MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 154

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"The driver of the Xia Yueming car accident was released from prison?"

"Do you know what happened to Xia Yueming's car accident two years ago?"

If it was only mentioned by one person, it may be asked by accident, but it is scattered, and there are people playing side drums in several forums where fans gather, then it is not normal. Qingchuan smelled the conspiracy.

He didn't think it was helping him.

Went to Xia Yueming's resources.

Qingchuan has already investigated the car accident two years ago.

The driver who caused the accident was checked in the hospital without any problems, no fatigue driving, no intoxication, no drugs.

In the video, he didn't seem to see Xia Yueming's car, and slammed into it. It was an intersection and there were no traffic lights. Xia Yueming had already driven halfway, and the driver who caused the accident should have slowed down when he saw it from a distance, but he didn't.

He found the video of the interrogation at that time, and the driver kept emphasizing that he did not see any vehicles at that time, not at all, and he did not know how it all happened. The middle-aged man looked very broken.

Afterwards, he checked the finances of the driver and his relatives and friends, it was even more difficult, there was no windfall, and the other party's home was almost smashed by angry Xia Yueming fans.

From this point of view, the car accident was a real accident.

So he started directly with Xiao Yi. After two years, many things could not be found, but there were still some residues. Xiao Yi did have a large amount of unknown expenditure during that time. This money came from a businessman who made children's toys. They had some illegal relationship.

The businessman had Xiao Yi's mosaic video, photos, and some correspondence records in his hands. In addition to flirting, some information mentioned that Xiao Yi said that he could not stand a certain person more and more and wanted this person to disappear.

The businessman introduced him to a person, and said that no one could find it afterwards.

But this information ends here, and then there are chats.

I also found some conversation records from Xiao Yi's former agent. The agent said that he knew what Xiao Yi did, but he didn't expect him to be so cruel to Xia Yueming. Xiao Yi naturally denied it, and the two parted ways.

No more.

These things can't even tell the evidence, and it's a joke to hand to the police.

Qingchuan is really curious, who is the 'no one can find' person they are looking for? Why can't the driver see Xia Yueming's car?

What is certain is that Xiao Yi was the mastermind, and the other little fresh meat shared the cake.

If Qingchuan has established a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, this incident will also explode, and you will get a sympathy point. But now, it's too early... His fans will be used to attack those little fresh meat who have been allocated resources.

I can imagine what would have happened to him at that time, and there was a lot of criticism.

He is still outside the circle, the former Xiao Xianrou is still active, no one will make him feel better.

Just as he was about to make a comeback, he offended a group of people first, what were the people behind the scenes thinking?

Qingchuan found their group through the obvious navy, then found the group owner, opened and read all the previous call contact records, some of them have been deleted and restored by him, and then continue to follow the clues.

Assistant Jun Yue?

No, it should be Jun Yue's agent, known as Sister Xia in the circle, she is a very capable strong woman.

This is her countermeasure in the face of Jun Yue's possible large number of fans?

First, muddy the water and divert attention, and by the way, cause Qingchuan some trouble to make his comeback even more difficult. If it wasn't for him, Qingchuan would have wanted to say something great. No wonder Jun Yue was so stupid that he could still be popular, and the manager was responsible.

Qing Chuan squinted and smiled, Internet carnival, what does it mean for him to end up alone?

It's better to play together~

Sister Xia has been keeping people's eyes on the Internet. She is going to wait until the live broadcast again, and then release some information, monitoring, interview videos, and even internal data of car accident research, reports at that time, etc. .

It ferments a little and bursts after a few days.

She even deducted the time, just after Jun Yue went to a certain production crew a few days later. That crew is the team of a big director with strict rules. Ordinary people can't disturb Jun Yue, and this incident has the least impact on Jun Yue.

When Xia Yueming had an accident, Jun Yue wasn't hot yet, so she naturally didn't attend the cake-sharing conference.

On the contrary, there are several 'old and fresh meat' who are still vying for resources, those who are in the same batch as Xia Yueming, have a greater impact on them. Especially Xiao Yi, don't look at the white lotus literary and artistic young people, who doesn't know who?

Although there is no evidence to prove that Xiao Yi started, it is a fact that he is the most ruthless in grabbing resources, and he has taken away the most valuable endorsements and roles. Once Xia Yueming took it with one hand, he took a bite of flesh.

It's cruel enough, but also chilling enough.

Jun Yue's agent felt that she was winning. When she saw that the time was almost up, she went to bed and let people continue to stare.

Six hours have passed.

The sun slowly emerges from the horizon and scatters a piece of golden light. Qingchuan wakes up early, eats, and goes out for a walk to breathe the fresh air.

"Sister Xia, things have changed." The knock on the door woke Sister Xia.

"Don't make noise, wait!"

