MTL - Arrival of the Wealthy Wife-Chapter 5 My wife hurts herself]

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pile! Stack, stack...

Once, once, again, very regularly.

The climate in autumn is getting cooler, and the temperature in the mountains is even lower. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is the Double Ninth Festival. There is no need to climb high. A lazy person has already felt the chill of the autumn wind.

However, it is covered by mountains, and it is located at the mountain site where two mountains meet, so although it is cool, the cold wind cannot blow in, and the heavy snow in winter rarely falls here, only sporadic snowflakes cover it. Xiaotiandi, independent from the world of mortals, without being disturbed by the outside world.

The slightly dark iron-colored stone bed is covered with mattresses made of fur, most of which are rabbit fur, followed by fox fur, squirrel fur and other miscellaneous fur, some are white, some are gray, and some are dark iron red. A large piece, spread flat on the bed, warm and harmonious.

The two quilts were both very large, and Shuangming, who thought he had grown up, covered one by himself, and rolled it into a shrimp-like shape when he was sleeping. The whole person was curled up in the quilt, only the black hair on the top of his head was exposed.

This is an insecure way of sleeping for him, and he is especially dependent on the child's mother, who follows her wherever she goes, and feels anxious when she leaves her sight.

The mother and daughter shared the same quilt. Sister Yue was used to kicking the quilt, so Li Jinger would press the corners of the quilt with her elbows when sleeping, while Shuang was prone to nightmares, tossing and turning all night, yelling: Dad, mother, Brother, don't leave me...

In fact, she has a deep shadow. Among the three children, she is the only one who still has the memory of fleeing. Although she no longer recognizes the appearance of her biological parents, the feeling of being cruelly abandoned is still there. Her fear is in her heart. Three to five years cannot be eliminated.

As usual, Li Jinger, who is used to getting up early, always wakes up at midnight. Without a clock, she relies on her body instincts to open her eyes around the same hour.

A gleam of light has penetrated the small square window, but it is not very bright, it is foggy, and it is close to dawn but not bright.

pile! pile! pile…

what! what sound?

Li Jinger, who has been busy in the mountains for half a month, wants to be lazy for a day, and office workers have two days off every week, so it doesn't matter if she sleeps in occasionally! The tired body needs rest, and the energy is enough to cope with the beginning of the day, and the children are quite noisy when they make a fuss.

But today there was something unusual. I don't know if she had a problem with her ears or she was too sensitive. She seemed to hear a strange sound coming from outside the stone house, like splitting wood.

But in the deep mountains and wild ridges, who would go to the mountains to cut wood without anything to do, and it’s not because they are full of food and have nothing to do, waving their arms to exercise their bodies.

Thinking of the traps she had set up, she closed her eyes with peace of mind, wanting to have a thorough sleep and sleep until noon before getting up.

When she was still Li Yun, she ran for ten kilometers almost every day rain or shine. Firefighters needed physical strength and could not be idle. On the scene of the fire, she was the rescuer who was relied on. If she was unable to put out the fire and save people, it was Live up to this sacred work.

She just traveled through time to give birth, and she is still in confinement, so she has no chance to run or anything, but she still does some sit-ups or some yoga that can reduce the abdomen when people are not paying attention, so as to make her body full of energy and blood. Slowly recuperate and return to a healthy state as much as possible.

In fact, cutting pigweed and chopping pigweed is also a kind of physical training. Every time Mrs. Wu calls her to walk faster than anyone else, she uses the movements of waving her arms, cutting grass, and chopping materials to improve her body's strength, and further strengthen her weak body. Adjust your posture to be able to lift heavy objects.

It was also thanks to those months of self-training that she was able to survive the months of fleeing with her children and live in the stone house.

pile! pile! pile! pile…

Is it a woodpecker?

When Li Jinger, who was woken up repeatedly, couldn't stand the continuous voice anymore, she decided to get out of bed and see, if she was disturbed like this, she would have a nervous breakdown.

