MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 593 queen

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The endless sea, isolated from the Oron Extra Large 6 and the New Grand 6 level ocean, its area is far from the Orient Extra 6. If there is no Oraksa's guidance, even if the current strength of Xiwei wants to find the reality of the water element plane It is no less than a needle in a haystack. .

Human beings grow on the earth and are naturally not adapted to the battle in the water. However, for Xiwei, this trip to the water elemental plane has a better choice than the Arcane Corps, which is the Naga in the deep sea.

Since Fleet inherited the **** golden scales and became the new Queen of Naga, the Violet began to penetrate deeply and changed everything in this closed ocean plane in a subtle way.

It has become the earliest adventure, exploration and growth place for the teachers and students of Violet. The towers at the center of the plane are often staffed. With the support of Fleiya, the Naga Kingdom is rich in economy, culture and military. The aspects began to be closely integrated with the Violet, and the Sagarnal Guards, who had fallen under 3,000 people, had put on the system armor and weapons that were designed and produced by Zero and were most used in marine operations, and the Grand Duke Act Linna has established a new magic school in the deep sea, teaching the course of the Violet Element School, and has cultivated a large number of new magic talents for the Naga Kingdom.

In the past two years, Freya has been in a state of waking up while sleeping. Under the full monitoring and promotion of Xiwei, Freya has almost left her father, the former tyrant of the sea, Francis, to her greatest legacy, blood eyes. The power of the golden scales is completely stimulated and mastered. At this moment, she has risen to the highest peak under the legend, and the real combat power has already completed the opposition to Yang and Meryl.

When Xiwei once again entered the deep sea plane, the elite of the entire Naga kingdom has gathered in the kingdom of Saganaar, 3,000 Guards, and 400 Naga Masters are ready to go. rainbow.

The eight-armed Naga Filizel not only got the epic sword and armor that she had tailored for her, but also went further on the martial art. She really entered the legendary rank and became a sword saint, a set of eight handles. The epic long sword seems to have survived in her hands, with a demon charm and horrible lethality in battle.

The Grand Duke Farina is often transformed into a human being at the Violet Academy. Today she is no longer a classical elemental mage of the Seventh Ring, but a strong man who has become a five-star Arcanist and an eight-ring magician, even In the entire Violet system is also ranked in the front sequence, and she has the backing of the entire Naga Kingdom, the future has a great probability to break through the barriers and enter the legendary field.

Although the two are highly weighted, they maintain the highest respect and the most solemn etiquette in the face of Xiwei, because they know that the youth in front of them is not the small middle-level wizard three years ago, but one. The legendary magician who is unpredictable and trend-setting, the future arcian.

More importantly, the Master Xiwei broke the hundreds of thousands of years of closure of the Naga kingdom, but did not enslave the Naga people, but launched a fair trade and exhibition strategy, which made the Naga Kingdom embark on a The fast track of Gaozhan, in this short period of three years, the whole kingdom has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the life of the Naga people has also greatly improved.

Therefore, when Xiwei made a request for the Naga Kingdom to play, whether the Grand Duke Farina or the Grand Marshal Feilizel agreed without hesitation, under the **** of the two, Xiwei entered the depths of the palace. .

Among the glorious aunts, the Naga Queen Freya is sleeping quietly, and the faint golden brilliance dyes her whole person into dazzling colors. The white and delicate skin seems to be a transparent white jade, and the lower body is golden. The scales are densely covered on the long tail of the snake, bringing a demon beauty.

Xiwei noticed that the third apostle, Freya, had really grown up. She not only grew from one meter to five, but also matured too much in a short time. Growing to the most mature and most attractive years, this is largely a side effect of her activation of blood-stained golden blood.

Xiwei used the mystery of the mind to wake up the sleeping Freya. Frya, who was half-awake and half-awake, sat up and saw the figure that reflected in the field of vision. The sweet smile instantly bloomed like a flower, and the light blue shirt could not cover it. Her proud figure, she jumped lightly to the glory of the aunt, the golden scale snake tail turned into two white smooth human long legs.

Can do this step, there is no doubt that Fryia has taken a step closer to completely controlling the blood in the body. When Xiwei was feeling, Fraya jumped into his arms with a sigh of relief. The hands clasped his neck tightly, and the eyes of the two men only had a palm wide distance.

Looking at Xiwei for a long time with a pair of blue eyes like a sea, Freya finally spoke up: "It seems that you have not completely forgotten me, Xiwei mentor."

"You will always be my student, Frya." Xiwei felt that a kind of emotion called 暧昧 between the two was growing, and quietly opened the legs of Freya in his waist. The feeling of fineness and creaminess seems to be endless.

Frya’s heart is beating vigorously. She wants to cross the invisible barrier between the two, but she suffers from the loss. She is afraid of losing her existing close relationship. After repeated thoughts, Frya finally sighs. Released his hands and stood in front of Xiwei.

The big duke Farina, who was behind Xi Wei, and the Grand Marshal Feilizel smiled at each other. For the little queen, they have a mother-like concern. This is naturally a favorite.

The Naga people are not as rigorous as the human beings in marriage. They can say that they really dare to love and hate, and even if they can't live with them forever, as long as they can leave each other's children, it is also the best way to remember this relationship. .

On the tip of Xiwei's fingertips, there were three flashing blue crystals, and three eyebrows slowly infiltrated into it. The information about the water elemental plane battle was located in the three memory crystals.

"The Deep Sea Queen Kay Noah is our enemy? Very good, Xiwei Tutor, Naga listen to your command and execute your will!" Deep Sea Queen Kay Noah is in the same strength as the undead King Bades. The enemy of the level of terror, and this battle did not have the battle of the likes of the morning sun, Ulysses, and the changing Lord Victor, but Frye’s face did not have a trace of fear, because she knew the West. Wei is a person who will never act rashly. She has absolute unreserved trust in him.

