MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 526 : Insane and silly big wood

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Overwhelming news spread all over the world overnight. Photos, videos spread all over the world!

No one thought that Silly Damu would suddenly bomb Israel when he was retreating step by step after being bombed by the US coalition forces.

Still a civilian area.

The medical foundation of Jaffa is relatively advanced in the world, but it has been blown out.

The number of deaths exceeds 2,000, and the population of the whole city is 1!


"Silly Damu is so insane!" Xiao En threw the newspaper in his hand to the ground with an angry face, his face was bruised, "He even bombed the civilian area, heinously, utterly devoid of conscience!"

"This kind of person, not dying is not enough to be angry with the people!"

As he spoke, Sean blinked vigorously and squeezed out a tear.

This kind of conscienceless thing has nothing to do with me. My idea is to bomb military facilities, not civilian areas.

The grievances between the Arabs and the Turks have lasted for thousands of years. It can be said that the two sides have always been belligerent countries, so bombing military facilities is understandable.

A few years ago, Israel also sent planes to attack the nuclear industrial zone of the Ylk people. There is nothing righteous or evil about war.

But it is wrong for you to bomb civilian areas! so bad!

It's so bad! …

Silly Damu managed to focus the attention of the whole world on the Middle East with his own efforts. Inside the coalition combat headquarters, the air seemed to freeze, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Norman's face was ashen, and he slapped the table in front of him with a 'slap' sound, "This slap of the stupid big wood hit our coalition forces hard in the face, and hit the faces of all countries!"

"Is it because our bombing is not strong enough, so that he still has the leisure to pay attention to Israel!"

"Intensify the bombing. From now on, I will bury the ylk army in the sand like groundhogs and dare not move!"

In the conference room, no one spoke.

The French frowned. It happened so suddenly that they felt inexplicable. Although they couldn't understand why Silly Damu did this for a while, they instinctively felt that the matter was out of control, but in what direction it would develop, they saw unclear.

The British are squinting and thinking, and a sudden situation means that things have changed. Hundreds of years of messing with **** made them instinctively feel that there is room for their own development.

The Arabs stared blankly, bombed civilians, and killed so many people. You can't laugh at this time, they are all professionals, hold back!

Those who have nothing to do with the country just shut up and observe secretly. The center of this battle is the Americans, holding a butcher knife to show their ferocity to the world.

The other hooligans are hungry wolves, ready to pounce on and bite off a piece of meat at any time. It is still unknown whether the piece of meat was taken from the Americans or from the ylk people.

As for themselves, they are just a group of cheerleaders, who are only responsible for shouting slogans to set off the atmosphere, and they cannot participate at this time.

Anyway, everyone in the conference room has their own ideas, but there is a unified idea, which is to watch American jokes.

This is so interesting ha!

The Americans' electronic warfare, crazy bombing, and "Operation Clear Sky" to seize air supremacy are huge, and judging from the results of the battle, the effect is really good. It has severely hit the Ylk people and the battle damage figures will not lie.

The tactics shown by the Americans have indeed shocked all countries in the world. The crushing advantage is beyond everyone's expectations. Everyone clearly saw that the ylk people have no power to fight back!

Only that was before last night!

Before last night, everyone saw the power of the new war mode, high-tech warfare, and the competition for air superiority will be at the absolute core of future wars. What you saw was that the traditional mechanized ground force advance has fallen behind the times. Will be eliminated by the times.

But what everyone sees today is that man cannot live in heaven, but man lives on earth after all!

No matter how great the air superiority is, no matter how crushed the technology is, without ground troops to occupy it, the enemy will always have the ability to counterattack.

The air force can gain an advantage, but if the advantage is to be transformed into victory, it still needs to be

Facing troops to achieve.

In fact, this point was fully demonstrated in the future Afghan war. The Army will not be eliminated!

The Army remains at the heart of warfare. …

The coalition forces were in a meeting, and the Israelis were not idle. When they rescued the bombed citizens, they also held a press conference immediately!

At the press conference, they showed the tragic situation after the bombing, and denounced the cruelty of the stupid big tree. To sum it up in one sentence, join the war!

Israel, which had been invisible in this Gulf War, is about to join the war! Once the news was released, it was both shocking and taken for granted.