Without lifting the quilt, she sneaked out of the quilt lightly, looked down at the innocent sleeping faces of her daughters, kissed them on the forehead, then pulled up the quilt and tucked the corners of the quilt, so that the two little ones The girl would not catch cold, so she slowly crawled over the big bed and got out of bed.

Four pairs of fluffy slippers are placed neatly under the bed. Rabbit fur slippers are worn in autumn and winter, snakeskin slippers in summer, and spring is casual.

The stone house, which is warm in winter and cool in summer, is a real stone house. It was originally a naturally formed cave, and the walls inside are all made of hard stones. The previous person who lived there made stone beds, stone tables, and some daily necessities.

Li Jinger and her son only need to clean up and buy some daily utensils. The stone floor is very smooth and easy to take care of. She uses a homemade mop to mop the floor once in the morning and once in the evening. The children will not lose it when they lie on the ground and roll around Dirty clothes, no dust in the house.

"Huh! It's so cold..."

Opening the heavy but beast-proof iron-wooden door, Li Jinger took a deep breath of fresh air, feeling that his lungs were refreshed, and a breath of primitive mountain forest penetrated into his nose, and his mind froze instantly. Clear, have a blast.

pile! pile! pile! pile…

There is still some white mist in the large open space for children to play in front of the stone house, and the flowing mountain wind is like an elf in the forest, guarding the tranquility.

Walking forward following the strange sound, Li Jinger came to the Yongquan, vaguely, she saw the back of a man, holding up the ax she had just bought in his hand, and seemed to have no effort to chop it down, she carried it A dozen or so miles of wood that was going to be used as an outdoor picnic table was split in half horizontally.

Covering her mouth, she almost exclaimed, her eyes glowed with admiration, her arm strength is too amazing, she can split it with a single strike of an axe, the two pieces of wood are about the same size, like a straw cup, a toss Go down and both sides go up to form a laughing hand.

Suddenly, she was a little thirsty, her throat was tight, and she stared intently at the back of her bare upper body. It was not an overdeveloped muscle, but the lines were clear and graceful, combining power and beauty, especially the angry arm muscles...

Eh! She seemed to be a little yearn for spring, and her body was hot.

She lost her mother at the age of fourteen, kept her filial piety for three years, married at the age of seventeen, gave birth to a daughter the next year, stayed at her husband's house for another six months, was driven away, and then lived alone for a year.

After doing the math, it turned out that he was almost twenty years old.

In modern times, this age is a female college student and a big friend who is a little older than a child, but in ancient times, she was already "old". She thinks that such an older woman is equivalent to a modern person's thirty years old, so the physical changes are a natural reaction. Like a tiger, forty like a wolf.

It's normal for her to be...hungry....

"Ms. Jing?"

Maybe his eyes were too hot, and the man who sensed that someone was looking at him turned around suddenly.

"Ah! Why are you?!"

Seeing a face with distinct features, Li Jinger jumped back screaming and stared at the tall figure walking towards her in shock.

"Morning! Jing Niang, you woke up really early, it's still cold outside, you go back to the house and sleep for a while, don't catch a cold." He spoke like a husband who loves his wife, reluctant to let her get up early.

"What the **** is it early? What are you doing here?" The maze-like traps she set up are not easy to crack, combined with the crystallization of wisdom from the 21st century.

Li Jing'er doesn't understand the five elements and gossip, but she has gone through countless mazes, and she is a maze lover. In addition, she is good at using the terrain, so in the layout, there is truth in the false, and the false in the real makes people go astray. After many twists and turns, I walked out from the original road, and I definitely couldn't get to the exit.

Unless you see the strangeness in it and find the secret passage that also has traps.

"Chopping firewood." He smiled, showing his white teeth, and his eyes were bright.

Seeing the pile of firewood split like a hill, the corners of Li Jing'er's mouth twitched involuntarily. Those were enough for her to survive the winter. She had already split the wall for several months, but he finished it in one or two hours. …

This... People are more annoying than others. It is a happy thing to have someone help chop wood, but she feels that her blood pressure is rising and her blood vessels are about to burst.

