MTL - Amnesiac Queen-Chapter 2 Secondary 2

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Ye Wei, female, 21 years old, is a junior in the finance department of a city finance and economics university. Six years ago, due to a memory accident, her mother Ye Ruohan (38) and her father Xue Ming (40) all died in the traffic accident.

Zuo Yi looked at the information of Ye Hao in his hand and couldn't help but laugh.

"Look! The head laughs again!"

"Where should the head of the trough really not look at the leafhopper?"

"How about watching it? Can you still dare to grab him?"

"I don't dare to dare, the woman who grabs it doesn't dare to grab the head. I still want to live a few more years."

"Hey, let's not say that the gimmick named Ye is really pretty."

"The sign is not yours."

Zuo Yi’s gaze swept gently over the group of sly men, and the office suddenly quieted down. Everyone is very busy, I am desperately trying not to let my eyes go against the left.

Zuo Yi hooked the corner of his mouth and finally put down the information on his hand and looked out the window.

Originally thought that as long as Ye Hao woke up, he could find the murderer. I didn't expect her to wake up very quickly, but lost her memory. Judging from the judgment of Zuo Yi, she did not seem to be lying, but at this time, amnesia was indeed awkward.

If she is pretending to be amnesia, then what about motivation? In this case, she lost her memory of the murderer, but why did she cover the murderer? Is it because the identity of the murderer is special? Yes, I heard that she has a fiancé.

Zuo Yi’s brow moved and picked up another piece of information on the table and turned it up.

Qin Kong, male, 25 years old, graduated from the American **** University Business School. Qin Shijie's third son, who is now working as a product manager of the Qin Group, has a marriage contract with the victim's granddaughter, Ye Hao.

Zuo Yi snorted, these big families love to engage in some commercial marriage, the granddaughter university has not graduated, the marriage has been booked for two years. There is also this called Qin Kong. Although he went abroad to paint a layer of gold, he did not see what he had done in the Qin Group in recent years. Will Ye Hao pretend to lose his memory for him?

Left Yi stared at Qin Kong on the photo for two seconds, then shook his head. It’s not as long as the doctor of the season, and it’s estimated that the little girl can’t be fooled.

"Auntie--" Qin Kong licked his nose and continued to look at the leaves of the hospital bed. "Hey, I am your empty space, do you really remember me?"

Ye Hao shook his head.

Qin Kong’s injury value added a thousand. He stretched out his left hand and shook in front of Ye Hao: “Hey, look, this is our engagement ring. When you graduate, we will be officially married. ""

Ye Hao glanced at the delicate silver ring on his middle finger, or shook his head.

Qin air damage added another thousand, he took his heart to the side to heal the wound.

Sun Qian saw that he finally stopped, and he came over with a smile: "Hey, is it still used to living in the hospital? If you need anything, you can tell your aunt that my aunt will help you go home and get it."

Family? Ye Hao’s brow gently moved. She looked at the woman who smiled in front of her, and asked, “How is the family?”

Sun Qian’s smile finally stiffened. She patted Ye Hao’s shoulder and comforted her: “There are police everywhere everywhere, but you can rest assured that you will handle it well.”

Ye Hao’s twilight fretting, it’s no wonder that I haven’t seen it in these two days. Was it handled at home? She thought for a while and asked Sun Qian: "It’s been two days, why is the police everywhere?"

"This..." Sun Qian smiled twice. "I heard that it seems that the weapon that killed your grandfather has not been found."

"Do you say that the weapon will be a leg of a lamb?" Qin Kong, who had been shrinking aside, heard it here. Suddenly, he came to the end. "I used to see it in my mystery novels. My wife killed her husband with frozen leg. Then the lamb leg is cooked and eaten, and the police can't find the weapon in a lifetime!"

Ye Xie looked at the man with the three characters "Detective" on his head and couldn't help but splash his cold water: "I heard the police say that the grandfather was stabbed to death by sharp weapon."

"The weapon..." Qin Kong grabbed the curl on his head and fell into meditation.


A slight opening sound rang, and a man in a white coat walked in without a break.

"Dr. Ji." Ye Hao saw Ji Zheyan and smiled subconsciously.

Qin Kong’s thick eyebrows are entangled together.

Ji Zheyan nodded to Ye Hao and looked at the other two people in the room: "The time for the visit is over, and the patient needs rest now."

Qin Kong squeezed Ji Zheyan and walked down to Ye Hao’s bed to sit down and grabbed her hand and held it in her hand: “I don’t want to leave, I need me, I won’t leave her.”

Ye Hao pulled his mouth and pulled his hand out: "I think I need treatment more."

Ji Zheyan glanced at Qin Kong: "I think he needs treatment more."

Qin Kong: "..."

Ye Hao looked at Ji Zheyan and his expression was very unexpected. Was the doctor just talking about jokes?

Although Qin Kong was mocked, but still stubbornly grabbed Ye Hao’s hand, the door was ringed again: “I’m sorry to interrupt, is that Mr. Qin Kong Qin?”

Qin Kong looked back and saw two people in police uniforms standing at the door.

