MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 115

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"What are you looking for?"

Qing Chuan entered a tavern, but didn't order any wine, he walked to the front of the wine cabinet, which was a good location and could see most of the guests. Qingchuan looked up and down, left and right, not knowing what to look for, his teammates felt very curious.

"Looking for someone." He replied, "A person who walks the streets and knows a lot of secrets."

"What kind of person?" The teammates thought it was strange, which sounded interesting and full of storytelling.

They thought of Sherlock Holmes's newspaper boy unit and the beggar gang in Chinese martial arts. Wow, suddenly a little nervous, like some spy movie.

"A man with flexible eyes, always subconsciously looking for all kinds of news... I found it." Qing Chuan's eyes lit up, and his smile brightened a bit.

"There were too many people, and the little mouse ran away. I'll go over first, and you will sit next to me. Just buy something to eat and drink."

You can still eat meat and drink when you go out to do a mission? The team members were moved, they hadn't eaten anything for a long time. Horror games rarely give people a chance to eat. Although the stomach is not hungry, the desire to eat is always there.

"I didn't expect to have the opportunity to order food and eat like a normal person after I came out. I really... woo woo woo, I miss white rice so much." The Dongying boy cried exaggeratedly.

"Order, how do I order?" The man with the bow-tie beard stared at the table with interest, "What should I order? Can I order meat? I must have the largest and largest portion. Eat until you vomit!"

"The bamboo rib hanging over there is the menu, let me see - sauce duck, sauce beef, braised lion head, braised pork, braised fish, stewed goose in a big pot..." The front of the sign is full of big meat Vegetables, followed by vegetarian dishes, the more he reported, the more greedy he became, and he kept gulping.

Others were drooling.

Eat, eat!

Qingchuan was silent for a while, then gave his teammates a stack of money and asked them to buy some food for themselves. Send a plate of meat to that table."

Qing Chuan walked over and sat down opposite him, resting his left hand on the table, his other hand shook his gown, and then accidentally revealed his watch. The young man raised his eyelids, "There is someone at this table."

"I'll treat you to a drink."

Huh? drinking? Is business open?

The young man raised his head, "You invite me to a drink? Ha... Come on, I have something to run errands for. Don't dare to say anything else, what happens on this street, I Familiar, this is the reward..."

He rubbed his fingers, his expression very wretched.

"The remuneration is easy to say." Qingchuan also smiled, put a silver dollar on the table, and pressed it with his fingers, "I asked you about something, I don't know if you have any news. Let's talk about the ugly before. , if it's all known on the street...then it has to be halved."

"What you said, it's all the rules, don't worry. Eh? What do you want to inquire about?" He stared at the silver dollar, staring straight at it, and lowered his voice.

"It's not a big deal, I just want to know what's going on with the Song family recently, so just say if you can."

"Song Family? Yes... Yes, but what are you asking about?"

The young man looked at Qing Chuan suspiciously.

Qingchuan sneered, raised his chin, completely like a new-style rich boy with eyes above the top, looking for something very boring, "Tsk, I never believed in these gods and ghosts, I just thought It's so mysterious to know this? If you don't say I'm looking for someone else."

For the sake of money, young people just doubt that nothing will stop the business.

"Hey, wait, what are you in a hurry? I say, I say."

This young man is like pouring water from a bamboo tube, not only telling a lot of what he knows on the street, but also selling a few secret rumors he inquired about at a high price. The group members on the side were all listening, drinking and eating.

They all poured into their own mouths, wishing to grow ten mouths!

Qing Chuan accidentally caught a glimpse of it, and was almost startled by that - at most, he hasn't eaten for half a year, right? Why are men, women and children all like this starving ghost reincarnated?

"...Speaking of which, the Song family is really cruel, raising such a big girl, if you say that it is arsenic. It's like a stone." The young man clicked his tongue twice.

"What about the maidservants and servants next to Miss Song? Are they still in Song Mansion?"

"I'm still here, I haven't heard of anyone leaving the Song family, and they may be transferred to a corner that is not valued. Everyone is taboo. And after Miss Song died seven days, our county Strange things started to happen frequently. In the middle of the night, there were ghosts walking on the road, and all the dogs in the house barked for no reason. They all said that Miss Song was at fault.

Things get great.

Some people married their daughters in a hurry, and some people killed their daughters in a hurry.

Ms. Song's situation is even more special.