The gap in strength is too big, it's too embarrassing.

Li Jing'er originally thought that she could match the abilities of a man as a woman, and she could do what a man could do, and she would never lose.

But she was slapped in the face. Xiao Jingfeng told her with his strength that men and women are inherently different. Her belief was just to deceive others. Squeeze to death.

"What I'm asking is why are you here?" Illusion, it's an illusion, he doesn't exist, I'm sleepy, and I have hallucinations.

With a solemn smile, Xiao Jingfeng stroked her slightly messy hair. "I came to my wife who seemed to have eight legs and was very fast."

"Where did your wife come from, and Li Li, and Li Li, do you understand? There is no husband and wife relationship between you and me. I am Mrs. Li, and you are Xiao Baihu." She couldn't help shouting, venting her chest pain. anger.

Who likes to be groped to the door of the house in the middle of the night without a sound, if she has evil intentions, she has to bear the humiliation and swallow the dark loss, so that people can get it for nothing.

It seems that the stone house is not as safe as expected.

"I said that I disagree, and I will go back to Minjiang County after a while, and requesting cancellation and withdrawal of documents will not count without my own permission." No one can do things against his will on his behalf, he There are wives and daughters, why not?

"Father and mother are acting as ghostwriters. Disobedience is an act of disobedience. A little girl like me can see it away. Why can't you just let go of your majestic man and give each other a way out?" What is he stubborn about? Women are everywhere. Catch a handful.

Li Jing'er really couldn't understand his thoughts, isn't it a great pleasure for a man to get promoted, get rich and die his wife? He could be an official even when he was a soldier, why worry about not being able to marry a wife.

She asked herself that she was fair in appearance, better looking than ordinary peasant women, but she was far behind the daughters in the city. The beautiful little official's daughter is no problem.

So, why is he chasing her so hard, everyone just pretended not to have this matter and let it go, who would stage a "recognition" scene thousands of miles away?

"I will take care of it with my parents, you don't have to worry." As long as they are given enough silver taels, the second elder will open his heart to accept his wife and daughter.

"You solve it?" She snorted coldly, and poked his honey-colored index finger at his chest, "Have you asked my wishes? Why should I go back to the Xiao family where the whole family bullied me alone? Life at first sight It’s my daughter who didn’t even help me with confinement, I was so hungry that I couldn’t even get out of bed, your mother insisted that I was pretending to be dead, and pulled me out of bed by pulling my hair to cut wheat in the field...”

She was really furious at that time, feeling that the original owner had been wronged, she opened her mouth and bit Granny Wu's arm, threatening with fierce eyes that if she dared to touch her again, she would die with her.

Mrs. Wu, who was bitten bloody, was frightened, and said it was unlucky. When she met a lunatic, she simply dropped her hand and ignored her, to see when she would give in.

It was also because Mrs. Wu didn't care about her life or death that she could secretly ask the kind-hearted Ninth Aunt to bring her water and confinement meals to survive the most difficult month.

"Jing Niang, with me here..." No one can hurt her anymore.

Li Jinger sneered again, "Do you know what your good brother is up to? He has made a deal with the empress of Wanhualou in the town. When Sister Yue'er is raised until she is three years old, she will be sent to the building for training. When she grows up, Guishui You can sign up to pick up customers as soon as you pass.”

At that time, she was squatting by the well to wash clothes, listening to Xiao Laosan and his wife happily talking about the matter in the house, and she was quite regretful that the second room only had one child. If they had more children, they would not be rich. Selling fifty taels, four or five would be more than two hundred taels, and they could buy land and become landlords.

That year, due to the drought and floods, the land was sold at a very low price, and it was sold very cheaply. Originally, good land with more than seven or eight taels of silver could be bought for two taels of silver.

"What?!" He was so startled that he dropped the ax in his hand without realizing it, and a surge of anger welled up in his heart, burning his entire chest.

If Xiao Jingrong was in front of him at this time, his arms like iron stones would have grabbed his throat, and he would have lost half his life if he didn't die.

