MTL - Back Then, I Adored You-Chapter 1030 Endings + new book see in April (10)

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He and her have exhausted their wholehearted feelings, kissed for a long time, and then reluctantly separated.

When Xu warmly lifted the wet eyelashes, Luchengcheng was staring at her with dark, deep eyes. His eyes sparkled with deep emotions she could not understand.

Because of the fierce kiss, his breath was slightly unstable. He stared at her eyes for a long time, until he saw her eyes go back to the clear, pulling back from the kiss, he Only raised her hand, gently touched her white soft cheeks, and opened her mouth with great care: "Warm, except that you can't be with you, you can promise any other request, I don't want you, But now I can't afford you."

"Then you don't want me..." If two years ago, I had just experienced the warmth of Wu Hao's betrayal, I might not dare to go to this kind of courage to chase a love, but now it is different, she and Lu Bancheng The fate of the relationship, he has gone ninety-nine steps, the last step, this should be taken by her, since he said that he can not afford her, it does not matter, he can take her, just think of the warmth here, Looking back at the eyes of the half-city, the tone of the opening is more determined and more serious than he just said: "...I will give myself to you, you just want to go on."

Lu and a half of the city were tight, and those who wanted to convince her were so stuck in the throat. After a while, he reluctantly said: "Warm, you will regret it now one day." s Choice."

Lucheng was completely silent.

He told himself in his heart that he should not listen any more. He will be tempted by her and will surrender.

But her voice seemed to be enchanted, no matter how he escaped, or the words were clearly drawn into his ears.

"Lu Bancheng, you know, I have nothing to give you, the only thing I can give you is this life, never give up."


Three years later.

In the past three years, there have been a thousand days and nights. In this thousand-day sunrise sunset, Xu Weng has never seen Wu Hao again. She doesn't think of him often. Sometimes, when she passes by the Wusong company building, she will remember it. In her life, there was a man named Wu Hao who participated.

The last time she heard about Wu Hao, or three years ago, Wu Hao, who is in the thriving business, didn’t know what it was, resold the company that had just been listed, and folded the shares into a lot of cash. From the elite of the shopping malls that everyone talked about to an invisible rich, overnight, completely disappeared into the eyes of everyone, no one knows where he is going.

With the passing of the summer, Qin's birthday is also coming.

Xu warmly deliberately half a month earlier, looking for a wonderful weather, go to the mall to give Qin Hao love to choose a birthday present.

Wandering around, tossing for more than two hours, Xu warm finally finalized a new jewelry necklace.

Under the guidance of the shopping guide, when Xu warmed to the front desk for payment, a young girl in her early twenties, carrying a man dressed in clothes, walked over with a smile.

Even if he didn't see it for three years, the man, Xu warmly recognized it easily, is Wu Hao who has been evaporating for a long time.

The old people meet, even if the former grudges have been cleared, the warm steps can be slightly slowed down.

After returning to the young girl's words, Wu Hao, the corner of her eye, probably noticed her, looked up and looked in the direction of her station.

Wu Hao’s look, without any change, even his eyes, did not show any slight fluctuations.

"Auntie, just went to other stores and strolled around, it is not as good as the set of sapphire jewelry we first came here to see, or else I will buy one, okay?" I didn't notice the strange young girl, I took Wu Hao’s arm and asked for advice with a few delicate mouths.

Wu Hao, who heard the girl’s voice, took her eyes back from the warmth of the body in the next second, turned her head, staring at the young girl’s eyes, deep and looking, and the open mouth of the hundred-hundredness said: “I didn’t Comments, as long as you like it."

The girl heard Wu Hao’s answer, and the smile grew even brighter. She picked up her toes and kissed Wu’s cheek.

Wu Hao did not dodge, just took the girl into her arms, and then walked with her to the warm side.

Xu warmed and lifted his foot again and went to the checkout counter.

Behind Wu Hao and the girl did not go far, probably because Wu Hao had bought millions of jewellery for the girl. The girl was very happy. She faintly heard the girl cruelly facing Wu Hao: "Auntie, I love you."