Although Zuo Yi asked this question, obviously he did not need the other party's answer. He glanced at the opposite curl and walked straight in: "I heard that Mr. Qin came back from the field, so I came over and recorded a statement."

Qin Kong looked at him for a while, then his eyes lit up: "This police officer, I have some thoughts on the murderer!"

"Oh?" Zuo Yi hooked his mouth and nodded. "Say."

"Ye is a big family. Do you say that there is any black organization that looks at them?" He stood up from the stool and habitually grabbed the curls on his head. "So." Isn't it dangerous? Those black people may come back to kill her at any time!"

Qin Kong was shocked by this assumption, and slammed into Ye Hao’s bed and took her hand: “Hey, don’t be afraid, I will protect you!”

He frowned fragilely and fell into his own words: "Those black people usually have a code name, maybe a vocal vodka, maybe j and k, ah!" He looked up and replaced it. A pair of affectionate expressions, even the voice has become low, "Hey, even if you become smaller, I will recognize you at first sight."

Ye Wei: "..."

She once again took her hand from Qin Kong and looked at Ji Zheyan sincerely: "Dr. Ji, please save him."

Ji Zheyan glanced at Qin Kong and said in a very professional tone: "In the late stage of the second stage of cancer, he was free to take him to the amusement park."

Ye Hao is incredible: "Walk the amusement park to treat the second disease?"

"No, just let him spend the rest of his life as happily as possible."

Ye Wei: "..."

She is now sure that the doctor must have been telling a joke.

Zuo Yi coughed and pulled back everyone's attention: "Ye has not stolen any property. We have ruled out the possibility of burglary. This should be a deliberate murder, so Mr. Qin said that the black organization should not presence."

"No, no, no," Qin Kong apparently disagreed with Zuo Yi. "The motivation of the black organization is not necessarily money, but it may be... a secret about the survival of human beings."


Ye Hao was suddenly said to be a little stressed.

Left Yi stared at him and didn't talk. Qin Kong suddenly felt that his breathing was not smooth. He took a deep breath and barely squeezed a smile on Zuo Yi: "You just said that you want to record a statement?"

Zuo Yi's gaze finally loosened a bit, and Qin Kong breathed a sigh of relief.

"On the night of the incident, that is, from 7:00 to 9:00 on March 13th, where are you?"

Qin Kong thought for a moment: "I am at home."

“Who can prove?”

"I stayed in my room until I heard that the branch had something to do, and I rushed to the field overnight."

Left Yidun paused and said: "What time is it when you leave home?"

"Probably around 8:40, you can ask my big brother, the door I am with him."

"When is it coming back?"

"Yesterday. I heard that something happened. I rushed back in the afternoon. I arrived in the evening, but I have already passed the time of visiting the disease. I have to come back this morning." Qin Kong finished, and looked dissatisfied. Zuo Yi, "You shouldn't doubt that I killed my grandfather and pushed down the stairs? Oh, my fiancee, how could I do this to her!"

"This we will judge ourselves." Zuo Yi closed the notebook and glanced at the hospital bed. "Miss Ye, the words that Mr. Qin just said are not all nonsense. You may have seen the murderer. He may indeed come back to kill you. Knock out."

Ye Hao’s face was white and white, and she was dark in the other side. This situation is really hard to prevent. She thought about it and looked at Zuo Yidao: "Left police officer, if I saw the murderer, why did he leave the scene without confirming that I was dead?" The murderer should not be so loyal to leave a live, and if Kill her, why should she choose to push her down the stairs instead of killing her directly with the weapon that killed her grandfather?

Zuo Yi listened to her asking this question. Some accidentally looked at her: "According to our speculation, the murderer may have pushed you down the stairs when you argued with him, and he has no time to confirm your life and death. Your aunt will When he got to the scene, he had to leave."

Ye Hao buried his head and did not speak again. Zuo Yi looked at her for a while and said: "You don't have to worry too much, I will send more people in the hospital."

He said that he looked at the person beside him and they went out together.

Back in the car, Zuo Yi lit a cigarette, and took a puff to frown and think about things.

"Head, the mouse said that he had confirmed the confession with Qin Lang and their driver. They really left home at around 8:40." Li Xinran opened the door and sat in the driver's seat. "Sun Qian, their husband and wife alarm time is 9 Point 03, if the murderer just left the scene, then the proof of Qin Kong’s absence was established."

Left Yi laughed and turned to look at him: "I don't think it's that simple."

Li Xinran raised his eyebrows and waited for his following.

"What I just said is just a possibility. It is also possible that the murderer deliberately left a living mouth. The intention is to let Ye Hao say something that is good for him, but she did not expect her to lose her memory. It may also be Qin Kong and his brother. I bought a driver to make a fake confession. After all, suddenly going to the field at this time, it is somewhat unnatural to look at it."

Li Xinran thought for a moment and nodded.

"There is still a possibility that the time of the Sun Qian couple's alarm is not necessarily the time they arrive at the scene."

Li Xinran frowned. "What do you mean?"

Zuo Yi picked up the ashtray on the car and annihilated the cigarette butt: "Notify the mice, keep them in the hospital for 24 hours."