MTL - Back to the Age of Dinosaurs-Chapter 199 Fanwai: Where are the king's male dragons?

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The young men of Gu Lu, Meng Ge and the red super-run were taken to the police station, and the middle-aged man who was stunned by Meng Ge was sent to the hospital.

After the police saw the video of the scene of the accident, it was originally necessary to bring Mengo to the hospital for examination. Gu Lu also insisted on taking Mengo to check whether he was injured, but Mengo was very stubborn. He insisted that he was not injured. Go directly to the bureau, he does not want to delay time in these unnecessary things.

The portable space told Meng Ge that with the current medical level of human beings, the hospital equipment could not check the difference between Mongo and ordinary humans. Mengo felt that he was not injured. Why did he go to the hospital to check the wasted time? hospital.

On the way to the bureau, Gu Lu always thought about how to cross the sea for Meng Ge. The first is that Mongo has no identity card, and the second is his relationship with Meng Ge. The main problem is that he suddenly and Mongo can't use the serial port.

Gu Lu feels that according to Meng Ge's character, he is unlikely to lie. Although he does not know this man, he just thinks that Meng Ge will not lie. When the police separately recorded the confession, it is better to tell the truth, so it is easier to help. Mongo.

After arriving at the bureau, the police first poured a glass of water on the man who recorded the record and the red super run.

Only Mongo was shackled with his hands, and even wearing a steel mask, like Hannibal’s in prison, was used for the extremely dangerous cannibalistic murderer, in order to prevent murder. Bite or bite the police.

All the police in the whole process were very nervous. Even if they were very heroic, they couldn’t help but look at Mongo’s eyes. This is the nature of human survival.

The police "give me your ID card."

The red super-running young man immediately gave his ID card, driver's license and driving license. Now the rich second generation is very smart, and it is easy to not cause trouble to the family. If you go through the procedure, you should follow the rules.

Gu Lu did not bring his ID card. His student ID card was carried with him, and the student ID card was handed over to the police comrade.

The police have heard of Professor Gu’s name. In this city, Gu Lu is also a small name. For such citizens with good prestige and reputation, the police comrades have a very good attitude and always smile.

If it is not a big case involving a serial murder, the police comrades will express their admiration for Professor Gu.

Mongo "My ID card is in the trouser pocket."

Gu Lu, where are you coming from the ID card, your red strips appear in front of me, the clothes are wearing me, I have no time to give you a fake ID card. I followed you all the way, my eyes didn't blink, I didn't see you doing it myself.

However, the young male policeman actually found an identity card in Mongo's trouser pocket and immediately handed it over to a young policewoman to check the authenticity.

Gu Lu, my eyes are stunned, why didn't I see you when I went to do an ID card, and where did you get an ID card?

The puzzling Gu Lu did not explore where Meng Ge’s ID card came from. He only spoke in the heart of Meng Ge. You should not play this trick in the bureau, but also add a manufacturing to yourself. Is the crime of false certificate?

In modern society, as long as you have your ID card, your whole person is naked, and dare to show a fake ID card in the bureau, it is really a death.

However, after a while, the policewoman put their documents on the table, and did not point out that Mongo’s is a false certificate. Gu recorded was shocked.

Mongo's ID card is of course for him to carry on to the space. If you want to mix in the current society, no ID card is difficult to move. The portable space needs to give Mongo a real identity.

Then Gu Lu was taken to the inquiry room.

Two male police officers, one responsible for making a transcript and one for a question.

The police officer "Professor Gu, when and where did you and the suspect Mengo know?"

Gu Lu "I only met Mongo last night. He suddenly appeared in my lab. He also said that he is a Tyrannosaurus. He came from the dinosaur era. I certainly don't believe it. I thought he might. The spirit is a bit problematic, so I stayed overnight for him."

Two police officers e

Gu Lu "I said that this is completely true, you can go to the monitoring of the laboratory."

Of course, Gu Lu dared to let the two police officers adjust the monitoring of the laboratory because he knew that the monitoring of the laboratory was only available for each export, and there was no such thing as the appearance of Mongo becoming Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The police officer "Professor Gu, you think about it again, is it possible that you are working on sleepless nights, studying dinosaur fossils, and dreaming of being too tired to sleep last night, he does not seem to have mental problems."

The identity of the portable space to Meng Ge proved that he only dropped out of school in his early years, his loved ones have passed away, and there is no record of mental illness.

Gu Lu "Comrade Comrade, do you suspect that I am mentally ill? I can tell you very surely, I don't have it, I can distinguish dreams and reality even if I am tired."

The police officer quickly said, "No, Professor Gu, you misunderstood, we don't have this meaning, please take a rest in the lounge."

Then Mongo was taken to the inquiry room.

The police officer "suspected Mongo, when and where did you know?"

