MTL - Apocalyptic Rebirth: Earth’s Vast Changes-Chapter 19

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The number of biteers has risen sharply, and relevant departments have had to appeal to the general public to minimize going out. At the same time, a large number of messages were also posted on the Internet. This kind of biting incident occurred not only in one or two province cities of country z, but not even one or two countries. Many countries in the world have had bite incidents, and they are becoming more and more intense.

Most of these bite people have stiff limbs, but they are extremely brutal. Ordinary beatings and drugs cannot drive them out and comatose. Many of the people who were attacked were bitten and devoured by them. This cruel and heinous behavior caused panic among the people and seriously affected social order.

In the first few days, people did not realize the seriousness of the situation and thought that it was only the behavior of a few extremists. In addition, radio stations in many countries have disclosed for the first time that these people have been described as terrorists, reducing some of the vigilance people should have. As a result, many people are completely unprepared when under attack. But soon, this argument was self-defeating. Those familiar friends and relatives who were injured or bitten by the attack quickly turned into attackers and attacked their previously familiar family members, relatives and friends. They are like beasts with only instinct to dominate, cruelly eating the flesh of their loved ones and friends.

Many people think that things are not as simple as they seem, and this may be a sign of the end. It turned out that the doomsday crisis did not disappear, it just delayed the outbreak. The government has also traced the source of the virus, and everything has pointed the finger at the recent nuclear leak on the island of country r.

At this time, country R had already cut off all contact with the outside world. In order to obtain first-hand virus information, governments of various countries have sent special teams to try to sneak into country R. However, before these teams reached country R, ​​they lost contact with their national command centers. Even country m, which has the most satellites, cannot capture clear images of country r and its surrounding waters.

The answer given by the experts is that the electromagnetic wave activity is abnormal and there is no way to perform normal data collection. This conclusion was frustrating at first, but then another conclusion drawn by the experts based on this made them shocked. That is, under such intense electromagnetic wave activities, the more precise the brain structure, the more it will be completely destroyed. Such as humans, primates, felines, these are basically impossible to survive. It is likely that there will be large-scale insects, such as cockroaches with extremely tenacious vitality.

The fate of country r is regrettable, but in this time of self-care, no one will pay more attention to that island country and whether there are survivors. Now that experts have determined that it has become a forbidden area for human beings, governments of all countries still have to focus on how to deal with the growing army of infections.

Research institutions in almost all countries are busy day and night, but the results are invariably minimal. This virus is very powerful. They will infect normal cells in a short period of time, and the infected cells will expand at a geometrically increasing rate until the infected person's body is completely shuffled by the virus. The remaining life of an infected person will depend on the strength of his own antibodies. Among the many infected subjects, none escaped the fate of being shuffled by toxic cells, and the longest person supported 32 hours 21 minutes 46 seconds. The expert groups concluded that the human infection rate of this bacterium is almost 100%.

With regard to the development of vaccines, prevention of infection is almost a myth. There is no national research institution that can accurately catch the virus. In the infected person, there are at least dozens of new substances that they have never discovered before, mostly in the form of particles. To find the real virus in these particles, they need to separate these particles first and then one by one experiment. So the only thing governments can do right now is to isolate the infected people from the normal population as best they can.

Qin Luo looked at the announcements that were broadcast on almost all TV stations, and couldn't help showing a mocking smile in his mouth. The announcement enthusiastically appealed to the general public to call the police as soon as possible when an infected person is found among relatives and friends. Someone will take away the infected people and take care of them to avoid further deterioration of the condition. It also shows some infected people receiving treatment. The general public only needs to stay at home temporarily and receive the food distributed by the government regularly.

At that time, Qin Luo and Liu Ye believed this, and the so-called 'care' and 'avoid further deterioration of the disease' only led those people to take away Uncle Liu. In order to give Uncle Liu a better treatment, Qin Luo even spent a lot of money 'opening relationships'. The other party also told him that Uncle Liu is gradually recovering, but there are special rules for the infected person. Unless he is fully recovered, he cannot leave the designated area or allow outside visits. At that time, Qin Luo asked the other person stupidly, wouldn't it be okay to look through the glass himself? As a result, the other party's virus infection rate was very high. Qin Luo's request was rejected on the basis of the abnormal inspection.

Initially, these infected people may have been placed in hospitals. However, with the rapid increase in the number of infected people, they were divided into several areas and held nearby. Among them, the city where most infected people are held. From time to time, some of the infected will become sick, completely reduced to flesh-eating beasts, and dense soldiers guarding high places will use machine guns to clean up that area in small areas. Although this secret execution is cruel, it guarantees the survival of a large number of non-infected people and is highly respected in the early days of the last days. The high-level officials did not know at this time. In addition to the infected bodies known as zombies, there were two other new species of later generations called halves and abilities. They will play a decisive role in the long struggle of humans against zombies.

With the leadership of the military and the acquiescence of governments, the shooting of infected people has been legalized. This directly led to a difficult confrontation between future humans and zombies. Some mutants and half-zombies chose to protect themselves and gave up protecting humans because of the original human attitude.

