MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 521

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Neil is dead.

Just died at the gate of Shentu City.

At that time, he was rushing back to Wangcheng. He remembered that Hu Lian had told him that if he was in danger of life, he could not do anything else. The most important thing was to tie some high-order demon warriors that had already been prepared. On the lock column of his palace, whenever a magic warrior disappears, he will tie another one.

But he just ran to the gate of the city, and saw a group of Wangcheng guards rushing out of the city.

These guards saw that he was overjoyed and sad, and the leader rushed over and fell to the ground, screaming in pain: "Your Majesty, His Majesty the Queen and His Highness..."

Neil King had to stop the beast, and anxiously and impatiently asked: "What happened to them!"

"Back, the queens, they..."

"Say!" Neil Wang slammed the head of the guard. He could not wait to rush back to the Temple of the Kings. These people stopped his way and refused to say what happened.

The head of the guard climbed up and finally gritted his teeth and said the truth: "They were all assassinated, only..."

"What?!" Neil Wang Man was Hu Li's safe heart and was hit hard, and the body was shaken on the beast. He may not have much love for the queen, but he always has a little respect for the queen who has always supported him and gave birth to his children, and his attention to the three children is second only to Hu Lian, who loves the young son who is not long. I will cultivate the eldest son with the ability to treat the only daughter like the son.

Now someone tells him that his wife and children have been killed? However, the priest Hu Lin, whom he most values ​​most, is also unknown!

Neil Wang was in a chaotic mood, and for a moment he felt that the entire sky had collapsed, so that he did not notice that the head of the guard had not finished.

"Your Majesty, Queen, she..."

At this moment, Neil King and his mount suddenly sinked into the ground.

"Your Majesty!"

"Save your help!"

There is a big mess at the entrance of Shentu City!

The original battle has been with Neil King, he is looking for the best time to start, be sure to kill.

There are many high-ranking armored warriors in Neil's body to protect him, and in the fast running, he is not sure that he can kill all these people without leaving the land.

No, it’s not unsure, but he wants to kill so many people. Without pre-preparation, it’s bound to make a very big squad. When the land bursts and the magma bursts, this land includes grass and worms. I don’t know how many lives to die.

Yuan Zhou, who is unknown to the enemy, has been staring at him. If he does too much, he might give the birdman an excuse to help the Red Horn. And he continued to exert his full strength. If he was confronted with Yuanzhou at that time, his grasp of victory was not great.

To this end, he can only choose to attack, so as far as possible not to affect too much life.

Originally, I thought that I would follow Neil Wang to the Wangcheng Palace and spend time waiting for his most relaxed time. I thought that I had such a great opportunity at the entrance of Shentu City.

The savage primitive man can not pay attention to what is fair, but will not jump out and say that he wants to fight against the enemy. They are only a little more human than the beasts, but when they encounter threats, this humanity can be turned into animal nature at any time.

The original battle knew that there would be no such good opportunity. When Neil Wang returned to the city, even if he could relax, there would be a large group of high-ranking warriors around him. There is also a dangerous uncertainty factor in Yuancheng. Yuanzhou, although obeying his promise, has not appeared after the nine winds, but who knows if he will save his life because of his partner’s request.

So, it is now!

There are many powerful bones on Neil King, including the banned bone chain that can block the ability of the Demon Warrior.

Because he had just been attacked, he grabbed the bone chain in his hand. If it is usually calm enough, then in order to prevent sneak attacks, he will first use the bones of the gods to fly, and then let the guards follow him, while letting the Shentu City prepare for the bone cannon attack, and then call out a large number of bones. The soldiers used the tactical consumption of the bones to track the energy of his magic warrior.

King Neil did not know that the original war was tracking him, but if he was calm, he would certainly do so for absolute safety. After all, the Blue Mountains are not far from the Three Cities, and those who escape the slave bone control may attack at any time and anywhere.

However, when Neil King arrived at the gate of the city, he did not have time to go to these orders. Even if he had this consciousness, he forgot all about it under the violent blow of his wife and children. He needs time to think about it, and his men need time to remind him.

But the original war did not give him this time, just gave him a fatal blow when he was most shaken and unprepared!

The original battle considered that there was a precedent in which Hu Lian did not die. It was not enough to kill Neil King, and he could not be crushed again. In order to ensure that nothing is lost, he did not even have the spoils, including the storage bones, all destroyed, and then sink into the magma flow deep in the ground with the remains of Neil King's body.

I don’t say what the Shentuo Gate and the Red Horns are up and down, and say the Blue Mountain side.

On the same day, except for the Baijiao who left before, I am afraid that only Neil Wang rushed out of the slaughterhouse with a few high-ranking soldiers. All other horned people have come back!

The Blue Valley began to become a real forbidden place on that day. In a short period of time, no horned man dared to approach her within 500 meters.

