MTL - Ancient Godly Monarch-Chapter 1966 determination

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"Qin asked the sky." The Buddha light reflected on Qin Wentian's body. The causal Buddha shouted loudly. Qin asked Tian to look up. At this moment, the Buddha light swept his body in an instant and infiltrated into his body. The force did not destroy. Force will not hurt Qin Wentian, but he knows that this is the causal karma of the other party. This kind of road can cause cause and effect and is very troublesome.

Qin asked the day to wave, and suddenly the sword of the pure world of light appeared in the hands, the heavens and the earth did not end the power of the law toward the sword, accompanied by Qin asked Tianyi, the sword broke.

"Good." The cause of Buddha's hands are in ten, the Buddha's light is shining, the treasure is solemn, like the most sacred ancient Buddha in the world, and Qin Wentian also lighted the light of the eye-catching Buddha, invading his consciousness and influencing him. Inside, at this moment, he seems to have seen Bodhi's abbot. He has no resentment. Only good thoughts, the Buddha shadow in front is the real Buddha. He should not do it right. The death of Bodhi's abbot is not true. Forgot?

Qin asked Tianxin to read the micro-motion, and the strength of the sword gradually dissipated. At the moment before the appearance of the Buddha of the cause and effect, it turned into a light and disappeared. Even if Qin asked him to see this scene, he was amazed. Actually, how can it be possible to give birth to strong good thoughts and to understand each other?

"Qin Shi's heart is good, why bother to pick up the butcher's knife, why not put down the heart of killing, set up the land to become a Buddha, the small West Heaven Buddha method is boundless, you have to repair the cause and effect, I can also teach." The cause of Buddha's voice seems to reveal magical power, affecting Qin asked Heaven's heart to make his state of mind calm, no longer violent, no longer have strong resentment, like to accept all this, forgive the cause and effect of what Buddha did.

"Is this the power of cause and effect?" Qin asked Tian whispering, his state of mind, his thoughts were actually affected.

Goodness, forgiveness, however, the cause and effect of Buddha? Is he good?

Between his thoughts, he killed the lobes. Fan Le and Xuan Xin are still living dead. The heart of the piano is affected by causality. You can't sleep at night, crying all day long. Is this the goodness of Buddhism?

The cause and effect of the Buddha's hands together, the Buddha's light constantly reflected in Qin Wentian, affecting him, so that Qin asked the heart to fight in the heavens.

The power of Buddhism and Taoism is mysterious. The cause and effect must first practice the Dharma and the Eight Senses. It can control the eyes, ears, nose...even consciousness, and control others. In this way, it can be a cause and effect. He planted cause and effect in Qin Wentian. Karma, Qin Wentian's eight knowledge, influenced by his invasion and influence, the result of the cause and effect Buddha is that Qin asked Tian can not kill him.

He did not want to kill Qin Wentian, because he knew that as long as Qin asked him not to kill him, then many things were doomed. This is itself a cause and effect.

When Xiaoye was going to go out to play, Fan Le and Xuan Xin were now faint and awake, so that their hearts were dead, and the heart of the heart was crying all the time. They were all affected by causality and controlled.

The glory of the glory of the world is whistling in the body, and the endless brilliance spreads all over the world. Qin Wentian wants to erase the cause and effect from the body, but the Buddha light on the causal Buddha is extremely bright, illuminating the entire space world. So that there are a statue of Buddha around the heavens and the earth. Every Buddha statue illuminates the Buddha light. There are Buddha lights appearing in the hands of the Buddha statues, reflecting on the body of Qin Wentian, causing the power of cause and effect to circulate and return to Qin Wentian. Can't be erased.

"Bodhi seeks the truth, for the influence of Qin Ju Shi, let go of his mind, both Qin Shishi and my Buddha have a fate, why not put down the sword in his hand." The voice of the cause and effect Buddha sounded again, Qin asked the heart of the mind is getting weaker and weaker, I even wondered if everything he had done in the past few years was really wrong?

A single-day cave, an enemy of Taikoo, if he is willing to let go, sincerely accept the world, will the world treat him sincerely? The people of Taikoo practice together in the caves and grow together?

In the Eight Senses of Buddhism and Taoism, the first five senses are on the sensory level. The eyes, ears, and nose... The latter three senses are terrible. The consciousness is only the sixth sense. The seventh sense of control, the eighth sense can even Affecting people's outlook on life, world view, such as good and evil, teaching people to become a devil, a thought.

Causal Buddha is the main character of Buddhism. How powerful is the cause and effect. The control of Buddhism and Taoism is extremely terrible. It really makes Qin Wentian deeply affected and even questioned himself. This is a situation that has never been seen before. This is Buddhism. The power is terrible. He seems to have no destructive power, but it is often more terrible than the destructive attack. He can influence one's thoughts, influence one's world view, make people do good, and make people evil.

Qin asked the sky to have a means, but it seemed to be impossible to display, no chance.

"Let's put it down?" Qin asked Tian himself, if he let go of everything, can the world really live together in the cave?

How do those people do to win the cave?

What did Buddhism do good, cause and effect Buddha?