She didn't sleep well, she had too many things to worry about, and recently she started to lose her hair. She was a light sleeper and was woken up, so she was in a bad mood of course.

Sister Xia felt from the bedside to put on her glasses, put on her coat, and opened the door, "What's the matter?"

This is a screenshot from the homepage of the police official website. Last night, at a few hours in the morning, according to a report from an enthusiastic citizen, the drug addicts A, B, C, Ding were arrested. A certain four people (with pictures here), confiscated XX grams of heroin, and four sets of smoking tools (with pictures here), all four were positive after urine tests, according to the account...

Sister Xia's eyes widened and she forgot to breathe.

As a person in the entertainment industry and one of the top brokers, Sister Xia's professional ability is still very strong, these faces are blurred into that, she still recognizes them at a glance come out.

A well-known director, a well-known actor, a singer, a certain traffic.

This is an earthquake!

Sister Xia's face twisted slightly, without him, the traffic above is in her hands, and she signed it only last year. Although there is no Jun Yuehuo, but he has also participated in two popular online dramas, and it seems that he also has a large audience base.

He will die alone, and her agent and the other little fresh meat under her will not be good.

Day and night defense, I can't prevent myself from running out and killing myself.

If this little fresh meat dared to appear in front of her eyes, she must be slammed into the sulfuric acid to wake up.

Don't look at Sister Xia who is always demanding of her artists, she seems very unfriendly, in fact, she is quite a responsible agent.

Never let artists go to those messy banquets, nor do they touch messy things.

She just didn't expect that when she was staring so closely, there were still people who violated the situation. She immediately called the artist's assistant.

The assistant on the opposite side almost cried, "Sister Xia, I really don't know, he said he went to KTV to sing with senior."

The agent was so angry that he wanted to smash the phone.

"Sister Xia, look at this again." The assistant showed her another webpage, the homepage of a newly registered wb account, the ID is 'Enthusiastic Citizen', and the personalized signature is: Rejected Yellow gambling and drugs, happy you and me.

And the first message sent by this newly registered account was half an hour ago. At that time, the sky was still dark, and the dream was still sweet, and then this **** was like' Enthusiastic citizens' throw up a sweet cantaloupe.

A row of videos of these four people taking drugs before, audio and contact screenshots of their dating and drug gathering, and then a screenshot of a 'reporting with enthusiasm', telling everyone: Yes, I reported it, you find me.

A ruthless man!

Sister Xia slowly exhaled a turbid breath, "Check! Go check!"

"Sister Xia, we arranged..."

"You can't understand the priorities? Go and keep an eye on this thing first, and never let them burn the fire here! By the way, they weren't there before (Jun Yue and this Ding Moumou) Discordant rumors? Confirm it for me." Sister Xia snorted fire, and now she's keeping Jun Yue, who has the most traffic under her hand, and I'll talk about the rest later.

Today is the last day, in the morning they played the playground for children and young people on the island, there are all kinds of water entertainment, families with children can play for a day. Not thrilling, with safety as the main point of publicity.

It is afternoon and free time.

The two ladies played volleyball on the beach, showing off their great bodies. Ali painted with water guns on the beach, and the essence of sand sculptures can be seen at a glance. Jun Yue drove the speedboat, showing the true character of a man in the galloping speed.

Qingchuan asked the staff for a drawing board and pen and paper and was drawing.

He was facing the calm blue ocean, two big beauties were playing volleyball on the golden sandy beach, but on the paper it was a violent storm, thunder, lightning, and Godzilla fighting the mecha giant.

The audience in front of the screen hahahahaha, they thought Qingchuan would be beaten to death by those two ladies.

Final effect.

Qingchuan calmly spreads large blocks of color on the paper, but in fact, he is still born with his hands and has not shown his true level.

Isn’t it particularly inspirational to be a former traffic niche student who did not give up after two years of silence, taught himself programming, modeling and painting? In the future, there will be more inspirational ones, such as certain traffic while filming and also updating comics every day.

Qingchuan has imagined his future, rushing around the world.

Enjoy the days when you are free now, and there will be no more in the future.

"Yueming, you draw really well!" Ali rubbed against him at some point, crouched on the edge of the bunker and stared, his hand was already empty water gun.

Qingchuan also laughed, "In case my legs are really bad, it would be good to go to the street to paint avatars in the future? What do you think? Can you exchange money?" The drawing board makes it easier for the audience in front of the screen to see.

Ali really understood, Qingchuan didn't have any taboos or reluctance, he has completely let go of this matter, and he can still take it out for fun.

It’s better to be wider, and live a happy life.

Ali has been in the circle for several years. He has met Xia Yueming before, which is completely different from now. Great ups and downs, people are completely reborn. If his legs were good, Ali dared to say that Xia Yueming would walk farther and smoother than before.