The portable space has taught Mongo how to answer this question in great detail.

"My biggest dream since I was a child was to study dinosaur fossils in paleontology. I know that Beihua University is the top institution of paleontology. I know that there are real dinosaur fossils in the school's laboratory. I really couldn't help but want to go in last night. Look, I didn't destroy anything in the lab, Professor Gu is very good to me."

The police officer "What did you say to Professor Gu last night?"

Mongo "I said that I am a Tyrannosaurus Rex, Professor Gu is a Triceratops. We are from the dinosaur era. This is true. Don't believe it, I am not mentally ill."

The two police officers almost sneered at the internal injuries.

Meng Ge said very seriously that "human technology can't achieve time and space, I know, but I have a portable space, this portable space takes us back."

The police officer "cough, that, Tyrannosaurus, you become a Tyrannosaurus to show me, I can change, I will believe."

Mongo "I can't be a Tyrannosaurus in the human world, you can go back to the dinosaur era with me."

Of course, this is also the space to teach Meng Ge.

The two police officers couldn't help it anymore. Haha laughed and the real head laughed.

Mongo "How do you not believe me, what I said is true."

The police officer "I'm sorry, we really can't hold back. After professional training, we don't usually laugh. You are a serious nonsense, hahahaha."

Meng Ge "I am telling the truth. I am really a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Gu Lu is a Triceratops. We have small scorpions in the dinosaur era. Our little nephews have grown up. We are dedicated to the human world to play. ”

According to the ID card, the police officers inquired about the movies and documentaries that Mongo liked to watch, all about dinosaurs, and they were even more convinced that Mongo had severe paranoia.

The police officer brought Mengo to the side of Gu Lu and said, "Professor Gu, he suffers from severe paranoia. You and he are always alive. I advise you to send him to the street office, where the staff will arrange psychological treatment for him."

Gu Lu "Thank you for the kindness of the police comrades, no need, I want him to be an assistant to me. I just missed an assistant who is physically active. He has no problem except for sometimes talking nonsense. I like him very much. Will take him to see a psychiatrist."

The police officer "Professor Gu, you are really a good person. He likes dinosaurs so much. It is of course the best to follow you. He also has poor parents to die early. I can meet you for the blessings he has cultivated for eight generations."

Gu Lu listened, could not help but marvel at the heart, where is the real ID card from where Mongo is going.

Between the conversations, the middle-aged man who was fainted by Mongo ran into it, and slammed into front of Mongo.

The middle-aged man said with a nose and tears, "Thank you, Daen, thank you for saving me. I am anxious to go to work on the construction site today. I have been late for a few days, and I will be late again. The foreman will not give it. I am alive, my son immediately took the college entrance examination. When I was about to spend money, my old mother would spend thousands of thousands of dollars a day in the hospital. My woman ran away. I can’t afford a care worker. I can only have my own hospital. The construction site runs back and forth, I am the pillar of my family, I am gone, my home is over."

The police "You, you can't rush to the red light if you are in a hurry. It's dangerous. Fortunately, there is Mongo. Fortunately, Mongo's strength is great."

The middle-aged man squinted his head. He still couldn't look at Mongo's eyes. He was afraid to scare himself. He remembered the eyes. He thought he saw the **** of death. He thought he was dead.

The red super-running young man kept on thanking Mongo. "Thank you, Mongo. If you didn't have it, my life would be ruined."

The rich second generation is sincerely grateful to Mongo, and also proposed to transfer money to Mongo, rejected by Gu Lu and Meng Ge.

Both Mongo and Gu Lu are not good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, or the police helped them persuade them.

The police also expressed deep apologies to Mongo.

After Gu Lu and Meng Ge stepped out of the police station, Gu Lu put out the words of Meng Ge, knowing that he was anxious to find a job because his Tyrannosaurus was hungry and wanted to eat fresh meat.

Mongo "Hey, I know cattle are expensive, I think of it myself."

Gu Lu has no choice but to be pampered and said, "What do you want to do, steal it and steal it? It is also illegal. I don't want to go fishing in the bureau."

Mengo whispered, "I won't be found. When I make money, I will double the compensation."

Gu Lu "I said how you look down on the Tyrannosaurus Rex, I look very poor, I still bought a few cows."

Mongo "Hey, you are so good."

In order to disguise himself as a cattle dealer, Gu Lu specially rented a big truck.

Fortunately, living with the grandfather Gu, who was born with special forces, Gu Lu learned too many skills that seem to be less useful, such as driving a driver's license to open a large truck, or even open a tank or plane.

Gu Lu also bought a set of old black tooling for himself and Mongo, and put on a dust mask, basically even if it is alive.

Mongo looked at the cockroaches in the driver's seat. He had never seen a big truck that looked so good at men. Not only did it look good but also hard.

