MTL - An Unyielding Wind-v14 Chapter 19 Meet the "Godmaster" in the second quarter

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Staring at the back of Aofeng's departure, a group of people in black cloaks were horrified and could not return to God for a long time.

The man they thought was too powerful in their hearts, and now suddenly appearing next to them, it really made them a little uneasy, just like a local junior official suddenly found that when the emperor was standing in front of himself.

After a while, the former tall man with a frown frowned again: "But it seems a bit wrong, just then the person seems to be just a city-level peak king, the strength and master of the Lord do not match, and she has the soul Water, it ’s not the law of ice that we teach Master to practice! "

Hearing this, the expression of the surrounding people could not help changing.

"Brother, you mean, isn't that the leader? Is someone else posing?" The short man was startled.

The other person said, "It may not be that the Lord Lord is a god-like figure. Could his mind and I be guessed by mortals? Maybe he hides his strength and walks on the continents of gods, and happens to pass by us, you Think about how many of these gods have seen the Lord Lord? Who has the courage to dare to impersonate our Lord? "

"That's true, too." The other cloak men nodded.

If someone dares to pretend to be the Lord, they ca n’t believe it. Anyone who has seen him will understand a truth. No one can offend this man if he offends. Otherwise, people who are absolutely terrible in the end will feel creepy!

"Well, let's not guess and guess here, if you let the Lord Lord hear the argument behind us, he's finished!" The tall man, headed, glared and said in a deep voice: "So, When no one pays attention at night, let ’s visit the team together, and we will know immediately. Anyway, Lord Lord is in the area under our jurisdiction, and we should meet. This is a rare opportunity. If we can give the Lord Adults make a good impression, and your benefits will be in the future! "

Hearing this, a group of people were excited. Although they were not weak, they were regarded as being sent to the gods, but they still had few opportunities to see the Lord Lord. As a congregation, there is naturally a kind of god-like worship and admiration for the master of his own home. Nowadays, he can worship at close range. How can it not be exciting?

After discussion, they returned to the inn where they lived, waiting only for darkness.

The setting sun gradually fell, the night fell on the ground, the bright stars and moon shot into the town's square, and the white and snowy sky looked extraordinarily bright.

However, this snowy night did not make people feel cold. There were clusters of bonfires rising on the snowy field, and many practitioners were lying or sitting to rest. Among them, the master is like a cloud. At first glance, there are almost hundreds of kings. Even the top king is countless. Bingeye Town was originally the peak king's cultivation holy land. The ranks of the strong men gathered have been in the entire Southern Alliance. Is a top class.

Having glanced at the scene on the snow field, Aofeng couldn't help but secretly startled, so many powerful people she had never seen in Qin Realm!

In the final battle of the Qin Realm, although there were a lot of kings, there were not many masters at the top of Nine Stars, and those people had hardly realized the power of any rule. After all, the real old nest of Qin Yan was in the ancient antiquity of the gods' continents. In the league, the masters did not send all of them to the Qin world.

Today's battle in Bingyanzhen is inferior to the battle of Qin Realm. The number of masters is even more scary. Looking at this situation, I am afraid that even if Jiuyou Bingling is captured, it will be difficult to escape safely, and my personal strength will be stronger. Can not help but beat hundreds of kings.

"Tomorrow is the period when the nine ice ice fruits are ripe. The fragrance of that fruit has already passed here, and everyone who should be there should be here. But are there any powerful people or forces participating in the competition?" Sitting in front of the campfire Aofeng knew about the general situation from Norton. No matter what the time will be, these must be known.

Norton has a spiritual fruit. He sent someone to ask about it this afternoon. At this time, he came to Aofeng one by one: "The strong rulers are those people, and the ice training is not far under the tree in front. Ben Bene, the Thunder trainer Longk who leaned on a large knife to rest in the corner, and the land trainer Carter who arrived in the town two days ago, and the water trainer Como ... but these bachelor cultivations None of them understands the characteristics of the three elements, and they are not the opponent of the Red Master at all, so it is not a fear. "

"As for the forces, the competitive ones are our two teams of three-man rulers with Convito. Masters of this level will not be recruited by anyone. It is fortunate that ordinary families can have one. Widow relied on the support of the Speaker of Salvador and his father's magical tricks, and only two of them were willing to help him ... but there is a force that, although not many people, should pay special attention to it, that is, the **** of extermination. "

"Apocalyptic religion?" Aofeng and Qing Xuan looked at each other with a ray of surprise in their eyes: "They are here too?"

