MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 664 Lead to kill

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Chapter 664: Leading to Kill

 “What do we do now?”

Hao Xuan subconsciously looked at the ink painting.

Mo Hua thought about it for a while and said: "Go to Cheng Mo and the others first. They must still be being hunted. If they are left alone, it will probably be a disaster..."

"But..." Hao Xuan said weakly, "There are only two of us... Those traffickers must be at least twenty..."

 “Did you use Taixu Ling to send a message asking for help?” Mo Hua asked.

Hao Xuan nodded, then shook his head.

“I spread it, but it’s useless. This is a barren mountain, and the magnetism is very weak and easy to be disturbed. It’s also a bit far away from the sect, so the news of asking for help may not be able to spread...”

Mo Hua was startled when he heard this, and tried it with Taixu Ling.

It was found that the power of the original magnetism was indeed weak, and the magnetic patterns were disturbed, and it seemed that it really couldn't be transmitted.

 He had never asked for help when he went out on missions before. He didn’t know that there was such a restriction on the letter sent by Taixu Order...

The two of them were ready to set off, but before setting off, the two black monks in the cave, Mo Hua, wanted to check them again and search their bodies to see what they looked like.

 But the fireball technique in Mo Hua deliberately avoided his face in order to leave a clue.

Mo Hua was a little confused, but after thinking about it for a while, he probably figured it out.

 Moreover, they are now located outside the boundaries of Qianxue State. With a state boundary separated, the functions of Taixu Order and Letter-Chutting Order will be severely limited.

 The core formation pivot is located at the mountain gate of Taixu Gate.

This black-clothed monk released his demonic energy before his death, allowing the demonic energy to rot his flesh and blood, blur his face, and pollute his spiritual power.


“Uncle Gu, there are traffickers, more than twenty people, in the barren mountains outside Xiaoyun City…”

The ink painting then passed down the calligraphy:

 The monk in black fell to the ground and had completely died.

 The formations in the Taixu Order are controlled by the core formation hub.

Hao Xuan said bitterly: "I can go with you, but I guess I can't move my hands and can't help much..."

 I will no longer care about ink painting after that.

Mo Hua asked Hao Xuan: "How is your injury?"

There are many people on the other side, and with Hao Xuan's level of cultivation, there is actually no use in taking action.

 The lights in the cave are dim.

 Yuanci has obvious lag. I don’t know whether it is transmitted or not, but it is obviously better than Taixu Ling.

Under the black cloth covering his face, there was a face with rotten flesh and flesh. The appearance could not be seen clearly, and even the blood was stained black.

Hao Xuan thought for a while and pointed in a direction, "They ran towards the mountain to the west..."

 Just follow the directions.

The black-clothed monk in the cave had his legs cut off by the golden blade array, and was killed by Mo Hua using the fireball technique. His whole body was scorched black.

 You have to give it a try when asking for help, but don’t expect too much.

 Prevent others from identifying him or her.

Mo Hua felt a little cold in his heart.

 The ink marks on the text are dim, bright and dark.

 “It’s okay.” Mo Hua said.

Mo Hua approached, lifted his mask, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

The night was deep and pitch black. If we tried to find it, we didn’t know how long it would take.

Mo Hua tried it again using the messenger order given to him by Uncle Gu.

Mo Hua looked towards the top of the mountain.

It’s hard to say whether it can be used...

Taixu Ling's formation is more high-end, but too complicated. Passing a message is only one of the lower-level functions, so it is not as effective as a single pass.

 He doesn’t need Hao Xuan to take action.

"This is…"

 But no matter what, the message for help must be sent out.

There was also a monk in black who died outside the cave. He was killed by the underground fire array, but at this time, his body was also corroded by the demonic energy and turned into a pile of rotten flesh.

Mo Hua hurriedly went outside the cave again.

Mo Hua asked Hao Xuandao: "Where did Cheng Mo and the others escape?"

Mo Hua let go of his consciousness and peered carefully for a moment, feeling a little unbelievable.

The closer you get to the mountain gate, the better the Taixu Ling Yuan magnetic signal will be. Once you get further away, the magnetic current will be weaker.

He wanted to know the identities of these human traffickers who dared to sell monks near the border of Qianxue State...

 This is the first time he has encountered this kind of thing...

 After death, he destroyed his body and polluted his spiritual power, and he did not dare to reveal his identity.


Mo Hua frowned.

 Where did the demonic aura in them come from?

 Why didn’t I notice anything before?

Hao Xuan ran behind Mo Hua and saw the dirty looks of the two monks in black. He couldn't help but cover his mouth and hesitated:

“Why are these two people like this?”

Mo Hua shook his head. He looked through their storage bags again and found that except for some spiritual stones, elixirs, and commonly used standard spiritual weapons, there were no other clues to their identities in their storage bags.

