MTL - Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell-Chapter 21 : Family before the test

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Leiyang pressed the cap lower and walked in that direction.

Far from Leiyang, I saw that there was a piece of open space outside the martial arts field. At this moment, there are children who are learning from each other. There are still many crowds around. With the wonderful fight between the two people in the field, they are coming out. The sound of cheers.

This kind of mutual learning between the family juniors is a small gathering of spontaneous generations between family juniors, exchanges of practice, and improvement of cultivation efficiency. There will also be children's organizations on weekdays, but before the annual family test, there will be more some.

On the surface, these gatherings are all designed to temper each other and adapt to the rhythm of the family in the trial. But the real purpose is to explore the falsehood of other children.

Lei Yang found a more partial position and went forward. At this time, he only saw that there was a man and a woman who were learning from each other.

The man was about fifteen years old, his body was burly, his eyes were big and his eyes were big, and he was born with a sly look. Like a grown-up man, a pair of iron fists danced like a tiger, and it seemed like a lot of power.

The woman is a little younger, only fourteen years old. She is petite and exquisite, born with a delicate appearance, although she is not old, but it is already a temperament, it is very extraordinary. At this moment, her pace is light, using a set of light fingering, which is extremely clever.

The man slammed into a heavy punch, and the huge force caused the air to ripple up in layers. The woman was like a swallow, and she used her strength. Often the man’s heavy punches were all understated by her, a set of fingerings. Her hands were used by her.

The two men flew up and down in the field, and they couldn't make it. In a moment, it was difficult to distinguish.

When Leiyang saw that the two men were repaired, they were all six peaks. They were all above their own cultivation, and they could not help but secretly start to pay attention to it.

From the surrounding arguments, Lei Yang knew that the man named Lei Jin was the grandson of the great elder Lei Changqing. The woman's name is Lei Fengyu, and her father, Lei Shichang, is said to be a master of the late Lingyuan, and is also quite famous in the family.

"It's no wonder that their cultivation is quite good. They have such a background behind them." After understanding the situation, Lei Yang secretly said.

Just in Leiyang's thoughts, the atmosphere in the field suddenly changed. The man named Lei Jin was confident at the beginning. He could not attack the weak woman who was one year younger than himself, and directly caused a round of watching. The family's children are screaming.

Lei Jin is the long-grandson of the great elder Lei Changqing. He is very talented in the family. He has been famous since he was a child and is favored by many people. And his performance today is a bit unsatisfactory, and his face is naturally unspeakable.

However, Lei Jin was so impetuous at the moment and walked away from his heart. Unexpectedly, Lei Fengyu seized this opportunity in an instant. After a sudden attack, he immediately forced Lei Jing to retreat, and he was very embarrassed.

However, Lei Jin did get it right. At the time of the crisis, he took the opportunity to make a sudden decision. In the retreat, he suddenly screamed: "Fuhu three, Huxiaoshan."

As he screamed, his whole body's momentum instantly increased, and the retreating figure also suddenly stopped with this momentum. All the spiritual powers in the sea rushed to the fist, and his fists continued in front of his chest. Crossing three times, then fiercely toward the front of Lei Fengyu, a punch.


A low sound of the tiger's whistle spread, and a group of aura rushed out from Lei Jin's fist. Then it turned a tiger with a length of two meters. When the tiger was formed, it opened a **** mouth and roared. , screaming toward Lei Fengyu, a strong force, directly in the field rolled up a strong storm.

All this is done in a cloud, although it is long, it can actually happen in a short period of interest, which is equivalent to Lei Jin just retreat, and directly knocked out the punch.

"Heaven, tiger-shaped boxing, this is the great elder's famous stunt. It is estimated that this Lei Fengyu will be strong again, fearing that it may be defeated!"

"Yeah, the tiger-shaped fist of the elders is quite famous in the rivers and lakes, especially this three-powered tiger, and it is his biggest killing. He really loves his grandson!"

