MTL - Back To 1995-Chapter 1017 Take the emperor to order the princes

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   "Reject the LVMH Group!"

   "Let the LVMH group get out of America!"

   "Bernard Arnott's executioner should sit on the bench!"

  On Fifth Avenue in New York, countless media reporters and tourists stood on both sides of the road, holding cameras or mobile phones, watching a large group of humanitarian supporters and people from the Animal Protection Association, chanting slogans and waving flags.

  Thanks to the Internet and the camera and video function pioneered by Alcatel mobile phones, these tourists from all over the world can spread the scene in front of them to users around the world through major Internet platforms in just a moment.

  The storm caused by the ICNC TV documentary shows no sign of abatement and is still going on, which is becoming more and more unfavorable to the LVMH Group.

The stock price plummeted, the securities commissions in many regions began to investigate or issue huge fines to the LVMH Group, duty-free shops at airports and counters in high-end shopping malls stopped selling LVMH Group products, celebrity endorsements ran away, and lawsuits against LVMH Group , also began to erupt in a concentrated manner, and the sudden storm made the entire LVMH Group crumbling!

"The American Federal Trade Commission, as well as several federal states, have begun to investigate the LVMH Group. If the false propaganda, product problems and other issues are true, the LVMH Group may face a maximum fine of more than 410 million US dollars, and may even face a ban on sales. !"

  "Affected by the LVMH Group, including Estee Lauder and many other companies, the stock prices have fallen sharply in recent days!"

   "A number of institutions have adjusted the stock price forecast of LVMH Group for the next quarter. It is estimated that the revenue of LVMH Group in the next quarter may fall by more than 33%."

   "Analysts from Wall Street institutions believe that the structure and rules of the global luxury goods industry will undergo major changes in the future, and RICK Group may replace LVMH Group!"

Estee Lauder headquarters, looking at the falling stock price, the members of the Lauder family and the executives of Estee Lauder are also helpless. They have cut off the relationship with the LVMH group immediately, but who knows, the leeks vote with their feet. No matter what the relationship between the two parties is, anyway, seeing the news that the two are often together, there must be a relationship, so naturally they sell Estee Lauder's stock vigorously.

   "This is the latest issue of Vogue magazine!"

  Looking at the scene on Fifth Avenue broadcast on the TV, Reid Lian Hanmo had lingering fear in his heart, and handed Leonard Lauder a freshly released Vogue magazine.

As just acquired by RICK, Leonard Lauder can guess what Vogue magazine will report even if he doesn't read it. At this time, he must be sitting on the side of the big money owner and trying to blackmail the LVMH group. Show some kindness.

   "The luxury industry should not only have beautiful knives and butchers. This is a taint to the fashion industry. The century-old luxury industry has encountered the biggest crisis in history!"

Today, Vogue magazine used a whole section to criticize the LVMH Group in an all-round and three-dimensional way. It is short of engraving the words "industry cancer" on the forehead of the LVMH Group and expelling it from the fashion industry. To sum it up in one sentence , That is a rat droppings ruined a pot of food. The stock price and sales volume of the fashion industry have plummeted this time, and it is all the fault of the LVMH Group!

  Flipping through the Vogue magazine and seeing the criticism of the LVMH Group on it, William Lauder, the next head of the Lauder family, couldn't help asking, "Will the LVMH Group fall this time..."

  If the LVMH Group collapses suddenly because of this incident, it will be like a nuclear explosion for the global luxury goods industry. I am afraid that the entire luxury goods industry will undergo a new round of reshuffle.


   Leonard Lauder and Reid Lian Hanmo said in unison, and they looked at each other, obviously they had the same judgment.

  Looking at William Lauder, Leonard said, "This incident is a huge blow to the LVMH Group, but the LVMH Group has many brands. Even if the luxury business is hit hard, there are also wine, perfume, clothing and other businesses.

