MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 113

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The hunters have experienced countless victories, they do not chase at all, giving the poor little mouse a short escape and hiding time.

When the hunt started, Qingchuan was hidden in an ice cave. There was a hole above the ice cave, and you could see the outside. He was sure someone would find him. Because the neighborhood is already crowded with those weird round heads. If he's quiet and someone nearby is making a fuss, those heads will be drawn away.

Unfortunately, there is no one around him. So a little noise attracted a lot of heads.

He hid inside and carefully observed the movement above.

A Pegasus carriage parked above, glittering gold announcing its arrival. But the carriage did not fly down, it stayed in the air cautiously. And the other vehicles that had come together went to chase the others.

Seven vehicles and eighteen prey, each vehicle can get two prey on average, hunters are not in a hurry.

A beam of light flew from Yuren's hand, and the cave above Qingchuan was almost flattened.

It was their arrow, comparable to a rocket launcher.

Qing Chuan immediately dodged to avoid the falling ice fragments, and found a small space with a triangular support point to hide in.

Because there was too much movement, the heads under the ice layer were scattered, and the people above couldn't find Qingchuan at once, so they dropped a little bit, almost 13 or 4 meters from the ground.

The hunters are not fools, they will also consider the people who have fishing law enforcement, so they will definitely not give up the advantage of high altitude and descend to the ground.

There won't be only Qingchuan who is capable, what they want to prevent is this special kind of human that can hurt them. And a variety of props in the hands of players.

NPC is not invincible, any game has a certain balance, the props in the spree is the balance for the player. When players can make full use of the props in their hands, they may not be able to fight back.

The feathers are proud, but they don't feel like they're completely risk-free.

'Boom! ’

There was some movement in front, which attracted the heads. This little thing will find the slightest sound, and then track it. If this feature is used well, it can be used as a good object to confuse people.

Qing Chuan let go of a strand of hair in his hand that was connected to an unstable huge block of ice in front of him, and waited patiently.

The hair of the female ghost in white is very easy to use, very strong, slender, and imperceptible.

He waited for the hunters in the sky to slowly approach here, close to the location of Qingchuan, very close.

This is a very cautious guy, the bow and arrow in his hand once again shot a beam of light and blasted the place where Qingchuan was in front. The energy shield condensed by Qingchuan closely protected him.

The guy above took a few minutes to confirm the movement below, and the other party was slowly approaching.


Just when the flying carriage was parked in the sky above Qingchuan, Qingchuan jumped out of the ruins, jumped more than ten meters, and jumped into this beautiful frame with both hands on the handrail of the carriage .

The carriage was actually surrounded by a transparent energy cover, but this energy cover was vulnerable in Qingchuan.

The other party was surprised, but not very scared.

"Human, you have courage."

"Thank you for the compliment. Your carriage is very beautiful, I like it very much, lend me a couple of days?"

The paper cutter in Qingchuan's hand cut it and cut the opponent's neck directly, but it felt like cutting a ball of jelly, he saw the neck and body of this thing split into two Half, and then overlapped, unscathed.


"It's me, human!"

But they punched, but it was a real punch, without the slightest moisture.

Is that why they are so arrogant?

Qingchuan even used a spell that can block negative energy creatures, and a needle in the eye with non-physical properties, but it was useless. So it is decided that these **** things are not negative energy creatures and not demons?

Yuren also found that this human being is extremely difficult to deal with.

The two were fighting together in a small chariot, and for the time being, no one could do anything about the other.

The energy attached to Qingchuan's paper cutter can cut the opponent's body, and the opponent needs some energy to overlap and repair again. Therefore, both sides have been consuming energy, but the amount is very small, even negligible.

In this way, I don't know how to decide a result.

"Give it up, the people of the Sky God are invincible. Do you have any chance of winning if you drag on like this? You are indeed different from the others, but that's all. I allow you It's alright to stay out of the way?" He sneered, his voice light and ethereal, which fit the identity of that kind of sky dweller.

"I wanted to do it myself, but it seems there is no way."

Qingchuan sighed, and he called out his group of relatives and friends—a bamboo that looked very ordinary with a diameter of ten centimeters.

"What is this..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the bamboo carbonized into a black bamboo charcoal in an instant, and then a strong suction suddenly came from the air, and the substances in his body began to be swept away involuntarily. , Layers of tiny particles were wrapped ruthlessly into the seemingly small bamboo charcoal.

