MTL - Apocalypse Rebirth: Commander, Don’t Move!-Chapter 17 Bai Ling is really too strong

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  The food intake of these newly mutated zombies is obviously stronger than that of normal newly mutated zombies. Fortunately, this place is already a bit remote, there are not many people, and there are few zombies.

  The place is so remote, but there is a place guarded by such a big man, it seems that the weapons inside should not be bad.

   "Oh Ho Ho!"

   Obviously new living humans are more likely to attract their attention.

  Bai Ling pointed the phone at the hip-hop boy behind him again, "Turn on the light camera and take a picture of what you see!"

  Because Bai Ling switched the phone to the video when getting off the car, so Bai Shan could clearly see what happened here.

Sure enough, Bai Shan, who heard Bai Ling's words on the other side, seemed to be a little busy understanding what her sister was doing, and her whole heart was raised in her throat, but before she could finish her words of worrying and letting her leave, the picture came screamed.

Bai Shan was on the verge of fear and worry again, looking at the white and tender child who had fallen asleep in her arms, before listening to Bai Ling's words, she plugged his ears, and for some reason shivered the child Hugged even tighter.

  Looking at the picture, she saw that familiar figure, but around her, there was a very tall monster. The monster was still eating flesh and blood in its hands. It looked hideous and turned around. . . They saw the sister?

  Bai Ling couldn't help but screamed! I kept praying to God in my heart to bless my sister's safety. She couldn't imagine what she would do if something happened to her sister. Her sister would never have an accident. She didn't want her sister to have an accident.

Even though Bai Shan is already twenty-two years old at this time, she has her own opinions, but in her heart, her elder sister is like a mother, and more importantly, when she encounters any difficulties, other than the child's father, the first thing she thinks of is own sister.

  Because the elder sister is omnipotent, the elder sister can help her solve all the things.

   "Don't...don't..." pounced, those powerful big monsters pounced on my sister. Bai Shan yelled loudly on the phone, not even daring to open her eyes.

   "Second Sister, don't worry, it's absolutely fine!" Bai Xiaoxi calmed down quite a bit, not because he wasn't afraid, but because Bai Ling was really too strong, so strong that he couldn't be an ordinary human, okay?

In the next second, I saw that small figure nimbly shuttling among this group of hideous, blood-stained monsters with a strong smell, just like playing a game, not afraid of those monsters biting her delicate neck in one bite , even if she was accidentally caught by those big hands, she would definitely lose a large piece of flesh.

   bang bang bang—

But what they saw in front of their eyes was that the folding chair hit every monster's head with great precision, and every time those monsters were about to bite her, the folding chair could also be used as a defensive tool. More importantly, she How dare that delicate hand touch that zombie? With one hand, he twisted off the hand of the most powerful and largest zombie that attacked her.

   Those zombies who were hit on the head by the folding chair, although their heads were not broken, seemed to stop their movements.

  Bai Ling turned his head to look at the pretty dull face with slightly parted lips in the picture, and said with a smile, "Shanshan, is it scary?"

Looking at that smiling face, still amidst the roars of those monsters, the field was bloody, but Bai Shan imprinted that smiling face in her mind, as if she saw a huge shadow, firmly holding up a piece of sky for her .