"Aiya, I'm envious, good-looking people have good hands. Like me, painting a person is an egg and two mung bean dots." Understand painting, but still have basic aesthetics.

Qing Chuan's painting is really good, anyway, Ali looks very comfortable. Some cartoons have an exaggerated style of painting and follow the anime route, but the atmosphere of the fierce confrontation between the two behemoths has been rendered.

"I envy you too, look, you stand on the stage without saying a word, and the people below laugh. What kind of talent is this? I just tell jokes for most of the day , the bottom is also embarrassed and silent."

Qingchuan looked vicissitudes, "At that time, I just wanted to 'ah ha ha ha' to go backstage, and apologize to the audience before leaving, I'm sorry for letting you waste your precious time watching a 'Who can five Minutes of embarrassment, I can't a little skit."

His tone was cadence and rhythm, and it was not quite the same as in the past. Experts would understand that this is commonly used in stage plays and has a unique sense of rhythm.

Ali laughed when he listened to it, Qingchuan's expression was so awkward, with this sentence, it was obviously full of laughter.

He could also hear that Qingchuan had practiced this line.

In the past, the practice of lines was the basic skill of actors, but today is different, many people can’t even speak normal lines well, Qingchuan can still spend time on professional lines training, regardless of whether it is I have learned it in the past two years, at least others have learned it.

This is sincerity, what it should be like to do it seriously.

He suddenly had a much better impression of Qingchuan, "If you like humorous sketches, I have two passes for our theater here, you can watch them whenever you come."

"Hey, give me away for free? Give me a dozen? How embarrassing." He said so, righteously, his eyes winked at Ali like a cramp, With a look of anticipation, that expression was indescribably weird and funny, causing the audience in front of the screen to laugh uncontrollably.

Ali is also laughing, this is a classic routine of comedy, called duplicity. He became addicted to the drama, carefully observed the surroundings, and lowered his voice as if he was a daddy doing a secret deal:

"Shh, let's be quiet, let's go back and let people know, they must be thinking: four guests, why does Xia Yueming have it, and the others don't? Are they... right?" As he said that, he winked over there, looking like a good person.

Qing Chuan looked confused, "What is not? Are we not what?"

Ali is like looking at an ignorant child, "That's it."

"Which one?"

"Scalper, scalper know? It's me taking two free ones, and I'll let you exchange them for money, and we'll share it equally. You say you, I have to tell you. The world of adults, just It can't be said that clearly."

"I understand, okay, I understand. Where's your ticket?"

"I can keep such an important thing with me? You wait a moment, I will put the ticket in the public property safe first, and then give you the password. You can find someone who is nobody Time...understand?" Ali took out a mobile phone.

"Okay." Qing Chuan also took out a mobile phone.

"I'll give you two first, one for you to keep, one for you to sell, and half of the money for me." Ali said something serious.

Qing Chuan finally couldn't take it anymore, he was lying on the armrest laughing loudly, and the laughter spread far.

"Can't find it? How can it not be found?"

On this day's effort, Sister Xia had two blisters in her mouth: It's too hard, this year's artists are too hard to bring!

Jun Yue said 'crippled' in front of her, and her aunt was so angry that she was going to be ahead of schedule, and Ding Moumou also committed a big death. Said to sing with the seniors' box to connect with feelings, your box's singing is a mourning while taking drugs?

How can you be so stupid? She kindly signed up for several classes and asked the child to seriously polish his acting skills and line skills. Did she harm him? Don't take shortcuts!

Shortcuts so easy?

And this is not one or two times, but four or five times, one by one evidence is still circulating on the Internet.

It's really possible. Sister Xia feels that her professional brokerage ability has been provoked, and she can actually touch such harmful things under her nose. Again and again, she is angry. !

"Sister Xia, the other party is either a top hacker himself, or he has a hacker helper." He spent a lot of money to invite an industry expert to investigate, but in the end, there was no such person, appeared out of thin air, and left behind The traces are all playing tricks.

"What's going on these days? Hackers are now taking the moral, intellectual, physical, and beautiful route? In any case, we must not let this shock affect us. All of us must be unaware Yes, remember, must...?"


Sister Xia, who was so mad that she was scratching her scalp, suddenly heard the voice of Hahaha next to her, and took a closer look. It was Jun Yue's assistant, who was smiling like a child at Qingchuan's live broadcast...


"Sister Xia! Sister Xia, I was wrong! I didn't watch it."

The assistant had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and squatted in the corner with both hands pinching his ears to reflect.

After being beaten out, Sister Xia packed her clothes, sat down, and started to contact several other brokers and company management involved one by one.

The facts tell her that nepotism is really bad. If this is not the grandson of her second uncle's family, she can let this idiot go home and eat himself.

"Hello? Is that Brother Mo? I'm Asia, have you seen the situation on the Internet? Would you like to find a time to get together? Hahaha, Brother Mo is joking, I have time at any time, it’s better to hit the sun if you choose a day, why not just today?”