This process is particularly interesting, like a pair of sand paintings being sucked up by a vacuum cleaner, and not a single grain is left. Obsessive-compulsive patients are especially comfortable after seeing it.

"Hiccup~" Moso bamboo rubbed its belly contentedly, and now it has regained its luscious green appearance, "The energy is so abundant that it can split a few more small bamboo shoots. I went back to the boss, next Remember to call me again the next time you have this delicious food."


Qingchuan waved his hand and sent away the bamboo, he sat on the carriage, slowly sorted his messy hair, some messy skirt and collar, and took care of himself so that he could attend the dance at any time Only then did I have the interest to fiddle with the steering wheel and the bow and arrow on the car.

The flying fish had long ago tied a knot in black hair and left it in the back seat. The female ghost's hair is really easy to use, it's long and thin, and it's not afraid of electricity. I'll go for some more haircuts next time.

"Tsk, it turns out that the haze turned into essence, do you really think that God is first and second?"

Qingchuan circled the sky with a carriage with a Pegasus on it.

This is a huge circle. He tried it, but he couldn't fly around the circle. Within the circle, there were all kinds of transparent ice layers and some strange obstacles.

A standard, air-to-ground, hunting ground.

This circle is very large, the seven carriages are far away, and other feathermen have not found any abnormality for the time being.

He found a quiet place and let the carriage stop quietly in the air.

Qingchuan wiped the flying fish with a cloth. Actually, it was not necessary. The fish itself was very clean, even cleaner than water. It felt like it was carved from jade, cold, hard and smooth, with a dry surface.

Qingchuan scraped off the fish scales, one by one, nearly round transparent pieces, then cut off the fish head, peeled off the fish skin, the fish inside was snow-white, almost transparent white, and dry, No blood.

Qingchuan carefully observed and felt it, it was a cold feeling, like touching a piece of smooth and soft crystal mud, or very elastic crystal mud.

He chose a position on his back and tried to cut a small piece of fish as thin as a cicada's wings and put it in his mouth.

He has eaten a lot of fish, and he will try fish from all over the world, but this wonderful taste is the first time, it seems to contain a soft crystal piece, not like meat, but also There is a slight electric current.

He began to taste, the thin fish shattered as soon as he took a bite, the feeling of the thin ice breaking was obvious, and then it began to melt...

It is very interesting, the fish meat that was originally a solid crystal piece, once melted, it will be a fragrant juice with a tingling sensation of electric current.

It's not the smell of fish, it's more like a top-quality wine, and it's a natural wine with a strange flavor. Even if it is kept in the mouth for a long time, it still has a slightly cool taste, and a free wind is rolled up in the mouth.

This tiny electric current that humans can withstand is definitely the finishing touch, giving this fine wine and fish the best taste.

"System, did I say at the beginning that there is nothing to dig in this kind of ghost place with only human heads?"

"Huh?" The system doesn't know why.

"Now I'm going to slap myself in the face."

Qing Chuan carefully covered the fish with the skin and put it away. He looked up at the other carriages that looked like ants in the distance, and those carriages also carried flying fish.

His eyes have completely changed.

"Hahahahaha-" The man in the feather coat laughed in the car, happily watching the black-skinned girl and the bearded fleeing below, just like a human being admiring the pigsty running around but no matter what It is impossible to escape the fat pigs that are slaughtered.

The black girl and the beard are a bit unlucky, they actually got the strategy from other players before - on this ice lake, there is something that people fear is hidden in a bunker, in order to increase Game fun.

The black girl happened to have a prop to find a certain thing, and they were embarrassed...bah, they cooperated.

It started well, found this pink powder and dispersed the heads. Just be quiet until the end.

—because the ice lake will melt at the end of the game, and those disgusting monster fish will run out, they must run to the place where they started, that is the end, and the only thing that will not melt place.

Beware of attacks from the sky during this process, and the difficulty of survival is max.

They never thought about killing the hunters.

Maybe there are powerful people who can fight against such high-end bosses, but they were just ordinary people who liked horror games before, even if they grow rapidly in the past six months and have props blessing, anti-killing the boss is also a million OK.

This kind of high-end boss is so powerful that it is abnormal, and it takes a lot of effort just to survive.

Anti-kill? No no no.

If you have a prop in your hand to defeat the opponent, you can think about it.

The black girl and the bearded do not have such restraint props, they choose to hide.

But they were so unlucky.

