MTL - Ask Sword-Chapter 15 Tour

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  Chapter 15 Tour


  Li Ang nodded bluntly, and said to another family member of Shad: "Are you tired? If you are not tired, wash your hands with pure wine first, and then go outside to pick a branch."


   "Yes, no willow sticks, just straight branches that are slightly harder and thicker than chopsticks. Use them to pull out insects."

  Li Ang asked Sha De's third brother to go outside to pick up branches. Taking advantage of this time, he cut two out of three and finished the bones of the remaining bone-injured patients in the security hall—

  He had already paid attention to it when he received the doctor, and deliberately put the patients whose injuries were not serious and whose functions had been restored, so now the restoration of bone injuries is completed very quickly.

  However, the patients who had completed the reset did not leave. Instead, they stayed in the security hall and continued to watch. After a while, there was even a circle of people around the entrance of the medical hall, looking inside.

   "Xiao Langjun, the branch has been picked up."

  The third brother Shad held a branch high, sweating profusely, squeezed through the crowd and rushed into the hospital.

  Li Ang took the branch, bent it slightly, and after confirming that it was hard enough, he squatted on the ground, wielding his long sword, and whittled the branch down to the size of a matchstick.


  Li Ang returned the long sword to the young man, stretched himself standing on the spot, moved a chair, sat on the chair, dipped a clean cloth in pure wine, and slightly wiped off the pus on Shad's legs.

   After making all the preparations, Li Ang held his breath and concentrated, using a thin wooden stick, gently picked up the guinea worm protruding from Shad's leg, and rolled it up.


  A segment of the nematode bounced back and forth on the matchstick, but Li Ang's hand was extremely steady and heavy, wrapping it around with a thin wooden stick and pulling it gently.

   "Get out of the way. Once this kind of bug is broken and dies in the human body, it will cause the larvae to escape and cause inflammation in the human body.

  Insects live and people live, insects die and people die. "

  Li Ang spoke calmly, and let the onlookers who came close to him disperse. He continued to pull the worm body in a calm manner with his hands, and at the same time gently rubbed the skin surface of Shad's leg to relax the muscles, making it easier for the worm body to be sent out.

  One millimeter, two millimeters.

  Amidst the amazement of the onlookers, the worms on the thin wooden sticks rolled up and became longer and longer, forming a ball like a spindle.

  The bronze bell of Haotian Daomen rang a few times, and Shad's wife and son were brought over, and they really kowtowed to Li Ang as Shad ordered. The crowd scattered and came, and in the evening, many people were still parked at the gate of the security hall.

  Ten hours.

It took Li Ang ten hours to pull out the entire nematode from Shad's body. He breathed a sigh of relief, blinked his sore eyes, stood up slowly, held the thin wooden stick, and rotated slowly .

  The nematode rolled and fell from the stick, and there was another exclamation from around.

  The nematode was more than one meter long. It was hard to imagine how such a long worm could grow into a human leg, and how it could be pulled out without breaking it.

   "Fathers and folks, these are the parasites that are absorbed by drinking unboiled water."

  Li Ang showed some nematodes, turned to Shad and said: "After the worms are taken out, the fortune is temporarily saved, and then we will see if there are any complications such as abscess and fever within half a month.

   The probability of complications is exactly half.

   For the next two weeks, no snakes, fish, or frogs can be eaten, and raw water can no longer be drunk. You must drink boiled warm water. It is best not to drink unboiled water in the future.

   If there is no abscess and fever, it means that the parasite has been completely removed and can recover. "

   "Okay okay."

  The patient's family members nodded their heads, and Shad's two sons wanted to make another big gift, but they were stopped by Li Ang, "So, do you want this worm?"


  Shad's wife froze in place, and Li Ang had to repeat, "Do you want this worm?

  Such a long guinea worm is quite rare and has a certain collection value. It can be taken home, put in a glass bottle, filled with wine and kept as a souvenir.

  If guests come to the door, it can be shown to them to show the danger of drinking unboiled water. "

   "No, no, no."

  Shad and his family members turned pale and shook their heads in refusal. Are you kidding me? It’s okay to make wine with centipedes and snakes, but parasites can also be used to make wine?

  What the hell.

Li Ang smacked his lips, looked at the nematodes on the thin wooden stick and shook his head. Guinea worms more than one meter long are indeed rare in the world. You can try to break the Guinness World Record, which means he has good skills and steady hands. , can be drawn out.

