MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 564

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The small flying saucer led the way, but did not walk through the special channel of the sand armor, but used another secret safe passage.

On the passage leading to the ground floor on the eleventh floor, the small flying saucer suddenly extended its tentacles and pressed it toward the wall.

A small door opened and the small flying saucer flew in.

Strictly compared to the size of his body, he did not hesitate to shrink the body and followed.

It's like a pipe, and it's like a special-purpose mezzanine.

The small flying saucer took a transparent small box on the way and a clip.

After that, it stopped somewhere and clipped it into a transparent box.

The small flying saucer flew back with the box.

Strictly saw what it caught in his hand, that is the broken edge of the ink that has been broken down.

The ability to recognize the completely broken shape of the ink in such a dark place depends on his ability to sense the witch fruit, because the main raw material of the ink kill is the branch of the witch fruit.

He also thought about finding the ink-killing blade and re-smelting the original battle. Now the small flying saucer takes the initiative to find out, and saves him to work harder.

"Hey? Are you getting smaller?" The little flying saucer also saw him.


The small flying saucer speaks in his native language: "The ability of the blood of the gods? Have you developed a new ability to wear the sand armor? It is interesting to get a specimen."

Listen to your tone, you seem to have made a lot of specimens? Strictly inexplicably gave birth to an angry anger. As a researcher, he often needed and produced specimens. I heard that he might also be able to make specimens, and he could not think rationally.

One of the absolutely uncoordinated relationships of hostile relations in the biological chain.

It’s strange that the ink-killing blade is loaded into the transparent box. It’s very strange. The ink kills from the witch-fruit branch. It has an instinct to absorb energy. It likes fresh blood and life, non-life. As long as the energy is sufficient, it does not mind.

Even if this guy breaks, he will follow this instinct. If he doesn't eat, he will never stop.

枭 之 的 的 少 less love.

Strictly: "Isolation space! May everything around you be unaffected by the fighting."

The little flying saucer found that it could not escape. In addition, the active metal is already spreading to it.

The small flying saucer launched a light.

Fuck! You don't want to blew yourself?

At this time, how can it allow it to blew itself?

A shadow, no, even the shadows are invisible, and slammed into the small flying saucer with the fastest speed.

He met it, and the broken blade also penetrated into the small flying saucer.

"I hope it can't blew itself, it won't die!"

Willing to work, the small flying saucer's self-explosion program paused for two seconds, that is, these two seconds, the ink-killing blade has absorbed nearly half of its energy.

The body is wrapped, it can no longer shoot the decomposition bomb to solve the ink blade.

The ink kills the blade and gains enough energy, and the body begins to change and grow.

The little UFO Domino is miserable! The active metal envelops its appearance, and the new growth of the broken blade must cover its interior. Worst of all, there is still a mind in the "head" that invades it.

"Go out! Get out..."

Domino is gradually unable to make a sound, and the invading enemy is too powerful. The other party seems to be familiar with this soul level battle. No matter how grotesque scenes and monsters he sees, he can easily deal with it, and no Soft hand

It can't let the other party enter its subconscious layer, absolutely not

However, it couldn't hold it. Halfway through it, the other body suddenly jumped out of a small green seedling in the shape of a tree. But this little green seedling was just looking cute. It was cruel and cold-blooded than the humanoid enemy! And the force is super strong

It will not be able to withstand it...

It doesn't want to die, it wants...

"Do you want to live? Is it really living like a living body?"

"...呲呲啦啦..." Can't listen, don't believe him.

"Abandon the struggle, your new life is coming, you will get real life, and you will be free from then on."

"..." The temptation of the devil, this is the temptation of the devil

"You no longer need the master, you are no longer the original you, you are born in Pangu, then you are a member of Panguxing's life, protect this planet, yourself, this is your future mission."

"...I..." Is he really a demon? Maybe not? If it is a demon, should he let himself protect him and his power? He asked him to protect himself.

"Choose, child, is a new life, or is it completely dead?" The devil's voice became more and more low and gentle. He couldn't help but listen and couldn't help but find the origin of the sound.

Domino is suddenly reminded of an ancient legend that has been circulated in the intelligent world. Legend has it that intelligence can also gain real life, but every process is painful. And when you feel the pain, reluctance, doubt, yearning and other emotions, you are already on the way to reincarnation.

In the face of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you must seize it.

Yes, I want to catch it! I want to live! Really alive

The world of Domino is blasted with dazzling brilliance.