MTL - Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell-Chapter 19 : Eight Dragons Department

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The morning breeze in the winter, with a bit of fierceness, blowing on Lei Yang's body, immediately made him wake up a lot, he no longer cares about the intricacies of the inner heart at this time, striding to the body of the flame demon bear, palm For the knife, one palm will open the belly of the demon bear.

A half-sized, crystal-clear, half-black, bright-looking bead, like a baby fist, slipped out instantly, exuding a burst of aura.

This bead is the inner Dan of the Wicked Beast. Each of the Wicked Beasts has its own inner Dan, which is like the sea of ​​human monks, and this inner Dan is called the demon of the human monk.

It is said that if a monk practices a demon, he can not only heal, but also make a spurt, but the beasts are more and more dangerous in the world, and they are generally very powerful. They must meet and kill them. Especially difficult, which makes the demon in the eyes of the human monk, very precious.

Even the high-grade demon dan, comparable to Tiancaibao, the world's great medicine, has been listed as an absolute non-sale in many of the great families and peerless sects.

Leiyang held this demon in his hand and felt the rich aura contained in it. His heart was overjoyed.

This is a demon that is comparable to the seven layers of Aura. Although it is not a rare drug, it is a much more precious medicine than Lei Ling, which is a resource-poor Leyang.

He carefully took the demon into his arms and turned around and disappeared on the cliff.


In the mountains surrounding the Leijia Manor, there are eight manors with a small scale on the Lei Family Estate. They are distributed around the Leijia Manor. They seem to be chaotic, but if you look closely, you will find that each courtyard is built. The location is extremely elegant.

These manores are located in the eight directions of the Leijia Manor opposite the main manor in the center. They are centered on the Leijia Manor and cover a hundred miles of land. In addition to the local people in Wuyuan Town, they know the relationship between these manors and the main house of Leijia. Outsiders simply wouldn’t have seen these scattered estates within a radius of a hundred miles, and they had a very close relationship with the Leijia Manor in Wuyuan Town.

However, if you understand the law, from a very high altitude aerial view, you will find that the manor and the central location of the Leijia Manor, which is scattered around the mountains, have formed a huge gossip map, and the center of the gossip It is the largest square in the center of Leijia Manor, the Sun Moon Plaza. This huge gossip map is the guardian of the Lei family.

However, with the continuous development of the entire Lei family for thousands of years, these eight manors have gradually formed eight huge branches. The eight veins are in the direction of the Eight Diagrams, and they are guarded by the eight sides of the manor. They are gradually sealed by the later tenants. For today's Eight Dragons Department.

The Eight Dragons are the Gannan Tianlong Department, the Kunbei Dilong Department, the East Leilong Department, the Kanxi Fenglong Department, the Southeast Water Dragon Department, the Northeast Fire Dragon Department, the southwestern Shanlong Department, and the northwestern Zelong Department.

At the beginning, the original intention of Lei’s ancestors was to make the Eight Dragons and the main line of the sects complement each other, and the generations guarded Leijia Manor.

But as the years change, the strength of the Eight Dragons tribes is strong, and the talents come forth in large numbers. Coupled with the decline of the main line of the shackles, the decline of talents has become a trend of change, gradually making some tribal limes gradually Covered the main line of the scorpion.

By the time of this family, the patriarchs of the dragons are no longer obeying the orders of their families.

Despite the major events in each ethnic group, the tribal leaders of various tribes will still be present, but they are all thoughtful, and will not really make suggestions for the shackles. In recent years, they have also faintly expressed the meaning of self-reliance, making the entire Lei family’s strength even more Not as good as before.


At this time, in front of the most central square of the Thunder House, there is a quaint and magnificent house. The main entrance of the house has two large stone pillars, each of which is engraved with a soaring dragon.

The dragon has claws and claws, and the expression is fierce. Even each scale is carved very delicately, and it looks lifelike and vivid.

The two huge faucets are facing the main entrance, revealing a majesty of immortality, which is a powerful shock to anycomer.

Here is the home of today's Lei family, Lei Yuntian's house - Tenglong Pavilion.

At this time, in the hall of the Tenglong Pavilion, a black-faced man was kneeling on one knee, and on the huge dragon chair in the middle of the main hall, a middle-aged man aged 40 or so secretly reported What is it.

The middle-aged man’s eyes were stunned. Although he was completely restrained, he did not scatter it. However, the body naturally formed an irresistible majesty.

The man in black can't see his face, but his eyes are hidden. He wants to be repaired and is comparable to the middle-aged man on the dragon chair. The middle-aged man is not someone else. It is the current Lei family. The owner - Lei Yuntian.

"Homeowners, I have found out that the Eight Dragons tribes do have the heart of splitting the family, and I have already obtained some evidence. Their people are more and more arrogant, and they have not put the main line of our system in their eyes. It’s time to kill them.” The black man looked at the owner of the dragon chair, Lei Yuntian.

Lei Yuntian fell into a short silence, his eyes revealed a deep and unfathomable squat, but his brows were high and wrinkled, and he did not spread for a long time.

At this time, his heart is very complicated. He has already known the things of the Eight Dragons tribe. He can see the decline of the day. If he is rushing to other departments, he will not be guaranteed.

The entire Lei family will fall apart from this. He is not willing to look at a big family, so he is ruined in his hands. Therefore, he will bear with one another and hope to solve the family disaster with his own efforts.

