MTL - Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982-Chapter 14 grandparents become grandchildren

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  Chapter 14 Grandpas become grandchildren

  In just a split second, Father Ye had already imagined the scene of living with the third child, he would have to work to death, he might as well live alone.

   "Father, I mean it!"

   "Believe you, I have to work until I am eighty!"

   "If you don't believe me, you have to work until you are 80 years old! My grandma is still growing vegetables at 80 years old!"

  Father Ye said angrily: "If I live with you, my life will be short, and I will die of anger. I may not live to be eighty years old."

   "Oh, alright", Ye Yaodong shrugged, "Then it's nothing to do, then I'd better move out so that you can live a long life! You choose one of your elder brothers and second elder brothers to live with you, and I will retire here for you!"

  Knowing that his father was behind three sets, he still deliberately said this out of spite.

  Sister Ye's second sister-in-law's complexion suddenly turned ugly, and she didn't dare to say directly and clearly that she didn't want to.

  Father Ye still can't see their thoughts? It's just not broken.

  Mother Ye was busy feeding her little grandson, so she just listened and didn't speak, and her heart was a little cold at the moment.

  She thought that she was not bad to the three daughter-in-laws, she took good care of them during the confinement period, and the grandson also helped to take care of them, but in the end only the third daughter-in-law was willing to live with them!

In fact, before going to bed last night, she discussed with Father Ye that they would build three sets directly. The old house they live in is also very dilapidated, and they are only in their early 50s. If they live for another 20 years, this house may not be able to live in. up.

After they die of old age, it would be good if the three brothers sold the homestead directly, and they don't have to think about which son they live with. They can do whatever they want, and they don't need their sons to support them. up.

  Who knew that Father Ye would try out the thoughts of the two daughter-in-laws in such a temporary test. Fortunately, the two sons are good, and the third daughter-in-law is also good.

  The children on the table did not dare to intervene when they heard what the adults were saying.

  The three daughters-in-law all sat down now, but they were not in the mood to eat, they were all waiting for Father Ye to speak.

Father Ye was very upset, but he couldn't get angry at his daughter-in-law, so he just stared at the three sons and said clearly: "I have agreed with the commune to build three rooms, one for each person, and your mother and I don't need you." Yang, we can still move."

   I’m really making myself feel uncomfortable, if I had known it, I would have just said one thing per person!

  As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Ye also breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled directly on their faces.

  Brother Ye and Second Ye at this time, how can they not understand their daughter-in-law's little thoughts? They all stared at them unhappily.

   "Okay, let's eat quickly. After eating, the boss and the second child will go with me to hire workers and buy sand."

  Mother Ye also said: "I'll find someone to see the day later, and pick a good day before starting work."


  Only Ye Yaodong and the old lady at the table were not affected or fluctuated in their moods, and he even smiled and picked fish for the old lady.

  The old lady has no teeth and can only eat fish!

   "Grandma, I'll buy you dentures when I make money, and then you can eat anything!"

   "Hey, good~" the old lady was coaxed by him and smiled.

  Four words flashed in everyone's mind, Year of the Monkey?

  But the atmosphere on the table also became relaxed in his actions.

  After eating, Ye Yaodong moved the bowl to the side before stretching his chopsticks towards the sea melon seeds. This thing is suitable for drinking, but not for eating. It is too troublesome to peel the shell with one hand. He always saves it for drinking after meals.

   It's a pity that there is no wine at home now, so I won't give him a drink!

  So he is also very self-aware and doesn't ask questions, so as not to be stunned!

   But, even so, he was scolded...

   I just ate a few, and when I stretched out my chopsticks, I was knocked off by his mother.

   "After eating, leave the table and stretch out your chopsticks, can't you save some for dinner? I just want to eat it in one meal. After eating, let's see what you want to serve at night?"

  Suddenly changed from grandparents to grandchildren. Damn, the gap is a bit big!

  Ye Yaodong bit the tip of his chopsticks, and said depressedly: "The basket dug in the morning is enough to eat until tomorrow, can't we also go to the sea tomorrow? Is there such a thing?"

   "Are you going shopping?"

   "If I go, I will go. Didn't I also go in the morning?"

Mother Ye was about to say something, when the old lady said distressedly: "It's hot and sunny, remember to bring a hat when you go tomorrow, don't get sunburned, I'll make you another pot of tea tomorrow to quench your thirst. "

  Father Ye said dissatisfiedly: "It's just a trip to the sea, how much sun can you get? We sunbathe on the boat from morning to night, and we didn't say anything. You have too many things to do."

  Ye Yaodong: He died wronged...he didn't say anything, okay?

"You are used to the job. Dongzi is still tender and tender. Can you compare it? He said that he will go to the sea tomorrow. Why don't you let him eat two more bites now? It doesn't cost much." money."

  Father Ye also felt powerless towards the old lady, "Just get used to it!"

   "It's a blessing to be able to eat. Our children are healthy and safe. Dongzi eats. If you like it, eat more. After eating, let's dig more tomorrow."


  His parents looked at him so disliked, how could he have been so cheeky before and continued to do his own thing?

  Anyway, he can't do it now, he can't do it, so he left the table directly after taking two bites.

Gulu Gulu finished rinsing his mouth, he threw the water ladle aside, and saw two large basins of sand clams on the stove, with their mouths open and tentacles sticking out, and there was still half of the bucket on the ground, all sticking out too. antenna.

  Many people are powerful, and the harvest is really not small. It took only three hours to dig so much, but there are too many people in the family, and it can't bear the consumption. It is estimated that it can only be eaten for two or three days.

   "Mother, did you bring the sea water back for raising?"

"if not?"

  He shut up honestly!

   If it is said that it is okay to use salt mixed with tap water, it will definitely be criticized again!

   What they eat now is coarse salt, which is bought and sold by others, and it is not cheap. How could his mother mix salt with water to raise sand clams? She would rather walk ten minutes to the beach to pick up a bucket of seawater and raise them.

   "Go away, I'll find a rag."

  Ye Yaodong was pulled by his wife for a while, so he stopped sticking to the house, and moved the armchair directly to the door to sit under the shade of a tree.

   As a result, as soon as he sat on the armchair, before his legs shook twice, he saw his uncle and uncle came to the door again?

  Is this not giving up?

   "Ah, what wind brought you here again, uncle and uncle, this **** southeast wind! Are you full?"

   The corners of Uncle Ye’s mouth twitched, “We’re full of the northwest wind, we don’t need to eat the southeast wind anymore!”

  Ye Yaohua was rinsing his mouth at the door with a ladle, when he heard this, he coughed violently.

  Ye Yaodong also looked at his second uncle in surprise, his mind was quite flexible, and he reacted so quickly.

  (end of this chapter)