MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 565

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Miaoxiang also sent people to the original war to their false allegiance, saying that they can lead the way for them. Fiction

Everyone does not believe in this person who comes to trust.

The original war is still trying not to simply push the boat, the soldiers are divided into two ways, all the way from the bottom, all the way to follow the trustee into the dungeon.

Stan has tortured the soul of this trustee and determined that this is a trap.

"Unfortunately this kid knows too little, he only knows to lead us into the dungeon. As for the ambush after the introduction, he will not know. Is there any new news on the side of the witch?"

The original war shook his head, speculating: "Miao Xiang hopes that we enter the dungeon, then there is only one possibility, she controls the dungeon, and there are weapons in the dungeon that can defeat or even kill us."

"Then what should we do now? Can't always wait here, consume with them?" A windy city warrior said.

"No, just solve them today!" The original war thought for a moment, "Stan and I entered the underground city from the ground. Others scattered and held the intersection, and saw those who escaped directly killed, do not stay in prison. ""

"Only two people are enough?" Someone raised an objection.

The original battle: "Miao Xiang, their force is not strong, they rely on a large number of poisonous insects and the dungeon. If there is really something in the dungeon that can kill us, too many people go in and not good. I and Stan is full of sorrow, and the silence is still inside." There is also a half-god soldier Yan Xiaole.

Miao Xiang left and right waited for the nine original people to enter the dungeon, knowing that the first inducement failed.

"Bone soldiers, you go to kill them and bring them in." Miao Xiang ordered Yan Xiaole.

Yan Xiaole, "Hey."

Miaoxiang frowned. "Do you understand what I am talking about?"


"Go! It is easy to kill them one or two people with your ability, but don't be surrounded by them. You are only using nine-level crystals. Once the crystals are exhausted, you will not come back. Understand?"


"Go, follow this bug, it will lead you." Miaoxiang wants to use the soul to control Yan Xiaole directly, but Yan Xiaole does not let him close, and he can't control a complete soul. After all, his soul is still defective, and can not be freely released.

"Hey." Yan Xiaole followed the big bugs and walked away.

Miaoxiang is still not at ease, and let the worms send insects far to keep up, monitoring the actions of Yan Xiaole.

It didn't take long for the insects who controlled the insects to straighten their eyes, and danced inexplicably with the wonderful words: "Hit up! They all fight! They are coming! The nine original people are chasing it!"

There is joy in the tension of Miaoxiang, and she is forced to ask the process.

It was not easy for the worm to calm down a bit. After the bone soldiers went out from the safe passage, they saw that the nine original people strolled and passed away. Then the two sides scorned each other for a while, and the bone soldiers suddenly rushed to fight.

The leader of the Nine Plains personally shot, and the bones of the soldiers fought a dark night, and later the place to fly sand and stone, even the figure can not see clearly.

The worms only heard the screams coming, and then they saw the bones running in the loop in a short while, and the Jiuyuan people followed behind. The nine former chiefs seemed to be extremely angry. As a result, the monitord worms fell down on the mold, and were swept by the attacking remnants of the Jiuyuan leader. The bone soldiers were fine, but the worms died without a few.

"Now the bone soldiers are fighting and retreating with them, Your Highness, please prepare for the enemy!" The voice of the worm that is talking is shaking, and the person who has not seen the power of the ninth leader can not imagine how powerful he is.

Yan Xiaole rushed in at this time.

Miao Xiang quickly asked him: "What about people? Have you followed up?"

Yan Xiaole: "Hey."

Miaoxiang let his men hide in accordance with the plan, and led people to the sixth floor, while telling Yan Xiaole.

Yan Xiaole all returned to "咔咔".

There is a worm that tells the wonderful image of the image seen by the worm, saying that the little monster has already lured the nine original people into the underground.

Time is tight, Miao Xiang is thinking about why the small flying saucer does not bring weapons to him.

This plan is for it. If you want this plan to succeed, you should rely on it.

Just thinking, the small flying saucer flew back, and the only Shajia patriarch still followed it.

Yan Xiaole snorted in the sand, and no one else knew what he was expressing. He also patted the sternum.