As the girl's voice settled, Xu warmed out the bank card from the bag and handed it to the cashier. When the cashier swiped the card, she heard Wu Hao's response, the voice was low and soft: "I love you too." ""

"Miss, trouble you to enter your password." The cashier smiled.

Xu warmly raised his hand with a smile, pressed the password, signed the word, the result of the packaged jewelry, Xu warmth accompanied by the shopping guide, walked out of the jewelry store.

After a few steps away from the warmth, the shopping guide returned to the store, and then accompanied by the female companion standing in front of the window to try on the jewelry of Wu Hao, turned around, through the bright glass, looked out of the jewelry store.

Xu warmly carrying a bag in his hand, standing in the elevator, is answering the phone.

The smile on her face was extraordinarily splendid. After about a minute, a tall man, holding a little boy of about one year old, came to her.

The little boy licked his pacifier, saw her, and immediately reached out to hug.

Xu warm handed the bag in his hand to Lucheng and took the boy.

Lu Bancheng bowed his head slightly, and did not know what to say a little to the warmth. Xu warmed his head and then took a look at it. Then Lu Bancheng took her waist and took the elevator and went downstairs.

Although the two men only took two steps, Wu Hao still clearly saw that Lu Qicheng’s steps were somewhat unstable, probably because the leg injury did not fully recover.

When two people were about to disappear into Wu’s vision, Wu Hao saw through the lip shape that Lu Bancheng shouted: “warm.”

The warmth of doubts looked up, and the lips of Lu Bancheng moved again. "I love you."

Xu warmed her eyebrows and smiled. She was facing Wu Hao. Wu Hao couldn’t see her lips, but he thought that she probably came back with the phrase "I love you too," because Lumicheng’s eyebrows are visible. The smile is deeper.

Xu warmly holding the little boy, seeing that Mom and Dad laughed, and grinned, the pacifier fell to the ground, and then the smiling face turned to cry, "Wow" fell into tears.

Then, a family of three disappeared into the vision of Wu Hao.


Arrived in the underground parking lot, Xu warmth handed the baby to Luchengcheng, and he sat in the driver's seat.

After paying the parking fee, drive on the road, let the warmth through the windshield, look at the bright sunshine in front of me, think of Wu Hao, who I just met at the jewelry store, and then pass through the scene, just before her eyes, she Suddenly some curiosity, if Wu Hao did not tell her the truth of the matter, if she really thought that the Lucheng and the fruit were getting married, did Lu Bancheng really lose her?

Such curiosity, Xu warmly asked: "Half city, if I didn't know anything at the beginning, didn't go to the hospital to find you, didn't stay with you, what would your life look like?"

Lu Bancheng, who was holding his son's face, stopped his movements and pondered for a moment. He said: "I don't want to live forever."

If you don't feel moved, it's a fake. You can still warm up or smile back and say: "Stupid is not stupid?"

The eyes of Lu Bancheng also followed a few smiles: "Is there?"

After a pause, the look of Lu Bancheng became a bit serious: "For you, don't say silly, die is willing."


The full text is complete.

Ye Fei Ye, at 23:27 on January 17, 2017.

It’s a good time, goodbye, and the rest of my life, I’ve seen three times in three good times. Goodbye, half city is warm, goodbye, and Wu Hao, who was trapped by his first love. Goodbye, you have been with me for so many days.

Just, will we still see you? Will you see me again in the new book in April?

I hope that day, we can still see you.

The story ends here, it is really over, but there are Xiaofan outside Qin Jiayan (Qin Yi's younger brother) and Xiao Pean (Gu Yusheng and Qin Yu loves daughter).

Not long, two small fans added, controlled within the 60-80 chapter.

These two short stories are what I promised readers to write in the VIP group and write to people who like to watch.

I can't bear to be separated from me. I can still look at it every night. If I don't want to see it, it doesn't matter. I will see you in April.

I hope that you will remember that a person named "Ye Fei Ye" will accompany you to the deep winter from the summer, from 16 to 17 to you. If you can, I hope that we can go all our lives.

Finally, announce a group: 499877853 [expecting a new book, want to join me in the king, you can come in and find me to play, I am free, we can open the black game! 】