MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 29 accommodation arrangement

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Today, all the guests who came here were Lin Mu's maiden's family. Because she was married far away, and then there was a flood in her hometown, so they all fled to her maiden's house. But the village of her mother's family was a little unacceptable to outsiders, so she settled in the poorest small mountain village, and her mother's family had to climb the mountain and walk ten miles if she wanted to come here.

Since the big winter is here, you have to stay here as guests. The aunt and the aunt look a lot like Mother Lin and are very kind. After all, they are sisters, and their appearances are similar. It's just that Auntie looks more rich and has a very picky eye.

They asked her a few trivial questions at first, and the atmosphere wasn't too tense.

But suddenly the aunt looked up and down at Su Su and said: "It seems that the girls in the city have not suffered, but there are many people who eat red books in this city, you Why do you want to marry into this poor valley?"

This may be the question in everyone's mind, including Lin Chuan who just came into the house. However, the situation was a bit wrong when Aunt Yu asked, as if she underestimated Lin Chuan.

And it's not easy to answer correctly, which challenges Susu's emotional intelligence.

She smiled slightly, then tilted her head and said, "I don't know other people, and besides, they haven't saved me." She said it very sincerely and flawlessly.

The aunt's son gave Lin Chuan a hard slap on the shoulder, then put his arms around him and whispered: "How can you say that you are so lucky that you can save this good daughter-in-law even if you are so short-handed. , I also want to save it."

Lin Chuan ignored him, but the uncle's son said, "Then your previous daughter-in-law..." Lin Chuan glared at him halfway through speaking, he smiled and said, "Before Is my fiancée no one wants, why not introduce it to me?"

Lin Chuan did not speak, and directly asked the two relatives to move in the borrowed table and chairs. There are probably four or five tables at home for doing business this time, so I have to borrow dishes, bowls, and tables.

And after hearing Su Su say this in the room, the aunt didn't say anything, but in the end all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred. After his son graduated from high school, he arranged to work in the brick factory of the commune. Because he wanted to find him a girlfriend who eats red books all the time, but he was always looked down upon by others. Who made her son just a temporary worker and has not yet turned into a regular worker, so he was disliked in all kinds of ways.

The appearance is also very beautiful, and the facial features are exquisite and can't be faulted. The important thing is that the skin is good, like a peeled egg.

Such a good girl is cheaper than that stinky boy, and the **** doesn't know where it is better.

"By the way, I heard that there is no one in your family. Someone has to call the shots for you, isn't it? The dowry is very particular. You are young and know how to arrange it? "

Auntie asked such a question as if she was very concerned, and the mother Lin on the side frowned.

Fortunately, Su Su don't look at the surface that she is only seventeen or eighteen years old, but she is actually in her twenties, so she answered in a nonchalant manner: "Although I have no family, I have graduated from college anyway, so I will arrange It's okay to do this. Besides, everyone is a family from now on, and it's okay to ask my aunt to help me arrange." After speaking, she rubbed her mother Lin's hand.

"Really, it's still a college student. After that, what if you want to go back to the city, the troops can't go out. If you want me to say, it's better to let your man change careers as soon as possible, so that you can We can live together. This young couple, it's not a good thing to be separated for a long time, you say so, second child."

The aunt said with a smile, in fact, I wish that something would happen to them after they got married, to see what the second child is still sitting here and blowing.

"It doesn't matter, the big deal is that I will go to work in his army." Su Su also felt that this aunt was a little bit worried about eating carrots and worrying about it. The male supporting role has developed very well in the army. Let him switch jobs?

It is not good for young couples to be separated, but if there is a relationship then nothing is a problem. So, is she suspecting that she is afraid of cheating?

Mother Lin patted her head and said, "It's no use sitting here, go to the back room."

"Got it."

"Stop early, there will be more people tomorrow."


Su Su knew that Mother Lin didn't want to make her two sisters feel uncomfortable, so she said goodbye with a smile. After leaving the house, the corner of her mouth twitched, this aunt was really looking for trouble, and her good mood was ruined.

After returning to the back room, she stuffed her large backpack into the kang cabinet, and didn't take out anything, mainly because she always felt that it was magical, and it might not be good to take it out.

Then she put all the wedding things she bought on the table. She is going to get married tomorrow. She thinks that she should follow the hairstyle of the times and give herself two big braids, one on the left and one on the right. on.

I was braiding when I saw the male partner coming. His face was a little bad. Seeing Susu opened his mouth, he seemed to have something to say, but in the end he didn't say anything and went to another hut to clean up It caught fire at once.

Susu doesn't have the awkward ideas of this era, let alone that men and women should keep a distance when they are engaged. He walked up and said, "What are you burning this house for? Will anyone come to live there?"

, looked at her straight and solemnly and said, "I have limited vacations every year, I can't accompany you all the year round like other men, there is danger to protect you, and you are sick to take care of you..." When he said this, he had an Adam's apple Yi Mo continued: "However, I can apply to join the army, but I can't wait for you to complete this task. I can also drag the leader over there to help you find a job. At that time, at least half a day off on rest days, I can go back and have a look at you. ."

I don't know why, Susu felt a sense of grievance in his tone, and couldn't help but chuckle: "What do you mean?"

"Tell me the truth, it's too late for you to regret it now."

"Oh, do you want me to go back or not?"

A ball hit Lin Chuan, he blushed for a while, and finally said, "I don't want it."

Su Su looked at him a little funny and said, "Did you come to me after listening to what Auntie said? Do I look like someone who can't be kept?" Glancing at him.

Lin Chuan was so stared that he almost couldn't find the south, east, north and west, and finally his Adam's apple moved and said, "No, I don't trust other men."