How dare the third child, how dare he have such vicious thoughts, his Xiao Jingfeng's daughter would also dare to sell her to such a place, she is simply insane.

"Xiao Jingfeng, I'm here to tell you frankly that I will never go back to the den of coyotes who want to gnaw my flesh and blood. Unless you sever ties with them and never communicate with them, there is no possibility for us." Make it clear Yes, he doesn't have to worry about it.

"Jingniang, you are making things difficult for me. You know that blood relationship cannot be broken..." No matter how bad his parents and brothers are, they are still his relatives. Not from.

People know how to act with propriety, but do not stand without propriety.

"Who said it can't be broken, your mother can break it simply, as long as she can drive me away and save my food, she doesn't even want her granddaughter, and directly gave me a letter of breaking her relationship, saying that sister Mingyue is not Xiao Xiao. A descendant of the family, now her surname is Li, and her name is Li Shuangyue...

"Look! You don't know what your daughter's name is, do you?! You Xiao family are all wolf-hearted, you don't even give her a name, and you ask her to collect debts, so what if she collects debts, she collects my debts, I Willing to let her beg for it, your Xiao family doesn't want me, I don't believe you can't live without the wolf den..."

The more Li Jinger spoke, the angrier she became, her eyes were red with anger.

"It's not me, I didn't..." Xiao Jingfeng was at a loss for what to say by her cold words, his face was flustered, he didn't know that her resentment towards the Xiao family was so deep.

"You are an accomplice even if you don't have one, because you are too submissive. You only want to have a harmonious family in everything. You can shoulder what the brothers don't want to do. But you are not the only son in the Xiao family. Why should you carry it for others? Well-intentioned connivance caused them to get whatever they want, and even your wife and daughter are not valued, they think this is what the second wife should do, if you don't do it, who will do it?"

The eldest is cunning, the third is slippery, the mother-in-law is strong, the father-in-law is ignorant, and the Xiao family is determined to work hard without complaining. The old cow is still easy to use, and he is willing to take care of his family.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

In contrast, the selfishness and sentimentality of the Xiao family did not develop in a short period of time. The eldest son was the eldest son, who had high hopes and received a lot of attention since childhood. What is the third son, who is especially doted on? The temperament to reach out.

Only the second child is not cared about, ignored, and he will do things that others do not do, silently, silently... Over time, it becomes a habit, and finally becomes what he should do, and the other Xiao family members are happy to see it If you succeed, you will gain without paying.

"Jing Niang, give me time to change it." After listening to her words, Xiao Jingfeng thought about it seriously, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he actually felt horrified.

Is the selfishness of his own family really created by him unintentionally?

Looking back on the past, he really did a lot of things for the family. It was spring plowing, and no one went to the fields for him to do it. During the autumn harvest season, he was tired of harvesting. Then he drove the cattle to plow the field. The third brother complained that his leg hurt, and he came to carry the rice bag. The mother was short of money, so he found a part-time job and handed over all the money he earned.

"You can change it, but your family can't. What they think about is how to drain other people's blood, not how to use the money for everyone. Your heart and my heart are not the same heart." People's hearts are biased, The lengths of the five fingers sticking out are also different.

He was almost speechless by what she said, and he was powerless to fight back. The temperament of the Xiao family is exactly as she said, mud can't support the wall, even if he wants to, he can't change it.

He nana said: "I am always the father of the child, you have to let me recognize her! I am just such a girl."

Seeing his aggrieved lowering of his posture, Li Jinger, who knew it was not his fault, didn't want to be too difficult. "I don't want to hear that there is only one daughter. If you want to recognize your daughter, you have to recognize all three. You are not allowed to talk in front of the children. I treat them as my own. Don't blame me for being ruthless if you hurt anyone."

Ugly words are said first, villains first, and gentlemen second.

"Where did the other two come from?" Especially the biggest one, who came to collect debts, and every time he saw him, he would show a ferocious face, as if he had come to rob his mother.

"I picked it up." He said it simply and to the point.