But wearing Shajia knows that Yan Xiaole is laughing at him and telling him that he has given him the things he has done, he has done it!

Wearing a sand armor also gave him a smile, although it was like a mouth bite.

Yan Xiaole sees silly music.

"Where is the weapon?" Miaoxiang saw the small flying saucer stand up.

"Follow me." The small flying saucer made a sound that was not the same as before. If the previous voice was like an adult, it is now like a child who is not aware of it.

Miaoxiang noticed, "How did your voice change?"

"Good? This is the new voice I chose. The front is to simulate my original owner." Domino is replied generously.

Miaoxiang at this time can care about the sound of the small flying saucer, it is not good to listen to, only perfunctory, two sounds, and then sternly Xiaole to continue to deal with Jiuyuan people followed by Domino.

All the way down, until the tenth floor, Domino's opened a room, indicating that the incense went in.

Others have to follow up and are stopped by Domino. "There are only people who I admit can enter, and no one else can."

Miaoxiang stopped at the door and saw the room empty, and asked in disbelief: "Where is the weapon?"

Domino's tentacles were inserted into the ground, and several pillars were raised on the indoor floor. Three silver **** were placed on the pillars.

"this is?"

"This is the weapon you want. You can't recognize it because it comes from the gods."

Miao Xiang looked at the weapons that had never been seen in the room and let them look back. They said to the subordinates: "You are waiting outside, I will come out immediately."

Miaoxiang enters the room.

Domino and the Sha Sha chiefs followed.

The alloy door is tightly closed.

Miao Xiang, although strangely dressed in the Shajia patriarch, came in, but his mind was already attracted by the new weapon. He walked quickly to the three pillars and reached for the silver ball.


Miaoxiang’s hand was charged and quickly recovered. Immediately, he angered: “What is going on?”

Domino, "You are too anxious."

Miao Xiang sinks her face. "You don't want energy and the materials you need?"

"Don't worry, even if you get it, I won't tell you how to use it. Do you know how to use it?" Domino's tone adds a touch of temperament, but unfortunately there is only one memory-incomplete soul in the body. He does not Know what the performance of intelligence is.

Dominomi flew to the side of the silver ball without hesitation. The tentacle reached out and picked up a silver ball. I didn't know what it was operating. The silver ball suddenly deformed and turned into a hand-held barrel.

"Anti-material energy cannons can annihilate all matter and convert it into cosmic energy, and as long as there is enough material to supply it, its power can be infinitely improved."

Miao Xiang eagerly asked: "Can it kill the tenth-level fighter?"

"If you provide enough material, it can destroy a planet, not to mention a tenth-level warrior." If it weren’t for the Afghan family, they would not destroy this planet, which is rich in material and can bring huge benefits to them. If it is destroyed, the planet has long since disappeared.

On this planet, there are many exaggerated native powers on the planet, plus the underdogs of the Yu family, and the mysterious powers secretly helping the indigenous people of the planet, which led to the fact that the spaceship of the last A family could not escape. To do so, finally fell to the point where all the members were killed and the spaceship crashed on the planet.

Domino's heart is not a taste, he thinks he has two lives, the first time from the Afghan family, the second time... Domino's gaze fell to the sand armor not far away.

At this time, he sincerely hopes that the Afghan family will never come to this planet again, at least not in aggression, otherwise...

Oh, it’s so tangled!

Dominomi threw his worries behind his head, put down the barrel and picked up another silver ball. This time the silver ball became a long knife and continued to explain to Miaoxiang: "The ultra-circular knife is invincible. Fight in the universe, destroy a regenerative, portable, infinite weapon."

Miaoxiang slobber will flow out.

The heart of the urgency is like immersed in ice water, getting colder and colder. In the past 50,000 years, to what extent have the original Yu family and their planetary civilization developed?

Should he beg to the gods and begged that the interstellar civilization in which the planet is located has disappeared in the war? For 50,000 years, this is not impossible.