Stan and others did not go anywhere, just in the Blue Mountains, please help them completely remove the slave bones.

Stan's slave bone was in the heart, and it was troublesome. He left him to the end with rigor.

When Stan wakes up again, his slave bone has been taken out, and even the wound has grown.

"Your healing witchcraft is very good." Stein sideways, looking at the two people at the door, sincerely praise.

He was talking back to the original war and smiled. "Are you awake?" Then he turned back and patted the original battle: "Okay, do as you said."

The original battle pinched a stern face, nodded to Stein inside, turned and left. He has a lot of things to do and no time to delay.

Strictly entering the house, walking to the side of Stan, naturally sitting on the edge of the bed, grabbing his wrist to give him a pulse, and then smiled after a moment: "You consume a lot, the kind of large witchcraft is not free to play. What?"

"Well." Stan leaned against the wall, and did not care about the savage and swaying. He hadn’t felt free for a long time. He was in a very good mood. At this time, even if he was stunned, he would not turn his face.

"God can't let us use the power they have given, but I still have the ability to kill tens of thousands of horned people, but I will sleep for a long time afterwards."

"...I think we don't have to kill so many people."

"Child, you are too naive." Stein's smile is so soft, but what he said is true to cruelty: "Do not hurt the enemy, do not destroy their backbone, do not kill them. Chenghe, afraid of them thinking of hornless people, those proud and arrogant people who will refine and use bones, how can we live together in the same sky with our hornless people?"

Slightly and deeply inhale, "You are right, but..."

"No. But as a priest, you must learn to choose, you must learn to be hard, you can't do this." Stan squinted.

Surely thinking that I am not hard enough? But once killing tens of thousands of people, and this killing is open, it is impossible to stop at tens of thousands of people. When there are too many dead people, what should the guide be?

Well, I vehemently admit that I was too influenced by the world of peace. Even if he was as hard-hearted as he was, he could not be indifferent to the lives and deaths of tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands or more. He is just a relatively cold-blooded, slightly abnormal medical researcher, not a war madman or an anti-human disease.

"Stan, what are your plans for the future?" The subject was transferred wisely and wisely.

"Pick up the horned people and expand the hornless man's territory. If you can't slaughter the horned people, let the horns be slaves to the hornless people," Stan said.

Strictly watched the liver tremble. He really wants to talk to the guide: look! Compared to the original people here, my exile is simply weak. These indigenous witches are really ruthless, and they are going to play genocide!

Although he can understand, he can't play like this.

"Cough, let's start with the differentiation of the three tribes. In fact, I think the Baijiao people can still be everywhere."

Stan’s mouth smirked. “They can get along with each other’s weaknesses. The bones are created by the white horns. If they sin, their horns are the source of all sin.”

Stan became more and more aware that it was necessary to train a kind-hearted priest for the "good" priests. Well, the original battle looked good, the courage would be brainstorming, and the ability was excellent. I will talk to him later. Let's talk.

Strictly arbitrarily, how can we talk about this?

"Stupid! You saved him, you should be a strong one. You want him to do it, don't ask him, just order him." The witchcraft that hasn't spoken for a long time is tender in the mind. Overbearing remarks.

Strictly silent: "..." was painfully learned by his son.

"We must respect our predecessors." Yanmou taught his son seriously.

"You are afraid to beat him?" Wu Guo unceremoniously revealed the truth.

Yan Yan’s face is not red enough to admit: "His soul control is really powerful, and it is impossible to prevent it. If such a person cannot completely conquer, either kill him or worship him, there is no other way."

"Stupid, don't forget your original purpose."

The sternness that was awakened by the son in one sentence: Fucking, what am I doing so? Stan is awesome, can he deal with the entire horned family alone? Isn't he still trying to take advantage of me and the original battle? And I don't need to stay in the Western Confucius to unify the hornless people. My original purpose was to make the West China's chaos, let the horns innocently invade the East China, and give the East China and Jiuyuan the time to grow.

So why should I accept him or do you have to cooperate with him? Just keep Stan and those hornless warriors on the Western continent, so that they can't just toss themselves? As long as I go before the original battle, I will give them a fire.


"Stupid son, you call me a stupid, believe it or not, I will throw you away immediately! No big or small."

"Cut!" At the root, he didn't believe that he would throw away his witches and then released a bigger bomb: "Yes, silent, forget to tell you, I am almost born, you hurry to find a A place with plenty of energy."

"What?!" Suddenly, all the calculations were thrown into the back of the brain. They stood up and asked directly: "You and Dudu are born?"

Stein looked up and saw the silence. Who is this young man talking to, who is born? Speaking of it, he seems to feel two faint but tenacious soul fluctuations. These two soul fluctuations seem to come from the strange bag of youth tied to the chest?

