MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 30 afraid of being robbed

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There are also those men in the village, who have been around their house since Susu came, always wanting to have an affair or something. If he hadn't been watching closely, he might have jumped over the wall to provoke her.

But why don't you stay at home?

The young daughter-in-law is so beautiful and knowledgeable that he is afraid of being robbed.

Su Su waved her hand and said, "You think too much, cheapskate." She doesn't care at all, it's normal for a man to be careful, she can understand.

But his hand was suddenly caught, and when he looked back, he saw that Lin Chuan's eyes were slightly red.

? ? ?

What happened?

"At most one year, I will definitely apply to transfer you, you prepare."

"Oh." Suddenly she went crazy, and it hurt a little when she held it.

But Lin Chuan let go at this time and said, "I'll let Lin Hai follow you, and I'll take someone with you for everything in the future."

What does "…" mean?

I was thinking of two young men squeezed in at the door, the two children of my aunt and my uncle. They were probably in their twenties, and they were all doing well. After he came in, he looked at Su Su, and the boy from the aunt's house touched his head and smiled: "Comrade Su, I heard that you graduated from college. I originally wanted to take the college entrance examination this year, but the factory didn't leave if something happened. Do you have any information here, I want to review it."

"No." Before Su Su said anything, Lin Chuan had already said it first.

The uncle's child said: "Comrade Su hasn't spoken yet, everyone is young, what's wrong? In fact, we came to ask, do you have any taboos in the bridal chamber tomorrow? ?"

Susu's face turns red when she mentions the bridal chamber. She is beautiful, she is cute and a little naive. When her face is red, it's not about how cute she is.

The uncle's child is twenty-two years old this year, and it is the time when he is interested in women. He rubbed his hands and his eyes almost straightened.

No, that's fine." They also knew that Lin Chuan was very protective of food, so they could only walk away.

Su Su was very popular with men in the modern era, but she matured late, playing games every day to learn, deep house. So after graduation, I never established a relationship with any man as a boyfriend or girlfriend, so I used my boyfriend's jealous behavior very well, and hugged Lin Chuan's waist gently in his hand: "I don't think so. I'll take care of them, don't worry." When her boyfriend was there, she wanted Xiaoniao Yiren, and when she was away, those people dared to provoke her to be careful of her own Tianling Gai.

Lin Chuan froze, his fiancee seems a little clingy, what should I do?

But being held by her was very useful, and he didn't want to leave.

No, I'm not married yet, so pay attention to the impact.

Thinking of this, he pulled Susu's hand away in a panic, and then said without looking back: "Rest early."

"..." She's getting married and she's so innocent, so tomorrow's bridal chamber probably won't work out.

Susu was not in a good mood as she thought, she was a little homesick. Suddenly I came to this place and suddenly wanted to get married, but my parents didn't know it.

But there is no electricity in this village. She really wants to go to bed early, but she hasn't bathed yet. It's been a long time since she came here, and she didn't dare to wash it at Lin's house, so she could only wipe it with a towel.

But she is getting married tomorrow, so she has to pay attention to her personal hygiene. I also have to wash my hair. Fortunately, there is water in the pot.

Dumped water in the basin and went back to the house, then took the towel and shampoo and undressed. It suddenly occurred to me that bras in this era probably haven't spread to the inland, and it seems that sports vests will be worn tomorrow. Fortunately, she brought it. It shouldn't be too unusual, but Lin Chuan would have to be blinded if he saw him.

I was wiping when I heard the door open outside, and then someone pulled her door.

"Susu is probably asleep, eldest sister, you still have something to do with her."

"It's alright, I just want to go in and see how it's furnished. You can buy a new house as soon as you get married. Jia Chuanzi is always in the army, this house might as well be sold for money."

"Mom, what are you talking about, the eldest brother has to spend a few days with the bride before getting married. It's inconvenient for the old house to be in the back room. Besides, they also have many sons. It's good to be alone."

A man?

Su Su frowned and wiped her clothes a few times before washing her hair. But after washing, I was stunned, the water hadn't poured yet.

Wipe the hair half dry first, and then find that the people in the room are not talking.

She could only spread the quilt, thinking about going to the toilet after pouring the water and sleeping on the kang.

He was a young man of prime age. When he saw a girl who had just washed her hair walking out, he was startled, and then he couldn't help lingering on her for a long time. This girl is really good-looking. I waited here for a long time before I saw her and said, "You really love cleanliness, is this washing your hair?"

"Well." Su Su felt that she had nothing to say to him, but just as she was about to leave, he pressed the basin and said, "Shall I pour it for you?"

This is her shampoo and bath water, Susu said a little embarrassedly: "No need, I will do it myself."

She shivered, and then the basin was snatched away by the figure who just came in. At the same time, Lin Chuan's voice was colder than outside: "What are you still looking at here, not sleeping anymore?"

"Oh." Su Su felt a little guilty, turned around and entered the room.

"Brother, why do you talk to your sister-in-law like this?" The aunt's child frowned.

Lin Chuan looked at the background of Su Su entering the house, and he was stunned, fearing that she would misunderstand, he rushed: "What about you, what are you running around this night, go back to sleep."

"What time is it..." The aunt's child was taken away by Lin Chuan as soon as he said a word. Su Su felt that he must be very uncomfortable. Screaming sounded.

I was thinking that the door opened and the basin was placed in her hand.

"Hang the door to sleep, and don't let anyone enter the house." Lin Chuan closed the door for her after instructing her, and then he heard someone fasten the door before leaving.