Domino also picked up the third silver ball. This time his voice became more cautious twice before. "Not completely super-life weapons, controlled by mental power. Using life weapon technology, using the unique activity of this planet. Made of metal and ancient bones and flesh, it is the only occasional test product."

Miao Xiang heard that this thing was related to the ancient god, and immediately asked: "What is the use of it?"

Domino is "all-powerful."

Miaoxiang is not very confident.

Domino is explained in detail: “It can be a bit exaggerated, but it is almost the same. First of all, its shape and material form can change, liquid, gas, solid, it can be changed at will. Secondly, it can be followed The owner's will becomes any substance and has the ability of the substance. For example, it can become the ancient **** and have the divine power of the god. In theory, what its owner can imagine, what can it change and have it The ability that the owner wants. The third and most terrible thing is that it has the ability to automatically absorb energy and recover indefinitely. Such a weapon, do you say it is omnipotent?"

Miaoxiang’s greed can’t be concealed, “Give me! Give it to me!”

"Three, you can only choose one. In addition, there is a fatal flaw in the incomplete super-life weapon, otherwise it will not be incomplete."

"What is the defect?" If you choose one, Miaoxiang has already planned to choose the third one.

"I just said that it needs to be controlled by mental power, but it may be because one of the raw materials for making it is the bones and flesh of the ancient gods. If the spiritual power is that you can't surpass the ancient gods, let alone control this. Weapons, in turn, are in danger of being swallowed up by mental power. Two of the former testers died because of mental exhaustion. Finally, my original owner was adventurously using it and the two remaining ancient gods on the planet. Once the same goes, no one can use it anymore. Is your spirit powerful?

Miaoxiang was stepped on the painful foot. Because of his many damages to the soul, his soul was not as good as before.

"The second kind of weapon, that is, what kind of super-circular knife, is it not necessary for me to provide energy, can I use it when I get it?"

"Yes, as long as you activate it, get its recognition."

"How can I get it's recognition and activate it?"

"Try to put it into your body. I can kindly remind you that the super-cycle originates from the high frequency and uses frequency oscillations to cut and destroy objects. If you can make the frequency of part of your body and even the whole body oscillate to the same level. You can conquer it. Or you can prevent it from damaging your body and you can get it."

Wonderful anger, "I don't understand what you are talking about, the weapon I want to use right away!"

"The only weapons I can offer are only three of them. Others have either been damaged or have been lost. Some are embedded in the spacecraft and cannot be used alone. Even if they can be used, they need a lot of energy. Now we can't do it. ""

Miao Xiang sinks his face. "Don't forget, outside is our common enemy. Let the nine people discover you, just rely on their low-original knowledge, they will only fear the existence of you, and don't say to give you energy." It’s not bad to not seal and destroy you. You’re strong and powerful, and it’s useless without energy.”

Dominomi seems to think for a while. "Well, who told me that I have promised you before, and that people should be honest. So, all three weapons are here, they have a cover outside, you just need to open one of the covers, That weapon belongs to you."

"If I open all three?" Miao Xiang is greedy.

"You can only get one."

Miao Xiang sneered in her heart, and since he let him see it, how could he let go of the other two. "Well, is it possible for me to do it, as long as I can open the cover?"

"No, you need to do the question."

"Do you want a question?"

"Yes." Domino is still sticking to the previous rules. "Not everyone is qualified to take these weapons. Although I promise you, you must complete the original master's setting. Don't expect violent dismantling, the original owner. With this in mind, if you use violence, these weapons will be launched into space, and I can't get them back."

Miao Xiang hates doing the problem, why do you want to get everything to do the problem! I am mad at him!

"How can I understand the title left by your master?" I don't even understand what you said! Miao Xiang really angered.

"I will change to a language that you can understand. There are many questions left by the master. As long as you can answer more than three questions in many topics, you can open the cover."

"No prompt?"

"No tips!"

Miaoxiang helpless, can only promise to do the problem. He didn't promise not to do it. Now, if he can control the insects and control the poisonous insects to attack the original war, what else can he do? Since there are small flying saucers that promised to break them down, and there are bones to cooperate with them, then he might as well stay here to do the problem. If he can get weapons, he at least has room for self-protection and counterattack.

