MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 522

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The queen took the quirky smile and held the wall down the ladder.

The people in the palace still want to marry her, but how long can she stay, her king is missing, her children are dead, and the missing husband is almost certain to die. What else does she have to be nostalgic? What else is there to fear?

Yes, she is fearless.

Although she is a queen, she is no different from the invisible in the three tribes or the Red Horn. Others see her as supreme, but she only regards herself as a fertility tool and a cold symbol.

She came from another big red-horned family, only because her father thought that Hu Lin’s identity was too noble. She should not influence the power change in the name of God. The high priest would have hated her family and looked for reasons behind it. Her family killed a lot.

If it wasn't because she was Hu Lin's personal choice for Neil Wang, if it wasn't because her belly had already had a descendant of Neil, she might die somewhere silently.

Hu Lian left her with "great compassion", but she thought that she had no family support and no support, and would have better control than the new queen.

And her husband... Ha! her husband!

Jealousy, hatred, these two emotions have been licking her heart for so many years, she has been waiting, waiting for her husband to be abandoned by Hu Lin and give up, she wants to see the man’s face at that time, want to use him The sorrow and despair to soothe your heart and soul.

But how ridiculous, she did not wait for her husband to be abandoned by the high priest, but waited for their death!

Now she has become the only one who has survived.

If it was before, she would never dare to do anything for that person. The one who had already become a common legend of the three tribes, an undead priest who was deeply loved by God, how dare she have any revenge on such people? This is the day she dared to hate her husband, want to see him jokes, but dare not expect Hu Lin to fall.

Whether it is Neil King or Hu Lian, including the eldest son trained as the next generation patriarch, as long as one of them is alive, she does not dare to raise such a thought.

Who can think of it, even though everyone is dead, her chance is coming!

The queen wants to laugh, she laughs too, the smile is crazy and weird, no matter who sees her, she can't believe that she is the noble and elegant habit of the three queens.

Once she thought that she would personally put the person to death, she couldn't help but tremble with excitement. Once this thought arises, it can no longer be withdrawn.

She thought about it for a day in the palace, and finally made up her mind that she had nothing to lose, and there was nothing to fear.

What else does she dare to do without fear? She can take revenge with her own hands. She can kill the high priest who looks down on her, treats her as a humiliating worm, and kills her.

"Giggle! Kill you, kill you!"

She knew that Hu Lian was not dead, at least not dead.

She must kill him completely before the confidant who restores the position, even if she let God detest!

The most secretive underground palace used to "support" is only Neil Wang and his confidant. They think that only they know, they can think of revenge for a dream all day long. The queen of the king bedside man said, how could she not notice the whereabouts of her husband?

Maybe two times of tracking is not successful, but it took twenty years? If she voluntarily seduce the head of the temple to protect her head?

"Giggle." The Queen was excited to enlarge the pupil.

The Queen, whose mental state is already abnormal, did not notice that she was followed by a small human face bird.

The nine winds did not stop looking around, he always felt that someone was following him, and the breath made him familiar.

That guy is coming too? Is that silent coming? But he did not smell the silence, his sense of smell is as good as his vision!

The queen was wandering around the maze-like palace in the ground. She walked a dark road that only Neil Wang knew. Not only was it near, but she would not encounter the patrol guard of the underground palace.

But to enter the mysterious palace below the temple, she needs something as important.

The queen stopped and took out a pen to draw a small flower in a hidden position on the wall, and then entered a nearby dark room to wait. This time should be that the person is leading the team. In the past, she came to him for this period of time. As long as the person saw the little flower, she knew she was coming.

If it is not true, soon, the darkroom door opens and a figure flashes into the darkroom.

"Is it you?" In the dark, the man asked.

The queen sighed softly.

The man lit the bone lamp in the dark room and looked at the people in the dark room. He immediately asked, "How are you at this time..."

At the moment when the lights are on, the nine winds hide behind a figurine and pretend that they are also part of the statue.

The queen went to the man and waited until he finished speaking, and leaned softly on him. He cried: "They all...have to die, and I will be left alone."

The guard's head licked his lips and boldly reached out to hug the queen.

The queen is very glamorous and very maintenanceable. The people in their early forties seem to be as prosperous as the twenty-and-a-half, and if not, Neil will not have three children with her.

The guard’s head swallowed, his feelings for this woman were very complicated, and such a noble woman was willing to commit himself to him. He was grateful and proud, and he only had to think that he was cheating with the wife of the tribe. Do not live with excitement, he thinks that no one in the three tribes can resist this temptation?

Afterwards, the guard head led to all kinds of tenderness and skill, soothing the sad queen.

