MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 3874 Indelible

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At this moment, the degraded person felt that the Golden Ring was attacked and the Golden Ring was damaged! This kind of golden ring is called "small steel circle" in the deep space. It is a very powerful defensive magic weapon. It was invented by a Dan genius. Even the degraded person saw the narrow steel ring for the first time. Surprisingly, relying on the energy of the state can create such a powerful magic weapon, and people's wisdom is infinite.

After obtaining the irregular epee, the degraded people use the polar energy to create the "narrow steel circle", but here is not a deep space environment. The manufacture of narrow steel rings requires a lot of specific processes and materials, and the degraded can only create a simplified Version.

Even the simplified version of the narrow steel ring defense is extremely amazing, it is impossible to be damaged under one hit! "what happened?"

The spirit of the king of snake spirit is a bit strange, why do the general decliners release such emotions?

"Someone is destroying your coordinates and my source light..." the descendant replied.


How can it be? ”

The spirit of the king of the snake spirit reveals an incredible color, and it is very passive to start thinking about the answer. The power of omniscience will give back the relevant answers as much as possible.

Including the thoughts of the people inside the Jade Terrace, why Luo Nian showed such a powerful force in vain attack, and the direction of Luo Zheng... He saw Luo Zheng filed a purple rifle and spurred the golden ring, while the narrow steel ring There have been many cracks on it.


Along with a crisp sound, the crack has covered the entire narrow steel ring, and a shot of a narrow steel ring will inevitably collapse! "stop!"

The king of the snake spirit was shocked, and it was immediately moved to the side of Luo Zheng to block the gun.

The reaction of the degraded person should have been faster than the snake spirit king, but he eventually gave the burial land to the snake spirit king, and the speed of the large movement was slower, so the reaction between the two was finally the same.

Just as the degraded and the snake king intended to move the space, the two Luo Zheng's avatars appeared behind them.


Two square spaces shrouded the degraded and the snake king.

"Oh..." They felt that the flowers in front of them would leave the burial land and float in the empty chaotic world.


The six pairs of compound eyes of the degraded person turned into a bright red, and the mood was more intense.

"Luo Zheng... Can he still control the burial place?"

After being expelled from the burial place, the snake spirit king responded.

"Incarnation in the body!"

Being exiled from this distance, it is not so easy for the snake spirit king to want to go back. It immediately created an incarnation in the body of Luo Zheng.

The incarnation of the snake spirit king has just appeared, and it has not yet had time to stop Luo Zheng. The bright purple rifle dragged the ruined polar energy point on the narrow steel ring.

"Oh..." The narrow steel ring covered with cracks still can't escape the fate of breaking.

A defensive magic weapon can withstand the destruction of the extreme three guns, has been very impressive ... long shots after the narrow steel ring did not stop, the path through the black light stab in the coordinates.


After the coordinates of the two golden crosses touch the ruinous pole, they are directly turned into a piece of finely divided golden powder.

The poor snake spirit king can clearly perceive everything through the burial ground. It even knows how many pieces of its own coordinates have broken down, but it can't stop this from happening. It can only stand in the same place. This kind of "omniscience" has What is the meaning?

"Save, save me..." The King of Snakes sent a final request for help to the degraded.

"You die from stupidity," the downcaster just ridiculed.

"I, I..." It can no longer speak, and the body of the dragon slowly turns into a snow white, from snow white to translucent, and eventually disappears completely into the degraded vision.

The culprit that brought the four spirits and the main world into destruction is so dead... The king of the snake spirit is behind, and the incarnation of the king of the snake spirit cannot move, like the body that lost the soul.

Luo Zheng reached out and pointed, and the purple rifle penetrated into the snake body. The avatar inside was smashed into a slag, and then he showed a light smile.

On the jade stage, the appearance of the snake spirit king was successively killed by Luo Nian, and Luo Nian originally calculated how long his physical strength could support, but the killing suddenly disappeared! Is Luo Zheng successful?

Or is the snake spirit king not wanting to accompany Luo to play?

After a little silence, everyone put their gaze on Luo Zhengfen, and this avatar was conceived with Luo Zheng’s consciousness.

"Luo Zheng... How?"

Asked the son-in-law.

The jade platform was very quiet and was waiting for Luo Zheng’s avatar to answer.

This stagnation of a breathing time, the original serious face on the corner of the mouth bent, said with a smile, "the snake spirit king coordinates have been cleared."

The bitter tree, the smell of the earth, the son-in-law, the Luo Nian, the Hua Tianming, etc., as well as the humanities and heroes in the pages of the book, stunned and then jumped up.

"It really became!"

"It's so easy!"

"This is the narrow road to meet the brave winners, the same as the world leader, the outcome is between the thoughts!"

The game between the controller and the controller is who is the best player. It is especially important to get the most critical information from the Lu Han in the big guess. This will test the advice of the girl.

Yuxi is a relaxed expression, this dream-like father finally died, and her curse that lasted thousands of chaotic eras is fulfilled.

When everyone was happy, Luo Zheng said, "Although the coordinates have been knocked out, the black light still exists, I can't erase it..." The Jade on the stage was originally immersed in optimistic emotions, Luo Zhengyi Said that the expression on their faces suddenly dignified.

They have not forgotten that the degrading is the biggest threat.

At the bottom of the mountain, Luo Zheng’s hands flashed one ring after another.

All kinds of polar energy take turns, no matter what the polar energy can't affect the black light.

"Hey..." A round of white rings released a glowing glow, directly merging the mountain, and the black light still remained motionless.

"Luo Zheng, how do you exclude this part of the area?"

The son-in-law on the jade stage gave advice to his avatar.

Luo Zheng’s eyes were slightly bright, and a blue ring flashed in front of him.

"Super-empty polar!"

"Oh..." A space that is ten inches long and ten miles high is not cut out. This space is completely isolated from the interior of the birthplace.


The material in this space contains black light and is exiled.

The huge space was exiled in the chaotic world, but the black light still floated in its original position and never moved.

This thing is more stubborn than he imagined... "The origin of the blood... can you have a solution?"

Luo Zheng helpless help.

Although the origin of the blood has been busy cracking the spar, but also concerned about the movement of Luo Zheng, it naturally noticed the black light early.

"I noticed in the Yuqingtian that there is something in this black light that I am familiar with," said the origin of the blood.

"What is it?"

Luo Zheng asked quickly.

"I can't say it, the relevant memory has been lost, maybe I can find the answer in the spar," answered the origin of the blood.

"..." Luo Zheng stared at the black light while communicating with the origin of the blood, and looked at the heart and raised some strange feelings. Someone in the black light stared at himself.

He just wanted to talk, and the laughter of the degraded person was heard from the black light.

"Oh... still discovered, you are keen."