Domino's tentacle waved, and three pillars were shot in front of the three pillars. On the screen, there was a familiar East Eastern common text.

Yan Ma, who had never spoken, looked up. The first few questions that can be seen are all about the history of the Afghan family, the composition of the members, and the names and preferences of the spacecraft owners.

This kind of topic has the same effect as the question left by Hu Lian. As long as it is the person who the family of the Afghan family has found, even if it has passed 50,000 years, how can these questions be answered correctly?

Domino also suddenly flew to the side of Yan Mo. "Do you want to do the same?"

Strictly: "I? Are you willing?"

Domino is very complicated about the harsh feelings. "I can't give you directly, but if you can pass the exam, I won't break the rules. Also, sorry, I can't tell you the answer directly."

Strictly comfort him, "I don't have to tell me the answer, I will try it, I will do it, I will not pull it down."

These three weapons are really powerful, and he really wants to get it, but he doesn't want to make it difficult for this little guy who has just become a real life. In fact, there are many Pinomis, he has a near-complete accumulation of knowledge of the interstellar civilization, as long as the raw materials can keep up, what weapons do you want to make?

Miao Xiang saw that Yan Jia also leaned in front of the light screen and could not help but sneer.

Dominomir waited for him to blame and said: "I like him, I want him to try too. Why, do you think you are better than him?"

How can Miaoxiang think that she is more than a half-smart creature wearing sand? At the moment, I will no longer pay attention to the strictness of the situation, and seriously look at the topic.

Domino does not set a time, just saying that as long as three questions can be completed, the cover will automatically open, and he will give detailed usage of the weapon.

"You are doing the problem here, I am going out to deal with the nine original people." Domino's opened a small door and flew out.

Miao Xiang always felt that she had missed something while looking at the topic. What is it?


Outside, the subordinates of Miaoxiang are more anxious, why can't they still come out?

The most pitiful ones are those who hide or lure the nine original people to the sixth floor.

Above the fifth floor, people who hide and hide will be found.

The sixth layer went down, and the small flying saucer flew out to lead the subordinates of Miaoxiang. But with the belt, they suddenly found that everyone was concentrated in the warehouse on the eleventh floor that found the bone soldiers.

Yan Xiaole also ran in.

The original battle then entered, and the eyes swept away in the warehouse. "Is everyone here?"

Dominomi flew over and arrogantly replied: "A lot, the worms are isolated from me by another. The worms here will not have any more lethality except the worms on them."

Nodded in the original battle, "very good."

Stan and others have been observing the small flying saucer with very strange eyes. Before the witches flew out to find them with their small flying saucers, because the time was too short, they only said the plan, and they could not look at it carefully. A non-living monster with wings flying.

Domino knows that these people are looking at him, but he is not afraid to be seen, but also shows off his new body with a glimpse of them around the circle.

Yes, his body is brand new and new.

His new father did not know what he did, and when he activated his soul, he also gave him a real life-characteristic body.

In this regard, in fact, the strictness is also a bit lucky, but strictly did not say, Domino no natural know.

In short, Nomi's current body is such a condition: the outer shell is an active metal, the inside is a vine, and its inner core is also transformed, and the three are perfectly combined, making it a new living body with golden wood characteristics.

The outer shell of the active metal and the soft inner can make him into any shape that you want to become.

Most importantly, he no longer needs to recharge. No, it should be said that he can charge himself. And he can use both the original energy system and the roots to get energy directly from the soil and the sun.

Thanks to the strict father, so that he can never be subject to energy supply.

Nomi aimed at the original battle. This tall indigenous is the companion of the strict father. It looks good. Nomi subconsciously gave him a deep scan, the results do not scan do not know, swept away!

Good energy! However, his father's partner does not seem to fully control and use these energies. Most of the energy is accumulated in him, although this can slowly change his physical fitness and cell toughness, but if energy cannot be absorbed and transformed, it will eventually All dissipated.

It’s a pity that so much energy is dissipated. It is the ancient gods he has scanned, and the energy of some ancient gods is not as rich as the original war.