She had a fiance when she was young, but unfortunately died, both sides asked her, who was under ten years old at the time, to be a widow. Because Miss Song is too young and has not officially visited the house, she still stays at home, but her life is also difficult.

In this case, she happened to meet a man who was her brother's friend and lived next door. A pair of young men and women, writing letters to communicate, going back and forth, inevitably moved their hearts.

What's more, the family that Miss Song likes is a little lower, and she has also been a juror before, and her family is not without any assets.

It's barely a match.

But the Song family has a strict family style, and when he heard about the private meeting of men and women, he was angry, and there was a yin and yang strange anger over there, where the former fiance came to stir up the fire, how could the Song family master hear the explanation?

Miss Song never thought that this was the only time she fought for herself, but she ended up in such a tragic end.

Irrigation of arsenic, or the hands of my own family.

Things that sounded unbelievable in Qingchuan and others are common in this era.

Who said feudal ethics gave parents the power of life and death? Who called the marriage at this time "the words of the parents' life matchmaker"? Who said that girls at this time don't even have the qualifications to settle down?

But the same thing, the man was unscathed.

Miss Song died, and the man she spent with her immediately rolled up the package and fled overnight without any responsibility.

"What's that man's name?" Qing Chuan asked.

"What are you asking about?"

"It's nothing, I have knowledge and knowledge, what kind of unkindness does this person look like." Qingchuan smiled and pressed another silver dollar, "I'm just curious, you won't be satisfied with me Bar?"

The silver dollar glows with money in the dim light.

The young man looked at the silver dollar and did not resist the temptation of money. He glanced sideways, turned sideways, and lowered his voice.

"Hey, the third son of the Zhang family on the street over there is still a cultural person. Even the hard-working people like us are determined not to do such a thing, not even a fart If you dare to let it go and steal it, is this a man? Let me tell you, there are not many people who know the news. The Song family wants to be shameless and refuse to speak out. You just met me. "

"The Song family didn't trouble him?"

"Oh, no one has ever been here... No, Miss Song's brother has been there. The two of them are still in the same friendship as before. I don't see it at all. How can a sister from my mother's compatriots be inferior to a classmate?"

Young people continue to talk about the strange things that follow.

After Miss Song's first seven years, this county has not lived in peace.

First, she got engaged to the family before her. On the first day of Miss Song, the mistress of the family suddenly disappeared. After searching for five or six days, she found that the man had long since drowned in the backyard well. Because of the sudden death, monks and priests were also invited, which was very lively.

Inquiring from the circle of maids over there, the murderer suddenly turned into a thin piece of paper and slipped out through the door.

After a few days, Miss Song's biological father, the master of the Song family also died.

Miss Song has not been gone for a month. While he was in the study with a beautiful maid, the maid fed Master Song a bowl of soup, arsenic, and was poisoned to death. Then the maid turned into a thin piece of paper and slipped away from the door in front of everyone.

It turned out to be a maid from the paper figurine writer who had an affair with Master Song, and took the opportunity to kill him.

One and two are paper figurines, and there is a legend of paper figurines killing people in this county.

Now at night, everyone dare not go out casually, they are very afraid.

"When Master Song died, was it the first seven days of the master over there?" Qing Chuan asked.

When the young people think about it, hey, this is not ignorant. When Miss Song was the first seven, the lady of the family died. That master died, when that master was the first seven, Song master died...

"Master Song is the first seven tonight?" Qing Chuan asked again.


Qing Chuan did not stop him, he thought for a while, then got up and prepared to leave.

"Boss, add a duck sauce—"

I turned around and saw that there were several empty plates stacked on the table next to me. A group of people smiled awkwardly at Qingchuan, 'hiccup~~~' and hiccupped.

Qingchuan took a look, and there were more than ten plates of sauce beef, sauce duck, braised lion head, cabbage in broth, fish balls.

Qingchuan: " there enough money?"

"Enough is enough."

"And then pack a sauce beef?"

A strange person emerged from the group of voices, the big man with bow tie was cute to Qingchuan, showing his big white teeth hehe, "I didn't know that authentic Chinese food was so delicious. And I haven't eaten it for a long time. Something's wrong... (a group of poor dogs' eyes wave) I heard that the rice wine here is also very good, but everyone didn't drink it, for fear of affecting the business."

He bent down and lifted a ten-jin wine jar from under the table, "We're going to drink it after the game is over."

