MTL - Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982-Chapter 16 Think back to the regrets of many years ago

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  Chapter 16 Recalling the Regrets Many Years Ago

  Seeing the two fled in despair, everyone in the room was still very angry, and they were still cursing!

  These seaside people are the most taboo to say such unlucky words. As long as the family members go to sea, they will not even turn over to eat fish. It doesn’t matter if they are superstitious, anyway, they value these things.

  The risk of going to sea is very high. Every year, people fall into the sea and disappear. No one wants to have an accident for their family.

"Okay, what should we do? They won't be thinking about boats anymore. Before you go to sea, you should check the boat carefully. If there is no problem, you must pay attention to safety issues. No matter how important money is, life is not important. "

   "Mum, I know, I have all inspected, even the first time I went into the water, I invited a master to come over, and I went out to sea after the inspection was fine." Father Ye would not joke about the safety of himself and his son.

   "You just know what's in your mind."

  Father Ye nodded, and then he took his two sons out to buy bricks and sand. After Mother Ye was optimistic about the future, they would find someone to start building the house.

  Ye Yaodong was justifiably abandoned by Father Ye.

  Who dares to order someone who doesn’t do business every day?

  He stood aside, frowning, watching his father go out with his two elder brothers, and he was also happy and silent.

  It’s so hot at noon in June. If you don’t ask him to go, he can just take a nap. By the way, let’s recall what happened at home at this time. After all, it’s been 40 years, it’s too long.

  Just woke up in the morning, still in a dazed state, when he was disturbed by the sound of his uncle and second uncle coming to the door, and couldn't think carefully, so he went out to check what happened.

  After the three sisters-in-law cleaned up the inside and outside of the house, they began to make fishing nets in the shade at the door again, and while doing it, they scolded Uncle Ye and Uncle Ye for being wicked and so on.

  The room was stuffy and hot, so Ye Yaodong lay on the recliner by the door to enjoy the cool, and squinted for a while, but since he lay down until now, his ears have never been clean.

The three sisters-in-law started chatting with neighbors while cursing and gossip about the village, and the more they talked, the more they talked more vigorously. The key point was that they didn't stop with the shuttle and needles in their hands, and they were still weaving the net quickly. .

  Ye Yaodong only thinks that these women can really talk, they just make a fishing net, and they can pull out anything when they are put together.

  He can't lie down anymore, one woman is equal to 500 ducks, and a group of women are chatting endlessly, he can't even lie on the deck chair for a while.

   Scratching his head irritably, he should go back to the house. It's windy today, so it should be fine with the windows open.

  As a result, as soon as he stepped into the house, he saw his youngest son standing by the bucket alone playing with water to dig sand clams.

   "Fuck, you bastard, you didn't see it in a blink of an eye, you just made trouble like this, and sneaked here to play with the water."

  He quickly lifted his son up, and shouted to Lin Xiuqing at the door: "Ah Qing, your son is playing with water secretly, and he got wet again!"

  Lin Xiuqing frowned when she heard the words, and quickly got up and came in. Seeing her son's face covered with water, those dark eyes looked at her innocently, she lost her temper instantly, and just stepped forward to pat his **** twice.

   "Why didn't you behave better? Playing in the sand all morning is not enough, and you have to come to play in the water, and you will have no clothes to change. How many pieces do you have to change in a day?"

  Ye Chengyang thought his mother was playing with him, so he smiled so much that he showed his two small teeth, and put his arms around her neck.

  Lin Xiuqing hugged him helplessly, "It's still sticking to my body when it's wet, I'm going to the room to change!"

  Ye Yaodong also followed them into the room slowly, and then lay down on the canopy bed, with his hands behind his head and feet up, watching his wife change the child's clothes.

   It has been decades, and in his memory, she has always looked like a tired, overworked middle-aged woman. He has long forgotten that she was so fresh and tender when she was young.

  Feeling his direct gaze, Lin Xiuqing felt a little uncomfortable, her ears were slightly red, she turned her head and glared at him after changing the child's clothes, "It's broad daylight, why are you looking like that?"

   Then he carried the child out as if fleeing...

  He suddenly felt a little baffled, his wife, why can't he just take a second look?

   Don’t you think she was pretty good-looking when she was young!

   Do you want to stare at him too?

  Ye Yaodong came back to it after lying down for a while, what the hell... She didn't think he wanted to do something to her right now, did she?

   Then escape?

  He originally wanted to say, let her put the child in the room, and he will help her watch it for a while.

  Come on, he's still squinting quietly for a while by himself.

He crossed his feet and looked at the mosquito net on top of the canopy bed. Thinking back, it seemed that his family had been living a peaceful life. Except for the building of a house and separation, nothing major happened in the next few decades. A big family Everyone is safe and sound.

   No, he instantly remembered an important thing that he had forgotten for many years!

His wife seems to be pregnant with a third child in the past two years, but the policy does not allow it. She hid at her mother's house, but she slipped and fell while picking tea on the mountain with a belly of seven or eight months, and gave birth before she could be sent to the hospital. , As a result, the child was out of breath within half an hour of being born!

   I heard it was a daughter!

  His wife was sad and blamed herself for crying for several days!

  As for why it was heard, of course it was because he was not at the father-in-law's house, and he didn't know until the day after the child was gone that her wife was sent back for confinement.

  Although he felt a little pity, but the child was not born after all, and he was away from home all day, and he didn't have much affection for the child. He had forgotten about it for a long time, and now he thought about it seriously, and only remembered this incident.

  Thinking of this, he sat up instantly. In what year was his wife pregnant with the third child?

  He vaguely remembered that her belly got bigger when she lived in the new home. What year was that?

  Tea picking in March?

   Calculated based on seven or eight months of pregnancy, that means you were conceived in seven or eight months? Is it conceived this year or next year? Or the year after?

   "Damn it, how did you forget what year it was for such an important event?"

  Ye Yaodong looked back with annoyed expression, but he couldn’t remember it. He only remembered that his stomach got bigger after moving into his new home.

  After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't think about it. He shook his head, "Forget it, you'll know when you get pregnant. It's best not to get pregnant. Who knows if you can give birth successfully? Save yourself from suffering!"

  After thinking it over, he lay back down again. Apart from this matter, it was only a big event for him that his grandma's disappearance in a few years.

I still remember that he was very sad back then. When the old lady was going to water the vegetable field at the back door, she stepped on the bluestone and fell. She refused to go to the hospital, saying that she was fine, and then lay down for a few days. up.

  If it is possible, he wants the old lady to live for a few years. If she didn't accidentally fall, the old lady's body is quite strong.

   Not being filial to her is also his regret for many years.

  Thinking about it, hearing the sound of cicadas outside the house, Ye Yaodong fell asleep unknowingly.

  (end of this chapter)