MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 612 Coronation

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On the night of May 31, 1789, in a small three-story garden villa in the center of the Vial Chamber of Commerce, the West Victorian and Natalia leaned against the railing and talked under the stars.

"How about talking to the Duke of Creteil today?" Xiwei asked the fiance of his fiancee and asked with concern.

"With the support of you, Yulichia and Victor, there is no suspense in this matter. It is just a small problem in the procedural, but I have to change my name to Charlie. I intend to turn Bonaparte into me. The middle name, I am Natalya Bonaparte Charlie in the future!” Natalia, holding the arms of Xiwei, gently swayed: “Xiwei, we will have at least two children in the future, one Inheriting the throne of France, one inheriting the Bonaparte family, is it good?!"

"Of course, as long as you are happy, you can have a whole band!" Xiwei smiled and replied.

"Cut, how could it be so much, I am not a sow!" Natalia raised her mouth.

"Tomorrow is your official coronation ceremony, are you ready?"

"Of course, Xiwei! I am a Corsican, also a Frenchman. Now my father is dead, and I am also dead. France is in a storm. I am confident that I will lead this country forward and defeat. All enemies!" Natalia smiled and looked at Xiwei: "I have an omnipotent lover after all."

“Remember the promise we made? From tomorrow, you and I will truly stand in the center of the stage of Orient, and perform your own wonderful!”

"In mind, this time, we are the protagonist!" Natalya replied confidently, her eyes filled with embarrassment for the future.

On the early morning of the next day, the solemn gate of Versailles opened wide. Three days ago, the funeral of Charles VIII's Olong was held here. His body was buried in the Fontainebleau Palace and the country mourned.

Today, it is the new king of France, Charlie IX's ceremony, almost all the qualified nobles of the entire French kingdom are gathered here, and the luxury carriages outside the Palace of Versailles are one after another, almost blocking the spacious avenue.

By the time of the ninth magic in the morning, the great figures of the upper class of the whole kingdom arrived. The early morning Pope Anseus, the French Prime Minister Sergios, and the Marquis of the Noble Senate Creteil were not the most distinguished big men.

Victor Hugo, Dean of the Royal Academy of Magical Sciences, President of the French Wizards Association, Fifth Law, Lord of Change, today he is wearing a white mage robe with a white mage cap and looks Quite low-key, but no one can ignore his influence on the empire.

Yurihiya, the Lord of the Morning, a Supreme God, is now the only remaining hope of the whole of Orient to fight against the darkness. One third of the population of the kingdom has become her follower. She has not appeared in the public for a long time. In front of you.

The head of the Violet, Sylvester Frost, a seemingly young and over-examined lord, but no one can underestimate his strength and influence. He played a decisive role in the battle against the undead king Baddes. The role of it, in the previous period, defeated the deep sea queen, Kanano, almost integrated the power of the entire Orient magic world, is a well-deserved giant.

He also has a more eye-catching identity, that is, the new French King, Natalya's fiance, who will be crowned.

With the support of these three people, Natalia's coronation has no suspense, even Prince Olsinki and Queen Barbara can only avoid it.

Princess Lucia looked at the distant Xiwei complex. She also returned from the Violet College not long ago. Her father’s death brought her a big blow, and she did not expect Natalia to inherit the throne.

When the bells of the Notre Dame in the faraway ringed nine times, accompanied by two costumed maids, the new king of France, Natalia Bonaparte Charlie, wore a golden armor from the back of the main hall. The red carpet came out.

This is the king's armor of Navita's traits. While demonstrating the king's prestige, it also guarantees her beauty as a woman, complex and magnificent to the extreme, and solemn and solemn.

The appearance of Natalia caused many people to marvel, and many people who originally had conflicts in their hearts seemed to be less hostile to her.

Natalya looked at her head and walked in front of the aristocratic veteran where the Duke of Creteil was.

"Natalya Bonaparte Charlie, as the heir of the great golden lion family, today in this sacred hall, can you show the strength of the golden lion's blood and win the glory and blessing of the ancestors? "The Duke of Creteil, a gold-white robes, asked solemnly.

Natalya slightly decapitated, stimulating the blood of the body. In this sacred hall, in the royal palace of the Charlie family, the blood of the golden lion almost instantly excites the extreme, the whole hall shines with golden brilliance, the ancestors of the past The illusion of oneness emerges one by one.