Strictly rushed out of this stone house that was temporarily built by the original war. Stan Hulian has a hornless man, and now he is fart, no one can compare with his two sons!

The bad-minded Wu Guo hides one of the most important words: only he is born, toot... still early.

Wu Guo is actually surprised. Dudu has as much energy as he absorbs. Their training conditions are the same. Why does he feel that he is about to be born, but he has not responded yet?

If Wu Guo can't figure it out, she won't think about it. I only think that I can be born first as a big brother. I am very happy!

The rushing out of the rigor returned and ran back. He forgot that the original battle was not there. He could not share this good news with him for the time being. "Stan Da, do you know that there is a place with a lot of energy nearby?"

Stan raised his eyebrows. "You just said who is going to be born?"

Wu Guo muttered: "Before the demon abyss is good, there is plenty of energy, especially the lake in the lower reaches, we will go there."

The feeling of extreme excitement is abrupt. "It’s my child, they are going to be born, but they need a place full of energy."

"Oh? Is it a natural demon warrior? But how do you know that your child was born as a magic warrior?" Stein's gaze couldn't help but slipped into the baby pouch on the chest. He has a lot of questions, but because he is not familiar with it, he does not know where to ask.

Strictly speaking, this person himself only speaks three points. Today, only the good news came too suddenly. He was a little out of order. Now calm has gradually come back. However, he said that he said it was exported. He did not hide it. He explained to Stan in seven points and said: "My children are really special. I can feel them. You can control the soul. I can feel them. Exist, right?"

Stein did not deny it, but he had a question that must be asked: "Your child is in the bag on your chest?"


Stanley sat up. "Your children are not women? How can they be packed in your bag? What is special about this bag? Why..."

I interrupted him with a stern smile. "Sorry, I can't tell you too much about some things. It involves some top secrets of my family. I can only tell you that my children are born by myself, but I don't need to have a big belly like a woman for nine months. You can understand that my husband has two seeds... and then put the seeds in this pouch to grow, and when they are fully developed, they can have enough energy. Breaking the ground."

Stan open his mouth and see how strange it is to be quirky.

Suddenly and calmly, he did not feel that he was ashamed of the two sons in his own life. If he had this function in his life, he would certainly test himself.

Stan was silent for a while.

Strictly thought that he couldn't accept it, shrugged, and was waiting for an excuse to leave. He listened to Stan very seriously and said to him: "If I join your family, can you tell me the secret law of this child? I also want to have one." ”

Strictly: "..."

Stein grabbed the harsh hand and with deep expectations, Tete pleaded with sincerity: "I can swear with my soul, if you agree to let me join your tribe and tell me to be like you. The secret of the child, I will not betray you, will not betray your tribe, I will stay in your tribe forever. As long as you promise me, when my child grows up, allow him to leave your tribe to continue me. The tribe is fine."

"Cough!" The ancestors are on, this development he really did not expect! Strictly want to break free of his own hands, but Stein caught him too tight.

"You also see my ability. If I join your tribe, I will definitely be your arm, but you can rest assured that I will not pose any threat to your priesthood. On the contrary, as long as I do not violate my wishes, I You can listen to your orders. Do you have elders in your tribe? I can be an elder."

Severely, Zhangkou was interrupted by Stan several times. He waited until Stan finished what he wanted to say and asked him what he wanted to ask: "Don't you have a direct descendant?"

"No." Stein seemed to be afraid of running rigorously. He still refused to let go of his hand. He grabbed him and said, "Hulian said that I left a direct family, but those people did not know how many generations. My blood has long been weak and I can’t detect it, let alone pick a big witch among them who can inherit my ability."

Stein wrapped his two hands in the middle with both hands, and kissed his fingertips with a low head: "The gods are on, I have given up hope, just thinking that leaving those offspring will continue, but When you come, not only relieved the slave bone for me, but also gave me greater hope. My silent witch, you are the greatest treasure God has given me, I will try my best to protect you, I use my The soul swears."

The mouth of the mouth is about to be drawn to the ear, and this position is too embarrassing. Mom, fortunately, the little vinegar jar at his house is not there. Otherwise, don't talk to Stan, it won't be good to fight.

"If you want children, don't you need to get this witchcraft? You can..."

"Looking for a woman? No, since there are better ways to continue my blood, why should I mix other impure blood in my blood." Stan is very sure: "Do you know the secret of your family? The child underneath must have magic power? Don't hide me, you just said it."

"Oh, this is not absolute, and you have misunderstood what, I said that these two children are my birth, but these two children not only continue my blood, but also ... my warrior. ”

"Original battle?" Stein brows slightly wrinkled.


I don't know what Stein thought of. Soon his brows stretched out. "I understand that I need another demon warrior, and the higher the order, the more powerful the warrior or the witch, the right one?"

"Then you can also find a high-level female warrior or witch."

