MTL - Back Then, I Adored You-Chapter 1042 Go with me, ok? (two)

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She hated her for marrying such a man for money, and this man was so angry with her.

If he didn't control himself, he was afraid that he would have rushed forward and slammed the man down on the ground and hit him in the dead.

But he can't, to be exact, he doesn't dare.

He was afraid that he would do that. He has been deeply buried in the heart for years to let anyone know the feelings.

He was afraid that he would do that, regardless of his ethics, regardless of the family behind her, and he would take her away from him.

Qin Jiayan’s throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he was a little breathless.

He really wants her to have a good life, even if she has nothing to do with him in this life.

However, do you know? He is the one she doesn't want, she is so bad now, he is not qualified to go forward to her.

After all, when she left him, she said so clearly.

"Qin Jiayan, my feelings will be good or bad in the future, and I will not have any relationship with you!"


Two times in a row for two consecutive encounters with Su, it is like a joke that God is giving. After the opening, God is probably bored. He did not make a fuss about Qin Jiayan and Su Qing. He and she are like the past years. They disappeared in each other's lives.

The encounter with Su Qing once again was indeed a wave of waves in the life of Qin Jiayan, but he was no longer young when he was young, and she lost her soul for her. He is already 30 years old and has already learned to move. The sound, the pain and the pain of suffering are also deeply buried in the bottom of my heart, so he does not seem to have any difference from the previous, still busy work, was forced to marry, was forced to go to blind date when he could not bear.

When interviewed some time ago, Qin Jiayan’s work just came to an end. This time was not so busy, but occasionally there were some dinner parties to attend at night.

The dinner tonight was decided on a temporary basis. At the time, when someone was in the suburbs, after receiving the call, they rushed to the city and rushed to the Beijing Grand Hotel on time.

In these years, whether it was a business or a private matter, most of the dinners were arranged at the Beijing Grand Hotel, so the hotel manager was familiar with him. When he came in, he waited for him to ask, and immediately greeted him and opened his mouth: "Mr. Qin, Are you going to room 1208? I will take you there."

Qin Jiayan nodded and said softly: "Thank you."

Stepping into the elevator, the hotel manager helped press the floor, the elevator went up, and when it reached the 8th floor, it stopped.

When a man and a woman came in, the hotel manager raised his hand and closed the door. Qin Jiayan’s line of sight inadvertently glimpsed the scene in the box that was halfway behind the door.

Although Qin Jiayan only swept away from the back, he still recognized that the familiar figure facing him was Su.

With almost no hesitation, he reached out and stopped the elevator door that was about to close.

The back of the elevator door was hard and the sharp pain spread to his whole body.

The hotel manager hurriedly pressed the button. "Mr. Qin, are you okay?"

Qin Jiayan seems to have not heard the words of the hotel manager, staring at the scene in the box.

Su Qing was caught by a man with one hand, his face raised high to the ceiling, and the other hand holding a bottle of red wine, which was being poured into it.