MTL - Assassin Farmer-~ 113 Thoughts

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"Hey children, are you also thinking about you?" Su Shui-hsiang is holding Lin Biao, who is very like Lin Shizhen, shaking his cradle and kicking his legs and kicking his fists. Sigh.

It’s been a month since I left the aunt, but I still haven’t expected him to come back.

Every time I ask Situ, the answer is always the same: the wounded is not recovered, and it is not easy to hurry.

A few times down, Su Shuiyu also saw that Situ was trying to perfuse her. As for the real reason, she suddenly did not want to know. Just praying deeply in my heart day after day. He won't have anything. She told herself. I haven't had time to teach the children to do the tricks. I haven't taken her to visit the mountains and lakes of the Dahui country. I don't know how much I love him. How can he have something!

"Miss, Miss Xiao and the young master should sleep, the slaves first hugged to the west wing to feed, and the young lady should wash and go to bed." Liang Shu picked up the dim oil lamp, first picked up the Lin Biao in the cradle and handed it to Bai He took the milk to the milk and laid the bed before he took the Lin Biao in the hands of Su Shui.

"At night, I will feed myself. You will let the milk custard rest. Come back later." Su Shuiyan nodded and told me. She didn't sleep well at night, and she simply fed a dragon to the dragon and phoenix. The milkmaid took over again in the early hours of the morning.

"Miss, this way, how can the body eat it!" Liang Shuo did not agree. Ms. Jing Wang, the fourth lady of the Tang Dynasty, actually went to breastfeeding in the middle of the night. If she was informed by the old king, they all had to peel off the skin.

"I have a number. If it is tired, I will naturally tell you." Su Shui-soo smiled, insomnia, there should always be something to do, in order to prevent her worrying heart more and more anxious.

"Hey. Miss knows it. The slave is also afraid that the lady is too tired." Liang Shuo sighed, reluctantly holding Lin Biao, went to the West Chamber to feed, and told Su Shui's instructions.

Su Shui-soo was washed and replaced with a nightgown. The dragon and phoenix were also taken back to the east wing by Liang Shu and Bai He. at this time. Lin Biao is already asleep, and Lin Biao is yawning and sleepy. Put the cradle one by one and move the cot to the big bed. So that Su Shui is more convenient to breastfeed in the middle of the night.

In fact, after moving into the east wing, the milk in the night was fed in the room. Especially when it is in the moon. There was a small carbon basin in the room, and the milk was waiting for the soft couch in the outer room. When I heard the sound of the dragon and the phoenix, I quickly entered the room to feed. After you have finished feeding, go out and rest.

It’s been two months now, and the number of times the dragon and the phoenix eat in the night is less. Usually after a meal before going to sleep. It’s about three o'clock or a child's time. Then it was around the time of dawn. Fortunately, the feeding of dragons and babies is very regular. Saved a lot of thoughts on Su Shuiyu and Dairy.

After Lin Biao also fell asleep, Su Shui blew out the oil lamp. With the light on, she couldn't sleep. Can turn off the light, she looked at the round of the sickle like the window, the daytime in the bottom of my heart, the thoughts of the tide swept.

Quietly leaning on the bed, I don't know how long it took. Until the sleep gradually came, I suddenly felt that the shop was sinking. It was followed by a cold, cold night, and Su Shui slammed violently. I am going to call for a white lotus sleeping in the outer room.

"It's me." The low and familiar male voice eliminated her panic. Turning around and burying the man’s cold embrace from the cold frost, "come back."

"Yes, I am back." Lin Siyu was heavily sucked, and the fragrant scent of the nose swelled his heart and condensed his blood for a few days.

"It’s good to come back. Is it used for dinner?" Su Shuiyan pressed his heart full of excitement and reached out and stroked him all over the body, as if he wanted to find out what was going on.

"Not hungry. Don't look for a woman, no injuries." Lin Siyi smirked her to stop Soso's search for a touch, pulling her hands and ringing her waist.

"Listen to the child, said that the brand was seriously injured, only to delay the return. He is okay?"

"At least still alive." It is a miracle to be able to walk out from the blood and blood of the blood and walk out alive. Of course, his small spoon of jade heart also played a big role. Otherwise, even if you leave a sigh of relief, you can't spend half a year.

"What about you? Is it really okay?" As soon as Lin Shiyi spit out something that almost shocked her, he couldn't help but rush to search for him, for fear that he would deliberately conceal.

"I'm fine." Even with some minor injuries, after a month of recovery, it has healed. Of course he would not give her the chance to drop the beans against her wounds. He did not forget that the old wounds on his body were once a scene of her tears.

"Is it really okay? Isn't it swearing at me? If it is really hurt, you must not swear at me." Su Shui squatted worriedly at him, saying seriously and word by word.

"Reassured, really not." Lin Siyan leaned over and smiled, scorning her, trying to divert her attention.

"Is the family all right this time?" He cares about the safety of her safety and the safety of her baby.