Almost everyone sighed at this moment on one knee, paying tribute to the first kings of France.

Natalya now has more blood activation than any of the first kings, so she quickly received the approval of the first king. From this moment on, she became the owner of the Palace of Versailles. Queen of France.

The Duke of Creteil handed the golden scepter in his hand to Natalia, a symbol of the king's rights.

Natalia stood up and walked again to the front of the morning sun, Ulysia.

Since Natalya is already the source of the gods, this time it was not crowned by Pope Ances, but the younger lady of the morning, Eurichia, personally crowned her, more special = yes, Natalya does not need to The Lord of the Morning is offering faith because she is the goddess of war in the future.

Natalya bowed her head slightly, and Ulysia personally put a golden crown with thirty-six diamonds on Natalya's head. This is the crown of the king.

"To be loyal to the new king!" headed by the Duke of Creteil, all the French aristocrats in the hall, including the Barbara three, kneel on the ground, from this moment, Natalya boarded the throne of France !

"My king, the two million people of Pai Li are looking forward to the glory of the new king. Please also board the carriage and carry out a parade around the city!" The Duke of Creteil, leading the leader with a scepter wearing a crown Talia boarded a royal carriage with a 12-wheel drive. The carriage of the carriage was taken down to facilitate the exchange of the king and all the subjects.

This step is not a necessary procedure, but now the southwestern part of France is in the territory of the south, and the king is dead. It is in great sorrow and sorrow. The new king’s ascension will bring new hope to the people. This is the best at this stage. Heart needle.

Natalia left the Versailles with a carriage. Today almost all the Paars appear on both sides of the parade. The patrolmen and the guards are doing their best to maintain order and smooth roads. Only for one person.

Today's Natalya is so dazzling, her heroic and feminine perfection is combined, and the king of the king is so powerful, it can be said that she will conquer her future subjects in an instant.

Natalya looked at the French people on both sides of the road. Her eyes were slightly moist, and she gently waved her left hand and gestured to everyone.

Suddenly someone shouted loudly: "Long live the Queen, Long live France!"

The next moment, the mountain shouted, the whole city was boiling.

"Long live the Queen, Long live France!"

Finally, the Queen's car came to the Luxembourg Square, which is the largest square in Pai, and tens of thousands of people are waiting for it. The back of the car is followed by a rolling stream of people who can't see the end.

Natalia walked off the car and came to the stage, where she will give a speech.

Although it was the first time to give a speech in front of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and two million people, Natalya was not nervous at all. Her voice was resounding through the whole of Pai Li with the help of magic. Everyone listened. Clear and clear.

"French people, France, with a thousand-year history, has reached the edge of the country!"

"Half a month ago, I was a member of the Bonaparte family. Our country defeated the undead spirit. Under the invasion of the Dark Parliament, the entire Orient was only the Holy Norman Empire and France maintained a glorious independence. status."

"However, the devil broke through the Xinghai Fortress. The entire Holy Norman Empire was spared only from the capital, Vienna. All other territories fell, and the whole of Orient was seen. Only the country of France is still standing. Only the loyal, courageous, tough, fearless Frenchman Still continuing to fight evil!"

"The devil shamelessly attacked France, not only my father, Count Bonaparte, but also the mother of Princess Olivia, and even our great first king, Aolong’s majesty also died in the battle with the tyrannical master~www.novelbuddy .com~ I went to the battlefield, and the first king fought to the last moment, which brought tremendous trauma to the tyrannical master. He is a fearless warrior, a great king!"

"Today, in the days when the storms of the mountains and rivers fell, Natalya Bonaparte Charlie put on the crown of the king and boarded the throne of France and became your king!"

"I want to ask all the French people, the first king's revenge, do we want to report? The 28 million French people in the south are falling, do we want to save? Do you still have the courage to fight for justice and glory?"

"Revenge! Revenge! Revenge!" The blood of almost everyone's heart was guided by Natalya's war, even the most timid and weak people became brave and impassioned at this moment.

"Very good, the French people are the greatest people in the whole world. We will never compromise and never surrender! Even if we fight to the last soldier, we must expel the enemy completely from our homeland. As long as we unite and unite as one. There is only one ending to the enemy, and that is ruin!"

"Death! Destruction! Perish!" At this moment, all the French people united in the side of the Queen Natalia under the clash of the state, fighting for fate!