Lei Jin’s Fu Hu Quan came out, and there was a child who knew the details. He immediately said this.

The aura of the aura, the speed is very fast, the blink of an eye will come to the front of Lei Fengyu, a large mouth of blood, revealing fierce light, as if the next moment will swallow her.

Lei Fengyu's mouth corner, but at this moment has a sharp rise, with a touch of smile, the smile reveals a calm and calm with her somewhat tender face, but there is no trace of contempt.

"Wind spirit refers to, set the dragon, give me a certain!"

Just as everyone thought that Lei Fengyu would be swallowed up by the thunderous tiger, Lei Fengyu’s mouth screamed and screamed.

I saw her right hand and pointed like a knife, slammed out and went straight to the forehead of the fierce tiger at the moment. At this moment, she will be repaired to the extreme, the speed is fast, so that her right hand is directly in front of her. A series of afterimages have been made.

Her slender fingers did not mean that the wind flew out, but there were two slender air pillars formed directly at the tip of the finger, which quickly extended out, as if her fingers were infinitely elongated, and they were directly slammed. On the forehead of the tiger.


A muffled sound spread, Lei Jin's agitation into a fierce tiger, actually incredible by Lei Fengyu two slender hands designated in the air, let its crazy roar, can not advance.

"Day, how is this possible! Even the tiger-shaped boxing of the elders has been blocked by her. Is this Lei Fengyu not going to be against the sky?"

"Yeah, this time the family test, the children in the family can be hidden deep enough."

"It seems that Lei Jin is in trouble!"

Lei Fengyu underestimated the killings of Lei Jin, which was beyond the expectations of the people.

Lei Jin saw the tiger-shaped boxing that was once regarded as the biggest card by himself. It was actually being understated by the other side, and there was something on the face that could not be hanged.

He no longer keeps his hands, and once again swings his fists and crosses his chest. The powerful momentum has once again exploded. He hit two punches in a row and violently said: "Fuhu three-style, hungry tigers eat food, tigers come out!"

Lei Jin’s fist once again rushed out of the two groups with a stronger aura than before, and instantly turned into two more powerful tigers, one left and one right, rushing to the thunder, and heading toward Lei Fengyu, plus the tiger in the middle of the road. A total of three tigers attacked her from three different directions, forming a situation of encirclement, and this also happened to make up the complete Fuhu three style, which suddenly increased his attack power several times.

Lei Fengyu immediately pulled back his right hand, and his palms were together. He suddenly pulled in front of him. This pull seemed to be a little hard, making the speed of her palms apart very slow, like slow motion playback.

However, with the opening of her palms, there was a curved light curtain formed between her palms.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Just as the arc-shaped light curtain just formed a moment, the three tigers slammed into the curved light curtain from three different directions, and made three muffled sounds, making the light curtain instantly There have been countless cracks, and the speed of the flash has moved, and there are signs of fragmentation.

However, this powerful blow of Lei Jin only ends here. It has not been able to completely smash the light curtain. The three huge tiger heads are on top of the light curtain that seems to be shattering at any moment. However, they can no longer move forward, and even the tiger body has cracked in different degrees, so that Lei Jin immediately felt a strong rebound force.

At this time, Lei Fengyu in the light curtain, for the first time, showed a serious expression on her face. She looked a little hard and not as relaxed as she used to be, but it was better than the Lei Jin, who was already eye-catching at the moment. Too much, she obviously has more strength.

At this time, Lei Jin’s expression was stunned. His neck was violent, his face was red and red, and even the whole body kept shaking. He obviously had done his best. Even the last card he had always been proud of was eventually resolved by Lei Fengyu, who was obviously poor.

Although the results are already obvious, but in the end, he is still unwilling, he is doing his best, but seeing Lei Fengyu is only a little hard, which makes the heart feel very depressed.

During the thought, his eyes were red, so he gnawed his teeth, risking the danger of being countered, and hitting three tigers with the three auras, and all the power of the whole body was held above the tiger.