If you do evil yourself, but teach people to do good, if you really control the forces of good and evil, you will not be able to distinguish between good and evil. Is this a magic obstacle?

Buddha magic, one thought.

"If the Buddha is good, I am a Buddha. If the Buddha is evil, I will be a demon. I will surpass the Buddhas." Qin asked him to drop his hands down, and the Buddha light on his body dissipated. Instead, a super-powerful demon He broke out. In an instant, the darkness of the atmosphere swept the world. The causal Buddha stared at Qin Wentian and saw his body seem to be swallowed by the darkness and completely fell into the magic.

A horrible magical power broke out, as if to devour the cause and effect, all the power of Buddhism and Taoism must be swallowed up, and the Buddha's light in his body disappeared, only the devil.

Buddha magic is the power of mutual sympathy, can not coexist, like water and fire.

At this moment, Qin asked Tian, ​​he wants to become a demon, surpassing the Buddhas.

The heart became indifferent, and the heart was filled with the coldness of the cold. Qin Wentian no longer had a kind heart, and forsaw the so-called good thoughts. What is good and what is evil? Causal Buddha kills his loved ones for the purpose, and he can easily control the lives of others. Even, people can do good and evil. He does not die. It is the greatest evil. The Buddha light on him, the power he possesses, is only sinful. Representation.

"Devil." Qin asked a voice in the mouth of the sky. In an instant, the holy Buddha light in the heavens and the earth seemed to be eroded. All the powers must be demonized. A statue of Buddha in the void is gradually becoming a The darkness, the magic light, and gradually, the Buddha image turned into a magic image, the power of the Buddha, was strongly encroached.

"Qin Ju Shi repair this magic road, will go to hell." The cause of the Buddha said, like a curse Qin asked heaven.

"When you cultivate Buddha, what is the difference between it and the devil? Since there is hell, you are not qualified to enter." Qin asked Tianshen to speak coldly, his voice fell, and there seemed to be a terrible **** in front of him. There was an infinite demon inside. Qin asked Tian's body to swallow away, Qin asked Tianshuang to be incomparably dark, the magic light is terrible, staring at the causal Buddha.

In a word, the self-contained cause and effect, the karma of the Lord Buddha's practice of causality, is at its peak.

"The path." Qin asked the cold indifferent opening, actually went directly into the hell, the devil stunned the sky, the **** demon must retreat to Sanshe, I saw him punching out, all through, **** broken, demon tragic death, absolute power, Everything is illusory.

Qin asked Tian to reach out. In an instant, the infinite power of heaven and earth seemed to be controlled by him. Time and space rebelled against the chaos. In the world of Qin, the **** of the gods appeared in front of Qin, as if Qin’s power of Taoism was integrated. This knife, he holds the knife with his hand. At this moment, time and space seem to have to stand still. There seems to be only the knife in the world.

The causal Buddha stared at Qin Wentian, his face was cold, and under the erosion of the power of the magical power, his Dharma was expelled badly, and the power of cause and effect could hardly influence Qin Wentian. The Buddha and Taoism could not influence the meaning of Qin Wentian. Devil, sealed the eight knowledge, only to kill his heart, to cut a cause and effect.

Time and space seem to have stood still. This disorganized space, extremely terrible power, all must be still, causal Buddha's eyes staring at the heavens and the earth, he faintly felt his ending, which made him somewhat uneasy.

Only by changing this cause can the results be affected.

I saw the cause and effect Buddha close his eyes, the Buddha light on his body lit up and shouted: "Qin asked heaven."

Qin asked Tianyan to stare at him and never moved away. However, it seems that because of this look, Qin Wentian’s figure is branded in the Buddha’s lamp. Qin asked the heavenly body to be above the body and also illuminated the wonderful. The incomparable Buddha lamp seems to be planted in the soul of Qin Wentian and cannot be dispelled.

The cause and effect of the Buddha's mouth spit the Buddha's voice, it seems that the power of the cause and effect of the boulevard is constantly pouring out. The Buddha's light in his body reflects the body of Qin Wentian, and the Buddha's light in the body of Qin Wentian seems to have appeared in the figure of his causal Buddha. This scene is extremely wonderful. Let Qin ask Tiansheng to have an illusion. He and the causal Buddha are connected by cause and effect, and they continue to blame.

"Is it felt? You and I are connected by cause and effect, irreversible." The voice of the causal Buddha sounded directly in the mind of Qin Wentian, as if he was in the body of Qin Wentian at the moment, causal and irreversible.

Qin asked the gods to be so cold, his killings were extremely strong, and the magic knife controlled the knife of the heavens and the earth. The still time and space, the knife, seemed to influence the fate of the two gods.

Everything is between Qin’s thoughts.

At the moment, the outside world, many big Buddhas have arrived. Although Qin asked the time to change the time flow in the wrong time and space, the outside world is still walking, although it is very short.

"Independent time and space." An ancient Buddha said, he knows that Qin asked Tian to bring the causal Buddha into an independent time and space, so hey, to enter the small West Heaven, want to marry the little West Heaven Buddha, simply crazy!