the weak chicken had to speak first, saying that he had no malice.

Seeing that it was Loki, Thor, who was afraid of Loki's pit, picked up a can and smashed it.

The can hit Loki's forehead. As a former Asgardian god, even if there is no divine power supply and the combat power is greatly weakened, Loki's divine body is still very strong.

Losing things like this can't hurt Loki, and Loki can show it anyway. One second after being thrown, Loki symbolically said "Ow!"

Thor "Sorry, I just wanted to make sure Erica really caught you."

Sister Widow put her hands on her hips. "Okay, Loki, why are you helping us?"

"Don't tease, the Avengers are making such a big deal, and Gao Tianzun didn't rip off my skin afterwards, of course I want to go together." Loki weakly.

"Who's going to take you with me?" Sister Widow held Thor down.

"Uh, in fact, I got the password of the security system of the space port. If there is no such thing, the spaceship of the Saka star that you forcibly drove away may explode. Of course, if you want to rob those VIPs, you can only take ten seats. It's another matter for the boats that come." Loki explained it, and everyone knew.

The people who come here to play are all rich people, and they all come on those luxury small spaceships. If you want to rescue disasters, this kind of boat is useless. The real big ships are basically the supply ships of Saka star. Saka Star, a broken place full of wormholes, does not produce food and other resources by itself.

Just like Las Vegas in the desert of the earth, it is very dependent on the supply of the outside world.

The conclusion is that to get the big ship, you have to rely on Loki.

Otherwise it's easy to get into trouble.

"Okay! My brother, trust you again!" Thor gave Erica a small look. Erica understands, this is to let her look at Loki.

Thus, a larger-scale mutiny than Thor's escape from Sarkar began.

This is a typical battle between the inside and the outside.

Because when Mei Jiecao went to Gao Tianzun's lair, he took the time and walked slowly, almost he pulled Gao Tianzun into the special space, and Thor just started it.

Gao Tianzun's subordinates were obviously caught off guard.

A moment ago, a large group of ordinary people, who did not know the changes, were still singing and dancing in the outer city that looked like a garbage dump to celebrate the birth of a new champion gladiator. They held up a shoddy statue of Thor and shouted, "Long live the thunder!" , Who knows the next moment, there will be continuous explosions from the arena.

Forget this alone. On the side of Gao Tianzun's lair, dozens of near-ground levitating fighters that could not fly between stars were quickly raised.

It's a pity that these fighter jets with various shapes have not yet fully lifted off, and they were blasted into fireballs one by one by the laser beams emerging from the void.

It was the dark elf dagger fighter the Valkyrie and the others were flying.

Nearly complete stealth, including dual effects of anti-reconnaissance and optical camouflage. This kind of stealth ability, even a powerful **** like Heimdall, can only be perceived at a very close distance, not to mention the powerful Gao Tianzun who has never seen it before.

As a veteran landlord who has been entrenched in Saka for many years, there are really many good players who have turned to Gao Tianzun because of money and various reasons. Seeing that this side was suppressed, the security forces began to kill at the space airport. Not only that, under the command of the white-faced aunt, two giant cosmic dreadnoughts with a length of more than three kilometers began to change their orbits, attempting to break through the atmosphere and descend to counter the rebellion.

At this moment, they were stunned to find that they had been hit by something unknown.

"Boom!" It was a terrible crash that shook the whole ship.

"What's the matter!?" Captain Crab exclaimed.

"Enemy attack! The enemy ship should have penetrated our outer deck... The enemy has invaded!"


From the internal monitoring screen of the spacecraft, you can see that a bunch of earthlings have been killed. They have extremely unscientific athletic abilities, fast, agile, and explosive. This strength is comparable to that of ordinary Asgardians.

The one who took the lead was a hang-up guy with a bow and arrow.

That's right, Hawkeye came with the hand ninja who had messed with Mei Jiezao at the beginning.

Now that the big enemy is approaching, Mei Jiexiao has also let go of the use of [Super Soldier Serum]. After the debugging of Dr. Abraham in his later years, the dependence of this serum on the mind has been greatly reduced. Coupled with Amora's missionary (brainwashing) for a long time, each of these ninjas has the athletic ability of Captain America.

Another battleship, only one person broke through with a dagger fighter.

But a person is a legion, because she is the charm witch Amora! Killed directly to the bridge, and through the inner charm of the ship broadcast with all his strength, he easily controlled the entire ship.

As for the other warships, they were blown up by the other two cross motherships.

In the atmosphere of Saka star, above the sky, the invisible dagger fighter team and Gao Tianzun's fighter team fought fiercely.

Dagger fighters take advantage of stealth. Helpless, there are too many horses for Gao Tianzun. These pilots with rich combat experience use naked eyes to forcefully fire in the direction of the dagger Not to mention, they can still hit occasionally. The laser beam is in the direction of the dagger. There were blue ripples on the energy shield of the dagger fighter. Due to the absolute advantage in standing numbers, Gao Tianzun still has the upper hand.

All this until the three humanoid bugs, Sister Bu, Grey and Thor, came into play.

Written as Aesir, read as unreasonable.

In the era of the big universe, do you dare to believe that you are jumping on an aircraft with a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour?

The three guys jumped from the dagger fighter to another enemy ship 100 meters or even hundreds of meters away, smashed the engine or cockpit of the enemy spaceship with their flesh, then jumped to another enemy ship, and repeated the above steps.

This kind of unscientific, acrobatic manipulation is simply blinding.

The explosion and flames continued, burning through the clouds, and the roar shook the world. For the city of Saka below, this scene was tantamount to the end of the world.

If Gao Tianzun saw this scene, he would definitely vomit three liters of blood on the spot.