& nbsp; Chose melancholy and instead have a flare-up 'bang bang bang' with a pistol, no matter what's there, I'm just not happy, I just want to vent.

They met such a man in a feather coat.

As a result, the lunatic looked at it, okay, it turned out that there were still two little mice hidden under his eyelids, and he was even more emotional.

The two fled for their lives all the way, and they used up the two life-saving props in their hands, which were of no use.

Air-to-ground has an innate advantage.

The bearded man is a good man, and he still maintains his morality and friendliness as a person at this time. The black girl is very grateful to him.

"Go quickly, I can't walk, you still have a chance..." The black girl felt that her life had reached the end, although she was still very young, only in her twenties, yes A student from a decent university with a bright future.

"I regret it, why did I quarrel with my mother at that time. The last word I left her was swearing." The pain will not be more painful than her heart.

Bearded gritted his teeth, ready to let go. He also has family members who must go back to visit and cannot die here.


A strange musical instrument suddenly exploded in this empty corner from far to near.


"I understand the reasoning, why do you want to play "The Prelude of the Little Knife Club"?" Qingchuan asked, insisting on a system that uses music to add to the fun.

"In this year, there is no pomp without BGM. This is the exclusive BGM of the great sage. Listen to the suona at the beginning, do you want to be domineering? , how shocking? It can set off your host's temperament!"

"If you weren't my host, I wouldn't use my BGM."

The system adheres to its own aesthetic.

"...The music will be discussed later." Qingchuan saw that the scattered particles were sticking together again, but the weight was a little less, and the man in the feather clothes who was shorter was looking at him angrily and embarrassedly. he.

The corner of Qingchuan's lips twitched upwards, "Unhappy? I'm not happy either. If it weren't for you idiots, I'd be drinking milk tea and eating chicken wings and swiping the video to like it. Ah, I don't know if I will be able to go home in time for the Chinese New Year."

He swung the black bamboo stick in his hand, and the whole figure was struck by lightning.

This bamboo stick is a sub-strain split from charcoal bamboo. It is not as powerful as the main body, but it also has the ability to absorb and purify.

"Although it's a little early, happy new year friends. I wish you smooth sailing, two snakes take off, Sanyang, Kaitai, four seasons, peace and happiness All things auspicious—everything goes well!"

"I heard that Chinese people are humble, but I never thought that Chinese people would be so humble..." The bearded man stared blankly at the one-sided battle in mid-air, no, not even that. It should be called a battle, and it is a complete slaughter.

The man in the feather clothes who chased them and screamed was a puppet with a broken thread under the black stick, swinging with everyone.

Circle after circle, and now it's basically a kid-sized miniature man in a feather coat.

Isn't my tone of voice when I said she was a newcomer not very good? Should my tone be more gentle? Actually, I used to be a good and gentle girl."

The mid-air battle (?) is also over.

With the last New Year's greetings half a year in advance, Qingchuan's bamboo charcoal sticks stopped steadily in the air, lighting the nose of the mini-feathered man.

"I have a question for you."

"Disgusting underground people, do you think I will give in? Sky warriors will never be..."

"Never be a slave?" Qingchuan directly interrupted the other party's words, "Come on, who should I show you? Didn't you have a good time just now? Know what karma is? It's just how you treated others, sooner or later, you have to be scolded back. I'm too lazy to listen to you, die, or answer, choose one for yourself."

Qing Chuan's eyes were indifferent, although his face was smiling, it was very cold. He wasn't joking, saying that killing it was killing it. The long skirt still swayed with the wind, but it didn't look like a poor little white flower at all, but like a poisonous mandala, gorgeous and flamboyant.

The man in the feather clothes who was still tough at first wilted instantly, "You ask."

"How do you keep this thing?" He shook his hands and struggled endlessly, like a flying fish that was less afraid of power than his master.


"I don't know? What's the use of you?"

Seeing that the stick was about to be swept over again, the man in the feather clothes had a strong desire to survive, and immediately said, "I know! It feeds on thunder, lightning, rain and dew, and it lives in the clouds on weekdays, so it's very easy to care for!"

The stick stopped by the ear of the man in the feather clothes, and a wind blew the other party's eyes.

"So, how does it reproduce? Is it mitosis, is it bisexual reproduction? Or is it bisexual reproduction?"

"Hysexual reproduction! Oviparous! Multiple births!"

"Oh, will you raise it?"


"It won't work, it's a waste of food to stay!" Kill it.

