MTL - Avoid the Protagonist!-Chapter 8

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Xin Haoyue took a taxi to the so-called own apartment, looking at the splendid community door, she had a moment of embarrassment: Do you want to be so luxurious!

As she walked in step by step with some stiff steps, she still felt deeply that her heart was still in the depths of the past.

She discovered that she still needs time to adapt to the fact that she is already a local tyrant.

Xin Haoyue walked in the community, and the beautiful streetlights enjoyed the beautiful and thoughtful scenery for half an hour. Then she suddenly remembered a serious problem - she asked Xincheng City address, but she forgot I asked her the specific unit and number of the apartment.

Xin Haoyue was a little embarrassed. He took out his mobile phone and wanted to harass Xincheng once again. He saw the long-shoulder figure that came far from here. The sleeves of the white shirt were still holding, even the suit jackets were still As in the beginning, it is loosely placed in the arms.

Oh, it is Shen Sinan.

Xin Haoyue was about to turn around and avoid the road, but she turned to another question when she turned around. If she secretly followed Shen Sinan, wouldn’t she be able to find her apartment?

What she remembers is that Xin Xiyue Apartment is next door to Shen Si Nan.

This is also good, follow him, but also save most of the time to find a way. Because just now, Xin Haoyue found that the area of ​​this community is really not big!

After thinking about it, Xin Haoyue sneaked a small step and followed Shen Sinan. She thought she had put the sound of walking to the lightest, and even dared not be too close to him. I didn’t expect it to be less than two hundred meters. He was caught by him.

Shen Sinan’s twilight with a cold heart turned his head and stared at her, and the warning in his eyes was obvious.

Xin Haoyue was afraid of his arrogant gas field and eyes. After unconsciously shaking his body, he forced himself to comfort himself: What are you afraid of! I didn't ask him to provoke him!

Thinking about it, she also boldly replied: "What do you think?"

"Oh." Shen Sinan seems to have heard a joke. "Do you think you should ask yourself if you say this?"

It is such a tone! It was exactly the same as it was in the auditorium, with a bit of scorn and a bit of sarcasm.

Xin Haoyue condensed the light and refused to show his back: "I haven't seen you yet."

Responding to her is still a "he" word.

Xin Haoyue whispered two words in his mouth: "I'm sick!"

He hurried forward two steps, then thought that he did not know the position, simply gave up and stopped.

Shen Sinan seems to have known her little tricks, her hands around her chest, and she looked at her again and again, and her eyes were proud of her arrogance.

Xin Xinyue looked up at him and walked directly past him. He called out the phone and called Xincheng. "Brother, how many numbers do I live?"

Shen Sinan listened to her fading voice, and moved the eyebrows invisibly - I didn't even know where I lived, really lost my memory?

His thoughts, when he saw Xin Xinyue, who was constantly trying to lock with different keys at the entrance of the apartment, inexplicably wanted to laugh: This person is not amnesia, is it stupid?

He took an important call halfway, so he stopped for a long time and waited for the call before he took the elevator back to the apartment.

I just didn't think that the petite figure was half-bent and I was stupidly trying to lock a key and another key. I still have a word in my mouth. "How come there are so many keys? I am going, this is not yet!" ”

He stood not far behind her, and heard the crisp sound of the collision between the keys. After a while, the door didn't mean to start at half-point.

Shen Sinan suddenly could not look directly at her IQ.

After Xin Haoyue tried several keys to no avail, he couldn’t help but be discouraged. "No, obviously I have collected all the keys of Xin Haoyue! Why aren’t there any correct? Is there a fish that slips through the net? ?"

Xin Yuyue couldn't guess. Just turned and saw that Shen Si Nan was standing behind him quietly. Xin Haoyue did not know how long he stood. He thought he should come back before himself. After all, she took a small circle to find the right place.

Shen Sinan did not look at her. She walked to the front door of her apartment without squinting and took out the key to unlock it.

When Xin Haoyue opened his lock, he stared straight at his key, waiting for him to pull out the key to look at the appearance, so as to provide a reference clue for finding a key for himself.

What is irritating is that Shen Sinan seems to know the small calculations in her heart. After opening the door, she pushes the door straight and pulls the key quickly.

Xin Haoyue only had time to look at it with resentment for a second, but she was wise to think of it. Next to the pillow in her dormitory, there was a high-end key with a red string. It would not be it!

After Xin Haoyue thought of it, he quickly and excitedly ran back to the dormitory to pick up the keys. Sure enough, the key only turned a little, and the door slammed open.

Xin Haoyue excitedly pulled out the key. "Small, I still want to stump me! Hey!" After talking to herself, she looked at the red rope again, but she shook her head, but the woman was really It is also very infatuated. I use the red rope to hang this key, and deliberately put it alone in the place beside the pillow. In fact, it is the sustenance and the only hope for the beautiful man.

