MTL - Atypical Heroine-Chapter 109 Ji Yu【4】

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Ji Yu finally got Director Qin's permission to be discharged at the end of the month.

During the time she was hospitalized, only her father often came to see her when she had something to do, and the mother of a famous enterprise executive was still on a business trip overseas. When she was discharged from the hospital, she could finally come back to pick her up.


Ji Yu looked through the glass and saw a group of children playing under the hospital, wondering if it was hide and seek or some self-created game.

The light was cast on them, and they basked when they saw it. But children are not afraid of ultraviolet rays, and they are still crazy.

After a while, they were so noisy that they were dragged by the nurse and the parents chased them away.

Ji Yu looked at it and raised his hand to cover his heart with a sigh.

After the operation, she didn't feel any discomfort, and she didn't even feel any discomfort in her heart when she ran two steps like a normal person. Suddenly there is a kind of natural healthy feeling.

Somehow, after general anesthesia, heart disease feels like a distant past life.

Only at this time do I remember that I have never run, jumped and jumped like an ordinary child.

After all, the other classmates were exhausted after running 800 meters. They sat there for a while, and in less than five minutes, the playground was full of lively laughter.

Ji Yu needs to work hard to adjust his breathing when climbing two flights of stairs, otherwise his heart will feel tearing.

When she was a child, there were still companions who chirped in her ears and asked her why you walked so slowly and why you couldn't run. Can you go faster?


Ji Yu raised his lips and pulled the curtains up.

Going to find Zhao Ziyi to play.

Today is Monday, and Zhao Ziyi was taken to the clinic by Director Qin, even in time for dinner.

Ji Yu glanced in silently through the glass, didn't dare to disturb, he hesitated for a while and moved to the next ward.

There is a new child, Liu Zhiwen, the son of Dr. Zhu Lin.

He also has congenital heart disease, ventricular septal defect, and will have surgery soon. Queued up and waited for Qin Yinweng to give the chief knife.

Ji Yu and Liu Zhiwen are related and very close, so they like to play with him very much.

She herself can be said to have grown up behind the doctor's ass, after all, she was born in the infant care unit.

At that time, she was a little older, she was white and tender, and her eyes were big. Many doctors and nurses liked to talk to her when they were free. Zhu Lin is a doctor in the imaging department. She is relatively free. She comes to play with Ji Yu when she has something to do.

It's more like a mother than Ji Yu's mother.

Ji Yu and Liu Zhiwen have a better relationship than her own brother.

When the child saw her, he immediately put down the book and laughed, "Sister!"

"Wow, so many toys," Ji Yu saw his new toys placed on the bedside table to the dining table at the end of the bed, knowing that it was the product of guilt and compensation that the parents didn't have time to accompany, "Where's Aunt Liu?"

"She said she had something to do, go out."

"Oh, she went out a few times, you can count it yourself, then tell your mother."

The aunt who takes care of him is really his aunt, but he is related by blood, and taking thank-you money does not mean that he can really care more than someone who takes hard-earned money to do things outside.

"Sister, let's race to drive!"

Seeing that someone came to play with him, Liu Zhiwen immediately took out his favorite toy car from the drawer and put it on his lap, one blue and one yellow four-wheel drive, all with decent tire tread patterns.

"Sister is older than you, Kong Rong gave the pear, so elder sister picks one first."

Ji Yu took the small toy car away.

"My elder sister is an adult, so the older one should be given to my elder sister."

She then took the big toy car away and said, "Okay, let's race the car now."


Liu Zhiwen opened his mouth slightly and stared blankly, not knowing how to react. It seems that she is very reasonable, but why doesn't he have one in his hand? ?

Someone knocked on the door three times and immediately pushed in.

Ji Yu thought it was the nurse who was doing the rounds, but he didn't care and continued to bully the child.

Liu Zhiwen said timidly, "If you don't give me one, how can you compare it?"

Ji Yu said solemnly, "Just compare it with a pencil. These two cars are your sister's. Do you have any opinion?"

Zhao Ziyi said, "You are here..."

She paused for the second half of the sentence, not knowing how to go on.

How to grab a kid's toy here...

Ji Yu raised his eyes, obviously stunned, and immediately put two toy cars, one large and one small, into Liu Zhiwen's hands, with a sweet smile: "Why are you here? Is the time for his surgery determined?"

"Yes, tomorrow afternoon is free. You can bring his operation up first. Where are his parents?"

"The parents are not here yet, they will come at six o'clock."

"Then I'll let you know when the time comes."

Zhao Ziyi knew that his parents were also doctors, so it was very convenient to inform him, and he went through the process.

She turned around and was about to leave when Ji Yu grabbed her wrist.

"have you eaten yet?"

Zhao Ziyi paused, "No, I was going to eat..."

