MTL - Back to the Age of Dinosaurs-Chapter 90 Mom, my brother gave me a dozen.

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He faintly heard the voice of the spirit. The spirit said that he knew where there was water to drink, and when he heard the water, the whole dragon was going crazy. He wanted to drink water and wanted to drink water.

Already a ton of cockroaches, even if Mongo can't move, he must wake up and support himself to go to the water source.

In fact, the physical condition of the cockroach is far less so bad than Mira, but Mira suddenly fainted, screaming too anxious, plus just brought Mira to drink blood,

He ran too fast, the sun was too big, and he couldn't stand it for a while.

Meng Ge wants to take the water to drink immediately, but he has to wake up first. He uses his foot to step on the body of Liang Long, so that the blood on Liang Long’s neck can be ejected faster.

I just couldn’t drink because he didn’t even have the strength to open his mouth. Now he has tried his best to open his mouth. He must force himself to drink some blood and drink blood to support the place where he drinks.

The **** water is poured into the mouth of the donkey, and it keeps swallowing. Although he feels disgusting, the herbivorous dinosaur really does not like **** taste, let alone drink blood directly.

But after all, he lived in the Tyrannosaurus family since he was a child. When he was a child, he used his brothers to eat meat and blood every day. Therefore, the rejection of blood was not as serious as that of Mira. He basically did not spit and all drank in.

After drinking the blood, I slowly got a strength to stand up.

At this time, the spirit has come to the side of the beggar. He said to him and Mongo: "I know where there is water, not far from here, I will take you there."

He looked at the people who couldn't see the distance. Pach and Dudu were too thirsty. He said, "Ling, is there a lot of water? Can I bring my brother and sister, and they are very thirsty." ”

Ling: "There can be more water there. If it is your younger brother and sister, of course you can bring it. I can't bring too many dragons to the past. It is the water of our people. When they are finished, they will be angry."

I quickly said: "Only bring my brother and sister plus me a total of four small triceratops, thank you, spirit, thank you very much."

Ling: "Nothing, you have helped me to hunt. If it wasn't for you, the rhinoceros would have to go hungry. I am not a good brother, always let the rhinoceros hungry."

Hey: "In fact, I just didn't take care of my feet that day. It is not a good hunting for you. You are already a very good and very good brother. I have a brother like you, I am so lucky."

Ling: "I don't care, you are hunting for me, okay, don't say that these are useless, you are too thirsty, I will take you to drink water."

Hey: "Wait a minute, I will take my two other younger siblings."

At this time, Pach and Dudu were already thirsty and fainted. They leaned against Barbana and leaned against Pado. Every step was difficult.

Now basically all the triceratops parents have returned to the side of the little scorpion, because every little scorpion is already thirsty, they need the support and support of their parents to go through this difficult road.

Of course, Mongo is escorting and returning to the ethnic group.

He ran to the side of Pado and Barbana and said, "Mother and Dad, I told you a few days ago that I met a new friend. He is called a spirit. He is a toothed dragon. He knows where there is water, but he I can't bring too many dragons to drink water in the past. It is the water of their ethnic group. I can only bring Paige and Dudu to drink water."

Barbana squinted at his skull and said, "It is good to bring Paige and Toot to drink water. Mom and Dad have migrated many times. We don't need to drink water."

Pado: "Hey, then you must thank the spirit and help the father to thank the spirit."

I kept talking and said, "I will."

Pach and Dudu heard that they could drink water, their eyes were bright, they looked at them, their eyes were full of worship, dependence and faith. This is their brother, the best brother, always thinking about them. Brother.

He walked out of the ethnic group with Paige and Dudu, and the spirit led the way in front. Mengo walked toward the water source with Mira, who was not fully awake.

I didn’t walk for a while, I saw the pond that reflected the dazzling light in the sun, the sparkling water, and the thirsty screaming eyes of the thirsty scorpion shot the same dazzling light. .

The little scorpions who were just dying all ran up and ran very fast. They strongly wanted to drink the water immediately. Hoped to stimulate their maximum potential in the body, Meng Ge and Ling also ran.

He and Paqi Dudu jumped into the pool at the same time, and they screamed desperately.

Mira was still in a state of a little awake. Mongo did not put her directly into the water, but placed it on the shore. Mira himself sipped her mouth with a big mouth.