Qin Luo remembers that when Uncle Liu was bitten at the time, the infection was very slow. This symptom is very similar to the evolutionary half-human. If Uncle Liu is not taken away, it won't take long for him to evolve successfully. The reason why it is called evolution is that the corpses are much stronger than humans, and even if the corpses are walking in the zombies, no zombies are willing to bite them. Although the zombies had some characteristics of zombies eager to eat flesh and blood in the early stage of evolution, as long as they were properly controlled, they would gradually dilute those characteristics and eventually tilted like human traits.

Thinking of Uncle Liu, Qin Luo couldn't help glancing at the living room. Seeing to have lunch, Liu Ye was busy in the kitchen. Grandpa and Qin Ke were putting together a huge block house, and Mo Yi was sitting on the sofa reading a book.

"What about Uncle Liu?" Qin Luo frowned.

Liu Ye just came out and asked a few people to eat, and replied casually, "I will not let him eat sugar, and I will breathe back into the room."

Qin Luo said a while, and before he put his heart down, Mo said without looking up, "He is not in the room, he is in the yard."

Qin Luo got up from the sofa with a moment's sigh, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Mo was grieved, and now there is nothing unsafe in the yard. He still made several laps in the yard in the morning, and did not see Qin Luo so worried.

Qin Luo rushed out of the villa and saw Uncle Liu climbing the original iron gate of the villa in the distance.

"Uncle Liu, Uncle Liu, come down quickly." Qin Luo shouted as he ran.

Uncle Liu saw him chasing after him, and climbed even more hurriedly. Qin Luo reluctantly, "I will give you sugar. You have all the lollipops you like."

Uncle Liu rode on the iron gate, hesitated, and mumbled and turned from the iron gate to the other side. With the landing of Uncle Liu, Qin Luo noticed that there was a small figure standing outside the gate of the iron fence. Uncle Liu went to that figure. Qin Luo was anxious. He rushed to Tiemen quickly, shouting several times during the attempt to stop Uncle Liu without success. He quickly opened the iron gate, but he was still one step behind. Uncle Liu stretched out his hand to show his goodness. Although he quickly retracted, he was bitten by the little zombie wearing overalls.

When he ran away from Qin Luo aggrieved and showed Qin Luo the **** teeth, Qin Luo could only touch his head comfortably and sigh. It should have happened. The last time Uncle Liu came back with a tooth mark, this time, although he took every precaution, he was bitten in front of himself.

Mo did not expect that Uncle Liu would be bitten, and for this he also blame himself very much. Although he could perceive everything outside, but it required his full attention and concentration. He didn't always pay attention to the outside, so that Uncle Liu crawled out of the yard and was bitten.

Qin Luo had to let Liu Xie clean up an empty room and temporarily isolate Uncle Liu. Of course, Uncle Liu would not stay there honestly, so Qin Luo spent an afternoon, coaxing and scaring, and finally let Uncle Liu be honest. When he stepped out of the room and locked the door, he found that Mo Zheng was sitting by the door aggrieved.

When he saw him, he didn't speak, but just looked at him with pitiful eyes, and the Buddha would abandon him the next moment.

Qin Luo stepped forward and pulled up Mo, sighing "Why are you sitting here alone?"

Mo suddenly hugged Qin Luo, "I thought you would drive me away, or ignore me anymore."

Qin Luo rolled his eyes. "You are thinking wildly, it's all family, and whoever you see will take your family out casually."

Mo's face was serious. "Yes, it's in TV books. Some mothers will throw away their little children, couples who have lived for many years will be separated, and children who don't want to care for the elderly ..."

If it wasn't for Mo holding too tightly, Qin Luo would like to knock him a few times. "What messy programs have you watched? If thousands of mothers have thrown away their children, now the street is full of children. After all, are n’t there many families who care about each other and live together? ”

Mo puppy just like Qin Luo lingered, "Would you not drive me away?"

"Well, of course not." Qin Luo patted Mo's back.

"Then I did something wrong, wouldn't you drive me away?" Mo asked uneasily.

Qin Luo nodded, "Relax now?"

Mo has a rare grin and added in his heart, ‘then I can safely peek at you when you take a bath and bare butt. ’

Qin Luo also chuckled "seeing you laugh so happy, as for?"

Mo nodded, and secretly felt what Qin Luo was doing in the beginning, only to make him feel at ease; now maintaining this perception has become an indivisible habit.

The two hugged at the door for a while. Qin Luosi didn't feel anything wrong. Mo was like a child forced to elevate in his eyes. He was basically naive except for his appearance.

Before Mo had enough of Qin Luo, Liu Ye was calling Qin Luo's phone downstairs. It was said that Police Officer Gu called and had a private matter to find Qin Luo.

Qin Luo's brow was a frown. His last sentence that day was indeed to get close to Gu Qingyang, but he was somewhat ridiculous. Gu Qingyang's temper Qin Luo still knows well. At present, according to the relationship between the two and the stranger, what private affairs can he find for himself!

When answering the phone, Qin Luo felt that Gu Qingyang's condition seemed very bad, and he was breathing very quickly.

"Mr. Qin, you, what you said besides business affairs ... I, I can ask you for help, is this ... count?"