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The most popular words of human beings taught by the portable space are that this man has exploded.

The owner of the cattle farm was not willing to sell it to the cattle dealer, and doubled the price. He asked the boss not to follow the farm. They had to choose the cows themselves. After the election, they loaded the cars. The number of bosses was a few. How much to pay.

For the big price to buy a cow, the boss will certainly agree.

Gu Lu entered the ranch with Meng Ge, and the ranch was very large. They chose to commit crimes in the monitoring blind spot.

Meng Ge became a Tyrannosaurus Rex, he wanted to smash two scorpions, of course he could not help it.

Gu Lu was psychologically prepared, but when he saw the huge tyrannosaur, he was still stunned and could never imagine that it was true.

As a paleontologist, Gu Lu likes Tyrannosaurus very much. He will not be afraid of Mongo. On the contrary, he is very excited. If he is a normal human being, he will be scared to death.

In order to save time and not to be discovered, Gu Lu immediately went to catch a few cows to monitor the blind spot, and Meng Ge ate a very strong buffalo.

Tyrannosaurus rex is very bloody, and Gu Lu’s body is also splashed with a lot of blood. He has a foresight. He chooses black tooling and can’t see the blood.

Gu Lu assisted Meng Ge to eat the buffalo one after another, and there was no record of Gu Lu. He probably ate more than a dozen heads, and Meng Ge was full.

Tyrannosaurus rex eats even the whole bones of the belt. Except for the blood on the ground, you can't see any broken meat and bones.

Gu Lu my God, Meng Ge, you eat more than the average Tyrannosaurus Rex, I am overestimating myself, I really can't afford you, you eat all my savings.

After eating, Mengo became a human being, and together with Gu Lu, all the **** places were refurbished, and then compacted with large trucks, basically can not see.

The boss counted the number of cattle in the ranch, and reported to Gu recorded that he had to pay a huge sum of money. "A total of 39,800 thousand, I will wipe it for you, give 39, you are Alipay or WeChat, you can also swipe, I There is a credit card machine."

Gu Lu felt dizzy. His card was only 700,000. This is his five-year savings. He started his own research since he was 15 years old. Of course he has always been a hobby. He didn’t think about making money. Now he is very Regret how not to earn more.

According to the food of Mongo, he could not afford to feed two meals.

After the boss received the money, his eyes were smiling and whispered, "Hey, little brother, where are you selling, so much higher than the market price, give me a little disclosure, I will give you a commission."

Gu Lu "This, I can't tell you, you are ready, take care of your business next time."

The boss looked at the truck and left, and he was happy.

Gu Lu is mainly to spend money to buy a peace of mind, the boss has money to earn will not break his own financial path.

Meng Ge knows that 390,000 is a lot of money, and he is more unwilling to go.

Although Gu Lu’s heartache, he never looked at the money very seriously. As long as he can support this Tyrannosaurus Rex, he will be willing to pay for it. He just wants to make more money. Otherwise, he can’t afford it. Mongo.

Meng Ge, "Hey, I will find a way to make money. You don't have to worry. My Tyrannosaurus body doesn't have to eat these every day. My human body is full. The Tyrannosaurus Rex will not be hungry, but I have just come to the human world. Too accustomed."

Gu Lu pretends to say "I can afford you, I can earn millions in a research project, I can have money."

Meng Ge knows that scientific research has never made much money. He does not debunk it. He just wants to find ways to make money as soon as possible.

At this time, Gu Lu and Meng Ge both regretted that they did not have to enrich the second generation of money. In human society, sometimes it is really a penny to defeat the hero.

Gu Lu, I am crazy, according to the consumption of Tyrannosaurus Rex, can the people on the Forbes list of rich people can afford a Tyrannosaurus Rex?

After a few days, Mongo’s Tyrannosaurus Rex is no longer hungry, so there is no need to go out to eat meat.

Gu Lu originally wanted to measure the body of Mongo's Tyrannosaurus Rex when no other teachers and classmates used it in the evening, and there was no time for rushing to pay for research results.

Meng Ge is constantly going out to find a job. He doesn't write much, he needs cultural work, and he can't do it.

In the end, the middle-aged man who was saved by Meng Ge introduced him to the construction site to move bricks and do physical work. He is very powerful and tireless, and he earns five or six hundred a day.

The rich second generation who started the sports car wanted to introduce a bodyguard to Mongo. When Mongo got on the first day, he killed the troublemaker and died. The employer would not dare to use him. After all, it was not a fool. It’s not good to make people’s lives.

The second generation of the rich is to know the road, and Gu Lu does not allow Meng Ge to go, Mongo certainly will not go, only to honestly move bricks.

Until the sixth day, Gu Lu told Gu Grandpa about him and Mongo. Of course, Gu Lu only said that he saw Mengo too pitiful and temporarily stayed in Mengo for a while.