"Picked it up?" She was full of confidence, treating other people's children as her own.

For a large number of ancient people who were born casually, they could not understand the pain of not having children in modern life. One or two are treasures, given the best education, the best growth environment, food and clothing. The best, can't stand secondaries.

Li Shuangjing's father runs a real estate company, and his mother is a stockbroker. There are four brothers and sisters, one works as a publicist in Japan, one works as a manager in a famous German car, and the other is a scientific and technical personnel of NASA. She is considered the most unpromising. Fire brigade captain.

She is the youngest child in the family, so she is never short of money. The New Year's money she receives every year is higher than her annual salary. The four siblings have no children, and they are desperate for children.

"I don't want to mention the child's matter, but I want to know how you got through the trap I set up. It is impossible for ordinary people to get through." It took her several months to get it done, with several cuts on both hands, painstakingly Set each checkpoint to test the marines one by one. It is absolutely impossible for a single person to crack it. It requires a group of people to work together, with both physical strength and wisdom.

Xiao Jingfeng had a ostentatious low smile on his face, "I broke through once before, and I spent five days recovering from my wounds. After that, I asked spies to explore the way and draw a topographical map. Some soldiers in my hands have not been used for a long time, so I Take them up the hill for night raid drill."

"Are you bringing the soldiers up the mountain?" Think of her as a bandit or a den of bandits.

Li Jing'er's expression changed slightly and he jumped up in shock.

"I..." There is always an excuse for going out to the camp, and the reason for the three days and two nights of mountain forest exercises is very legitimate.

"Hi sister-in-law, excuse me—"

The uniform and loud voices sounded at the same time.

At this moment, the mist had cleared, and the morning sun cast golden light. Trees... no, it was a bush with branches and leaves stuck on their bodies, and a bush pretending to be a tree moved. Nearly twenty young boys came from between the trees. walked out.

Avatar... Q version.

Everyone's face and arms are covered with green juice, and some people even put chicken feathers and miscanthus flowers in their hair... Li Jinger suddenly felt a very headache. God saw that she was having such a good time, so she deliberately caused trouble to let her experience life. Those who want to suffer, experience the eight great sufferings—

Birth, old age, sickness, death, parting from love, long-term resentment, unable to ask, unable to let go.

"Mom! Who are they?" A lot of strange people.

Looking at the originally large open space where my mother deliberately pulled weeds, removed miscellaneous trees, plowed the soil, and moved stones to stabilize it, it was usually a place where he took his younger sisters to play, but now it was taken by a bunch of inexplicable people. Much smaller, not enough.

Shuangming with a small body had excitement and vigilance in his eyes. He wanted to go and play with them, but he was afraid of being driven away, so he huddled behind his mother and asked in a low voice.

"Bad guys." Unforgivable.

How is this going? She was making progress, but she didn't have time to send people down the mountain, so she kindly invited them to drink the water from the spring, but all of them were impolite, and they really regarded themselves as their own home, occupying the mountain as king, and lay down and fell asleep after drinking the water.

I am indeed tired after a night of practice, but I can't use the door of someone else's house as a bed, one horizontally, one vertically, and sleep in a mess.

You should leave after sleeping! This is called the way of being a guest.

But they don't.

Several boys set up pots to set fire, some gathered firewood, some washed rice, some chopped vegetables and chopped meat, several pots were cooked together, and the pots were buried to make rice.

At this moment, the open space in front of the stone house is used as a camp.

What can Li Jinger say? There are "many people and powerful people", so she can only grit her teeth and bear it. She is not stupid enough to cut people with a knife.

These are well-trained soldiers, regardless of their young age, no more than twenty years old, all of them have killed people on the battlefield, and the tip of their knife is stained with blood.

It's just that this tone is really hard to swallow. It's easy for them to say that it's the bad guys.

"Bad guy?" Shuang Ming opened his eyes wide and clenched his small fists.

"That's right! Bad guys, no one welcomes them to come uninvited. Another way of saying it is called uninvited guests. Our house is so small and there are so many of them. We will be poor." Li Jinger pulled out the mushrooms that had been drying for a few days. And wild red dates, remove impurities and sand, and let the sun shine fully.