   "Then I'll keep it for myself."

  He found a jar with a smile, threw the nematodes into it, filled it with pure wine, then covered the jar, and pasted a piece of paper with "Guedina worm" on it.

After finishing the first lesion sample, Li Ang was refreshed, turned his head and said to Shad: "By the way, let's settle the consultation fee. Although you are not in the orthopedics department, I told you yesterday at the gate of the Supervisory Supervisor Yes, today the outpatient fee will be 20 Wen."

   "Twenty words?"

  Shad's second brother hurriedly shook his head and said, "How can this be done, I can't even buy a sauced duck for 20 Wen.

  Dr. Li's wonderful hand rejuvenated and saved my elder brother's life. You received 20 Wen because you have the kindness of a doctor. If we really only give 20 Wen, then we are committing a crime.

  Our family also owns a cargo ship and has a business in Weizhou.”

  Before he finished speaking, there was another noisy noise outside the gate of the security hall.

   "Where's Li Ang and Li Risheng? Let that kid out! He crushed my brother's hand!"

   "Don't get in the way, don't get in the way!"


   Li Ang frowned and looked outside.

  I saw five sloppy-looking men in half-arm clothing, with short sticks in their hands, standing at the entrance of the security hall and shouting loudly. One of them, Li Ang, had seen him before, and he took the bone during the day.

   "Doctor Li, during the day, you crushed the hand of my fourth brother Zhao, how should we settle the score?"

The leading man held a thin wooden branch in his mouth, put a short stick on his shoulder, and said slowly: "My brother is helping people fight against the bag on the pier, and he can earn a hundred yuan a day. Now you squeeze his hand It's broken, how can I say, I have to pay a hundred days of medical expenses, right?

   If he doesn't pay, no one will take care of his life. "

   "Pinch broken?"

   Li Ang glanced at them indifferently. These people had tattoos on their arms, and they were obviously rogues in the city.

   Did flies come to the door so soon?

   Li Ang was indifferent in his heart, picked up the wine jar containing the nematodes and walked forward, "Where is something broken, let me see."

   "Let you see, what if it gets worse? I said, just be honest and pay my brother for the medicine."

  The leading troublemaker sneered and took a step forward.


  The sharp sword sound suddenly sounded, and the young man who had lent Li Ang the sword before swung it out, and the tip of the sword hovered over the forehead of the rogue.

So fast.

   Li Ang's eyes widened slightly. He was planning to smash the wine jar containing nematodes on Poppi's forehead just now, and he could hardly see the movement of the young man drawing his sword.

   "Step forward and die."

  The young man spoke slowly, without any warmth in his tone.


  Popi disdainfully chewed the twig in his mouth. He had been a rascal in Weizhou City for so long, and he had never seen anything.

  Just as he was about to say something harsh, to scare the young man who wanted to be a swordsman, he felt a chill in his head.

  Blood flowed in front of my eyes,

   Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp pain in the scalp.

   "Ah! Ah!"

  Popi reacted belatedly, stepped back a few steps, covered his scalp which was split in two by the point of the sword, and screamed again and again.

  The scoundrels next to him were also taken aback. They've seen those who are horizontal, but they've never seen someone who comes up and cuts off people's scalps without saying a word.

   "Any one of you appears here again, kill you all."

  The young man's tone was indifferent, as if he was talking about something trivial.

  Looking at his calm eyes, all the hooligans were inexplicably afraid, and they didn't even dare to say a harsh word.

  Looking at the young man, Li Ang cupped his hands hesitantly, "Thank you sir, I don't know who you are."

   "Just an idler."

  Youth said first: "We will meet again soon."

   After finishing speaking, he put his sword back into its sheath, cupped his hands towards Li Ang, and turned away with a smile.

   Li Ang looked at the back of the other party, frowning,

In the security hall, Shad, who was still lying on the chair, whispered to the second brother next to him, asking him to prepare the reward, and went to the channel to ask about the identities of those hooligans who came to harass the security hall just now. Who is behind it.

  The young man who had left the security hall strode into the alley and knocked on Pu Liuxuan's courtyard door.

  The sun was setting, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the seemingly smooth and unmarked jade pendant worn by the young man's waist, making the jade pendant show complicated and complicated lines.

   There are seven characters engraved on it.

  Xuegong tour, Cheng Juxiu.

  (end of this chapter)