Lei Jin’s attack is still under the light curtain of Lei Fengyu’s seemingly cracked, and it’s hard to get into it. It’s impossible to break the light curtain. Even the tiger’s body is under the forcible power blessing, there are more cracks, faint There was also the sound of the collapse of "咔咔".

After the two stalemate for about a dozen breaths, Lei Fengyu seems to have accumulated enough strength, and suddenly again a sigh of relief: "Wind spirits, broken everything!"

I saw her left hand palm on the curved light curtain in front of the body, maintaining the stability of the light curtain, the right hand at the same time facing the three tigers outside her light curtain, popping three fingers.

As the three fingers popped up, the three-finger-thickness of the aura suddenly flew out, directly to the three one-finger and three-inch long aura flying nails, exuding a powerful repair for riots.


Three flying nails directly cut through the air, making a sharp sound, in a speed to the extreme speed, instantly into the three huge tiger head.

The speed was too fast, and even did not make any sound. The tigers that Lei Jin’s fists formed were directly collapsed at the speed visible to the naked eye, and eventually turned into the light of the sky and disappeared.

Lei Jin's whole person is also a sigh of relief, the body has been greatly rebelled, hehe...had to retreat dozens of steps, but after all, he still could not stabilize his body shape, and he fell down on the ground and his mouth overflowed. A trace of blood, the face instantly rose into pig liver color!

Lei Jin’s eyes were shocked and his mouth was stuttering: " are..." But after all, I still didn't say it...

Lei Fengyu put his left hand and took back the curved light curtain in front of him. The slender figure stood on the spot, and the wind swayed her hair and danced her dress, making her look like a fluttering fairy. .

The contempt in her eyes has long since disappeared, and replaced by a squat that transcends her age.

Lei Jin was also in the air, got up and held a fist, and said simply: "Sisters are exquisite in practice, Lei Jin admire, in the next skill is not as good as people, and they are willing to go down."

Lei Fengyu smiled, and quickly hugged his fist and said: "Where is the place, it is the brother who gave in."

Lei Jin was defeated, no face stayed here, and he took a fist to the crowd and left the crowd without going back. Lei Fengyu smiled and did not stay on the field and continued to wait for the challenges of other children. He chose to retreat to the side. Obviously, the fighting method, although she won, still paid a lot of money.

The next few games were learned and played one after another, but most of them were repaired in the middle of the six layers of Reiki to the peak of the six layers of Reiki. They all have their own strengths, and they are basically evenly matched. Even after losing the game, they are all polite and do not hurt.

However, in Leiyang's view, they obviously have reservations. Especially when Lei Fengyu beat Lei Jin, the last one has clearly revealed the strength of the seven layers of Reiki, but it is against Leiyang. The observations she made were not judged before. Lei Yang suspected that she should have cultivated a hidden practice.

On the battle power, although Leiyang was lucky enough to defeat the monsters of the seven layers of the Aura, but the spirit of the demon beast is obviously better than the human being, and it is still unsatisfied when it relaxes its vigilance. For the monk, the difficulty Lei Yang knows well.

After seeing so many aura-like children, Leiyang was quite emotional. It seems that the fainting is a decline, but among the juniors, there are talents, but they really need time to grow.

Leiyang had to re-examine his own strength, and with his current combat power, he encountered a mid-seventh period of aura. If the other party went all out, it would be very difficult to tie a tie.

Even the children of the shackles are so deep, not to mention the deeper hidden Eight Dragon tribes, and today even if they are the same, they are not all present.

"It seems that if you want to make a contribution in this family test, you have to add enough weights." Lei Yang had a plan in his heart and didn't want to stop. He wanted to turn and leave, but suddenly saw the opposite family. The child immediately retreated to the side and gave up a passage.

And behind the crowd, in the middle of the passage, a girl in a red dress is slowly walking...

(To be continued)

The author said: Calling collections, seeking collections!