"I'll accompany you," Ji Yu stood up and asked Liu Zhiwen, "Are you hungry? Are you together?"

Liu Zhiwen shook his head again and again, he was a child who hated eating, "I just ate it."

"Okay, then you stay obedient." Ji Yu secretly praised him for being so sensible, smiled and waved at him, then naturally hooked Zhao Ziyi's arm, "What do you want for lunch, Dr. Zhao?"


Clinic hours are over.

Qin Yinweng patted Zhao Ziyi on the shoulder, "I still have something to do today. I'll leave early. It's hard work for you to finish."

She left with a bag.

Leave Zhao Ziyi to work.

It didn't take long for Ji Yu to put his hands in his pockets, wearing a white trench coat, and walking with a dashing posture. At first glance, he thought it was a leader inspecting from somewhere. Go round and round to Zhao Ziyi.

"Busy now?"


Zhao Ziyi still has a lot of work to do, and she has no time to wait for Ji Yu. She stared at the computer and picked up the apple that was washed a long time ago.

As soon as she took a bite, she heard Ji Yu say faintly, "Your apple must be sour."


Zhao Ziyi looked up at her helplessly.

Ji Yu folded his arms and leaned lazily at the table with a very innocent expression.

"Do you want to eat?" Zhao Ziyi asked.

There is still something to eat, go get it.

Before she could say the second half of her sentence, Ji Yu raised his lips, happily took the apple from her hand, and took a bite.

"...Oh, it's sweet."

The apple she just gnawed, Ji Yu deliberately bit it where she had just bitten.

Tooth marks overlap.

She raised her eyelashes and glanced at Zhao Ziyi.


Ji Yu nibbled at the apple and looked at her fixedly, "Doctor Zhao, you're blushing."

She sounded like a joke and wanted to ask seriously, "Is it so embarrassing to kiss me...indirectly?"

Zhao Ziyi was speechless, sighed, and said something lightly.

She moved her eyes and concentrated on her work, ignoring her again.

Ji Yu nibbled at the apple, thought for a few seconds, then a smile spread in his eyes, "...You just called me a bastard?"

Zhao Ziyi frowned and said without turning his head, "You heard wrong."

Ji Yu's tone was quite complacent, "There's nothing wrong, I read it from your mouth shape. It turns out that Dr. Zhao can also scold people."

Zhao Ziyi didn't refute any more and snorted.

Work without looking away.

"Doctor Zhao, do you want to eat hot pot later?"

"Doctor Zhao..."

"Hey, annoying you."

Zhao Ziyi couldn't bear it anymore, but when he turned around, his eyes were full of smiles. She took out the medical record book and threw it on her, "Write down everything you want to say, and I'll read it after get off work."

Ji Yu: "...Okay."

She drew a pen, sat there obediently like a real elementary school student, and wrote down:

After you get off work, let's eat hot pot together.

At the end of the month, there is a fireworks display at Xiqing Lake, a fireworks display? Isn't that a popular thing in Japan? Don't let Director Qin know, let's go and see if we can...

After a while of silence, Zhao Ziyi turned to look at her.

I found that this man never stopped writing, as if he was writing a diary. that much talk?

She couldn't help bending her eyes, and continued to work with a little anticipation.

the next day.

Zhao Ziyi didn't have time to eat in the morning, went to the hospital, washed an apple, and just took a bite.

Seeing the gap, I was stunned for a moment.

I don't know what came to mind. Her long eyelashes drooped slightly, her expression was calm, but a thin layer of red appeared on the base of her fair ears.


Suddenly someone came from behind, cupped her cheeks with both hands, and squeezed.

Release quickly.

Zhao Ziyi was shocked.

Turning her head, the apple in her hand was taken away.


Just like yesterday, Ji Yu took the apple and turned it around for half a turn, then took a second bite at the teeth marks she had bitten.

Kacha Kacha chewed and said with a smile, "Dr. Zhao's apples are really sweet."

Zhao Ziyi: "..."

Xiao Gu, who had just finished checking the room, walked in, and when he heard this, he said strangely, "When did you love to eat apples? Didn't you think that you were tired of eating, and you always refused to eat it before?"

"That's different, how can it be the same," Ji Yu smiled until his eyes narrowed, "Dr. Zhao's apple is much sweeter than the one you gave me."


Xiao Gu was completely convinced and turned to ask Zhao Ziyi, "Where did Dr. Zhao's apples be bought?"

Zhao Ziyi's expression was calm, "Do you want to eat? There's more over there. I have to eat and get it myself." But his tone was a little weak.

...finally said the sentence in its entirety.

Without raising her eyes, she could sense Ji Yu's straight eyes with a smile on his face.

Like a little fox staring at its prey...