MTL - As Superman’s Younger Brother, I Became a Native of the Motherland-Chapter 297

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Perhaps hearing Eric's voice, Magic Nightwing hurriedly opened his eyes and looked at Eric healthily.

With a smile on the corner of your mouth, you said to Eric, "Great, he has something to do."

"If you want to solve you in that way, even if you add ten times the equivalent, there is still a way to kill you!"

Wang Yuejian said warmly.

He turned slightly cooler eyes towards Diana, "He's actually a must chase. You can grasp the situation occasionally, has he forgotten?"


Magical Nightwing smiled, "The way he manages the situation is not by himself. He can solve me immediately, but he should keep himself safe."

Faced with the blame of the magical Nightwing, Eric will of course deny it.

The full-scale explosion of Captain Atom was also a test for me.

I can't vaguely see that my Doomsday template, which has been inactive for a long time, has regressed, and this has increased by 5 percentage points.

The energy of the nuclear explosion became even weaker before I absorbed it!

"I want to see the strength of Captain Atomic. It must be your stupid brother who came here, and I will beat him to believe in life."

Magical Nightwing wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Wang Yuejian.

"It's time to talk, he needs treatment now, you take him outside the hospital."

"He doesn't have more important things to solve. Let you come up and you can handle it yourself."

Magical Nightwing asked Wang Yuejian to take him to the hospital.

You have no pride in being a male warrior and an Amazon princess.

"Did he mean these big bugs?"

Eric turned his attention to this, Arrow, Ladies, Deathstroke and White Canary, those superheroes came into my eyes.

Eric, whose expression became less icy, said: "You will come back to solve us, we will run away. It's just us, not the forces in front of us, you will solve us one by one."

After saying that, waiting for Magical Nightwing's approval, he immediately activated his flying ability and rushed to the nearest hospital in the small city with Magical Nightwing in his arms.

The Green Arrow on the other side is preparing to leave with the superhuman.

Eric flew in the air and made a loud noise, appearing in the eyes of everyone with incredible eyes.

Looking at Wang Yuejian, who was wearing a cloak and hurriedly descending from the sky, the heroine opened her mouth small.

Is that guy really a god?

Survive even in a million-ton explosion!

And it doesn't look like there's any damage!

Did Captain Atom die in vain? !

Chapter 331 True and False Diana

"Long time no see, Oliver."

Eric turned to face the somewhat nervous Green Arrow and said slowly.

"Yes, long time no see."

Green Arrow looked at Eric's figure with complicated expressions in his eyes.

The black canary next to him was a little puzzled. Oliver knew the people of his motherland?

"Looks like your life on Purgatory is fine, at least it turns you from a dandy to a less obnoxious-looking guy."

Eric said lightly to Green Arrow.

"Thanks to your concern, my life on the island is not bad."

Green Arrow took two steps back and replied to Eric.

"Are you guys here to take my life?"

Eric pretended not to see the other party's small movements, and asked casually.

"No, that's not our purpose, we're here only to save people."

Oliver calms down after Captain Atom's death.

He knew that he couldn't be impulsive at this time, and he had to be careful enough in the face of such a dangerous guy.

"But someone doesn't think like you."

Eric's eyes were filled with red light, which was about to burst out in the next second.

"It's not up to me to decide. But if you're going to fight, I'll stay with you to the end!"

Oliver raised his bow and arrow, aimed the aluminum alloy arrow at Eric, and said in a firm tone.


Looking at the shooting posture of the vigilant Green Lantern and the few people standing beside him, Eric's eyes showed indifferent eyes.

"The bow and arrow can't help you either."

"Of course they work, at least they make me feel better."

Green Arrow tightened the bowstring in his hand, ready to deliver the fatal blow at any moment.

But the next second, his eyes flashed, and then he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

The body immediately smashed backward uncontrollably.

With a bang, the body slammed heavily on the ground, splashing a lot of dust.

Seeing that Green Arrow was attacked, Nightwing and Deathstroke also hurriedly launched an attack.

But the result was the same fate as Green Arrow.

The cloud stick in Death Knell's hand hit Eric's body at the fastest speed.

Eric raised his right hand and grasped the cloud stick that was moving towards him at high speed.

Eric, who was holding the cloud stick with his backhand, snorted coldly, and broke the cloud stick with a "pop".