The queen is also reluctant to bear the joy, and the guard head is brought to the fascination.

The nine winds regretted that the female was only looking for male/crossing/matching. He thought that there was something good underneath.

Just when the nine winds were bored, "Hey!" A skeleton was deeply inserted into the heart of the guard head.

Hey? Nine winds peeped out. Will horned females also eat their males after paying/matching? Didn’t listen to Yuan Zhou.

The head of the guard, who is in the high/tidal, has an incredulously wide-eyed eyes and looks down at his chest.

The queen pushed him away, pulled out of the bones, and even licked him several times.

"What do you think is also worth touching me!" The Queen's eyes were filled with resentment. The man's blood splashed her face, but she seemed to be ignorant.

The expression of the guard's head was from surprise to clarity. In the end, he still had the strength to ask questions, but in the end he did not ask anything, even did not resist, let the noblest women of the three tribes kill him.

The queen pulled out and took out the dagger slightly, taking a bone ring from the thumb of the guard's head. She took such great effort and wanted such a thing.

Poorly this man didn't know what he had mastered until he died. He probably only knew that it was an important item that the high priest handed him to keep it, but he didn't know that it was the most important bone key.

The same bone key is known by the Queen. If she does not see the same bone key in her husband, she will not notice the guard leader.

She didn't know Hu Lin's intention to leave this bone key. Maybe he secretly arranged other people. For example, in the case of Neil King and his confidant, all others can find this guard head. Then use some kind of token to exchange this bone key, and then use this bone key to enter the most secret underground palace to help Hu Lian recover quickly.

This underground labyrinth, which is spread over the bottom of the city and the three cities, is the strongest and most secret of the tribes. Even if someone can find a part, as long as there are no maps and keys, they will not find all.

As long as the palace does not disappear, the guard heads guarded here will not die.

The Queen thought, maybe Hu Lin had arranged other backhands in addition to this, but that was something she didn't know.

The queen who got the key did not delay, and even the blood on his body and face did not rub, so he went out.

The queen who knew the patrol route and time of the palace guards avoided the patrol guards belonging to the temple and came to a wall.

If other people encounter this wall, they will think that the underground palace has come to an end here. Even if they use a bone gun to bombard, the wall will definitely be a thick black rock layer.

But the queen knows that this is not the case. As long as there is a bone key and presses the pattern on the relief, the post-wall mechanism will start, and a new road leading to a more underground will appear.

The queen took a deep breath, rubbed her hair, learned her husband to press on the wall relief, the relief pattern and the pressing order, she could think of it with her eyes closed.

"Hey, hey." The sound of the organ rang, and the relief pattern on the wall was adapted.

A hand sticks out of the wall.

The hand looks very realistic, and it will definitely be scared if you don't care, but if you look closely, you will find that it is a bone carving hand.

If you are here, he will be surprised to see this hand, because this hand is almost carved out in the shape of his former left hand, and the size and position of the scar that was scratched by sharp stones when he was a child on his back was very accurate.

The queen saw the bone carving hand appear, secretly exhaled a breath, and the bone hand appeared, proving that she did not press the wrong step in the relief step.

Next, the Queen learned her husband and put the bone ring on the ring finger of the bone carving hand.

The bone ring just slipped to the root of the finger.


The bone carving hand retracted back to the wall, and the relief on the wall changed again. When the change ended, the originally spliced ​​wall also opened a dark passage that could accommodate two people passing side by side.

The dark passages are still stepped, and I don’t know how deep the continuation is, and the bottom is dark.

The queen looked down at the bottom. She had only been here before. She had never followed her. She didn’t want to follow up. It was because Neil Wang was here to be especially vigilant. Every time he went back, he would turn back to four. Look, I will re-close the wall inside.

The Queen did not know that when she hesitated, someone had already stepped into the dark passage.

The nine winds are still behind the queen, until she enters, and then enter together.

Very wonderful, the queen just stepped on the ladder in the dark road, and the bone lamps on both sides of the ladder were lit up one by one.

The queen did not find where the closing agency was, and did not go looking for it. Just go down.

When she walked to the fast 30th step, the upper wall automatically closed.

I don't know how deep it went, and there was another door at the bottom of the ladder.

The queen is dumbfounded. How can it be so difficult to kill that person? She has come here, can't she still?

The queen hated to grab the bones and stab it on the door. There were no other weapons around her. The powerful bones she had never touched. His husband was famous: she was protected and she did not need to carry these weapons personally.

Speaking well, in fact, I don’t want to isolate everything she can get from force!