She began to prepare food again. In autumn, the fruits in the mountains mature one after another, such as hawthorn, wild pear, sour orange, date, persimmon, walnut, chestnut, etc. These can be stored for a long time, or they can be stored in the sun and dried. high value.

The humidity in the mountains is high. Mushrooms grow all year round until it snows. Other straw mushrooms, chicken silk mushrooms, and yellow hazel mushrooms...depend on the situation. Usually there are more after the rain. Li Jinger will not let it go when he sees it. Seven or eight Over the past month, she collected several baskets, and she planned to keep one basket for her own use, and pick the rest down the mountain to sell in two days.

Sometimes if you are lucky, you can even pick matsutake, which is very fragrant when cooked with matsutake.

There are many treasures in the mountains. It depends on whether you are diligent or not. It is not difficult to fill your stomach. Wild vegetables from the mountains can be taken by anyone. Although the fruits are small, they can taste good.

"Mother, I don't want to be hungry." Shuangyue cried with a sad face, thinking that she really would have nothing to eat.

"Be patient! We still have water to drink." People can go without food for seven days, but they can't do without water for three days. Water is the source of life.

Looking at the Yongquan that kept bubbling, Shuang Ming looked like he was about to cry, with his lower lip turned inward, his upper lip pursed, trying not to cry out.

The small appearance is so pitiful that people can't bear to look at it.

The mother and son sat at the door like guarding against thieves, and a tree trunk was used as a chair for the two to sit separately. Shuangzhen took Sister Yue to play with flower ropes and jigsaw puzzles inside the house, but looked out from time to time, curiously looking at the things outside. What are people doing, is there anything they can play with?

"Jing Niang, stop making up stories to fool the children. Our soldiers are strictly disciplined. Everyone brings their own dry food and water, and we won't steal your food reserves." Xiao Jingfeng patted the child's head amusedly and angrily, and rubbed him The flesh of the nape.

"Knowing people, knowing face but not heart, who knows whether you are really abiding by discipline or violating the law. Soldiers have a lot of food, are you sure you have enough dry food? I, a woman, can't stop you from invading and robbing." She alluded Soldiers and bandits do not separate families.

In times of war, soldiers are more ferocious than bandits, killing people and robbing wealth.

Hearing this, he shook his head helplessly. "I will take the whole team out in a while. Your place is relatively remote. I have checked back and forth, and there are few beasts. I will take people to look again. Avoid the dangers that can be avoided as much as possible. If there are ferocious beasts, I will eliminate them."

"Fake public affairs for personal gain." She didn't appreciate it.

"I'll send you the prey I hunted later. It's up to you whether you want to eat it now or marinate it with salt. I brought twenty catties of salt up the mountain this time, which is enough for you to marinate your bacon for a season." What she lacks now is freshly slaughtered meat, dozens of soldiers can catch them all at once.

There are not many hunters in the mountains that stretch for hundreds of miles, only a few households, so the prey in the mountains is plentiful. When they marched at night, they found a wild deer habitat. Four or fifty deer were gathered for sale in a water source with abundant water and grass. , I have never been hunted before, but I don't know how to dodge when I see a person.

Xiao Jingfeng originally wanted to persuade her to go down the mountain, and he arranged another place for her to live in, but seeing the mother and son living a life of self-sufficiency, they couldn't say it anymore, they looked very happy, and they didn't stay away at all. the misery of the crowd.

He thought about Li Jinger's words carefully. Given the current situation, they would not be able to go back to Xiao's house. His father, his mother, and even his two brothers would not be able to accept children who were not from his own family, unless he separated and formed a household by himself. , as your own master.

He had never thought of separating his family before, no matter how hard and tiring he was, he wanted the family to stay together, share the joys and sorrows, and live in harmony.

But he didn't care when he heard that his brother sold his daughter for money and ruined Sister Yue's life regardless of brotherhood. He thought sadly all over his body: what the **** is he doing? , and pay for his own wife and daughter, is it worth it?