Afterwards, she contacted a few more people, all of them in a secret box, which is known to the circle of people, the privacy is better, suitable for chatting and not suitable for being known topic.

She didn't say much on the phone, which is not safe these days, and prying eyes are everywhere.

The live broadcast lasted for three days. On this night, everyone had a lively bonfire party and said a bunch of fake 'truth words' to the bonfire, and the live broadcast ended.

The guests will stay for one night and leave here early the next morning. Qingchuan has already booked the air ticket for tomorrow and packed all his luggage.

The artist he followed was too capable, assistant Xiao Zhou was useless from start to finish, but he himself knew that he would only follow him for a while, so Qingchuan would not trust him too much. After the online drama ended and Qingchuan's contract expired, they just got together and dispersed.

Alilai's ticket delivery is a pass for their theater, which is valid for one year for relatives and friends. There are about ten, and according to the ticket price, it must be tens of thousands. Of course, it's not the money that matters, but the heart.

Now there is no camera to follow, everyone returns to their true appearance.

Ali was afraid to pat Qingchuan on the shoulder, "Have you considered dubbing? I think your line is good." After two years without a cure, the hope of being able to stand up again is very slim, Ah I strongly appreciate Qingchuan's open-mindedness and come up with ideas.

"I thought about it." Qingchuan smiled, "I thought about it a lot, dubbing, painting, singing... People, you can't be idle, when you are idle, you will think about everything. "

Ali can understand this feeling, no one can do better than him, "This is over, what's your plan next?"

"The company picked up a web drama for me, and in two months, I will really have time to relax. Someone introduced me to a doctor, and I want to try again. Shall we meet again?"

Qingchuan didn't say too much, and Ali didn't ask, he just stood up, "Then I'll wait for your invitation. Okay, you can rest, I'll go back."

"Well, Ali, walk slowly, I won't give it away."

As soon as the person left, Qingchuan took out the medicated oil for daily massage and massaged himself.

Until the end of the daily massage program, the system comes out of the small world, "How are you, host?"

"The current situation is not bad, go back and eat a few more dishes made by myself, and it will be fine in a month or two."

For the film, it is only when the contract is about to be released that the final value is squeezed.

Although most of the entertainment circles do it this way, thinking about it is cold.

They probably didn't expect it, they thought they were stepping on him to fry others, but they didn't know that he could still get up with his shoelaces. I really have to thank my old boss for giving these two opportunities.

Before this live broadcast, the number of his fans was less than one million, and now it has risen to more than two million in three days, and the number is still rising wildly, most of which are old fans. Although it is less than one percent of the heyday, it is enough for him now.

After the follow-up TV version is broadcast, the number of his fans will increase again. According to past habits, three days are edited into one episode, one episode per week and four episodes per month. The premiere, the midnight replay, and the second day's midday replay will guarantee his face will appear for a month.

Visibility is everything.

"In addition, there are some surprises." Qing Chuan looked at the stack of theater tickets in his hand.

He also made a movie and made it prosperous.

In the past, he was a traffic line and had nothing to do with the comedy world, but now he has met Ali and connected with each other, even if there is another way.

The more friends the better, even if it's just familiar.

For example, a director has a book in his hand, and there are more than a dozen people who are suitable for this role. He will always habitually choose the one he knows, because he knows the situation of this person, so he will not There will be so many 'accidents'.

If there is no suitable acquaintance, it is recommended by others. Under similar conditions, 'one's own people' will subconsciously give priority to it. This is the reason.

Qingchuan opened his mobile phone, and there were many numbers on it that he hadn't contacted for a year or two. Hundreds and thousands of numbers, many of which are well-known artists and behind-the-scenes, seem to be bustling and colorful. When something goes wrong, even if someone calls the police, they can't find a response.

Do not delete, occupy space, delete, not reconciled.

He didn't delete it in the end, he didn't know when to use it, and then he had to pretend to be familiar with each other, as if they had always been friends. Unless Qingchuan stands firm, there is other capital behind it. Then he can be willful, and he can be clean.

The hypocrisy of the adult world.

Qing Chuan covered the quilt, put his hands on his sides, and was ready to turn off the lights and go to bed.

"Host, don't you want to see what's going on on the network?" the system asked him.

I lost a Dongfeng Express on the Internet early in the morning, and now the entertainment industry must be turned upside down. I don't know how many people have to sleep all night, thinking about countermeasures, but the result is that the courier delivery is like a normal person, can eat or sleep without watching?

"Do you want to see?" Qingchuan turned off the light with a pause.

The system twists and turns, "I have a friend, he wants to watch it."

"On the computer, you connect."

"You really don't see?"

Qingchuan turned off the lights and closed his eyes: "I never look back at the explosion."

The author has something to say:bong!