However, in order to relax the vigilance of Neil Wang, not only did she not ask for weapons, but even the storage bones commonly used by the nobles were given to the children. One of them did not stay, and all the people waiting for them were replaced by Neil. People.

This brought in three children and her glory as a queen.

The queen was desperate, but when she stabbed the bone door again with the bones, the bone door opened.

The queen stunned and thought that he had inadvertently poked the institution that opened the door.

"Hey!" The heart jumped faster and faster, and the queen bit his lip and resolutely stepped into the door.

The nine winds quickly followed suit... grabbed him with one hand and pulled him down.

Nine winds did not make a sound, because he recognized who the owner of the hand was, and that person would not do something meaningless at this time, such as fighting with him.

The nine winds that were pulled into the ground were not seen. The horned woman who had stepped on him had not yet reached the center of the underground palace, and was surrounded by a group of flying insects.

The woman screamed and desperately waved her hands, trying to get rid of those bugs.

But those worms have just been hungry for a lifetime and finally saw a piece of meat, mad as it flew to her.

A flying insect got into her ear, a flying insect rushed into her eyes, and more flying insects flew into her screaming mouth...

Soon the queen is barely exposed and the most vulnerable to being attacked is filled with flying insects. Her face is full of flying insects.

When these flying insects penetrated into her body one by one, "Hey!" More flying insects flew out of the Queen's body.

"Oh." The queen's clothes and shoes and socks fell to the ground.

The queen's body disappeared, and even an ashes did not remain.

Nine winds did not see the beginning, but he saw the end.

After the original battle pulled him into the ground, he said to him: "Use your wind to protect your body, and if the worms are all strangled, one cannot let it close to you."

Nine styles of curiosity, can not wait for the second sentence of the original war to re-fly out of the ground, a small whirlwind around him, wrapped him tightly.

So he saw the second half of the horned woman being swallowed up by the flying insects.

"Hey!" A terrible bug!

However... it looks so good, I always feel that it will be very good after eating.

The nine winds rushed to the flying insects.

And those flying insects saw the nine winds excitedly swarming.

However, these flying insects had no place to display in front of the nine winds that were guarded, but instead they were strangled by the small cyclone of the nine winds.

The nine winds launched a variety of thrilling and slamming postures. From time to time, suddenly left and right, a straight line, a circle around, a sharp turn for a while, and a moment of braking, just to eat the insects that were strangled by him.

The original battle appeared silently on the edge of the most central altar. He watched the nine winds eating the insects and ate it, and reminded him: "Don't eat live!"

Although the nine winds will usually face the original battle, but when it comes to his own life, he will not be stupid. He will immediately give up the plan to eat live insects, and only force the flying insects, and try not to let them break.

Some flying insects flew to the original battle and wanted to devour him.

The original battle sneered, and the whole body suddenly burst into flames, and the whole person became a fireman.

These worms are miserable, stabbing, and killing a lot.

The flames also ignited on the altar, and the heart of the altar in the center of the altar was violently agitated because of the small circle of flying insects.

Since the original war has appeared, I have never thought of letting the flying insects fly out here!

He didn't come out just because he was busy sealing all the palaces to ensure that one bug could not escape.

But this altar is a bit weird.

Maybe the flame burned too much, and the heart was turned into a bunch of small flying insects, but these little flying insects did not fly outward.

The altar was changed at this time, and the bones of the "咔嚓咔嚓" sounded, and the altar composed entirely of bones formed a huge bone man!

And those flying insects flew into the heart of the bones, and the group became a group of humans again.

After accepting this heart, the bone man lived like a soul. His black eyes were aimed at the original battle.

"Hey! The war, the bones are terrible!" The nine winds felt the pressure and shouted.

The flying insects that had originally surrounded him had all flew back to the heart of the bone man. The nine winds did not eat enough, and flew around the giant bone man.

The bones waved their palms and wanted to fly nine winds.

When the wings of the nine winds turned, the land appeared in another place.

“Hey?” The nine winds were shocked by their new ability. What did he just do?

The original battle stared at the bones and asked the nine winds: "Is there a flying insect near here? Is it all in the heart of the bone man?"

The nine winds quickly flew in a circle, using his vision and sense of smell to ensure: "No, no one, all in the bones. Hey! Big battle, we kill him together, the heart belongs to me, the other belongs to you. ”

The original battle: "You are responsible for defense, you can't let go of any flying insects."

"What are you doing? Silent? Is he coming too?"