 “So cautious…”

Mo Hua muttered silently.

Hao Xuandao: "Then we..."

Mo Hua said: "No matter, let's talk to Cheng Mo and the others first."

  Anyway, there are more than twenty people in this group.

 Two are dead, and many are still alive.

Mo Hua doesn’t believe it. Each of them can destroy themselves and hide their identities before death...

 “Let’s go.” Mo Hua said.

 “Oh.” Hao Xuan nodded.

He can't understand these things, but anyway, following the ink painting, it should be correct.

 After all, it was Mo Hua who saved him just now.

Hao Xuan still remembered that his parents had told him sincerely before he entered the school:

"Xuan'er, although you have an ancestor named Dongxu, you are one of the one hundred and fifty-six great-great-grandchildren of your ancestor. Your ancestor may not remember who you are..."

“Your talents are not as good as those above, but more than those below, and your temperament is not ruthless enough. I’m afraid it will be difficult for you to stand out in the sect.”

“In this case, let’s find a way to protect ourselves…”

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t learn other things well. Just learn the body method well.”

“From now on, when walking in the cultivation world, if you encounter danger, run if you can. If you really can’t run away, follow closely behind someone you can trust, and don’t show off on your own.”

Hao Xuan had an intuition that Mo Hua was probably the kind of "reliable" monk his parents said he was.

Although he is smaller than me, has weaker cultivation than me, and is shorter than me.

 Dan set up traps to kill people and search for corpses, looking very "skilled".

 Although it is a little scary, it should be right to call him "little senior brother" and follow him...

Hao Xuan nodded silently.

Hao Xuan then led the way, and the two of them used their physical skills to rush towards the west of the barren mountain.

Hao Xuan has the root of wind spirit. He practices wind body skills and his body skills are exquisite.

What surprised him was that the movement technique used in the ink painting was also very unusual. His body was light and moving like flowing water, and he could travel across mountains and ridges without any effort at all.

The two of them walked for half an hour and found a vast mountain forest in front of them.

The trees were deep and dense, and the night was so dark that it was impossible to see the way ahead.

Hao Xuan couldn't recognize the way out. He looked left and right, then silently looked at the ink painting.

 Ink Hua raised his eyes and looked around. In his eyes, the texture of cause and effect floated slightly. After a moment, he said: "Follow me."

 “Yeah.” Hao Xuan nodded repeatedly.

So it was Mo Hua who led the way again, with Hao Xuan following behind.

The two of them were in the woods, circling left and right. Although there were no traces on the ground, Mo Hua could always find a way to walk.

Hao Xuan looked at it, feeling strange in his heart.

 After walking for an unknown amount of time, blood stains appeared on the ground again.

The trees on both sides have traces of being chiseled with swords and axes, as well as the remaining breath of mountain soil and fire spiritual power.

 “Mountain-breaking ax! Lihuo sword!”

“It’s Cheng Mo and Situ Jian!”

Hao Xuan was secretly surprised and finally couldn't help but asked in a low voice:

 "Ink painting, how did you find this..."

Mo Hua solemnly said: "Intuition!"


Hao Xuan was a little doubtful. He didn’t know whether he should believe it or not...

Mo Hua whispered: "It's not far ahead, let's go and take a look."

 “Okay.” Hao Xuan said nervously.

So the two of them lowered their bodies and took a few steps forward. Hao Xuan turned his head and found that the ink painting suddenly disappeared. He suddenly panicked and said in a trembling voice:


 The figure painted in ink appeared next to him again.

Hao Xuan was startled.

"I forgot, you can't be invisible..." Mo Hua took out a jade pendant from his storage bag and handed it to Hao Xuan, "This is Shuiyin Jade. It was given by a kind uncle of Daotingsi...'borrowed' Give it to me, you can use it first so you can become invisible."

Hao Xuan took it blankly and nodded.

 Then the two of them used concealment together and approached the other side of the mountain forest.

On the other side of the forest, there is a gentle hillside with an empty terrain. There is a stream below, and the sides of the stream are full of gravel.

At this time, there were two monks fighting at the creek.

One party was dressed in black and had their faces covered. There were nine people in total.

 There are only three people on the other side.

At a glance from the corner of my eye, I recognized the ink painting.

One of them had several bloodstains on his upper body and was wielding two big axes. He seemed to be cornered and the one who shouted loudly was Cheng Mo.

 The other person who used the Lihuo Sword with a pale face was Situ Jian.

There is also a disciple with a heroic appearance, who is using a spear and is fighting with the monks in black. Although he is exhausted from the long battle, his cultivation is also very good.

Mo Hua took a look and found that he didn't recognize the man.