Dividing the family is no longer an unbearable burden. If the tree grows bigger, it will branch, and if there are too many people, it will be necessary to live separately. He has done enough for the Xiao family, and now he has to think about himself.

People's hearts are on the left side, with few exceptions, Xiao Jingfeng's heart is naturally inclined towards his wife who gave birth to a daughter for him. Although the two are in a state of reconciliation, he will not let go. mutual affection.

"You want to come again?" Li Jinger glared dissatisfiedly.

Seeing her bulging cheeks and glaring eyes, Xiao Jingfeng couldn't help laughing. "I have ten days to rest after practice."

"It's not my business?"

"Have you thought about what to do?" He is a good day laborer.

Li Jinger rolled his eyes and threw him with dried mushrooms. "No, don't think about it, the widow's house doesn't take in men, so go wherever you feel cool."

"Your man hasn't died yet, so it's too early for you to be a widow." He laughed angrily. If a man is alive and well, he must say that he is a married woman, and curse him to die early?


"I'm dead as my man." She raised her chin provocatively.

If she is not dead, can she go?

"Would you like to verify whether your man is dead?" Facing her arrogance, Xiao Jingfeng approached her with a dangerous smile, his warm breath brushing towards her face.

A man's pride does not allow repeated challenges. He also left home not long after he got married, and he has only been warm with his wife for a few times. He is full of blood and needs a woman.

"You...what do you want to do?" Her heart skipped a beat suddenly, her cheeks were stained with glow, and she quickly hugged her son to her chest.

Seeing his wife's Fengying Shuangfeng being suppressed by a stinky boy with no winks, the dim blackness floated up and made me unhappy. "There must be a bed in it! Let's make another one."

"Xiao Jingfeng, you are shameless! Bullying me, a weak woman." Shameless, a man's brain is only the size of a pea, and all he thinks about is that kind of thing.

"A weak woman can make a trap that a group of men can hardly break? Do you know that those bees almost killed me? I was itchy and painful, my whole body was red and swollen, and I was soaked in cold water for three days."

The most difficult thing is not the treatment process, but the ridicule of colleagues.

Find someone to go to the deep mountains and wild ridges, and he was stung all over his head by the bee swarm. Everyone who saw him burst into laughter, saying that he had met a mandrill, a mountain spirit.

"I did it to protect myself, not to mention why the bee swarm didn't sting me and I would sting you, that means your character is too bad." Thinking of the scene where he was being chased by hornet bees all over the mountain, Li Jinger couldn't help but chuckle In her previous life, she also made a lot of jokes when she went to a private house to pick beehives for the first time.

Firefighters are decathlon rescue heroes. They have to go up and down the mountain. The most outrageous thing she encountered was an old lady who lost her crutches. She called the fire brigade for help at home, but she was not looking for Instead, she asked the firefighters to carry her from the 23rd floor to the first floor. She was going to the hospital to visit an old friend who was hospitalized.

This matter is too blind, there is a direct elevator when you walk out of the door of the house, she insists on someone's back, nonsense that she has claustrophobia, and will suffocate when entering the elevator.

In the end, seven or eight members of the team took turns carrying the old lady downstairs and sending them to the taxi waiting downstairs. It took three to four hours.

"My character is bad?" Can she still laugh? !

"How can a person with a good character be met with disasters from heaven? I went up and down the mountain back and forth, and you can see that I have bite marks on my body."

Fools only take the way of the underworld. That path is for people with bad intentions. There will be a secret passage in front of a certain trap. She bends down and walks to another path, which is parallel to the path and not far away.

There are many poisonous plants on the mountain. Li Jinger collected them, dried them in the sun, and then burned them to ashes. She sprinkled the ashes on the places she walked. They will buy a bag of lime or realgar along the way, and sprinkle it along the sides of the path, so that insects and snakes will not come close.