However, what she might not have expected was that the end of the game was so tragic.

Xin Haoyue, through the dim light in the corridor, stared at the key, and soon figured out how to solve it.

She held the key, and the smile of the corner of her mouth was slightly proud. When she wanted to enter the room, she heard the door next door screaming. She instinctively looked at the sound. People have not seen it yet, but they listened. When a woman’s voice came, “You think about this thing. If you dare to perfuse me, I will definitely let the old man come to clean you up!”

Xin Haoyue is wondering who this woman is, and I heard the familiar male voice lazily replied: "Every time you move the old man to press me, there is no fresh trick?"

Xin Haoyue knows that this is Shen Sinan. There is nothing wrong with it. When he wants to get into the house, he hears the voice of a woman behind him: "Hey? Your neighbor is such a young girl?"

Shen Si'nan's mother, Weng Yilin, wore a light gray dress, and her skirt was split to the knee. Even if she had reached middle age, her waist was still slender, and even the face with makeup was full of charm.

After Xin Haoyue heard her question, she looked at her and realized that Shen Sinan’s good genes are completely justified. His mother’s look is high value!

Xin Yiyue’s impression of Weng Yulin is like the mother of a rich man in all novels, especially hating the woman, even the bridge that “I give you money, you have to pay 10,000 yuan to leave my son” There are also in the original book, but at that time the career of the female lord was booming, and naturally, the face of Weng Yulin was beaten back without mercy.

Weng Yilin was a princess-like existence from an early age. Later, when she opened her own entertainment company, she did not count the number of people who took the film. Who would not treat her as a queen? Like a woman who dares to swear at her, almost no one except her son who can't help but no one dares! So she decisively made a beam with the woman.

Anyway, in Xinyin’s own words, it is a mother-in-law problem. Since ancient times, there has been no reason for me to see that you are not pleasing to the eye. You see that I am not pleasing to the eye.

When Xin Yiyue thought of this, the inexplicable thoughts drifted a little far. Later, when did Weng Yilin gradually accept the female lord? It seems that the male and female owners gave birth to a son after a year of marriage, and she gradually became a jade with the female host.

Here Xin Xinyue thought a little bit of God, but I don’t know that Shen Sinan looked at Xin Yuyue unconsciously after hearing his mother’s question, and naturally saw the half-opened door.

When he entered the door, she heard that she had stopped. It was only when she went back. How come back later? I want to come back and pick up the keys.

Shen Sinan thought that this person could really toss, and he ran back and forth diligently in the middle of the night.

But think about it, chasing myself, this is what she is best at.

Shen Sinan was afraid that Weng Yulin had strange ideas. He explained a rare question: "Mom, I don't know her." The implication is that you don't gossip.

Weng Yulin looked at him without trust.

Just the little eyes he had past, don't think she didn't know! Absolutely not simple!

Xin Xinyue’s eyes on Shang Weng’s eyes were slightly timid and she nodded, and after listening to Shen Si’s words, she immediately reacted and she had to withdraw quickly, so she smiled at Weng Linlin. I quickly rushed into the house.

Weng Yulin saw that the little girl was clean and didn't like make-up. She looked good and looked good. She wanted to ask one or two sentences. However, she did not expect that she would flee and flee, just like there were floods and beasts behind her.

Weng Yulin will observe her words from an early age. She turns to her own son: "Know?"

Shen Sinan was a little impatient. "I just said it."

Weng Yulin laughed a bit and joked: "It’s rare that girls don’t be fooled by you when they see you. I just saw her and didn’t look at you at a glance?” It’s so obvious, how is it possible? Two people don't know?

After that, Weng Yulin found out that her son’s face was a bit gloomy.

Hey, I said that I don’t recognize it!

After sending Weng Yilin, Shen Sinan stood at the door, thoughtfully looked at the closed door next door, and calculated the day of his own move.

But what surprised him was that he had not started to act, and the next move was quick.

After a week, he was resting on the weekend, and he heard the big action of "ping-pong" next door, and the noisy vocals. Although he couldn't hear anything, it was not difficult to hear many people.

Shen Sinan got up very heavy, changed his body and opened his clothes, and his face was dark.

Only when he saw Xinyue, wearing a black sling denim skirt and a red top, staring at the long ponytail behind his head and commanding the big men in the overalls to move the furniture, couldn’t help but wrinkle the brow into a zigzag shape. .

Xin Haoyue heard the sound of the door open, and only curiously turned to look at it, and then continued her movements, "Be careful, go to the left, then to the left, good..."

Shen Sinan, who was ignored, had the same black face as ink. "Xin Haoyue, what do you mean?"