Rumors about exterminationism have been heard even by the pride of the first arrival. During the two hundred years, the influence of the continent and the information given by Zhanfeng have been marked. This force is extremely horrible, and the people behind them are by no means comparable to the Speaker of Nasavador, and it is no wonder that Norton attaches special importance to it.

"Exterminatorism has been growing and growing over the years, recruiting top powerhouses, and they are all around the famous mainland dangerous places. Since the Southern Alliance is far from the Alliance of Gods, these guys are also unscrupulous, and there are their strongholds near these nine Youbing eyes You must come to see when there is a spiritual fruit. "Norton whispered, and continued:

"However, none of them specifically needs the Nine Ghost Fruits. The two people in the team are the Dark Rulers, and the rest are mostly Dark Trainers. The purpose of competition is not great. They have only two strong Rulers. It's not our opponents and Comvedor, and I guess they might meet them at that time. "

"Oh?" Aofeng frowned suddenly when he heard this, and said, "Since they are not very motivated, they will also sell the fruit if they get the spiritual fruit, which is a neutral force. If anyone draws them at this time with heavy money Wouldn't they just fall to that side easily? Do you remember the words of Convito today? When he said that, he was very confident, could it be ... "

Qing Xuanxuan opened his eyes wide, "You mean, he might have bought these exterminators?"

Aofeng nodded his head slightly, his eyes flashed brightly: "It may not have been there at the time. After all, the exterminators have a mysterious history, and there are many masters in the teaching. Unless it is a last resort, most people will not provoke them. But they are forced by the situation In the afternoon, I ca n’t take care of this. In the afternoon, Comvidor was repelled by us. We knew that our strength was not as good as we would take some measures. His father is a ten-star lord refiner. Heart beloved. "

"So it ’s not about to suffer!" Norton was startled and worried: "If their invitation is successful, then there are five strong rulers on their side, we're afraid we will be defeated!"

"Can we also invite those exterminators? The Daniel family doesn't lack this money, right?" Qing Xuan asked, raising an eyebrow.

"There is no shortage of money, but there is no way to compare the best illusions. Even if there is more money, it is not as good as a magical instrument in hand, and Convidor must go to them now. I am afraid. Those people have been ... "Norton was anxious for a while, then came here, but suddenly a man dressed as a servant broke in from outside the campfire circle.

"Sir Norton, someone is coming to visit!"

Norton's speech was interrupted, and an eyebrow was raised angrily. Because he remembered what he said before, his tone was rather unpleasant: "Why are you still running at this time? Didn't you see that we were discussing things with Master Bai? who?"

With a touch of shock on his face, the attendant answered with a heavy breath, "Yes ... it's a group of people in black cloaks who claim to be exterminators! But they didn't come to our Daniel family, they said they would Visiting Lord Bai! "

"What! Exorcist!" Norton jumped up and stared at the boss. They were just annoyed that the Extermination Church would not be hired by Comvidor, and now he sent it to himself. There is still such a thing in the world. Good thing?

But when they heard that these exterminators were going to visit, the crowd was surprised by accident, turning their heads neatly, staring at the proud wind, full of doubts.

"Ah?" Aofeng was also puzzled, and blinked confusedly, asking, "Are you sure you heard me right? I never know the people in the extermination religion!"

The attendant frowned and said, "That's ... yes, although they didn't name their names, they made it very clear. That afternoon, the white strong man who cast the water of the soul, who is not the white man?"

Aofeng frowned slightly, and the person he was looking for was really his own, but why? Have they promised Conveyor's terms to assassinate her?

Qing Xuan seemed to think of this, but said without fear: "Brother Bai, let's go and see if there is a fool brother who can forgive them. If it is not for trouble, we can still Let Kang Weiduo talk to them one step further, maybe the believer is someone you once knew occasionally, but later joined the extermination? "

"Alright." Ao Feng groaned and nodded: "Where are they?"

"It's under the snow tree over there." The attendant pointed to a deserted place outside the town. There were no people around, so don't be afraid to spread to others if you start.

Aofeng and Qingxuan got up and walked outwards. Norton could only apologize and smile at the two because he wanted to keep Xueji safe, but ordinary people could not threaten them with their strength, and he was not worried.

After a short while, Aofeng walked under the snow tree outside the town. There was already a group of people waiting there. When they saw Aofeng coming, their faces were a little excited.

Before Aofeng said, the group of people pulled the cloak "stupidly", bowed in worship to her with a big gift, and shouted neatly and respectfully: "Meet the Lord lord!" 2k novel reading network