When I was drinking the water, Mira immediately got into the pool and sipped her water.

Ling stood on the shore and looked at them. He was very happy that he could help him. He helped him to hunt a few days ago. At that time, the rhinoceros had not eaten a good piece of meat for several days. If there was no embarrassment, the rhinoceros would go hungry again. He is not convinced that there is nothing that can help you. I can’t think of the opportunity to come so fast.

Dinosaurs drink water as much as possible to get the body wet, so that the water is immersed in the skin through the lining, the body needs water to absorb it from the skin, of course, you can also drink directly.

Basically, the weight of a dinosaur is calculated in tons. It is impossible for such a giant to replenish water by drinking water. Therefore, dinosaurs basically do not drink water by absorbing the moisture of the skin. Their stomachs are used to hold leaves and Fern plants, eat and eat in order to maintain the energy needed for a huge body.

The moisture of the skin is generally derived from rain, or the water accumulated when crossing the river, or the water inside the fern plant leaves that are eaten every day.

During this time, the ferns and leaves were basically free of water, and they did not go through any rivers, let alone rain, and there was no rain at all, so they were very short of water.

Four little scorpions swim in the pool as much as possible to soak up and drink water. They are thirsty and can drink as much as they can drink.

Originally, some of their lining films have been split, some have been dried up, and they have all been smothered in the water, and the effect is immediate.

The little scorpions swelled their stomachs, and every piece of lining on the body was smooth and bright before they got up from the pond.

He expressed his gratitude to the spirit, and Paqi Dudu and Mira continued to thank the spirit.

Ling is a little embarrassed to say: "I'm sorry, hey, there are so many waters here, our ethnic group can't finish it, our ethnic group will follow your migratory dragons until you leave here. This pond will not be tomorrow. It belongs to us, but I can't let all the dragons of your ethnic group come to drink. My leader will be angry. We have rules for the fangs. There are not many ponds here. If you find a pond, you can't let other ethnic dragons. Come drink, I am secretly bringing you here."

I know that the reason why these horned dragons are going with the migratory dragons is because the migratory dragons have eaten them all, and there is no grassroots. They don’t go with them and they have to starve to death.

But the horned dragons do not need to migrate, they can live by the grass roots, and when these migratory dragons come out of their living areas, they go back to eat the newly grown grass roots.

Hey: "Ling, don't say this, you are very good. If you are not with you, my brothers and sisters will be thirsty."

Ling: "Hey, I secretly tell you that there are very few dragons in our horned dragons that can smell where there is water. I belong to the kind of dragon that can smell where there is water. Our people need to drink water. When I look for water, I will put my nose on the ground and smell it. If you see a horned dragon in this way, you will follow him, there must be water to drink, and the horned dragon group will occupy it. Before the pond, your ethnic group will drink first and drink water."

I know that this is similar to the fact that camels can always find water. Animals that have lived in arid areas for a long time always have a special function. They can smell the moisture in the soil and the air to find the water source.

In the desert, if the water reserve is seriously insufficient, you can not feed the camel, and if the camel is thirsty, he will find the oasis himself.

But I thought of a question: "But in this case, will other fangs of the fangs think that you told us, will they find you trouble? There must be a fangs dragon to see you talking to us. ”

Ling: "No, we often fight because of water resources between the horned dragons. If my ethnic leader knows that I let other horned dragons have no water to drink, he will be happy, and other horned dragons often hurt. Our people have no water to drink, they deserve it."

Hey: "You secretly brought us to drink water today, will not be discovered by your ethnic leader?"

Ling: "Nothing, my leader knows that he allows, but can't let other dragons in the ethnic group know, I am amazing in the ethnic group, except for the leader, I am the boss."

At this point, the spirit is really not bragging, the spirit is the most powerful horned dragon of the entire ethnic group, and it is one of the few horned dragons that can find the water source. It should have been his leader, but he has a strangely-looking younger brother. What is more excessive is that the younger brother of the spirit actually eats meat. The members of the ethnic group do not agree with him as the leader, and he is not elected.

This is reassuring that he knows that the life of the spirit and the rhinoceros in the ethnic group must not be easy. After all, the spirit raises a carnivorous dragon, and it is no longer possible to make the life of the spirit and the rhinoceros worse because of their sake.