After all, she took her children with her, and she always had to think about them. She also made bamboo fences and tied them on both sides of the tunnel to prevent miscellaneous trees from overgrown, and the protruding twigs would hurt the children. The trail is five and a half miles long.

Xiao Jingfeng was staring at her, as if what he was looking at was not Ding Hen, but his wife. "Jing Niang, please don't make trouble with me, we are a family, we can't talk about anything, I made a mistake before, and I won't make the same mistake again in the future."

One's own wife hurts herself, and entrusting others is unreliable.

Seeing his sincerity, she also lowered her tone, "The point is not you and me, but the attitude of the Xiao family. Do you think they can accept me again?"

"This..." is indeed a bit difficult.

"Also, I don't live with your parents. It's okay to go back to my hometown to offer sacrifices during the festivals, but don't interfere too much in your daily life and don't interact with each other. They live their lives and we live ours. Can you do it?" Patience is the response between relatives, especially bad relatives.

Li Jinger, who has a 21st century mindset, doesn't care about the so-called filial piety at all. Before crossing, she moved out of the house at the age of seventeen and lived alone. She first rented a house and then bought a house. She rarely lived with her parents. She was busy, and they were even busier. They lived together It is not necessarily possible to meet each other.

Xiao Jingfeng raised his eyebrows together, obviously he was stumped.

The eldest son inherits the heir. After the separation, the two elders naturally live in the elder's side. The second and third households provide money as offerings, which is filial piety.

But they don't communicate with each other, except for expulsion from the family. Hitting the little parents means they care less about him, not as good as the elder brother and the younger brother, but there is nothing missing for him to eat, have a bed to sleep, have clothes to wear, and have enough food and clothing. Since then, he has become a stranger, and he can't get over that hurdle in his heart.

"Xiao Jingfeng, it's not that I don't give you a chance, it's that you can't give me what I want. For five taels of silver, your mother personally agreed to the divorce letter from your granddaughter. Your third brother is even more devoid of conscience, and the child is only six. Yueda wanted to push her into Flower Street and Willow Lane, you don't complain because they are your relatives."

"Wife will marry again, and daughter will not worry about rebirth. We are not that important to you. Compared with your close relatives, we are insignificant. So, why are you hypocritical? There is no law of duality in the world. Qing, you are just not reconciled, you want both sides of the game, and you want us to compromise to fulfill your filial piety, that's all for Xiao, they are really a pack of wolves, they are all very selfish."

Li Jinger's words were so serious that they almost pierced her heart. She wanted to beat him to death once to prevent the "ex-husband" from continuing to be poisoned. With those ugly faces, all thoughts faded away.

Marrying once is considered an explanation, and she can't do anything with the identity of Huanghua's **** her back. Now she has sons and daughters, has divorced, and combs a woman's hair style. Whether she will marry or not in the future, she thinks that at this time It is best to be single, with no parents-in-law, uncle or sister-in-law, and no sister-in-law on the left and right. No one will object to her decision.

"Jingniang..." He just wanted his wife and daughter to return to him. Is it so difficult?

Xiao Jingfeng never thought that the word "selfish" would be crowned on his head. What's wrong with being filial to your parents, why she would rather break up than reunite with the family, and live a stable life without self-reliance.

He couldn't understand, and he couldn't figure out what she was thinking. There was a straight road but she didn't go for it, but she had to make seven turns.

"Boss, the rice is ready. It's time to serve. Call my sister-in-law, nephew, and niece to eat together." A soldier was only sixteen or seventeen years old, smiling like a warm spring sun, holding a big pot in his hand Shovel waved.

"Jing Niang, let's eat together! Although there are no good dishes, but you can eat enough." Xiao Jingfeng let go of the entanglement in his heart, and took the kid in her arms away.

"I..." Seeing the hodgepodge of everything thrown into the pot, she lost her appetite, and she couldn't believe how delicious it was.

"Mom, I want to eat." Shuangming blinked and stared at the rice cooker with a mouth-watering greedy look. He saw a fat rabbit leg.

She hesitated. "Okay, you go with...uh, Uncle Xiao first, mother takes my sister..."