MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 520

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Hu Lian looked back at the original war, and he looked down on these low-pitched and stupid hornless people from the bottom of his heart, not to mention the East China. When they came to the Western Continent, the hornless people here were still in a very primitive state. Only a few large tribes have a trace of civilization.

When humans see a group of mice and a group of monkeys become/people, will they be regarded as equal high-smart creatures?

Hu Lian thinks that there is no horn man. He even thinks that the civilization and everything that the hornless man now has comes from the gift of their horned people and Fuze.

After seeing Hu Lin’s disdainful eyes, the original battle did not even say a word and went straight to it!

Hu Lian is also breaking out at the same time! His body turned into countless flying insects in an instant.

"Can't let him run, a bug can't let go!" Stan seemed to be prepared, and immediately screamed, quickly smashing the palm of his hand, blood flying to Hu Lian, doing an odd movement on his arms and fingers, mouth Followed by a strange humming sound.

The original two feet were deeply inserted into the earth, and the energy of the tenth-level blood warrior was completely vented at this time.

The flames are raging, and the land around the quagmire is high and closed in the blink of an eye. Most of the flying insects are forced to fly to the center of the quagmi by high temperature. Some flying insects try to break through the seamless cage formed by the flame, but they have just turned into the whole. ash.

The remaining flying insects began to drill to the ground. Hu Lian didn't regret it at this time. He was completely obsessed with obsessiveness, so that when he was not trapped at first, he became a flying worm, and now he seems to want to escape and escape.

The **** despicable hornless man, I remembered the shame of today, as long as the priest can recover, I will not let you go! The hornless man has long since disappeared from the western continent.

At this time, there were few horned warriors and gods in the quagmire, but the original battle was for nothing. It was hard to make a magma cage again. This time the temperature was higher, and the inside was still addicted to him. Poison/drug. Someone’s beastly instinct tells him: Be sure to kill the Red Horn priest! Can't give him a chance to escape!

Beyond the magma cage, it is the blood mist formed by Stan's blood.

The magma cage is shrinking, and there is a lot of magma in it, and there is no poison/drug that does not exist for a long time under high temperature, and instantly kills everyone except Hu Lian!

The dead soul rushed out of the cage, but just hit Stan's blood fog and screamed the last soul of the human brain, and then disappeared completely.

One person is responsible for solving the physical body, one person is responsible for killing the soul, and then there is a strict hand holding Yuan Jing hiding in the dark to give the four of them an invincible shield. The first time the three people cooperated, they were very acquainted.

In the original battle, there was no living thing in the magma cage, and the hands were together.

"Boom!" The magma cage shrinks and oppresses, and when it hits together, it rises to the old high, just like a volcanic eruption.

When the original battle put one hand and one hand, all the visions disappeared, the magma landed, the earth surged, and the valley temperature slowly decreased.

Suddenly took Sumen’s hand out of the darkness. “Hulian is dead like this?” He did not believe that this person was so easy to die.

The original battle was very positive: "A bug has not escaped."

Stan frowned. "I didn't catch his complete soul. He must have not died yet."

"Incomplete? What do you mean?" Hearing that Hu Lian's soul did not disappear completely, he felt that this was reasonable. How can such a person be killed/killed so easily, it is strange that the person has no backhand.

Stan slammed his chest angrily. "I should have thought that since the **** man can turn his body into countless flying insects, he will definitely leave a part/body somewhere. Last time In this way, the body is missing most of it, and he slowly raised it back!"

The key point of solemn concern is: "You said that he is not only physically missing most of his body, but even his soul? In this way, can he resurrect and recover?"

"Yes, this is his ability as a high priest. It is also the biggest proof that they have a horned person saying that Hu Lian is favored by the gods. But they don't know that Hu Lian can turn the body into countless flying insects, and can divide the soul into many They are placed on those worms, they only see that Hu Lian will not die, regardless of multiple injuries, they can slowly recover in the years. And as soon as Hu Lian recovers, no matter who is in the position of the high priest, he must immediately put the seat. Let him be. When Neil Wang was able to sit on the throne, half of it was Hu Lin." Stan was upset.

"How long does it take for him to recover?"