  If necessary, it can also split its brands, form a new brand, and get rid of the LVMH brand! "

It’s not like no one has played the game of changing the vest and getting rid of negative news. Just like the tobacco giant Philip Morris, which was blown up by ICNC TV before, it changed its name to Gottley Group, claiming that the future will mainly produce food, But in fact, after changing its name in the past few years, the most profitable business for Gottley is still the tobacco business.

As long as you have a thick skin and don't recognize the previous name, say you don't know Philips Tobacco Company, who can do anything to Gottley? Maybe someone will think of Gottley well. If they don't specialize in black history, they will never think of what the ancestors of Gottley, who is harmless to humans and animals with thick eyebrows and big eyes, did...

It’s really urgent, LVMH Group can also play this game, change the vest, transfer all its brands to the new vest company, completely cut off from the past, spend more money on public relations and charity, promote its brands such as Dior, and live on A few years ago, who still remembers the **** that the LVMH group has done? !

   "The key is, RICK will never give up so easily for the LVMH Group to get through the current hurdle!"

Reid Lian Hanmo also said that in a few years, William Lauder, who will succeed him and serve as the president of Estee Lauder, will teach him everything. He will retire in a few years, and people like William Lauder , there is no competition.

Now, the hungry wolves are jumping up, trying to bite off a large piece of meat from the LVMH Group. Bernard Arnault needs to settle the securities commissions and trade commissions in America, Italy, Brazil, Cochin and other places. Pay huge fines and settlements.

  These are all just for money. As long as the LVMH group is willing to go bankrupt and avoid disaster, these hungry wolves can be settled. The key is, what kind of tricks RICK is playing, and whether he is willing to let the LVMH group go, is really unpredictable.

   "RICK, a press conference was held!"

   At this time, an assistant ran in and said to the Estee Lauder executives.

The TV screen was re-tuned to ICNC TV station, and I saw that any press conference was held, and one of the six major TV stations in America would broadcast the whole process live. The resources in RICK's hands were so rich that all colleagues were jealous. Leonard · Lauder, Reid Lian Hanmo and the others are all only in awe, and they are really incomparable.

Representing RICK at the press conference was the new president of RICK, Elsa Benitez. Compared with Eric, Elsa's image is much better. In the press conference, female speakers are more likely to be accepted by the audience than male speakers!

Think about it, a cowboy with a thick face and a thick face from the west, sitting there, mourning those animals slaughtered by some luxury giants, and then accidentally slapped his lips, this picture, I am afraid it will make people feel, this guy Do you want to eat barbecue...

"Many things have happened these days. RICK expresses its apologies and guilt for what happened in the industry. The original intention of the luxury industry is to allow users to have a more distinctive personality and identity, so that users who own these products can improve their mood. But what is happening now has changed too many people's perception of the luxury industry.

  In any case, although the RICK company will not do the things in the documentary, but in this industry, RICK still represents the luxury industry, and apologizes to all those who have been hurt by this incident! "

   As he spoke, Elsa Benitez took out the traditional "craftsman" spirit of a certain place and bowed deeply.

The entire press conference was completely overwhelmed by Elsa's set. According to the routine, shouldn't RICK make trouble by throwing **** at the LVMH Group and setting himself off as a spotless white lotus? What about RICK? Instead, he bowed and apologized first.

   After a few seconds of hesitation, the media and reporters at the scene, as well as the invited people from the Animal Protection Association, Environmental Protection Association, Humane Society, etc., all stood up and applauded.

Since the release of the ICNC documentary, all major luxury companies have been throwing the pot in the same way, refusing to admit it. RICK is the first company to apologize on behalf of the luxury industry. Compared with the stubborn LVMH group, it is simply Let's judge!

  The moment Elsa Benitez bowed and apologized on behalf of RICK, Leonard Lauder, who was watching, sighed and said, "RICK is going to become the overlord of the luxury industry!"

  There is nothing wrong with throwing the blame away. Human nature, when encountering bad things, it is natural to throw the blame out first, so as to protect oneself wisely before doing other things.