Prior to this, Lao Bu communicated with the Israeli Prime Minister overnight, "trying" to prevent the Israelis from messing up the matter, but the Israeli President's words are not wrong. Under the premise that civilian areas are bombed, the Israeli army must respond. There will be no country!

On this point, pardon Israel for being difficult to obey! Old Bu hung up the phone with "regret" on his face.

Gentlemen in Congress, it’s not the president, I don’t work hard to protect the interests of the United States, it’s the Israelis who are crazy!

The country hates the people and has to fight! ...

There is something real about the Israelites being able to survive and thrive amid wolves...well, dogs.

Perhaps it was born in sorrow and died in peace, anyway, judging from the reaction after being bombed this time, the Israelis' mobilization ability is indeed strong!

Rescue and mobilization at the same time.

Within a day, 50,000 troops on the border with Jordan were mobilized and ready to go.

Within three days, the reinforcement of 70,000 troops was completed again, and 120,000 people were concentrated 30 kilometers northeast of Jerusalem and 60 kilometers west of Amman, the capital of Jordan.

It seems that transporting 70,000 people in three days is nothing compared to the Spring Festival Transport, but the army is different from ordinary people. The most important and troublesome thing is the transportation of equipment.

120,000 people, 480,000 tons of bullets are prepared alone!

Just like this, the number of bullets that can be allocated to one person is only 2 tons. 2 tons of bullets sounds like a lot, but it is only 2-30,000 rounds.

During the Anti-Japanese War, on the frontal battlefield, it took an average of 2,000 bullets to kill a Japanese soldier, while on the Soviet-German battlefield, the Soviet army needed 4,000 bullets to kill a German soldier, while the US military needed 3 bullets to kill a Japanese soldier on average in the Pacific battlefield. tons of ammunition. In the Vietnam War, it took an average of 50,000 rounds of bullets to kill a Vietnamese soldier.

Therefore, 2 tons of bullets are not enough at all, and they will continue to be transported towards the front line in the future.

This is just bullets, and there are various shells, grenades, spare parts, body armor... too many things have to be transported forward with these soldiers, and the transportation pressure is simply over the top!

The U.S. military sent 450,000 troops to the Middle East within 70 days. This speed has set a world record!

This is the result of the joint efforts of the U.S. government and private transport capacity. The private sector is not only the United States, but also the transport capacity of countries along the route contacted by the general contractor of global shipping.

Therefore, Israel sent 70,000 troops in three days this time, even if it is in the country, even if the distance is not far away, it still shows what it means to be well-trained!

But this is also well-trained, and it completely stabbed the lungs of the Arabs! Israel does not border Ylk, so how did the Israeli army reach Ylk?

There are two ways, either to send troops to Saudi Arabia and join the coalition forces, or to send troops to Ylk through Palestine and Jordan.

Can Saudi Arabia allow Israelis to mingle with coalition forces?

So it's not like the Arabs united and the Arabs beat the Arabs! This is absolutely not allowed!

Even if Fahad is willing, he dare not agree, otherwise he will be kicked down by angry Arabs.

In the Arab world, there is only one option at this time, unanimously external! And will Palestine and Jordan agree to the passage of the Israelis?

Absolutely impossible!

Not only is it impossible, but all the troops that can be mobilized will be mobilized to block the Israelites.

The Arabs know this, and the Israelis know it too, but they have to do it! This is the ruthlessness of Silly Damu's plan to attack Israel, Yangmou, he has to jump! Silly Damu with akimbo: That's right, that's right, I figured it out, Jiao Nao!

It started after the Israelis moved their troops to the northeast of Jerusalem, and the two sides entered a state of war without any temptation at all.

Jerusalem is also the capital of Palestine. We all know that it is impossible for you to pass by. What is your 120,000 troops gathered here for?

You said you want to fight ylk, but no matter how you look at it, you want to start another war with Palestine and seize control of Jerusalem.

Following Israel's actions, Jordan first re-deployed the troops deployed on the Ylk border towards Palestine and Israel.

The Egyptians urgently moved the troops that had been put into the Saudi battlefield to the rear, and the Saudis also urgently began to provide military assistance to Palestine and Jordan.

It is impossible to send troops, Saudi soldiers are too expensive, but we men have money and supplies!

Give, give, fight!

The whole country of Palestine was mobilized, and the situation in Jerusalem was tense. Some extremists were stimulated and began to attack infidels in Jerusalem regardless.

Gunfire rang out again in Jerusalem.