"Do you want me to make a match with a group of women? Just to let them have children? What are you when I am?" Stein's expression suddenly became severe.

Severely stunned, "Is this method the most natural?"

Stein looked at him for a moment and let go of his hands. "I have lost the ability to let women have my blood."

what! He is a bit embarrassed. He doesn't want to force Stein to be a secret. As a doctor, he doesn't care, but as a man, I am afraid that no man can accept his ability to lose his descendants.

Stein suddenly laughed. "I can erect and enjoy the joy of men and women. I just can't leave behind. This is a problem for all high-level demon warriors and witches, not just me. ""

Suddenly surprised, this is the first time he heard it.

"Why, you don't know?" Stein relaxed. "I thought you knew you couldn't leave behind, so you used this secret."

"What high level do you mean?"

"When the power of the Demon Warrior and the Witch reaches a certain height... I don't know how to divide the level of the warrior there, we will divide the lower, middle and high ranks. When we reach the high level, we want to leave the descendants. It's hard, it's hard, it's almost impossible. So the warriors and witches at that time knew that they must leave their descendants before they can enter the high level."

It is not clear that the blood vessels and witches of the Eastern Continent know this thing, but they think that the children in the life there are very early, I am afraid that they either did not pay attention to this situation, or they noticed it, but they still have not Into his ears, after all, he was not in contact with the people of the East China.

"So the secret of your family is very precious. It is the gift of true God. If you say this and reward it, others will not say that only thirty-two people, I am afraid that more than half will be truly willing to be loyal to You, including me."

Strictly did not speak immediately.

Wu Guo probably slept enough. At this time, she was very lively. She learned toot: "Dad, promise him, there are more dolls. No more, when I was born, you gave me the tree to plant. Guan Bao grew a lot of fruit."

Strictly understand the function of the doll fruit from the guide, and know that the doll fruit does have this ability, and the process of cultivation is not as troublesome as them.

Because both Wu Guo and Dudu have their own souls, Wu Guo has its own body, so in order to make them and the doll fruit smoothly merge, they will be put into his stomach to be bred, regenerated, and then put into childcare. The process of the bag.

If you only use the doll fruit to cultivate the offspring, just use the blood of both parents to water the baby fruit that is still in the tree, and wait for the baby to absorb the energy and then find a place full of energy to continue the growth of the body and soul. When the doll is split, a real fleshy doll can be born.

All in all, the doll fruit combines the conversion of blood into sperm/eggs and eggs, and then fertilizes them, which in turn serve as functions of the uterus.

"Please give me time to consider." Stein's conditions are good, but the rigor is still not on the spot.

"Dad, why don't you promise him?" Wu Guo did not understand, "Don't you want to have a lot of powerful beaters?"

"Stupid! Such a precious secret, how can I agree so easily, I just said, this is the inheritance of the witches of my family."

"Oh... Dad, you are so bad. But I like it!" Wu Guo laughed.

I heard the laughter of Wu Guo and thought about the wind. These small ones are often together, and some small habits are contagious.

Speaking of the nine winds, what is Jiufeng Xiaoye doing at this time?

In the Yuanzhou, Jiufeng got a lot of gadgets that the chicks liked, and he was taught by Yuanzhou some tricks to show his racial abilities. He really pondered for a while.

However, in addition to retreating to sleep, the nine winds are not a calm one. After he mastered a few skills, he refused to learn new things, and he was going to find his silent and playing with two younger brothers.

Yuan Zhou did not know where his brother came from. They are very difficult to lay eggs, and usually a pair of partners can be lucky if they have a bird for life. Sometimes they have to use some special methods to get offspring. Like him, I haven't seen the shadow of the bird egg until now, but they have a long life and no hurry.

Nine winds have been a few times, seeing Yuanzhou refused to let him go out, he is honest... just blame!

The young man of the nine winds followed the priests of the priests and learned the embarrassment.

Yuanzhou did not expect a small bird to play with him, seeing him honestly, and specially sent him a better baby, and comforted him.

Jiufeng baby took care of it, and the heart that escaped did not change. So when Yuanzhou relaxed his vigilance and ran away to his partner, the nine winds ran away along the chimney in the house!

The nine winds that slipped out just wanted to look for the sternness, and instead thought that I hadn’t seen it for many days. So I couldn’t show the greatness of his mountain gods with such empty claws. I decided to make some good things to ask for my own little feet. Happy.

The king of the horned man is so big, where is the good thing?

The nine winds changed to the smallest figure flying in the king city, and soon he aimed at a gorgeous horned woman.

The reason why he aimed at this woman was very simple, because the other party was obviously very high-identified, and everyone who saw her called her a queen, but after the queen entered a palace, her behavior became sneaky.

She opened a wall and there was a deep downward ladder in the wall.

The woman lifted the skirt and walked down the ladder.

At the moment when the wall was closed, the nine winds followed and flew in.