MTL - Apocalypse Rebirth: Commander, Don’t Move!-Chapter 18 Shut up, I'll throw you out

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   Tears flowed down, Bai Shan couldn't see those terrible monsters, only her sister, the powerful sister.

"If you don't want to die, just find a way to follow me!" Bai Ling said to Bai Shan. Bai Ling didn't have such a good tone to Bai Xiaoxi. Of course, he also saw that the so-called Bai Xiaoxi was obviously not as scared as before. Although he was still trembling, But he dared to watch her fight directly.

   Still, Ghost had no intention of turning back to save him. If he died here like this, then there is no need to keep him.

  So he directly crossed the four big zombies and rushed into the storefront.

  Looking at it, there is still Qiankun inside, and the pure iron door is open. Obviously, they are indeed guarding the inside, but because of the mutation, they have to come out to escape for their lives.

   Turning around, I saw that Bai Xiaoxi, who was wearing an inch shirt, was rushing forward with his head covered at this time, and after the screaming came in, with a touch, Bai Ling completely closed the iron gate, and his eyes were dark.

   Of course, fortunately, the lights for the previous shooting have not been pressed down.

   "Ah!" As soon as the light shone, the inside was also dripping with blood, and there were even severely mutilated zombies crawling over.

   And there was one under Bai Xiaoxi's feet, and it was opening its mouth wide to bite him. Bai Xiaoxi yelled reflexively, all his nerves were tense.

  Of course the phone is hung on Bai Xiaoxi's body, so of course Bai Shan on the other side can see it more clearly! As if that **** mouth was coming towards her, it was about to drill out of the screen. So I couldn't help but screamed too.

  Bai Ling remained calm, shouted, and ordered, "Step!"

  When a person's brain is blank, suddenly there is a language like a thunderbolt, and the body will involuntarily obey her instructions.


This kick, relying on the survival instinct, Bai Xiaoxi took off with all his strength, stepped on it, and the other end shattered in an instant, and Bai Xiaoxi also fell into the **** flesh and blood, his body was covered with blood, There are unknown meats.

   Obviously, Bai Xiaoxi's soul was thrown out of his body by this blow.

  Of course, there is also Bai Shan who is nervous but unable to express her feelings at this time. She is also frightened out of her wits, but she also seems to be going through these things with Bai Ling.

  Bai Ling still ignored Bai Xiaoxi, but took advantage of this time to quickly deal with the remaining zombies, and at the same time took those mutilated zombies as a demonstration for Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan vomited uncontrollably at the side, but she listened firmly, because she saw the calm appearance of her sister on the screen, she was not afraid at all, and she couldn't be afraid either.

  And my sister came to them to do this!

  Bai Xiaoxi finally came to his senses, jumped up screaming, and kept slapping the blood on his body, but it was a pity that the blood and flesh were not photographed, but spread all over his body.

   "Shut up, I'll throw you out if you keep arguing!"

  The cold scolding made Bai Xiaoxi dare not scream anymore, but there were tears in those big eyes, and she really wanted to shout, does she have any humanity! No matter what he did, he was just a junior high school student.

  Seeing this scene, Bai Shan. . . I don't know why, but I actually want to laugh. Because for Bai Shan, her sister has always been a gentle person.

  Bai Xiaoxi was still in shock, looked at Bai Shan pitifully, and begged for comfort with her lips.