The original war did not answer. He and the military were temporarily separated. They stayed in the Blue Mountains to accept Stein and the 32 hornless warriors. He was responsible for many other matters, including contacting another batch of hornless people. And the white-horned black horned horns should further weaken the power of the Red Horns, and then secretly provoke the Red Horn to deal with the Black horns and so on.

On the way to the original battle, Wang Jing, thinking that the priest was not dead, always felt uneasy, so he went in and searched for it.

He had already entered the underground palace before, but the scope of the investigation was not much, but today he did not know whether it was his lucky day. He not only saw a strange horned lady, but also saw the nine winds under house arrest in Yuanzhou. Following all the way, he even found his goal.

"Nine winds, keep good!" The original battle fluttered on the bones before the bones of the bones reached.

The flame wrapped the bones all over the body.

But this is not the end.

The original battle completely soiled his body and wrapped the bones tightly.

The nine winds are scared, this terrible guy has actually made a cage with his own body!

The bone man who was wrapped up as an aborigines was still struggling. He wanted to hit his own shell with his hands, but his hand just lifted up and turned into dust.

Hu Lian is desperate.

For so many years, in order to stop the damage of the soul and the body, he has spent all his hard work to find a way to divide the soul.

Yes, he can divide his soul into two parts, each with a complete memory, but at most it can only be divided into two!

He is cultivating the third soul, but has not yet cultivated success.

If his soul is destroyed, he is really finished!

It is because this soul is not the soul of the soul, it needs to exist in this point / body, can not be broken alone. He had tried to let the soul leave the point/body*, but when the soul was just left, there would be a momentum of dissipating, and he was scared that he did not dare to try.

The soul is the most mysterious in the world, that is, God may not have mastered it.

He Hu Lian can make a soulful memory with a complete memory.

How to do? Is he going to die here today?

This hornless warrior is terrible, even if his energy has not reached the level of hornless demigods in the last war, but he has too many abilities and complements each other, so he is trapped!

The most terrible thing is that this hornless warrior has the ability to turn bones into dust.

This bone man is the highest masterpiece of the horned human bones master, and has been refining again and again. In his head, there is a legendary bloodstone he brought from the East China. The hard black stone can't leave traces, and because of that special blood stone, this bone man has the ability to constantly repair itself.

And this bone man has other abilities, but even if it is impossible to display, it is useless if it has the ability of demigod!

Hu Lian regrets that she knew that today, he should risking the absorption of the blood stone instead of being placed in the skull of this bone.

The body of the bones is constantly regenerating and is constantly being turned into dust.

Hu Lian manipulated the bone man to break through the encirclement and rushed out of the ground.

The body of the bone man was tightly restrained, and it took a lot of hard work to make the last step. The person who was responsible for the defense was already fanned by a fan and fanned back to the place.

The original battle is also anxious, this bone man is more difficult to deal with than he imagined! The most annoying thing is its ability to regenerate.

In this way, he and the bones will fight for more energy and thicker. Whoever is exhausted first will be unlucky.

The original war is not willing to consume this way. He is now in the enemy's underground palace. He does not say that the other party is spending more than him. Even if he finally killed the other party, he must not move.

Oh, there are nine winds.

But because of the nine winds, he didn't want to fall down, and he didn't want to save the nine winds.

He can almost imagine that this stupid bird is holding him back to the ridicule of the hard-working side, and of course the taunt is not against the stern, but against him.

This stupid bird promised to laugh at him silently: "Hey! Silently, come on, this big fool is being beaten, and I want to save him back!"

The original battle of the brain was resolutely determined, determined, and determined to reject the consumption tactics, and decided to find a way to quickly resolve the battle.

First of all, he has to figure out why this bone man regenerates. Is it the power of Yuanjing? Where is Yuanjing?

The original battle that wraps around the bones can confirm that Yuan Jing is not on the body surface of the bones, so it is the inner side.

The skeleton of the bones was clear at a glance, and his flames burned into it. Yuan Jing is obviously not here.

Then the last thing left is the solid head!

It’s late, the blue valley.

Strictly get the latest trends from the other two families from the White Horns.

The Black-horned people will not say for a moment that the Red Horns are already gathering troops, transporting bone guns, and intending to flatten the Blue Mountains.

After strict discussions with Stan, it was decided to withdraw the Blue Mountain tonight.

However, the original war has not come back yet, and I watched the sky full of stars, and my heart suddenly panicked.

There is something going on, but he can't figure it out. He only thinks it is likely to be related to the original war.

"Little witch, can you feel where your battle is?"

After a while, Wu Guo answered him sullenly: "Well... there was a general direction before, but now it is a bit intermittent, is the trench stunned by serious injuries?"

Strictly heart "squeaky"!