   But the key point is that the situation of the raw material suppliers and OEM companies of the LVMH Group is not a problem of its own, but a problem that exists in the entire luxury industry. Is this trying to get rid of it? !

On the contrary, RICK apologized at this time. Even if the media finds out that something is wrong, RICK can still be wronged. The loss of morality, is it because some competitors have collected black money to mess with Lao Tzu?

And what made Leonard Lauder feel the ingenuity of RICK's trick was this apology. Not only would it not arouse the disgust of users, but it might be able to sway a wave of goodwill. After all, who likes to cheat all day long, it is obviously wrong Not a bad company yet.

More importantly, with this apology, RICK is almost destined to be unified in the yellow robe. From now on, it will be the representative of the global luxury industry. What it says will represent the entire luxury industry. Scared as a coward, only RICK stood up? !

"Not all luxury companies intentionally harm those rare animals and plants. One company cannot represent the entire industry. There are many similarly "kind" companies in the luxury industry, such as Hermes, Kering, Richemont, and Chanel. Keep working hard for the betterment of the entire luxury goods industry!"

  In Elsa’s words, she didn’t mention the LVMH Group at all, but the words were heart-warming. At the same time, she named other luxury brands by the way. If she doesn’t cooperate with the RICK Group, then the next time she shoots, she will aim at them...

"RICK is willing to pay for the mistakes made by the luxury goods industry. RICK cannot escape this point. RICK will establish a global rare animal protection foundation. In addition, in Houston, invest no less than 200 million dollars to build the world's largest rare animal protection fund. Animal ecological protection scenic spot, and at the same time provide a donation of 15 million US dollars to the major animal protection associations in America!


Before Elsa finished speaking, there was another round of violent applause from the audience, which interrupted Elsa's speech several times. At this moment, those people from the Animal Protection Association and the Environmental Protection Association looked at Elsa again. , is completely different, and she is completely regarded as "one of my own people". The big money owner who can provide these associations with beautiful knives these days is of course "one of my own people".

  “RICK proposed to establish the Global Luxury Association and implement new industry standards and production processes. Whether it is raw material supplier audits, production processing procedures or luxury goods identification, the future should be certified by the Global Luxury Association.

  The luxury industry is too chaotic, and there are too many companies fishing in troubled waters. All this should change. The Global Luxury Association will supervise major luxury companies to completely stop using rare animal leather in the next three years.

  In the future, the Global Luxury Association will invest in global mainstream luxury companies, and will, as a "shareholder", supervise the raw material sources, production processes, etc. of major luxury companies.

In addition, the Global Luxury Association will directly cooperate with luxury raw material suppliers, such as investing 10 million US dollars in Australia to build a production base that can accommodate 70,000 saltwater crocodiles. This production base will use materials that meet international standards. The way to raise and collect fur! "

At this moment, in front of the TV, countless luxury companies are watching today’s press conference, and my heart is chilling at this moment. Although RICK makes every suggestion, those words can only be uttered by a 36-degree mouth. ? !

What the **** is the Global Luxury Association, everyone can see that RICK is trying to play tricks on the emperor to make the princes, through this incident, force the major luxury companies to join the **** luxury association, and then obey RICK established rules and systems.

Everyone knows that whoever masters the industry standards will have the voice of the entire industry, and the companies in the industry will become the meat on the cutting board, and only the companies that have the voice can take advantage of it at will, but the key is, Do they have the right to refuse? !

  Right now, RICK is for knives, and other luxury goods companies are for fish. They really want to jump, but whether RICK’s knives will let them go is really hard to say...

  The press conference is over, and ICNC TV station has started to broadcast other programs, but Bernard Arnott is still sitting in front of the newly replaced TV, not saying a word.

Antonio on the side couldn't help but said to Bernard Arnott, "The situation is not good for us now. America, Canada, Germany, Spain and other places have temporarily suspended the sale of LVMH Group products. If it continues If this is the case, I am afraid that more regions in Western Europe, Asia and other places will propose a ban on the sale of LVMH Group!"