It can be counterproductive, causing the original opportunity to be lost, and now he has become more and more passive. And the family splitting tendency is becoming more and more serious, the whole family's strength is greatly reduced, and the other two families of Wuyuan Town are watching Lei Jiahu at this critical moment. This and so on, so that his family is now making a dilemma, he even Many times, I feel that this master is really a bit of a shack.

After a long while, he only sighed and slowly raised his head and said to the black man in front of him: "The magic wind, this matter is indispensable. This year's family is often held as a test photo, and the arrangement is sent to the Eight Dragons. ""

"Homeowner, this...! Your subordinates know your worries. According to the subordinates, you are too kind and unwilling to meet with the swordsmen. But they have already regarded me as a tribe in psychology, such as If you endure it, I am afraid that the consequences will be unimaginable. I don’t want to start a family war, but at least you should also beat and beat on the side, those winged limbs that are fuller and fuller!” The black man named Magic Wind said worriedly.

Lei Yuntian waved his hand: "Well, the magic wind, I have my own size, do what I said, business as usual." After he finished, he took out a delicate Dan bottle in his arms, and sent it in the air. It fell steadily in the hands of the black man's magic wind.

"Homeowner, this... this is the old master left to let you break through... This is your life root, are you?" Thundercloud looked at the thunderbolt on the dragon chair.

"Take it to the man who is behind the manor, and he said that he has been depressed for too long. Now that the family is in trouble, it is time for him to come out. I believe he knows what to do. Ok, let's go!" After closing his eyes, he seemed to be very tired. He waved his hand and let the magic wind leave.

"This... oh!" The magic wind hesitated for a while. Seeing that Lei Yuntian’s mind had been decided, and he had a heart to refute, he could understand the homeowner and know that it was useless. Eventually, a helpless sigh came out and turned and disappeared in the air.


When Leiyang took out the flame demon bear demon that was the equivalent of the seven layers of Aura, Lei Zhennan’s heart suddenly set off a huge wave.

While listening to Lei Yang's description of killing the flame demon bear, he took over the demon in the hands of Lei Yang, and his eyes showed an incredible shock. It was only the gradual shock that was replaced by a complicated and difficult complex.

Watching his son grow up step by step, he has both unbelievable and hopeful joy in his heart, but more is the embarrassment of his son.

As a father, he knows that his son is not enough, and the emotions are intertwined, which eventually merges into the complexities of his eyes.

For a long time, he looked at Lei Yang, his eyes filled with a father's unique kindness. He tried to open his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. He choked for a moment, and his eyes flashed.

Like the insight into Lei Zhennan's inner thoughts, Lei Yang is very distressed in his eyes. His body is getting weaker and weaker. In order not to let him hurt too much, Lei Yang hurriedly said: "Hey, it is said that the demon is the healing medicine. The enchanted baby has been honored to you, hoping to benefit your body."

It’s just that he didn’t say this. It’s better to let Lei Zhennan’s heart feel uncomfortable. His son is so big, he has never given him anything, but now he is filial to him with such a spiritual medicine, which makes him How can you feel it?

But the son can break through, and cultivation is an absolute good thing. He knows that his negative emotions must not be revealed in front of his son. The past has been irreparable, but in the future it is to be a guide to the path of his son's practice. In this way, his heart is better.

"Yang, you grow up, I am sincerely happy for you. If you want to do something in the future, do it according to your own mind. Don't worry about me and your mother too much.

Only in this world full of sinister and fighting, you have to be cautious everywhere, knowing how to retreat, knowing what is lost, knowing that you are hiding, and being good at self-protection. Have you remembered it? Lei Zhennan gently touched Lei Yang’s head with his hand, and said very lovingly.

"Hey, the baby wrote down!" Lei Yang nodded, inadvertently saw Lei Zhennan's eyes, I don't know when there was more silver, he suddenly felt the responsibility on his shoulders became heavier. .

Lei Zhennan will return the demon to the Leiyang Road: "Yang, your mind knows, but the injury is not a demon can be solved. This demon Dan is well received, the family is just around the corner. You need it more than I do.

However, this demon can not be swallowed, you see it is half crystal clear and half black and black, the crystal clear half represents the aura, the dark half of the ink represents the demon.

Aura is absorbed by the monk as a big supplement, but once it is absorbed by the body, it will cause great harm to the human body, and it will damage the human body, causing people to be degraded, and then eroding the mind and demonizing. Enchanted.

Therefore, this demon must be slowly refining under the special exercises, so that it can not be eroded by the demon in the demon.

However, this kind of practice is rare in the world, but you don't have to worry about it. When you traveled out of the same year, it was just by chance that you got this kind of exercise.

The name of this method is called "the demon spirit". Although it is only a remnant, it is not a superb method. However, there is no problem in refining and refining the demon of Dan.

Half a month later, it was the family's once-in-a-lifetime family test. I hope that by then, I will see a stronger child. ”

Lei Zhennan was fascinated. After he finished, he took a jade slip from his arms and handed it to Leiyang. He coughed a few times and the whole face looked very pale.

Lei Yang took over Yu Jian, did not speak, just nodded seriously, he signaled his mother to let him go back to the room to rest, his eyes full of distress.

After Lei Zhennan left, Lei Yang looked at his bleak back, and his heart suddenly felt sour, but at the same time, his goal of this family test was clearer. To change the status of their family in the family, he must do something. what.

(To be continued)