MTL - Avoid the Protagonist!-Chapter 104 Shen Kim extra 4

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Although Liu Yan went back and sneaked on the side to test Shen Junxing several times, Shen Junxing was still the same sentence for Yin June. "On the primary school classmates."

When Liu Yan saw no words, he had to go back and lose.

Shen Junxing saw Yin Jin again, still in that restaurant, still in that position, but when he pushed the door in, he found that there was no other male compatriot on the opposite side.

Shen Junxing looked at her and was about to return. When she left, she saw a man in a suit and hurriedly walked in, holding a briefcase in his hand.

He looked at the man and looked around, and finally walked to the side of Yin June wearing a red shirt today. The two talked a few words, and the man naturally settled across from her.

Shen Junxing looked at his eyes with a sly look. When he left, his heart was smirking: "Every time I choose a place, I will sit in the same place, how is this person going!"

Shen Junxing drove away and vowed that he would never come to this restaurant again.

But the fate is often particularly tossing people. In early July, a financial newspaper reported that he had interviewed him. The person who came to interview him turned out to be Yin June.

When the staff arrived, Shen Junxing had something to talk about, so the assistant in the company invited the person to the meeting room.

Shen Junxing ended his own affairs. When he pushed in the door, he saw the slim figure that whispered to himself and others, and looked familiar.

Yin June is wearing a white shirt and a black knee-length hip skirt, which is slimmer. When she heard the sound, she saw that Shen Junxing was standing at the door and did not move.

She slightly raised the official courtesy smile, walked to him, and reached out and said: "Hello, Shen Zong, I am Yin June who is in charge of this interview."

Shen Junxing looked at her slender hand, and then looked at the impeccable smile on her delicate makeup, and suddenly felt resentful.

The courage is that she has seen her in the past few times. She saw her deliberately hit the foundation and painted her eyebrows, so she felt awkward?

Yin June also noticed his awkwardness, and the smile on his face seemed even more embarrassing.

Shen Junxing did not go inside, just asked her: "You are the staff of their newspaper?"

Yin nodded in June. She also received the task two days ago, only to know that the big coffee she wanted to interview turned out to be Shen Junxing. So in the editor-in-chief, I lost a lot of information to myself to make up for Shen Junxing’s main experience. She watched it for hours and nights, lest she missed his bit by bit.

Even the one that comes to the hand is about his work.

However, looking at the countless glory he has achieved, she feels full of pride in her heart.

The people she secretly likes have always been so good.

Yin June saw him still saying nothing after he finished his point, so he added: "If you don't like me to be the interviewer, then I will call..."

"No need." Shen Junxing waved his hand and walked over her. When she passed her by, he said to himself: "I don't know you are a reporter."

Yin June is not clear, so he thought he did not like the profession of journalists. After all, many people who want to interview him rarely have success. She did not know how the above people persuaded him to agree.

When Yin met him in June, although he was not very interested, he did not mean much to refuse. He said to him: "Shen, if there is no problem, we will start in twenty minutes."

Shen Junxing heard the words and glanced at her, and suddenly smiled indifferently.

Yin June is unknown.

Shen Junxing suddenly said: "I think Yin reporter is not a reporter, his eyesight is very good, what kind of people meet what kind of person."

Yin June was a cold heart, knowing that he was mentioning her horrible things, and smiled slyly. "No way, sometimes even if you don't want to, you have to do this." For example, at this time, she With the faces of other colleagues, he called him the same.

Shen Junxing seems to smile and laugh, the next sentence asks: "Is the blind date still smooth?"

"Ah?" Yin June did not know why he wanted to mention this. After half a meeting, he replied: "Nothing is going on."

"That's a pity, Miss Yin's number of blind date should be quite a lot, and there is no intention."

Yin June pulled his mouth and it was really embarrassing.

Shen Junxing saw her look slightly changed, and she knew that she was too much. However, he did not understand himself. What caused him after he pushed in the door.

Is she deliberately approaching?

However, the interview with him is obviously a friend of his friend.

She gasped her mouth and claimed that she was Shen Zong?

There is nothing wrong with this!

So, what are you mad at yourself!

Shen Junxing, who was upset, saw her bow down and read the manuscript. She was very reluctant to talk to him again and closed her mouth. It can be imagined that one person with emotions and one person with an interview with the mind is very bumpy.

At least in Yin June, this is the worst performance since she worked!

Finally, when Yin asked him about his future goals in life, Shen Junxing briefly summed up: "Continuous progress."

"What about life except for work?"

“Life?” Shen Junxing chuckled, and he couldn’t conceal the kind of ridicule in his eyes. He asked: “I don’t know what Miss Yin is?”

Yin June, who is looking down and carefully recording, did not look up and answered: "For example, in the family, or emotionally..."

I know Shen Junxing is returning: "Miss Yin wants to ask me, isn't married, is it single, is there a girlfriend?"

"Well?" A sentence that was completely different from the answers I had envisioned, let Yin June look up to him strangely.

Shen Junxing looked at her and continued: "At present, there is no plan to get married."

"Oh." Yin June bowed down, but there is an instinct in his heart: He wants to tell himself that even if he is single, he has no hope?

It turned out that in his opinion, she was anxious to get married, and he didn't want to get married at all.

Yin June thought, too, after all, they never passed by.

The author has something to say: Thank you for reading the article!