Xiwei naturally felt this trust. His hand patted Fryia's shoulder gently. He still wanted to touch her head as in the past, but now Frya is only slightly lower than him. The action is somewhat inappropriate.

"Do not worry, Fryia, you will gain more in this battle, it will be the road to the legend and the food!" Xiwei is the color.

Obviously, the former sea witch, now the deep sea queen, Canoya, controls a large part of the power of the source of water, stealing the authority from the tide king Nyten.

The goal of this battle of Xiwei is not simply to defeat the incarnation of the water element plane, but to completely defeat the deep sea queen and take out the power of the source she has mastered.

And Freya now has the potential to touch the power of the source, even if it is only the smallest share of the source of water, it will be very helpful for her future growth.

Three days later, the Violet appeared in the port of Juniper. Nearly one hundred monks wearing dark green martial arts uniforms boarded the Violet. Each of the nearly one hundred monks should not be underestimated. The tempering has reached an extreme, their ranks range from six to nine, and the real power is even stronger.

Undoubtedly, this is the essence of the entire Yunxiao Mountain, and it also reflects the determination and sincerity of the great masters.

Finally, in the golden sun, with a quaint fight, wearing a black martial arts suit, with a green long bamboo poles picking a pot of fine wine flowing in front of the West.

His pace is not too slow, but with a wonderful charm, as if it is integrated with the surrounding grass and trees, this is undoubtedly a mysterious field, a mysterious force that Xiwei is not good at.

Standing on the boat, I looked back at the Junshi Fortress under the golden morning light, and the Yunxiao Mountain surrounded by the distant clouds. The clouds turned and turned to face the blue sea: "Out!"

Xiwei nodded. The huge elemental wheel in the cabin of the Violet was driven. With the long whistle, the Violet left the castle and quickly passed through the golden sea to the endless sea. The mysterious The location of the water element plane.

Today, the Violet is no longer the only sailboat. It is a class warship designed and built by Zero and Xiwei. It is driven by elemental furnace and made of steel. Although it is impossible to achieve the 12 magical guides of the Holy Norman Empire. The armored ship flew above the sky, but it also easily crushed any other surface warship.

"Now the Holy Norman Empire and the Dark Parliament are performing the final decisive battle. The situation is deadlocked. I don't know how you look at Xiwei?" In the command room of the Violet, Xiwei and Liu Yunxiao are chatting, and there are also Christine and Mei. Lier, as well as the second disciple of the torrents, "Iron bones" Noah.

"The once dark parliament has two main forces: the death spirit and the abyss demon. The rest of the forces are also fighting each other. Although it can't be said that it is a loose sand, it is also a big one, and it is difficult to reach a consensus, especially when it comes to hard bones." : "But since the undead king Bades died and entered the soul to wait for the resurrection, the situation began to change gradually. Among the two kingdoms of humanity, the pressure of the Kingdom of France was greatly reduced, and the Church of the Morning Lord also took the opportunity to expand. It can be said that it is extremely stable. Bades died, the dark parliament and the incompetent and the abyss demon contenders, including the dark elves, the scorpion fish, the blood races began to gradually move around the strategy of the abyss demon, all the pressure is sacred On the Norman Empire, I am afraid that it will be difficult to last!"

"Yes, I thought that the Dark Council was difficult to integrate. I didn't expect to attack the Holy Norman Empire at all costs. Although the Empire is the most powerful force of mankind, it is difficult to support it. Once it is defeated, the human side has almost no chance of winning. Flowing clouds sighed: "I have written to major forces such as Norman, France, the Tower of Thousand Laws, and the Holy See. I hope that we can hold a summit and unite to face the Dark Council. We must not let the Empire fall. under!"

Xiwei nodded. Now the Holy Norman Empire can almost be said to be the only one to counter the entire dark parliament. In this case, the French kingdom, Violet, and Juniper, have a safe environment. Admire the empire's profound national strength, but can't just sit back and watch it. It is the time to unite all the forces that can unite to fight the Dark Council.

"Master, you and me are also very important in this battle. Once you get rid of the water elemental plane, you can even harm the undead king Baddes, and master the water source. No one can do it we must defeat her and even create the opportunity to completely defeat Canoa, and look at the entire Dark Council, and the semi-god-level Supreme is one of the few!"

"In order to seize the source, 寇 诺 娅 娅 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然 必然

The next battle to be born can be said to be the toughest battle since Xiwei came to Orient. The importance of this battle for the Big 6 is no less than the exception of the Magino line. The battle of King Baders, but the difference is that the self of this war has jumped to the dominant position.

The strength of the deep sea queen Kay Noah is absolutely not to be underestimated, and the squid is also the most brutal and chaotic evil race in the entire multi-planet. The proportion of the strong in this race is very high. At least 20 legendary fishermen, including the casters and priests, are among the more legendary and above, and they are even more powerful in the ocean. The war power of this race is simply overwhelming the majority of Orient's 6 orcs, and the combination with the deep sea queen, Canoya, has an effect of one plus one far greater than two, if there is no self-attack. Xiwei is not optimistic about the fate of the tide king Nyten, in other words, 寇Kanoya has a high probability of success.

For this battle, Xiwei is also fully prepared, and Christine and Meryl's expedition is not within his plan. Kristen is accompanied by the combat power of the new career of the Starmaster, and Meryl is also to understand the power of lightning from the source of water, to find inspiration and direction for the future road.

However, Xiwei is not worried about their safety. If they are there, they will not have any accidents, even if they are facing the true body of the deep sea queen.