MTL - Artifact Planting Space-v4 Chapter 213 1 cut in the calculation

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It is a pity that this purple light is not an opponent of the power of time. In an instant, the force of time is connected with the body to dissipate the smoke.

The strong mask, after struggling for a moment, immediately stood still in the air and became a statue.

"Go to hell!" Yutong saw this scene, and the smashing of the Kowloon scorpion in his hand was cut.

The strong mask in front of him, but the person who cut his head before, this enemy meets, naturally it is extraordinarily jealous, with the opportunity to kill it, naturally will not let go.

At this time, Ye Tian suddenly stopped in front of Yutong: "Wait for the hands, let me see the true face of this mask strong, if Zhang Hao, then we can eliminate a big hidden danger!"

"Okay!" For Ye Tian's suggestion, Yutong did not refuse.

Ye Tian reached out and took the mask on the mask strong face.

At first glance, I could not help but be disappointed.

It turned out to be an old man, not Zhang Wei.

"Ye Tian, ​​let me give you the next thing!" Yutong said coldly.

"I have no opinion!" Ye Tian smiled.

Before this old man chopped off Yutong's head, he was now killed by Yutong, just to level it.

But suddenly, his face changed.

Even pulling Yutong far away for thousands of miles.

"What's wrong?" Yutong did not understand.

The evil spirits in Kowloon are also doubts.

Ye Tian pointed to the old man in the mermaid city: "Look at it! It seems that we guessed well before, as long as the mask is taken down, the strong of the refining device will be countered by the pledge of heaven."

"Is it?"

Yutong also followed.

Look at it.

Can't help but widen your eyes.

I saw the squid in the mid-air of the mermaid city.

At this time, it was shrouded in a majestic force.

This power cultivator is very familiar, that is the power of heaven.

After it was shrouded, it was directly crushed into powder.

Although the shape of the old man is still there.

But the soul in the body is still repaired.

It has dissipated at this moment.

"Good strength of heaven!" Yu Tongyu.

"Well, this is the end of the violation of the Tiandao vows!" Ye Tianchang sighed: "If Zhang Wei sees this scene, I am expected to regret doing it right with me!"

"No, master! Don't forget, Zhang Hao's face also carries a mask!" Kowloon sinister reminded: "This mask can shield the power of the Taoist oath."

"Is it?" Ye Tian looked down at the mask that had been taken from the face of the old man.

This mask is unremarkable in his eyes. To say that it is an artifact, he really does not believe it.

Jiulong evil spirits: "Master, now the mask strongman has died, and the threat of the mermaid city has been lifted. Let's quickly let the two million black armor fighters take over the mermaid city and say it!"

"Yeah!" Ye Tian nodded.

Once the mermaid city took over, and then asked the dwarves to arrange a large array of protection, Zhang Wei wanted to capture again, that is impossible.

Because he can use the space shuttle to come in time.

"Take me the mermaid city and give it to me!" Yu Tong smiled and reached for the shoulder of Ye Tian: "Right! Thank you for resurrecting me, thank you very much."

"Haha... a little thing." Ye Tian smiled.

The Kowloon scorpion that is suspended on the side does not think so.

If Ye Tian’s strength is tyrannical, I am afraid that this time it will be killed by the sneak attack by the mighty underworld.

"Then I am busy first!" Yutong waved his hand at Ye Tian, ​​and turned into a streamer and flew toward the palace of the city of Mermaid.

Ye Tian turned and looked over.

Because he cast a timeout.

At this time, the hostile strongmen hidden in the palace of the city, and tens of thousands of defending city soldiers, were captured and trapped together.

"Call~~!" Ye Tiansong breathed a sigh of relief.

The mermaid city thing was finally settled.

The Kowloon evil spirits also have the same feeling: "Master, now we should go back and report good news to the gods of the Peng Peng, lest he be careful!"

"Yeah!" Ye Tian nodded.

He is also tired, it is time to take a break, sort out the ideas, and then deal with Zhang Xiao, the villain.

I only hope that when Zhang Jian does not use the entire refining sect to go with him.

"Ye Tian! Ye Tian!" The Wuling mirror in the space ring suddenly came with an anxious shout.

"What is it?" Ye Tianyi took out the Wuling mirror.

In Wuling, the chubby figure of Ma Tie emerged, but the whole body was blood. It seemed to be hurt. After seeing the appearance of Ye Tian, ​​he even said: "You have come to Wuhu City, and there are two strong masked people. Fighting with Xiao Jinyu and seeing their strength are in the eternal realm. Xiao Jinyu may have to suffer big losses!"

Ye Tian: "Well! I will come right away. If you feel that something is wrong, immediately take the other strong to hide in a safe place."

Ma Tie: "The city of Wuhu is safe now. I rushed to the side of the town of Tianyin. The two masks were not strong enough to come in. Just before this... I found that Zhang Wei’s daughter had been saved."

Ye Tian: "What? You... I don't want you to look at her?"

Ma Tie: "It's all my fault, Ye Tian, ​​how can you punish me, but now you are still coming to Wuhu City!"

"Know it!" Ye Tian took up Wuling Shake the Tianyan wing and take a stream of light and fly in the direction of Wuhu City.

Until now, he realized that the Yutong and the million black armor who had captured the mermaid city were killed, and then went to Wuhu City. All this was Zhang’s plan.

This is Zhang Wei’s tune of the tiger.

Its purpose is to save his daughter.

The purpose has now been reached.

I was afraid that he would rush to Wuhu City, and the two mask strongmen had already ran.

Although the people's fish city of Guanghe County, Wuhu City, Guanghe City, and Tianhe City were all captured, but I don't know why, Ye Tian felt that he lost, and lost very badly.

Everything is in Zhang’s calculations.


Wuhu City.

When Ye Tian rushed.

There has been no trace of the strong mask.

Only the smoke that permeates everywhere on the ground proves that it has been fighting before, and it is still very intense.

Ye Tian looked at it all from the sky, and after the eyebrows were wrinkled, the Tianyi wing flew toward the city's main palace.

If there is no accident, at this time, Ma Tie and Xiao Jinyu must be in the palace of the city.


In the twinkling of an eye, they flew to the gate of the city's palace.

"Stand up, what are you doing?" Immediately two black armor soldiers gathered around.

When you look at the appearance of Ye Tian, ​​one by one, you can't even see the county owner!

"Before the former Rossi meets the county owner!"

“You don’t have to pay more!” Ye Tian waved: “Is the horse iron in the palace of the city?”

In fact, he already knew that Ma Tie was in the palace of the city. The reason for asking this is to give these two black armor a face. After all, it is their duty to guard the gate. If you walk in directly, you will look down on them.

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