MTL - Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants-v2 Chapter 2787 Full moon banquet

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Who to see for.

Nothing is the relatives and friends of the senior officials who have been pulled down by the ancient chairman. Those people have just been pulled down. The ancient chairman personally came to the Zhao family to visit Zhao Tiezhu’s son. This is the relationship with Zhao Tiezhu. There is no doubt about it. Naturally, more people have concentrated their hatred on Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu said that it does not matter, anyway, this year, not to be hated, is mediocrity, I can be used by the chairman, who do you have that qualification?

I have to say that Zhao Tiezhu’s Q spirit is still very strong.

Zhao Tiezhu puts the wine, the place is naturally small, the place of liquor, or the place where Zhao Tiezhu is very familiar, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

Of course, as for the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, can you use it to make a full moon wine for children? This is not clear to Zhao Tiezhu. Anyway, with the power of Zhao Tiezhu, you can't do it.

The whole full moon wine is quite large.

Zhao Tiezhu used his face to have a relationship. He was able to pack down the No. 12 building of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. The 12th building was the residence of Mao Taizu, and he received the US President Ronald Reagan and the British Prime Minister Sacher. Mrs. Er, this can be packaged without money, and the accommodation area of ​​the 12th building of Diaoyutai State Guesthouse is used by Zhao Tiezhu to entertain guests, such as Chen Weiguo and Zhang Yihuang who specially went to Beijing.

Of course, the most domineering thing in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse is the 18th building. This is the head of state. It is used by foreign heads of state, and Zhao Tiezhu does not use it.

The guests who came to participate in the full moon wine almost included the entire face of the city, such as the city party secretary of the capital, such as the boss of various ministries, such as some red second generation red three generations, as well as some foreign giants, social celebrities, etc. Wait, and on the FJ side, in addition to Chen Weiguo and Zhang Yihuang, there are also several deputy provincial-level cadres, which are purely followed to join in the fun.

In addition, Wen Changlin, Li Ge, and other people also promised to participate in this full moon wine, Wen Changlin will recognize Xiaogang as his son on the spot.

Hey, the bandits in these gangsters will come to participate in this full moon wine, and the bandits will participate in the future as a family.

At the end of the Blood Soul Hall, Zhao Tiezhu specially arranged Tiandao to arrange it in another hotel, so that the three hundred blood soul halls that came to the capital city will also feel the excitement of this full moon wine together. Fan Jian and the eight fingers are As the representative of FJ Blood Soul Hall, they both came to Beijing to congratulate Zhao Tiezhu. As for those who are alone, they still need to sit in FJ and can't come. However, Zhao Tiezhu also plans to finish the full moon wine here and return to FJ.

Anyway, Zhao Tiezhu’s bandit felt that his son’s full moon wine had to be done, not only in Beijing, but also in FJ.

I have to say that this kind of upstart's tasteful approach is really in line with Zhao Tiezhu's taste.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, Zhao Tiezhu took Cao Ziyi to the door of the ballroom of the 12th floor of Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

Need to say here, Su Yanni is the second room, and Cao Ziyi is a big house. On such an occasion, Cao Ziyi must appear as a hostess, and Su Yanni also can not follow the door to receive guests because she wants to bring children.

Zhao Tiezhu’s face was full of smiles, welcoming every guest who came. These guests, just taking one out, were enough to hold a part of the area. Even today, they appeared in a place collectively. I have to say that Zhao Tiezhu’s face is too Wide.

Of course, a large part of it is because of the face of Chairman No. 1 of the ancient chairman. Today, at noon, the ancient chairman appeared in Zhao’s house to visit Zhao Gangyu. This is a very strong signal. Even the ancient chairman went to celebrate the full moon. You How could you not come?

Therefore, many people who have not had a relationship with Zhao, or who have a bad relationship with Zhao Tiezhu, have come to the scene, such as the people in the Ministry of Public Security, such as a group of two people from the National Security Bureau. Just come over and go through the game and prove that I am coming, just fine.

"The iron column, congratulations."

Chen Weiguo and Zhang Yihuang both appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu. These two are the leaders of the FJ delegation. Of course, this is Zhao Tiezhu’s own name. For example, FJ is here to congratulate himself, that is, the FJ team. And the other side of SH is the SH team.

“Tongyi is happy.” Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile on his face. “Chen Commander, Secretary Zhang, you can drink a few more cups when you go in.”

"Haha, I must go with you a few more." Zhang Yihuang said with a smile, "I said when I came with Chen, I didn't drink you at night, I lost the face of our FJ fellow, haha. I sometimes admire Lao Chen, my grandson is a brother with you, and my granddaughter has made a pair with you, but my son is too big, haha."

"When the New Year is over this year, I must go to Zhang Shuji’s home to get to know Zhang Gongzi." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Sure." Zhang Yihuang finished laughing and walked into the banquet hall with Chen Weiguo.

Later, the military district Sanjie, Qiangqiang and others also came to the scene one after another. After a chill, everyone also walked into the banquet hall under the leadership of Miss etiquette.

After a long time, Zhao Tiezhu saw a person he had not seen for a long time.

Lei Zi.

Lei Zi’s side followed a blond foreign girl, and the two walked hand in hand.

Zhao Tiezhu knows that this foreign girl looks like a foreign woman who is quite open. When she said that Leizi has made people’s stomachs bigger, they have to come to Shenzhou to find Lei Zi’s account. Now it seems that the stomach is not big, I want to come to the same place. Deceptive.

"Iron column brother."

Lei Zi stood a little shy in front of Zhao Tiezhu and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Ha ha ha, there are more and more soldiers in the fan." Zhao Tiezhu looked at the ranks of a military uniform major, said, "Do it well, have the opportunity to go to the devil."

"Well, yes, the South Vietnamese devil, the Indian devil, the Japanese devil, all have to fight, hehe." Leizi smiled and touched his head.

"Iron column brother."

The foreign girl standing next to Leizi extended his hand to Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu simply shook his hand and said, "My family Leizi is a temper, but it is definitely a good man for a wife. You followed. He can rest assured, "

"I know." The foreign woman smiled and said, "If he is a mess, I can marry him."

Under the laughter of Zhao Tiezhu, Leizi covered his face and walked into the banquet hall.

Subsequently, Wen Changlin and Li Ge also arrived at the scene one after another. About 7:30, people came almost. When Zhao Tiezhu was about to enter the banquet hall, two unexpected people appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

One is a foreigner Richard, the other one is actually Zhao Kunlun.

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