MTL - America’s Big Hero-Chapter 5 : the true content of the will

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August 7, 1984.

It took more than two hours before and after the funeral was over. With the basic respect for the deceased, Sean had a decent etiquette throughout.

This is not the end, too many celebrities from the United States and even Europe who came to attend the funeral have to settle in, or send them away, or arrange to stay, so Sean and Saul still have to wait.

It was getting dark all the time, and the work was done over there. Finally, I found time to deal with the issue of his illegitimate son's will.

In one of the villas in the 75 buildings, Sean and Sol were invited into the living room.

As soon as he came in, Sol's eyes were full of flowers. The chandelier was made of pure natural crystal, the table was made of yellow sandalwood, the tea set was made of sterling silver, and even the tablecloth on the table was hand-embroidered with top-quality silk,...whatever you want. One of them is a work of art, and it is worth a fortune!

Sean didn't pay attention to those. The Forbidden City has even seen a dragon chair...

He noticed the beautiful middle-aged woman sitting in the center for the first time. He had to say that the rich people looking for a wife are not ugly. The woman in her late 60s is wearing a white dress. I don't know if it is a temperament bonus. Look He doesn't look old at all, and has a bit of charm. When he appears, he is the focus, completely overshadowing the three sons and one daughter around him.

"Ma'am, good evening." Sean bowed slightly and asked the question mark. The waiter had previously mentioned the name of the lady in charge of the house, but he forgot.

The middle-aged beautiful woman just glanced up and down at Sean, didn't speak, didn't nod her head, she just gave a blond man standing beside her a look.

This made Sean's brows wrinkle, and the original goodwill disappeared instantly.

The blond square-faced man came over with a document, "Hello, Mr. Sean Rockefeller, I'm Philemon D. Rockefeller's attorney. According to Mr. Philemon's will and the rules of the Rockefeller family, you will Received a monthly sum from the Rockefeller Family Trust."

Sean's eyes swept across the faces of the middle-aged woman and the three sons and one daughter, and finally looked at the lawyer in front of him. He didn't speak, but nodded with a straight face.

"Every month..."

Next to Saul, his face turned red with excitement. This is the Rockefeller Family Trust Fund, 1 million, will it be too much, 500,000, no, even 200,000 is enough, make a fortune, make a fortune!

"Ten thousand, dollars, until you die."

"How much?!" Without waiting for Sean to speak, Sol jumped up and shouted with a blushing neck and a thick neck, "Tell me again, how much is it!?"

"Ten thousand, dollars." The blond man said without expression, word by word.

At this moment, where does Sol still care about the luxury of the Rockefeller Manor, how much the furnishings in the house are worth, how many billionaires are sitting there, he growls like a lone wolf whose tail has been stepped on, "Then Impossible, that's how the Rockefellers treat their children?"

"Sean has been living abroad for more than 20 years. He dropped out of school and even his life was difficult. For this reason, he had to join the army and go to the battlefield!"

"Rockefeller owes Sean, Philemon D. Rockefeller, as a father, also owes Sean, he did not fulfill the slightest responsibility of a father!"

"Not at all!"

"It's not fair!"

"God won't forgive him!" Thor roared, his face was hideous, his arms kept waving, he was really stimulated by the ten thousand dollars.

Yes, ten thousand dollars seems like a lot, but you guys are Rockefellers!

One of the wealthiest families in the United States and even the world is synonymous with power and wealth!

In the end, are you only going to spend 10,000 dollars a month to send homeless people away?

"You are humiliating Sean, you are humiliating Mr. Philemon D. Rockefeller, and you are smearing the name Rockefeller!"

"I don't believe it. You must be hiding something. As Sean's lawyer, I want to see the will, the original!" Saul's spit splashed, but at this moment he no longer had any respect for Rockefeller.


"All right."

Two voices appeared at the same time.

"Enough" was Philemon's wife, the middle-aged woman shouted.

"Okay" is what Sean said.

"This is the Rockefeller family manor, not a place to show you barbarity." The middle-aged woman stared at Sol and said coldly, "You are not qualified to evaluate the Rockefeller family."

"As for the will, show him."

The middle-aged woman ordered, and the blond man lowered his head and opened the folder in his hand.

"I don't have any special place in Rockefeller Manor, and I don't think you are more noble than Thor." Sean interrupted suddenly: "But, no need."

Sol looked at him in astonishment, and the middle-aged women in the room also looked at Sean. Only then did they realize that Sean was very calm from beginning to end, even when he heard the mere $10,000 figure. when.

"What are you doing?" Thor asked in a low voice eagerly.

Sean raised his hand to stop the blond man who was about to hand over his will, "I said, don't look at it, just bring the document and sign it."

"You're crazy." Thor was really anxious, grabbing Sean's arm extremely hard.

"Ten thousand is ten thousand." Sean grinned.

"No, Sean, that's not right, there must be a problem here, you don't deserve it." Saul's face turned black with anxiety, but Sean raised his hand to hold it down.

Sean's behavior was too abnormal, UU reading middle-aged woman stared at Sean, and after a while, said: "Rockefeller has the rules of the Rockefeller family, as long as there is the blood of the Rockefeller family, then the minimum monthly $10,000 from the family trust."

"This money, paid once a month, cannot be overdrafted or received in advance, to ensure the basic living needs of the family's children during the most difficult times."

"Don't do anything inappropriate, don't smear the Rockefeller surname."

Sean just smiled. He didn't speak or nod. He reached out and took the document handed over by the blond man, and signed his name directly on it.

Sean King Rockefeller.

"You!" Saul's face was wrinkled, but Sean's eyes were very firm with a smile on his face. He stomped his feet angrily, signed his name at the lawyer's seat, and took Sean's bank account. wrote it up.

Afterwards, with a displeased face, he slapped the document in the hands of the blonde lawyer.

Sean's eyes swept across the faces of everyone in the room, and he stopped for a while on the face of a half-sister, who was not sure if it was a sister or a sister, "Goodbye, everyone."

"Goodbye." The middle-aged woman didn't speak, but the three brothers replied.

The Rockefeller family has been passed down for a hundred years, and so far, the sixth generation has been born. For the rich and idle men of the Rockefeller family, it is quite normal to have illegitimate children. However, his father has only one illegitimate child. There are already two illegitimate children.

The three brothers are already commonplace, and they don't think there is anything. Moreover, the family has its own set of rules for dealing with illegitimate children. There is no need to worry about anything at all, and there is no conflict or opposition.

Of course, married women are an exception...