 “Who is that person…”

Mo Hua pointed at the disciple who wielded the spear, lowered his voice and asked Hao Xuan.

Hao Xuan glanced quietly and whispered:

“His name is Yang Qianjun. He is in the same class as us, but he is not a disciple and does not attend classes together. I guess you have never seen him...”

"oh oh."

Mo Hua nodded.

Yang Qianjun...surname Yang...with a gun...

Mo Hua whispered: "Are you a disciple of the Yang family of the Taoist Army?"

Hao Xuan was a little surprised, "Do you know about the Yang family too?"

"know a little…"

Hao Xuan nodded and said: "Yes, he is a direct descendant of the Yang family. He learned the Yang family's ancestral marksmanship and is very skilled..." "The Cheng family has a relationship with the Yang family, and Cheng Mo and Yang Qianjun also know each other."

“We are doing a mission this time and want to capture three criminal cultivators in the early stages of foundation building, so we called him and the five of us acted together.”

 “Oh.” Mo Hua nodded, and then said doubtfully:

"Five of you, you, Cheng Mo, Situ Jian, Yang Qianjun... who else is there?"

 “Yi Li…” Hao Xuandao.

Mo Hua was startled, "Yi Li...the 'Yi' family of Taoist elder Yi Elder?"

“Yeah.” Hao Xuan looked around and didn’t see Yi Li’s figure, so he sighed and said:

“I wonder how Yi Li is doing…”

 “Escaped, but still... the situation is much worse...”

Hao Xuan looked very worried.

Mo Hua let go of his consciousness, scanned it once, and suddenly pointed at a monk lying on the ground in the corner and said:

 “Is that Yi Li?”

Hao Xuan looked in the direction pointed by the ink painting, his expression was startled, and then he nodded repeatedly:

 “Yes, it’s Yi Li!”

 Ink painting makes it clear.

The surname is Yi, and he is a descendant of the Yi family. He must specialize in magic and spiritual cultivation.

 In this kind of melee, spiritual practice suffers greatly.

 Especially since they are outnumbered and outnumbered, they are more likely to be targeted.

 In the melee, this spiritual cultivator must have been attacked at close range and was the first to be knocked down.

 Fortunately, he just fainted and his life is still intact for the time being.

 But after a while, it becomes hard to say...

Mo Hua observed the situation again.

These black-clothed monks have a solid foundation. If Mo Hua's prediction is correct, they are most likely from aristocratic families.

 As a result, Cheng Mo and the other two people on the other side may not be able to hold on for long.

Under the nine siege, the three of them were getting slower and slower, and their spiritual operations were gradually slow. Obviously they were gritting their teeth.

 It is already very impressive to be able to hold on till now.

Hao Xuan looked a little nervous.

Mo Hua thought for a while and said to Hao Xuan, "Your body skills are pretty good."

Hao Xuan didn't know why, and nodded slowly, "My parents were afraid that something bad would happen to me, so they asked me to specialize in body cultivation..."

Mo Hua then whispered: "You show up later, scold them a few times, and lure them over. Then I will use the formation to deal with them..."

Hao Xuan was startled for a moment, then nodded.

There are many people on the opposite side, but there are few of them. It is indeed possible to win by using a formation.


Hao Xuan looked around and asked, "Where is the formation?"

"It's okay..." Mo Hua said, "You go and lead him here, and I will lay it out."

Seeing that Hao Xuan didn’t believe it, Mo Hua emphasized:

 “I set up the formation very quickly!”

"All right…"

Hao Xuan muttered. Just as he was about to get up, another question came to mind:

 “How to lead...”

Mo Hua said patiently: "As long as you show your head, let them see it, and then pretend to be panicked and run away, they will definitely send out their men to hunt you down."

"Are they so stupid..." Hao Xuan was a little worried.

Mo Hua said: "They want to kill people and silence them, and they don't dare to leak the news, so as long as you show up, they will come after you no matter what."

 "Then why don't they chase..."

 “Just scold them.”

Hao Xuan was a little embarrassed, "I'm not very good at cursing..."

"It's okay," Mo Hua's eyes lit up, "I'll teach you!"

Hao Xuan was surprised, "Do you often curse people?"

Mo Hua immediately shook his head, "I don't know how to curse. I just know an elder who is very good at cursing. By chance, I happened to write down some curse words..."

Mo Hua secretly said some curse words to Hao Xuan.

Hao Xuan was shocked after hearing this.

Like a frog at the bottom of a well, he jumped out of the well. Only then did he realize that there could be people in this world who could curse people like this...

 “Do you remember?” Mo Hua asked.

Hao Xuan nodded solemnly.

"Okay, you go!" Mo Hua said, "But remember, there is no need to fight. Once someone chases you, just run away..."