"No! I will! I can do anything!" Ma Dan, what else can you do but threaten me with a stick? The tears in the heart of Yu Yiren flowed silently, that was his broken dignity.

Qing Chuan was finally satisfied, he threw the flying fish, the feather coat, and the carriage with the Pegasus into the field, and he was already like a bullet rushing towards the next reserve breeder. It's a pity that one was killed in the front, otherwise seven breeders would be obtained.

He took out the bamboo stick without mercy. It was like the crocodile lurking at the bottom of the river finally revealed its **** mouth.


With the BGM released by the system, from now on this ice lake will be resounding in the name of one person - the geese who pass the plucking, eat and take, smash the wool and smash the bald skin. ·Sichuan!

What a high-end and high-end escape game, it ended so unexpectedly. Basically all players drift back to where they started gathering in a trance.

According to the process, they should still be fleeing like frightened birds.

It was not until the ice melted at dusk that I had to return here under the hail of bullets.

Not now - walk back from a leisurely walk, looking at the high sun and wondering when it will be dusk.

It's really strange to get used to it suddenly.

"Do you want something to eat?" Qingchuan greeted them.

The flying fish cut before will not last long, and the sashimi is still fresh and delicious.

This fish is very long, about three or four meters long, only the big bone in the middle has no other thin bones, so there is a lot of meat in the whole piece. Qingchuan cut them into fish fillets of suitable thickness. Because of this peculiar taste, he chose to cut them thinly, with a slice of two millimeters thick.

He sent most of the fish to the field for his friends to share.

There are some left here, not much, but enough for four or five slices per person.

Qingchuan rolls the fish fillets into a flower shape, five pieces are one flower, and the crystal clear flowers also flash with electricity, which is very beautiful.

"This is?"

"It's the fish that flew around before, didn't they have one for each? The taste is simply amazing, you can't taste such a delicious taste in reality." Qingchuan Highly recommended.

Everyone: ... No, as expected of the Chinese people who "fly in the sky except for planes, swim in the sea except for submarines, we dare to eat anything", even this kind of thing dares to eat, admire and admire.

It was as transparent as a thin ice flake, and an electric current flashed through it, scalding her finger.

"...Oh!" She closed her eyes and thought she had eaten the Starry Sky Pie, but who knew that as soon as she entered it, she was surprised by this wonderful feeling, and she tasted it again, O! M! G!

Totally conquered.

"This taste is amazing, like chewing on thin ice or something crunchy, and the numb feeling of electric current, but it doesn't hurt, just feels irritating. Oh my God! What does it taste like? Like ice-cold sparkling wine, no, a little more mellow and a little more fragrant…”

"The taste of the fish will be different in different parts of this fish. Would you like to try this one? This is the meat on the tail." Qingchuan introduced her.

The black girl has been completely fascinated by this taste, she can't wait to pick up another piece, "The front taste of this piece has a burnt aroma of coffee, and the aftertaste is more fragrant. Compared with It just came up more soft and mellow, but this one is more to my taste. It’s like edible wine, but it’s not wine, how can I describe it, it’s incredible.”

The black girl is so cheering, every muscle shaking is talking about delicious and delicious!

One hand stretched out to the fish fillet, everyone expressed their willingness to buy this Amway, only two people, Qingchuan did not allow it.

The brown-haired woman and black-curly-haired man who showed hostility at first hearing about his nationality.

"Although I may seem indifferent, I do not welcome people who are hostile to my home country. You should be lucky, I am not the kind of person who will act recklessly with a little ability, It won't easily attack humans. But what do you get from me, refuse."

His jet-black bamboo stick was on the ground, not threatening, but suddenly no one dared to make a sound.

The two retreated, and then they clearly felt rejected, and they had nothing to do.

The taste of flying fish is really unique, plus its own rare attributes, it is even more delicious. That is, in one minute, there is only a roll of fish fillet florets left on the fish skin.

So, who eats?

"If it were in the real world, I would even be willing to exchange a piece of one kilogram of gold for a piece of fish." The local tyrant with a Middle Eastern face said this, and he turned his watch with some nostalgia. In fact, it has been more than half a year, but it feels like half a century has passed.

"I can exchange it with my villa in XX district." Another local tyrant said.

Qingchuan remembered the 20-square-meter leaky apartment and four-digit savings that the original owner rented in reality, and couldn't help shedding tears of poverty.

"The lady is from China, right? I remember that I have a garden villa of 800 square meters in the Huaxia Shanghai market..."