Mongo sent Yan and his three younger siblings back to the ethnic group of Pado.

The water that waited for them to return to the surface of the ethnic group had dried up, but there was still a lot of water in the skin, and they drank a lot of water.

The four little scorpions have regained their vitality and vitality, completely different from the other thirsty dying scorpions in the community.

Paqi Dudu and Mira kept talking and said: "Brother, you are so powerful, know a lot of dragons, brother, you are so good, no matter what good will bring us, brother, how are you so good... ..."

I was a little embarrassed to be embarrassed. He said: "Three little horses and dragons, don't praise me anymore. My brother should be good to you, because I am a brother."

The embarrassing sentence "Because I am a brother", the three little nephews are coming out soon, and my brother is always so good.

Pado and Barbana are very pleased, so pleased with the feelings of the little nephews, and are pleased that they have such a powerful little sister-in-law.

In the past, Pado felt that he always went out to know so many dragons. It is not good. The Triceratops should only interact with the dragons of their own ethnic groups. They should not know other dragons, but they are very happy to know these dragons. The protection of cockroaches is very good, and Pado does not stop.

Now, Pado thinks that it is not a bad thing to know more about some dragons, as long as they don't know the dangerous carnivorous dragons.

Maybe because I drank too much water, I walked around with four little scorpions and I often wanted to pee. As the best leader of the group, Pado was always very responsible and let the little thirsty die. The scorpion came to drink the urine of four small scorpions.

Although he is a human being, he still understands the operation of drinking urine. In the desert, when people are extremely short of water, many of them survive by drinking their own urine.

Pado told me that when I was in the past, the little scorpions were thirsty and they were drinking the urine of their father and mother. This is normal.

In fact, it can't be regarded as urine. Because dinosaurs don't have urine, they are all pulling, but because the little scorpions eat too few ferns, the cockroaches that are pulled out are basically water mixed with fern slag, which can be called urine. .

The four little scorpions, which can be called urine, really saved many of the tricorners in the tribe.

At the same time, on this road, you have been looking for the horned dragon that has its head down to the ground. If you find this horned dragon, it is basically equal to finding the water source.

In the evening, I was finally found out!

After telling Pado, the entire ethnic group of Pado followed the horned dragon not far away. Sure enough, they soon saw a pond!

There are a lot of ferns that have not been eaten next to the pond. These ferns are very fresh and flourishing.

The ethnic group of Pado immediately rushed over.

The fangs of the fangs that had just found the water source were so powerful, but he couldn’t catch so many triceratops with a horned dragon. Even a group of horned dragons couldn’t catch so many triceratops. He had to give up this water source.

I found that the water sources are generally in very remote places, no wonder they can't find them.

Some of the dragons of the Pado ethnic group jumped into the pond to drink water, and some ate ferns on the shore.

I was desperately eating fern plants, and I was full after a while.

Because I had enough water at noon today, I lie down and take a rest.

Mongo was outside the ethnic group of Pado, and Pado immediately gave it to Mongo.

I want to sneak a peek at the spirit. Is it because the dragons in the group are embarrassed because they are taking them to drink water? Mongo is of course very happy to take it with you.

The spiritual group rests on a pond not far from the Pado group.

In order to thank the spirit, Meng Ge specially hunt for the freshest Triceratops cubs in the afternoon and gave them to the rhinoceros.

The rhinoceros is still very popular with a large piece of meat.

The spirit is not at the side of the rhinoceros. Several horned dragons walked to the side of the rhinoceros and said, "The big ugly dragon, you are eating disgusting meat, you are disgusting, big ugly dragon!"

The rhinoceros glared at the fangs of these horned dragons: "Roll, you hate these dragons, my brother came back to beat you, kill you!"

Prongosaurus: "Your brother was taught by the leader, because you almost killed a group of dragons in the afternoon, the leader will drive you away, your brother is beating in order not to be driven away, do you want to see? Look?"

Rhino: "I didn't bite him because he wanted to grab my flesh. I scared him. I didn't bite him. My brother, why did the leader punish my brother! You are too much!"

Prongosaurus: "Come with us, take you to see."

Under the leadership of several horned dragons, the rhinoceros came to a more remote place.

A very strong horned dragon is fighting, and the spirit is hurt.

The rhinoceros roared and rushed to the head of the horned dragon.