MTL - Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982-Chapter 17 Who doesn't have many friends

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  Chapter 17 Who doesn't have many friends

   When I woke up again, I was awakened by the sound of the door opening, and the wooden door creaked as soon as it was pushed open.

  The only ones who would come into his room were his wife and grandma and his mother. Ye Yaodong closed his eyes but didn't open them, and planned to continue to squint for a while. Spring is sleepy, autumn is exhausting and winter is weak, and summer is just sleeping.

  A slight sound of footsteps approached, and then he climbed onto the bed from his feet. The canopy bed made a creaking sound immediately. He opened his eyes and saw that his youngest son was hugged by his wife and fell asleep.



Lin Xiuqing carefully and gently put the child next to him, then slowly withdrew her arm from the back of his head, glanced at him, and said hesitantly: "You didn't go out anyway, the child will show you? Don't Let him fall out of bed."


   It was rare for him to be so talkative, and Lin Xiuqing breathed a sigh of relief without saying no, "If you wake up, call me, and I'll come and hug him."

   "Don't you sleep together for a while?"

   "No, I'm not sleepy."

   Watching her take a strip for her youngest son, cover it with a green sheet printed with red peony flowers, then quietly climb down from the end of the bed, Ye Yaodong ignored her.

  If she wants to work and make money, he can't stop her from doing it.

   "Where's Ye Chenghu?"

   I didn’t see his eldest son after dinner, he didn’t know where he went to play in such a bright sun.

  Lin Xiuqing put down the mosquito net and said: "I don't know, the seven of them don't know where to run around, and they will come back after dinner later, so I'll go out first."

  The door was gently closed, and the son next to him kicked the quilt with his legs, and Ye Yaodong covered him again, and within ten minutes, he kicked and covered him again!

   After a while, kick again!

   With a push of his feet, his body leaned to one side!

   Leave him alone, this kid never gave him a good face when he grew up!

  He closed his eyes again with peace of mind, and was about to squint for a while, but just as he was about to fall asleep, a pig's foot kicked him directly in the face, instantly driving away his drowsiness.

  Ye Yaodong glared at his son who was still sleeping soundly, he was not allowed to sleep, right?

   At the moment when he was staring, the kid changed his position again, turned over, and fell asleep lying there with his **** out!

  How can he sleep? What if another fart comes out in my sleep?

  Ye Yaodong also lost sleepiness, sat up directly, and planned to go out to have a look at the door.

   As soon as he opened the door, he heard his daughter-in-law talking to someone with a bad attitude, and his two sisters-in-law were also talking.

   "He's sleeping, go find someone else to play with, don't call him all day long."

  Lin Xiuqing was annoyed by these people who asked her man to go out all day long, making him stay away from home every day. It was rare that he didn't go out today, and this group of cronies would come to her door. It was really **** off.

   "Yes, all of you have wives and children, not to mention taking care of the house, helping with some work, and playing around like this all day long."

   "Why don't you guys make do with it, why do you marry a wife?"

  A male voice laughed and said: "I think so too, but they don't know how to cook, and they don't know how to have children. It's useless at all. If they live together, my parents will beat me to death."

   Listening to the voice is Ah Zheng?

   "You also know that you are useless at all?" Second Aunt Ye said bluntly.

   "Aha, sister-in-law, don't say such things. When something really happens, we are also very diligent and courageous!"

   Second sister-in-law Ye rolled her eyes, it is not important to make money if she is not courageous, but fortunately she married the second child.

   "Go back, A Dong won't go out today." Lin Xiuqing said impatiently.

   "I'm here, I'm here." Ye Yaodong hurriedly said, if he didn't come out, he would be driven away by his wife.

Life is alive, how can there be no friends to talk to, although he has failed a little as a son, a husband, and a father, but he is still very successful as a friend, and these friends are also very loyal, but everyone is not promising That's all.

  Things of a feather flock together, and people form groups!

  Although he intends to be a good man, there is no need to cut off contact between friends.

   "Dongzi, why didn't you come out today? Where did you go this morning? I didn't see you when I came to your house. I asked your father. I almost got kicked out!"

   "I went to the beach to hunt oysters and snails, why are there only two of you?"

   "What's so funny about this, I was coaxed to work when I was a child, and I got tired of playing, let's go, Ah Guang caught a cobra in the morning, we have already dealt with it, we will wait for you to come, and we will take the blame."

   Now it is Lin Jianyao who is talking. They all call him Xiaoxiao, which often provokes him to protest, shamelessly says that he is big, and asks him to pee together, but says that only his wife can watch it!

   It was Ah Zheng and Li Xiaozheng who spoke before, and the two came to look for him together.

  Ye Yaodong was a little excited, and the memories of his youth immediately appeared in front of his eyes, "Where did you catch it? How many catties? I don't want to kill another chicken and stew a dragon and phoenix soup!"

"Where else can it be? They were caught at the back of the mountain. We couldn't find you in the morning, so we didn't go to the town. We wanted to go to the hillside to see if the watermelon was ripe? I didn't expect to see a cobra. No, there was another one at night. Big dish!"

   "It's just not big enough. After cutting off the head, it only weighs a pound."

   "It's big enough, more than a catty. It's just right to kill a chicken, and a pot of dragon and phoenix soup is enough for us!" He was also a little greedy, and he hadn't eaten cobra for many years.

   "Let's go, hurry up, if you want to cook dragon and phoenix soup, then you have to kill another chicken, I'll go home and catch one!" Ah Zheng excitedly hooked Ye Yaodong and Xiao Xiao's shoulders and was about to walk home.

   "I'm not afraid of your mother beating you!"

   "I used my private money to buy eggs last year and asked her to help apply them. It was agreed that they would be hatched and returned to me. I usually feed them. What's wrong with catching one?"

   "I also dug a basket of sea melon seeds in the morning, and there are several pots of sand clams. I will fill some, and I can fry two bowls."

   "Then hurry up!"

  The three of them were excited as if no one else was talking, and when Ye Yaodong came out of the room, they hooked up and wanted to leave.

Ye Yaodong pulled them away, and said to Lin Xiuqing who was looking cold: "Uh... that... Ah Qing, I'm going out with my friends, don't wait for me to eat dinner, I will come back early at night. Also, the child is still sleeping , remember to take a look!"

   As he said that, he felt a little guilty. He had promised to help take care of the children just now, but now he left as soon as his friend called him. He always felt that he had broken his promise.

  But they are all his old friends for decades, like Ah Zheng and Xiao Xiao, who have gone to other places to work within two years, and have not come back for several years, and there are others.

  He just came back from rebirth, and he also wanted to take a good look at these friends.

  Lin Xiuqing was a little angry, and without looking at him, she turned her head and went into the room to see how the child was sleeping.

  In the morning, she looked a little more reliable, and she knew how to be serious about the sea, but when her friend came to the door, she revealed her true colors again. She told herself that there was nothing to be angry about. She had been tortured by him all these years and lost her temper.

  (end of this chapter)