A week ago, Norman was still angry and wanted to increase the intensity of air strikes. A week later, as the Middle East tyrants focused all their attention on Israel, it was inevitable that there would be a huge gap in supplies.

In desperation, the U.S. military could only reduce the bombing intensity. No matter how powerful the plane is, it also needs logistical support, right?

Besides, all these dirty things happened at the top, and have nothing to do with the grassroots.

This is not what the grassroots soldiers see!

The little brother was bullied, and the big brother stood up for you. He carried two watermelon knives and hacked from Kuwait to the territory of Ylk. He hacked back and forth for seven days and seven nights. Blood flowed like a river. None blinked.

But where is the **** brother now? You are fighting Big Brother's allies!

Don't talk to American soldiers about racial conflicts, religious conflicts, Jerusalem is Christian!

Morale was inevitably low.

Various objective reasons lead to this result, there is no way, this is not a problem that can be solved by one person or one country.

After all, "no one' knew that this kind of thing would happen, no one was prepared! Temporary adjustments, even the logistics supply costs of the 600,000 coalition forces soared again. It's all money!

Fortunately, at this time, the patriotic young man Xiao En stepped forward and took the initiative to take over the tasks that Saudi Arabia and other countries were responsible for, taking over the work bit by bit.

At the critical moment, you can see who is truly capable and who is a patriot! …

Silly Damu felt the changes in the frontline situation, and was very pleased.

Silly Damu, who was much less stressed, agreed to be interviewed by the media and held the first press conference since the beginning of the Gulf War.

"Bombing civilian areas?" Silly Damu shook his head firmly, "No, we aimed at Israeli military facilities. As for why they landed in civilian areas, this is a technical problem.

"Because of the technical blockade by countries headed by the United States, our missiles are not very mature in technology, and the relatively low accuracy is an objective existence."

"Even a small angle deviation of 0.01° at high altitude will be an error of several hundred meters on the ground. The situation at high altitude is complicated and uncontrollable.

"Since it was a military facility that was targeted, why didn't any of Israel's military facilities be bombed, but all of them landed in civilian areas?" A reporter asked loudly with snort.

"Our scientific research team judged that there are two reasons. First, the Israelis deliberately built military facilities around civilian areas and used civilians as cover to cause things that shouldn't have happened. We strongly condemn this kind of military facilities that use civilians as a cover. The behavior of the meat shield." Silly Damu's face remained unchanged, and he opened his eyes and said nonsense: "Second, because the target is an Israeli military facility, any slight error that cannot be detected will deviate from the target. is not possible

If it is controlled, the research team needs to continue to work hard.

The reporters on the scene were speechless for a while, what the **** was it because they aimed at military targets so none of them hit!

What you said is so reasonable, I was speechless for a moment!

When did poor technology become the perfect excuse? Smelly shameless!

"Why did you order the bombing of the Israelis at a critical moment of fighting with the coalition forces?" a reporter asked loudly. UU reading

Silly Damu's face became serious, and he looked very angry. He slapped the table heavily, stood up and said loudly: "Because we discovered that the Israelis have biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction, and they are targeting the Arabs. It is said by every Arab that we must unite to stop this insane idea of ​​the Israelis.”

Everyone:? ? ?

What kind of mass destruction!

These words sound familiar, and everyone's eyes are on the American media.

A sneer flickered from the corner of Silly Damu's mouth, it's a weapon of mass destruction, which one did you choose, idol!

Didn't the Israelis use this excuse to bomb his nuclear industry facilities back then? Now, he's just going back.

As for whether there are actually weapons of mass destruction, who knows? However, Silly Damu really thought that a blind cat met a dead mouse, and he was right.

The Israelis are really working on chemical weapons, skunk bombs, really on the Arabs.

The stench released by skunk bombs is extremely irritating. It sticks to the skin and cannot be washed off. It will produce a very lethal stench. It lasts for several months, and if the amount is large, it will last for several years.

The Palestinians claim that this weapon is especially "lethal" to those devout Muslims, because they cannot be allowed to go to worship with a stench all over their bodies, which is blasphemy.

For the Arabs, or for the Islamic religion, it is indeed a weapon of mass destruction, no exaggeration!


As a real insider, watching the relevant reports, Xiao En almost died of joy. Sometimes this world is so absurd and so funny.

Leading 5000 soldiers, how long will it take to rule the world