Then, in the unbelievable gaze of Death Knell, he struck the cloud stick at him.


Death Knell's head was directly hit by the cloud stick, and the whole person was smashed backwards.

Even though he was wearing a helmet, this powerful attack directly caused a sharp pain in his head.

Lying weakly on the ground, Death Knell has completely lost his ability to fight.

Then Nightwing's attack also came towards Eric.

Nightwing's short stick made a whistling sound in the air and hit Eric's hand.

The action is fast and full of strength, this is his strongest blow under the limit.

But unfortunately, this kind of attack is still not effective.

Eric just punched at random, and Nightwing was hit by Eric and flew backwards.


Green Arrow stood up with difficulty, stretched the bow towards Eric, and shot arrows.

As a result, before the arrow came into contact with Eric, he was knocked flying by him.

Eric moved to the front of the opponent again, and hit the opponent's face with a casual strike.


Green Arrow, who spewed blood from his mouth, was knocked to the ground by Eric again.

Seeing Eric's attack on Green Arrow, Black Canary couldn't bear it any longer. It rushed forward and kicked towards Eric's back.

Although she knew the gap between the two, but now seeing her ex-boyfriend being beaten, even though Oliver said she had to endure and not do anything, she still couldn't control her temper.

Facing the sudden attack launched by the black canary, Eric did not turn around, but just waved forward casually, and the black canary was sent flying from the air, and fell heavily to the ground, as if his back was hit by a locomotive. General pain.

Green Arrow, who had been struggling on the ground with blood flowing from his mouth, could feel how much damage his body had suffered.

Two of the ribs on the chest were broken, the internal organs were also hit to a certain extent, and the bridge of the nose should have been fractured!

With a look of pain in his eyes, he took two steps forward, grabbed a large amount of soil under him, and gasped for breath.

"The longest recorded flight distance of an arrow is 1222 meters."

He said to himself inwardly.

"But I can shoot farther!"

He crawled forward a few meters with difficulty, grabbing the bow and arrow made of aluminum alloy that fell on the ground.

"With the bonus of strength and speed, an arrow can shoot faster!"

Picking up his weapon, he asked himself, "But... can this hurt the Man of Steel?"

Many thoughts flashed in his heart, Green Arrow endured the pain in his body, turned over, pulled the bowstring with all his strength, and shot in the direction of Eric.

"Of course not!"

He said in his heart the answer he already knew.


The bowstring trembled, and the arrow headed towards Eric like a shooting star.

Of course, the arrow did not hit Eric, but hit the supporting metal frame of a high-speed rail platform behind him.

On the iron platform is a huge water tank!

Although the inside is empty and all the water that was originally in it has been emptied, the weight of the water tank is still amazing.

Green Arrow's arrow penetrated the supporting metal frame, and the unbalanced water tank immediately smashed in the direction of Eric.

Seeing that his battle plan worked, Green Arrow's eyes showed a look of joy.

But Eric, who was under the water tank, didn't dodge, just glanced at Green Arrow with an indifferent expression, and then took a step forward.

Eric easily avoided the top-to-bottom smashing of the water tank, then grabbed the green arrow and looked into the opponent's eyes.

"You think you can fool my eyes with such a clumsy trick?"

Eric snorted coldly and slammed the opponent to the ground.

Green Arrow, who felt like he was falling apart, raised his eyes with difficulty, and found that Eric's eyes radiated a dangerous orange light.

Shooting at him in the next second.

"and many more!"

When Eric was about to strike, a familiar voice came from behind.

When he looked back, Wonder Woman didn't know when to return to the battlefield.

Dragging her tired body, Diana said to Eric, "Don't do this yet!"


Eric looked at Wonder Woman who suddenly appeared, frowned and asked her, "Didn't I let you rest in the hospital?"

"You know I'm a restless person."

Wonder Woman shrugged her shoulders at Eric and said, "Having you fight here at a critical moment while I'm lying in bed resting is an unacceptable experience for me as an Amazon warrior. things.”

As she spoke, she walked towards Eric, looked at Green Arrow lying on the ground breathing heavily, and said, "Don't kill him first, he will be useful to us, we can follow him to find those behind him. Organization. He will not act alone."

"Just leave him to me."

Wonder Woman smiled slightly at Eric.

"I remember you didn't care about these things before."

Eric frowned and said to her.

"People always change, and it helps you, of course I'd love to make that change."