Do I need to praise you for being awesome?

That's it, it's very inexplicable, obviously I came out empty-handed, but when I went back, I brought a lot of supper.

Before they went back, they also confirmed Zhang's house by the way, because everyone thought that this time the man behind the scenes was going to attack the unscrupulous man, probably today.

Qingchuan took off his jacket when he returned to his original place, and put on his white shirt, long skirt of bean paste powder, and cute little white shoes.

Another beautiful and unparalleled cute girl.

"By the way, team leader, why do you know that person will give us news?"

"I'm not sure, just give it a try."

Qingchuan lived in ancient times and knew that there was a group of people, although they were at the bottom, they were well informed, "We are looking for someone who has nothing to do all day, no serious work, and does odd jobs by running errands. Men who make a living. Because such people have many sources of information, and because of lack of money, it is easy to open their mouths.”

"Everyone goes to bed early at the moment. At this point, there are still pubs. Except for alcoholics, they are street gangsters. You see his clothes are rough and not very clean. There must be no wife at home, obviously I have no money, but my face is full of red light. I have income, and this income is enough for a bachelor to enter a tavern. Tea and melon seeds are placed in front of me, so I have no money in my pocket. I have to go to a tavern without money, and I don’t look like a drunkard. The money has to drink, so this pub should be one of his sources of income... So I'll give it a try."

The reason is not difficult, but the difficulty is that you have a certain understanding of the cultural background of this game, and then follow the clues.

After a while, the other groups came back one after another, except for one group that was happy, the others all looked downcast.

The group has found the family where two people died, which is Miss Song's ex-fiancé's house, and the clues have already pointed to the Song family. Qing Chuan also repeated all the news that he had inquired about.

Everyone was very surprised. At night, there were few people on the street, and it was not easy to find out. Occasionally caught one, panicked when asked, immediately threw them away and ran away. As for those who keep their doors closed, don't even think about it, it would be nice if they didn't dump you.

"Where did you get such comprehensive information?"

"It's nothing, I paid for it." Qingchuan's team members tried their best to strain their faces, making this very common and unworthy expression. But this 'normal' seems to have a little bit of bragging about it that can't be hidden and the excitement of 'Come and ask, come and ask me'.

"Where did the money come from?" Others asked.

"Naturally earned."

"Earn? How do you earn so much time?"

Finally, there was someone who couldn't hold back, that is, a big man with a beard tied into a braid.

With an indescribable smug look, he explained the operation of the team leader's show from beginning to end.

man is himself.

Although she wears women's clothes, she is a big guy with super A.

Unwittingly, it was half the night, and several team members became fans of younger brothers and younger sisters, and their eyes flashed red when they recalled the heroic appearance of the team leader.

"You don't know, a group of people surrounded our boss, and he took out his a movie! No, he's more handsome than in the movie!"

"And the process of finding the source, it's like a wonderful reasoning, all the clues are there, but only that part of the people can connect them."

"Boldness, intelligence, control over rhythm!"

"Really cool."


Eating people soft-mouthed, the ancients did not deceive me.

Back to the puzzle game.

"Now the main line is obvious, someone is taking revenge for Miss Song. The paper figurines are obviously not their own creatures, but are manipulated. The next target of the mastermind behind the scenes is likely to be the third son of the Zhang family. That is, a man with a heartless heart. But just to prevent the paper man from killing Zhang San, without finding out who is behind it, this game is not a success, so we need to divide our troops into two ways."

"One is to prevent Zhang San's death, which should be regarded as a side story and points. The second is to explore Song Mansion at night to find the real murderer. This is the main story, and if you want a high score, you have to go through this. Route. Of course, the risk will be much higher, and everyone can choose according to their own abilities.”

"Qing Xiao... Mr., do you have any guesses about who is behind the scenes?"


Qingchuan did not hide the information he knew and guessed, and he hoped that more of them would live. "At first I had three suspects, the first was Miss Song's mother. We know from the information that her mother did not protect her when she was young, nor did she protect her when she was poisoned by her family, this is an unqualified mother. I would rather believe in a crocodile's maternal love than this man's Mother's love, exclude."