"Very good. The other hospital has been under construction for half a month. The western wilderness of the west is surrounded by bamboo fences, and it is the main house of the other house in the future. Also, in order to facilitate the city, the planning masters also plan to In the west, the title is followed by the village road, and a new official road is built, which leads directly to the city and the direction of the Qingyu Temple."

Lin Siyu quietly listened to the soft voice of the little woman in her arms, and the tight mood of the past few days was finally down.

"Don't go any further?" After reporting the trivialities of his absence this month, Su Shuiqi whispered a question hanging in his heart.

"It shouldn't be. However, your older brother wants me to enter the Emperor's capital." The two men's snuggling warmed him all over the body, smashed his body and shirt, and only had a pair of trousers, and got into her warm, melted bed. A sweet and fragrant little woman, clinging to her arms, and agreeing with him.

"Big Brother? Why?" Su Shuizhen shyly attached to his body, feeling his rough skin and rubbing her delicate skin.

"Thinking is related to the invasion of the **** country." Lin Sizhen briefly explained.

What is not said is that he has cooperated with Liang Enzai to remove the **** twelve **** rides of Dahui Royal Family. Dahui Emperor wants to personally reward him.

He does not want to go. However, Liang Enzai said that if he refused the blessing of the emperor, his family would be implicated.

Damn, if Liang En has more tongues, revealing him, how can Dahui Emperor know him, a killer in the district, how can the royal family be in the eye?

Don't think that he will not know Liang Enzhe's intentions. If you don't push him out to get rid of the biggest weapon of blood and blood - the merits of the twelve blood rides, Dahui Emperor will surely suspect Liang Enji. How can a prince who is in charge of military power have such a powerful subordinate? If Liang Enzhao wants to force the palace, it is just a matter of waving his hand. Where is the royal family still his opponent?

As a result, Liang Jia and Jing Wangfu will surely be watched by Dahui Emperor. If they are serious, they will even be cut off and seized...

Then, it is self-evident that the otters and their homes have been implicated.

However, if Liang En's father and son really have a heart to force the palace, Liang Enzhao will not choose to smash all of them in the 12th blood riding just into Dahui. He can use the threat of the 12th blood riding to the Dahui royal family to force the palace to become the current emperor. Just like it.

Therefore, Liang Jia has no disagreement with the royal family. Therefore, Liang Enzhao should attribute all the credits for the annihilation of the 12 blood rides to Lin Sizhen. In order to reduce the suspicion of Dahui Dahuang to their Liang family.

However, now, Lin Sijun began to doubt the purpose of the Jing Wangfu to build a large hospital. I hope that all this is just his guess.

It seems that the eager and straightforward Jing Wang, should not be able to push his own daughter who has been away for many years to the world in order to protect his own safety, in order to coerce his cooperation.

As for Liang En Zai, it is hard to say. Looking at him with a flawless face and a fascinating peach face everywhere, Lin Sizhen did not believe that he was really innocent.

Damn, Liang Enzhe, I hope that I will not catch any handles that you use the leeches. I don't mind taking your life to sacrifice ancestors.

"Well, then... are you going?" Su Shuiyu leaned in his arms and asked, playing with his long hair and drowsiness.

"More. Not too early, sleep." Lin Siyi bowed his head and made a note on her forehead, indicating that she was sleeping.

Su Shui-soo did come to sleep, and in his arms found a comfortable posture, staring at him sweetly to sleep.

Lin Sizhen locked her beautiful and delicate face, looked at her for a long while, spit out a breath, only to hold her into the first dream of a good sleep in a month.

Just after the child, Su Shuiyu was woken up by Lin Biao’s voice, and quickly got up to feed the dragon and phoenix. Lin Biao quickly finished her milk, and she fell asleep. Lin Biao sucked her other milk in her dreams. This slipped back to the big bed.

"Yeah!" Just wrapped in the bed, Lin Shizhen was under his body.

Touching the fiery stiffness of his thigh root, Su Shui shyly reached out and supported his chest. "When the child is born."

"Exactly, no one is disturbing." Lin Siyu leaned over and covered her sweet mouth, a lingering kiss, and tried his best for a month.

"I thought you were very tired." After the long kiss, Su Shuiqi sighed and sighed again and again.

"Really. However, it has been restored. I didn't see it, I miss you." Lin Siyi smiled low and peeled off her clothes one by one, only to stick to her soft and tender skin and pressed against her.

“Did you miss me?” He stroking her against the dark, white skin, asked softly. The obsidian-like eyes are especially bright in the room where the moon shines.

"Yes." Su Shuiyan listened to the steady pulse of his chest, sighed with shame and replied softly.

In January, I was able to understand how deep my love was. I don't want to miss the true feelings of him because of unnecessary restraint.

"Oh, huh..." He smiled and hugged her, and she stepped forward in the flower valley where she had already run. "Me too, I miss you... I really want to..." The first time I was worried about it, I was so sad that I remembered it.

And she, when he entered his own moment, heard him whispering through her ear, with deep thoughts and love. He is really back! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)