Stan replied: "It depends on how much blood he can absorb in his hand. His hornless slaves can be more than 30 people sent today. The Neil king is more loyal to Hu Lian than his partner, and he also Hulian’s support is needed, so Neil Wang will surely arrest a large number of hornless warriors and even ordinary people to absorb it. It is to catch a horned person. I am afraid he will also be willing, as long as Hu Lian can recover as soon as possible.”

The original battle was chilly, "Mel's king handed it to me."

Stan shot his shoulders tightly. "You don't have to worry too much. This time, Hu Lian was hurt more than the last time I was killed. Even if he collected enough blood on his hand, it would take a while to absorb and digest. The time is enough for us to stir up the horns!"

Strictly touching the chin, inexplicably feel that Hu Lian’s ability to die is somewhat similar to him. Although his body cannot be turned into a flying insect, in theory his body is only a little gray, as long as one cell is still alive, he also It is possible to use energy to recover slowly, as evidenced by his last turn into burnt meat.

"Can you catch or destroy my soul?" Suddenly asked Stan.

Stan yelled at him and replied very simply: "No. I have tried before, your soul is not only very solid and stable, but seems to be protected by a powerful witch, if I move your soul or kill you The ghosts tell me that I will be subjected to a terrible curse."

Curse witch! Strictly and the original war at the same time look at each other. The original battle immediately thought: After waiting to go back, you must be better for the old man.

Strictly moved to a mess. He did not know that his master had cursed his soul, although this statement is quite strange.

"Let's go, Hu Lian has not gone out now, those horned people will certainly not be able to send people to come in and check out, let's go out and find a place to dismiss the slave bones, then look at it..."

"No need." Stan stepped out of the valley.


"Our current state, no one can control us with slave bones, right?"

Nodded harshly.

"What are you waiting for? So many horned people are outside, can we just watch them leave?" Didn't completely solve Hu Lin's sinful anger and nowhere to vent.

"Of course not." The original battle was also very uncomfortable. The two magma cages did not kill the person who wanted to kill the most, which made him very depressed.

Strictly restrained, this can only be falsely blocked: "The outside horns did not attack us, it was better to let go this time..."

"It's too late." Stein looked up and seemed to be listening to the music. His expression was slightly intoxicated and said: "Did you not hear the screams? The 32 people may have already started to work on them."

what! Strictly forgot the thirty-two people, listening to the ears, and the strange sound came from outside the valley. He said that those people did not come out in the dark, they have already transferred to the battlefield!

Xiao Sumen looked up and slammed his head, "Master..."

I knew exactly what he was worried about and turned to the two people: "Please try not to move the White Horns, and I and Sumen will inform them to leave."

Stan did not say anything, and the original battle expressed his heart.

"Mom, bring them on." The original battle to solve the childcare bag was handed over to the silence.

Suddenly silently tied the baby pouch and left with Sumen.

Strictly just left, the original battle jumped on the peak by the rock, and shouted: "The horned man listens! Your high priest Hu Lian has been killed by us! From today, the hornless people will no longer be accepted by you. An horned man is oppressed, and any horned man dares to bully the hornless man, and my original battle will take your life!"

"Ha ha ha! Hu Lin, the real devil is finally dead! The horned man listens, starting today..." The crazy laughter came from outside the valley, and then some people declared war on the horns as well as the original war.

Thirty-two hornless people who have been freed from oppression may have been accustomed to the life of slaves, but others have been oppressed to the extreme, waiting for an opportunity to break out.

No matter what you think in your heart, those who have just left the shackles need a killing to vent their anger and grievances!

Just think of the sins they once received in the hands of the horns, think of them licking those horned people, think of those horns who are as ruthless as the most savage beasts, think that they are forced to kill the same family just to live ......

The slaughter that was called the beginning of the disaster by the horned people began!

The culprit causing this disaster did not expect to affect so many people at first. He was thinking about reducing the combat power of the horned man. However, he and the original strategic plan of the original battle mainly focused on killing the first evil. Separation of the three tribes, and does not want to make too many kills for the horned family.

Although the horned people are cruel and cold to the hornless people, they cannot treat the other intelligent creatures equally, but no matter how cruel the race is, no one is murderous. The horned and the hornless people have been running for so many years. Many horned people have long called for the status of hornless people, and some horns are full of sympathy and goodwill to hornless people.