"The second object of suspicion, Miss Song's possible admirer. But seeing the order of death, this possibility is reduced. Because if it is an admirer, out of some kind of rival mentality, he first The one who killed him should be Zhang San, but Zhang San is still alive and well. It is temporarily excluded. The reason is temporary, because some people like to keep key people and play slowly. "

"The third suspect is the maid or maid next to Miss Song. Because Miss Song has been imprisoned in a small square world since she was a child. As a 'widow', you need to avoid it, even with her brother The sisters don't see each other very often, so the only people who can have a deep relationship with her and even avenge her are the people around her. That is, her maid, and her maid. These two people must have a very deep relationship with her. "

" If there is no one to protect Miss Song's contact with the foreign man, it will come out early in the morning, and she will never wait for Miss Song to say it herself. There are only two people by her side, one is to grow up together. The same sister's maid, one is a maid who watched her grow up and her role merged with her mother. Only when both of them are determined to protect Miss Song's secret, Miss Song will have the opportunity to hide it. But I'm not sure which one is more suspicious. "

Qing Chuan thought that there would be more people visiting Song Mansion with him at night, but he did not expect that only seven people decided to go, and there were only three of his team members.

"If this is just a game, of course we will take risks. But this is not just a game." To be cautious, those who do not have life-saving props in their hands choose side plots. Anyway, it is a team type puzzle game, as long as one person clears the customs, at most the customs clearance gift package is not very good.

A group of seven went to the backyard of Song Mansion.

To find that nanny and maid.

Today is Master Song's first seven. The Song family should gather in the front yard, and there are few people in the back yard. In addition, the two are the maids and maids of the deceased young lady, and they are unlikely to sleep in the penthouse next to the master's room, and it is more likely that they will cover the room after sleeping.

The back room is in the backyard and they come.

"I'll go first, you wait for me." Qing Chuan said.

No one else disagrees.

It's not just the relationship between the women's clothing bosses. I can't see beauty at all, but only see power.

He took two quick steps, stepped on the wall, turned over and entered inside, only to hear a dog bark inside, and it has been quiet since then. After about ten seconds, the door opened, but not Qingchuan.

The **** dog stood on both legs and used the door latch on the top of his head. He came to Qingchuan happily and rubbed his head on his leg, begging for praise. Qingchuan was happily grooming the **** dog, and while brushing, he said, "Good boy, good boy."

"Okay, let's go." Qingchuan was afraid of hitting the **** dog's head, so the **** dog lay quietly on the ground, he did not know where to take out a lotus leaf wrapped beef in sauce and gave it black dog. Then he greeted everyone to go together.

This is a typical five-room mansion.

"This place is too big, why don't we move separately?" A tall and tall white man knocked a passing servant unconscious with his knife and dragged him into the grass to hide.

"Okay, let's all act separately and be careful."

They will come over. They have some ideas about the customs clearance package, and they have trump cards, so their actions are the best, and it depends on who is faster.

After everyone dispersed, Qing Chuan jumped directly to the roof, walking on his waist, carefully observing the surroundings.

Restored to their original. It's not like it was left by a cat or another animal.

Is it a paper man?

The paper figure is too thin, and the traces on the grass have completely disappeared.

"Who?!" A patrolman looked over, trembling, but Qingchuan had already hid himself immediately. He took the lantern and searched around but didn't find it, rubbed his arms, and speeded up and hurried away .

Qingchuan came out of the hiding place, took the grass as the center, and carefully checked the nearby courtyard.

He carefully recalled the flashing picture at that time, and walked in the direction where the white shadow first appeared.

The two masters of this family died, and both died very unusually and strangely, so no one dared to come out at night. Qingchuan went all the way to a small yard that was sealed off, with a lot of talisman paper pasted on it. He guessed that this was the yard where Miss Song lived in her lifetime.

He entered this yard, but within a month, the yard had a desolate smell, overgrown with weeds, dust accumulation, poisonous insects crawling in the corners, gloomy.

What cruel parents let a little girl live her whole life in such a small place?

Qing Chuan couldn't help sneering, maybe for some parents, their daughter's happiness and even life are not as important as his face. They twist and control their children's lives, break their spines, and talk about how much they love them.

Disgusting love.

He wanted to enter the main room to have a look, but unexpectedly found some traces of entry and exit in the back room, which were still fresh, and even the door was half-closed.

Qing Chuan frowned, and he gently opened the door.

In a dark room, with no light and no wind, an old lady sits on a high-backed chair, blending in the shadows, a pair of scissors and a half-cut piece of paper man, looking at him.

"Are you here?"

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