On the same day, Grandpa Gu went to school to see Gu Lu.

In the evening, Meng Ge moved back to the bricks, Gu Lu also took the class, and the two went to the dormitory.

Grandpa Gu was born as a special soldier. He listened to Gu Lu and said that Meng Ge is very capable of playing. He is very unconvinced. Those who have not specialized in any skills are absolutely unable to beat his professional, even if he is old.

Mongo walked and suddenly felt the danger approaching, and he turned and punched a heavy punch.

Gu Lu quickly yelled "Mongo, this is my grandfather's hand" and tried to use his body to block this for Gu.

Meng Ge immediately received a fist, although Grandpa Gu is relatively thin, but his body is very tough, his reaction is very fast, a beautiful swing kick can not only escape Meng Ge's fist, but also can be hit.

Gu recorded in the middle of Meng Ge and Gu Grandpa, Gu’s legs were very strong, and Gu Lu quickly came to a 90-degree squat to barely escape.

Of course, it is impossible for Mongo to fight with an old man. What's more, the old man is still a grandfather who has raised his family's record. He can only retreat behind some hiding behind him.

After escaping this foot, Gu Lu shouted "Old Gu, you can't beat him, don't you can't admit that you are old, you want to find someone to fight all day, are you fighting the machine?"

He has been trained as a paleontologist from a young age to become a versatile special soldier. Gu Grandpa certainly has selfishness. He enjoys this process. He regards Gu Lu as his masterpiece, and Gu Lu does not let it at all. He is disappointed.

Gu grandfather attacked Meng Ge fiercely, and Meng Ge never shot and attacked Grandpa, but he continued to avoid.

The teachers and students around have stopped to watch, and Grandpa Gu is also a man of the school. Every month, he has to come to the school to find a fight. They like to watch Gu Lu and Gu Grandpa.

Gu Lu can only watch very helplessly, thinking about Lao Gu, Lao Gu, if you lose too much, don’t blame me for not reminding you.

The two men went to the sun from the evening, and Grandpa exhausted his strength and did not attack successfully.

Grandpa Gu sat on the floor and gasped. After a few phone calls, he said, "Mongo, yes, you wait, my call is coming soon."

Is Mongo still awesome?

Gu Lu, I don't want to talk, Father, you are happy.

After a while, an armored vehicle parked in the school's playground, and a very strong young special soldier came down.

The headmaster of this school used to be the soldier that Gu’s grandfather brought. He acquiesced that Grandpa Gu could arbitrarily learn martial arts in school.

Gu Lu came to so many people, I often suspect that my grandfather is a mess, too unreasonable.

This group of dark and strong men surrounded the Mongo.

Gu Lu, "Old Gu, don't be too much. If there is something wrong with Mongo, I will actually call the police. Don't say that my six parents don't recognize it."

Students and teachers have become accustomed to this battle. Only the daily envy of Gu Lu has such a powerful grandfather, and he will not think about the police at all. Gu’s father has funded many poor students. Gu’s father never really Hurt anyone.

Of course, Gu Lu also knows that his grandfather never hurts anyone. He and Gu Grandpa often have no big jokes.

Mongo "Grandpa, if I win, what reward?"

Grandpa Gu "Whoever allows you to call my grandfather, I only have a grandson, don't climb with me."

Meng Ge just wants to go to Gu’s family for a few days with him. He didn’t want anything else. Gu’s grandfather raised his grandmother. He liked this grandfather and wanted to honor the elderly.

This group of extremely strong men together, Mongo can also be able to stand up, he must be careful not to kill these people.

Gu’s father looked at his eyes and found the phone to call.

There are fifty people in this group of special forces, and Mongo can handle it easily.

Playing, the sky rang the huge noise of the propeller, and a private plane appeared above the school.

Gu Lu glanced at the plane above his head and thought about his old Gu. You are too much. You called him all over. Are you trying to kill Mongo?

Mongo, is this person who called another plane to beat me?

Although Gu Laozi is poor, it is his indifferent fame and fortune, contentment is always happy, his network is very hard.

Even if Mongo comes to an army, I am not afraid. I am the king, wherever I go.

The author has something to say. The next chapter of the modern era is over. I started to write the dinosaur era that the little angels demanded. I love you very much, what?

Hahahahahahaha, Gu’s grandfather is super powerful, and those cool skills are all learned from him.

Mongo, I am too difficult, there is Pado in the dinosaur era, and the human world has Gu Grandpa.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel who sent the mine to death, not to pay for one;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution

I got 100 bottles from the pit; I loved 20 bottles of fried rice; 10 bottles of sugar cats; 5 bottles from the sound of the piano; 3 bottles of ink in the night; far away, I have a bottle of warm men in my house;

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