MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 3892 Blend again

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According to the judgment of the evil god, he wanted to restore the energy to the thirteen grid world to find the answer.

But when the energy was restored to 12 squares, the evil **** had captured a hint of mystery.

The two "focal" energies of the twelve grid world, one for creation and one for destruction, have no characteristics. It can even be said that the two are common, and they are originally the front and back of an energy.

When the energy is reduced to 13 squares, the situation becomes even simpler.

Thirteen cells have no energy ...

The only mystery of the Thirteen Cells is to control "all" permissions.

When the evil **** touched this authority, he found the infinite energy hidden in the void.

"So beautiful……"

God sighed as he looked at the various light bands floating in the sky.

When the evil **** heard her words, she reached out her finger gently, and there was a small dark red light band on the index finger of Shen Tu, which looked like a delicate ring.

"this is……"

Shen Tu looked at this circle of light in surprise.

"The energy equivalent to a mother world is enclosed in it, and you can use it at any time," the evil **** smiled with a smile, "but it should not be used ..."

There is a lot of energy in a mother world, but the evil **** will face one of Luo Zheng or demote. The energy levels involved in fighting such an opponent are all "infinity". The energy on the finger of God Not enough to look at.

Still, Shen Tu's eyes were red with excitement.

Making the entire mother world into a ring is the biggest romance for her.

"The energy of the 'field' is in the shape of a light band, what is the form of the 'name'?" Asks the Master of Heaven.

He is also a very curious person and would like to take this opportunity to see it.

"Weigh ..."

"It's an unequal acute-angled energy."

"This is!"

Irregular triangles of energy appear in the sky.

"Coupling is a block of energy ..."

"This kind of energy can't be seen from the outside. So they are a complete whole when they appear, so the controllability of this kind of energy is extremely poor. I can't figure out how to fight in the eighth world."

The evil **** said to release pieces of "coupled" energy. These "coupled" energies have complex shapes that look like precise boxes, because in this complete form, almost no energy escapes.

"The" Mo "of the ninth grid world is more interesting. There is no fixed form ..."

"Tenth box ..."

Although the previous 2 billion brains of the evil gods restored energy little by little, the lack of infinite energy to support these energy can only exist in the mind.

The evil **** himself is also very curious about these energies, and now they are revealed layer by layer.

In the process, the battle in the burial ground remained deadlocked.


A layer of bright red glass enchantment was smashed.

Then the degrader fell into the illusion created by the extreme state of mind, and he could only exert the extra state energy to counter this illusion.

Just broke the illusion, and found himself enclosed in an extremely solid copper ball.


"Wow ..."

Various enchantments, seals he has broken more than a hundred layers.

For Luo Zheng, it is extremely simple and convenient to cast these enchantments and seals. With the blessing of unlimited energy, let alone 300, 3,000, and 30,000 layers can continue.

At the same time, he monitors the downgraders in the black light. When the downgraders attack the innermost enchantment, Luo Zheng will give infinite energy to that enchantment.

In this way, the downgrader breaks every layer of enchantment, which will take a lot of effort, and he will not smash all the outer enchantments in one fell swoop.

After the downgrader fought together, he found that the number of layers of these enchantment seals was beyond imagination, and he temporarily stopped thinking about the method of breaking the game.

What traps him now is a circle of "ice tombs". After giving infinite polar energy, the ice tombs can freeze all nearby materials, which is terrible.

But in the eyes of the demoted man, it is an opportunity for him to escape from difficulties.

This ice tomb is powerful, but its shortcomings are obvious. It is completely restrained by the extreme state of fire. Even if the ice tomb is blessed with absolutely unlimited energy, it can be easily broken.


Salary extremes are brewing in his hands.

His slender arms suddenly burst out of the black light and swept over the ice tomb.



A huge ice tomb collapsed directly.

Feeling the moment of the collapse of the ice tomb, Luo Zheng wanted to concentrate the absolute infinite energy on the next layer of seal.

"The enchantment at the back broke me all!"


Flames formed an irresistible torrent erupting.

The outer enchantment can't compete with it without the blessing of infinite energy. All the seals and enchantments are like a dam of paper pulp, which is washed down by the flame torrent!

"Wow ..."

After smashing all enchantments like a scorching rot, the voice of the downgrader resounded throughout the burial ground.

"This little trick just wants to suppress me in Yuanguang, it's just a delusion! Since the burial place can protect you well, then I will abandon it, how can you compete with me again?"

The black light allows infinite demons to regenerate, and the burial place also allows Luo Zheng to regenerate infinitely.

The birthplace even gave Luo Zheng more power, which was originally an unequal battle.

Now that the downgrader realizes that he will not destroy the burial place, he will not kill Luo Zheng.

"Om ..."

In a blink of an eye, the demote has reached the edge of the burial ground.

A round of golden sun rises from the descender's body, devours everything around it, and directly burns the burial ground into a large hole.

The downgrader even flew along the edge, and under the engulfing of the golden sun, he marked a huge gap on the surface of the burial ground.

Luo Zheng flashed in shape, trying to intercept the demote.

The downgrader did not pause at all, his body flickered, and he appeared on the other end of the burial ground to continue devouring the next moment.

Standing in the chaotic world and looking far away, it seems that there is a huge bug that eats away the gaps in the burial ground.

When these gaps accumulated to a certain extent, the burial ground finally collapsed.

Luo Zheng was powerless to stop and could only watch this scene happen.

But at the moment when the burial ground collapsed, Luo Zheng had a subtle feeling in his heart. He felt that he was integrated into a larger place of birth.

Beyond the burial ground should be a chaotic world.

How could there be a place of birth?

Luo Zheng fell into extreme confusion.

"Are you surprised?"

The voice of the evil **** sounded in his ear.

As Luo Zheng looked around, the shape of the evil **** slowly condensed not far away, and with a mocking look in his eyes, he said, "It's a waste of not being able to deal with the downgrade guy for so long, so let me do it for you."