So Hao Xuan plucked up the courage, walked out of the forest, stood at the edge of the forest, and shouted loudly to the black monks who were besieging Cheng Mo and others:

 “Cheng Mo! Hold on! I’m coming!”

 Then he rushed towards the other party.

 The monk in black across from him was stunned for a moment.

Then they recognized Hao Xuan, and when they saw that he wanted to throw himself into a trap, they all looked at him ferociously, drew their swords and sneered.

Hao Xuan was startled and ran back immediately.

 The monks in black looked at each other.

One of them frowned for a moment and said coldly: "Go after him! Don't let the news leak out!"


 The two monks in black nodded in agreement, then raised their swords and chased Hao Xuan.

Hao Xuan followed Mo Hua's instructions and led the two people into the forest, then walked around and hid behind a big rock.

After that, there was a "boom" and an explosion sounded on the ground.

 A violent wave of spiritual power came.

Hao Xuan felt a chill in his heart. He looked up again and saw the two monks in black lying straight on the ground.

Mo Hua on the side has already started to use fireball to finish the damage.

 The process is smooth and the methods are skillful.

Hao Xuan almost suspected that his "little senior brother" was an expert at cheating, killing, and stealing goods.

After Mo Hua finished mending the knife, Hao Xuan ran up immediately, only to see Mo Hua looking unhappy.

 “Senior brother, what’s wrong?”

Mo Hua pointed at the two black monks on the ground.

Hao Xuan took a look and found that the two men were already **** and unrecognizable.

 The death situation of the two men in black was exactly the same as before.

“When you are alive, you cannot feel the demonic energy, but as soon as you die, the demonic energy will get out of control, polluting and corroding your flesh, flesh, and spiritual energy..."

 The ink painting looks a little solemn.

Hao Xuan was also a little frightened.

 He ​​is a member of a righteous family. He had only heard about the many evil methods of the "Devil Way" before, but he had only heard about them with his own ears. Now he has seen them with his own eyes.

 It’s as if the dangers of those practicing Taoism suddenly become real...

 Ink painting is not surprising.

 He stood up and planned a "seduce" route for Hao Xuan.

 After that, Hao Xuan returned to the mountain stream and shouted at the group of men in black: "I'm here again!"

The black-clothed monks were stunned for another moment.

 But they did not pursue him.

This time even the fools knew there was a problem.

Hao Xuan remembered what Mo Hua taught him and cursed loudly but steadily:

 “You bunch of wimps…”


“When you were born, did you leave all your courage in your mother’s womb?”

“Grandpa, if I scold you like this, you can still act like a coward!”

“Is it possible that your father is a tortoise? You are also a green-headed bastard, so you can tolerate it so well?”

“In that case, why not introduce your mother to me, maybe she can give you more turtle brothers...”


These words made the black monks bewildered.

Even Cheng Mo and the others were a little unbelievable.

This Hao Xuan...couldn't he be possessed by evil spirits...

He doesn't usually curse. How come his ability to curse has improved so much in such a short period of time?

 Cheng Mo and the others were a little confused.

The black monks came to their senses, but they couldn't stand it anymore.

One person gritted his teeth and said: "Brother, I'm going to kill that kid!"

 “Crush him into pieces!”

The leading monk in black frowned, "There must be a scam..."

 Another man in black nodded and said:

“The two brothers chased me just now, but now they have disappeared. I don’t know whether they were lured away or were ambushed.”

 But someone said angrily:

“I don’t care! He has humiliated me so much that today I will cut open his intestines to vent the hatred in my heart!”

The leading monk in black frowned: "No."

The man sneered, "Don't forget, you are not qualified to order me. I only listened to your orders to give you face, but in terms of status, I am not much worse than you!"

 The monk in black was angry, "You!"

 But the man in black ignored him, and instead nodded to the two of them:

"Let's go. Although we are told not to reveal our identity, we cannot suffer such humiliation based on our background!"

So the three men in black chased Hao Xuan.

There were only four black-clothed monks left in the field.

 Four to three, although they still have an advantage, this advantage is already very weak.

  Cheng Mo and the other two men were also confident and saw the hope of escaping or even fighting back.

On the other side, three men in black, grinning viciously, chased Hao Xuan into the forest.

 They thought that it would be easy to defeat three against one.

Even if there are some ambushes, as long as you are careful, it will be no big deal.

 But they have no idea who is waiting for them in this dark mountain forest...

 Half an hour later.

 The formation flashed with red light, and the fire filled the air.

After the smoke and dust dissipated.

These three men in black with arrogant faces also lay straight on the ground and died.

  (ps. The group has been created. Interested friends can join the group to chat~

 The group number is attached below. )

 (End of this chapter)