And the sternness is that there is a horned master who is equivalent to a semi-teacher, and now has a small white-horned apprentice such as Sumen. If it is ugly and ruthless, even if the hornless man of the Western continent dies. Many people who are selfish and have no sense of justice for the strictness are just other people’s affairs. If a horned family is not brainstorming and wants to invade the East China, and he is just being "sent" to their nest, he also Not so fast and horned.

However, some things are not how you want to develop, how to develop, people's hearts are always the most difficult to master.

Strictly and in the original battle, I wanted to use the 32 demon warriors and witches to ambush Hu Li’s hand, and they did get what they wanted. But neither of them thought that the 32 hornless demon warriors had broken out of the slave bones, and the overwhelming anger and resentment all broke out. They just ambushed a horned team and could not vent them. The **** sea enmity, these 32 people saw the blood of the horned man and then completely red eyes, the first to be unfortunate is the horned people near the Blue Valley.

Such an unexpected situation, the busy apprentice is really unconscious, but the original warrior who grew up in slavery and resentment did not expect it?

He did not dare to think deeply. He only thanked himself for catching up fast. He also fortunate that the Baijiao was the farthest from the Blue Mountain. This allowed him and Sumen to inform them of their escape.

If there is only strictness, perhaps it will not retreat. But Sumen, the little witch, also seriously said to him: "Go! Keep the strength of my white horns."

Yan retired.

Some Redhorn warriors who are responsible for monitoring the actions of the White Horns have not taken into account the movements of the White Horns.

The high priest of Hu Lian died and was killed by the hornless man! This terrible news quickly swept all the horns like a gust of wind.

Neil Wang was mad at the scene, and he would rush into the Blue Mountains with his men.

You can rush into the valley without him, and the attack of the hornless man has already fallen!

The original battle did not start first, until the horns began to attack him, he only returned.

Suddenly carrying Sumen, it is not good to return to the battlefield, only to stand in the distance to watch the war.

Thirty-two high-level demon warriors and witches, plus a predecessor of the ten-level blood-striking warrior named after the rescue and protection of the hornless man, how much damage can these thirty-three people cause to the horned people outside the mountain?

The most terrible thing is not the thirty-three, but the ghost of only one person!

In the sky, the dark red ghosts once again emerged in large numbers. This time they no longer only condensed above the valley, but rushed to the living crowd.

On the top of the mountain, the stalwart Stan is painted with his own blood and painted into a huge witch pattern.

The blood-red sorcerer grew a little bit, almost covering the entire hill.

"Go! Let the horned soul calm the anger of my dead people!"

Blood red sorcerer flew to the corner of the mountain.

Neil King is fighting the original battle, looking up to see the witches in the sky, his eyes shrinking fiercely, and immediately yelling: "Remove! Give me a withdrawal! Exit the Blue Mountain! Fast!"

Neil Wang did not care still in combat, and returned to escape!

Only those who understand the power of ghosts know how terrible the ghosts are. He has seen this ghost witch killing the tens of thousands of people of a very large aristocracy with the same witch pattern!

That nobleman was his biggest opponent in the competition for the Red Horn patriarch and the throne, and the other party did not know what caused Hu Lian to be angry, and later Hu Lian sent Stan.

All night, all the living places in the small town where the family lived died so silently. Nowhere was the witch everywhere, no one could escape. Every dead person had no wounds.

Why do ghosts and witches fight back?

Is Hu Lin really dead?

Neil Wang did not believe that the best priest who was most favored by God would die like this?

But if Hu Lian is not dead, how can the ghost Wu Si who is controlled by Hu Lian dare to do it to them?

Nowadays, ghosts and witches have no control, and they do not know how many years of accumulated resentment. How do they have to deal with him?

King Neil yelled at the beast, and he wanted to go back and see if his priest was really dead. He didn't believe...

The original war has already recognized Neil Wang, how could he let him go like this, and now he will follow him.

The temple of Wangcheng, somewhere deep underground.

It is like a deep underground palace with an altar in the middle.

If you are here strictly, he will definitely feel that it is familiar.

Everything here is like a horned man's heritage under the Nine Winds Nest, a ladder built by bones, and a mysterious altar.

On the altar, a group of flying insects condensed and danced slowly. Gradually, the flying insects joined together and turned into a blood-red heart that was beating.