Maybe he can tell Yan Mae how to train his partner and let him learn to really absorb and use this energy?

Well, that's it! Just as a reward for his father, giving him a freshman.

He will not teach other advanced scientific knowledge and advanced weapons manufacturing that have an impact on the Afghan family. In this way, he is not betraying his original owner, right?


Miaoxiang must be desperate, why did the little monsters who had a good relationship with their High School to become a cooperative relationship suddenly rebellious to Jiuyuan?

Are they considered to be exhausted by a net?

By the way, they still have bone soldiers!

What is the bone soldier Yan Xiaole doing now?

He is looking at Stein.

Stan suddenly raised his hand and touched his bare skull, praised him: "Good boy." Oh, taking advantage of the big cheap, this bone soldier can be several times older than him.

Yan Xiaole thinks that he likes this man with a face pattern, how beautiful, like a flower. So he stretched out his knuckles and poked Stan's bare/exposed arm. So many lines, it's really beautiful. Does he want to draw some bones too?

Sublime subordinates: the bones adults! what are you doing? Why don't you kill them?

The original battle looked coldly at these people. The number of people was less than 500, and they could form a small tribe. Unfortunately, Miaoxiang’s ambition was too great and he was not willing to become the head of a small tribe.

"You idiots, even the objects of their own loyalty are not clear! Do you think that the wonderful fragrance is still the original Tucheng princess?"

There were some turmoil in the crowd, and some people had doubts before, but no one dared to say under the high pressure of Miaoxiang.

"Don't you feel the difference? If it is a real wonderful fragrance, then a little girl will take you hard to do the right thing with me, and send you to die?"

Everyone is silent.

The original battle is unceremonious: "I want to kill you very easily! Is it necessary to lie to you? Worm, take away your little bugs, if you don't want to be burned to death!"

The worms screamed, and the clothes on them were burned by a sudden burst of fire, including all the body hairs of them, but their flesh did not have any burns.

The other soldiers looked at each other and felt chilly. The gods are on! The strength gap is so big, how can I fight?

In the original battle, I saw these people, and continued: "To tell you the truth, the body of your princess Miaoxiang has long been occupied by another soul! This soul is cruel, greedy, killing, and good. Your princess's soul has been him. Thoroughly suppress, if you save it properly, maybe your princess can save it. If you let the soul grow, your Miaoxiang princess will probably disappear. Maybe she has disappeared!"

The soldiers who were truly loyal to the blood of the Tucheng royal family panicked. They wanted to disbelieve the original war words, but they could not help but doubt the recent behavior of His Royal Highness Princess. Indeed, their princesses have changed too much, and they have been hidden before, and now they have reached the point where they are hidden.

How a woman's speech, walking, lifestyle, etc., is not different from a man.

Today, the Princess of Wonders, regardless of the way of speaking, or walking, is more like a hegemonic man than a weak little princess.

The original war and the worms said: "You will listen to the command of Miaoxiang, because of what? No matter why, the despicable soul hiding in a girl will not have any goodwill to your worms, he will only control you. To die for him, as for how many people and how many worms you will die, it has nothing to do with him."

One of the worms took a step, and his status was more detached among the followers of Miaoxiang. Others saw him stand up and no one stopped.

The worm first went to the original battle for a worm-like etiquette, and then said: "The worms lost their vital treasures, but they were found in the body of the wonderful temple. As for why we did not find her to return to the treasures. Her order was because the treasure was stored for many years, and even our great witch thought it was dead, but the sublime of Miaoxiang made it come back."

The original war did not allow the other party to refuse to ask: "What is that?"

The insect witch hesitated a bit, but compared the force of both sides, especially when the bone soldiers also turned to the other side, he had to tell the truth: "It is my king worm king. Under the temple, the wonderful incense has stolen the eggs of my family, not Knowing what she did actually made the worm king egg of my family resurrected in her body. As long as she provided her with enough energy, the king of our family could be born again from her body. This matter is naturally important to our family. My family will not allow anyone to hurt His Royal Highness."

Tucheng’s former subordinate warriors were a bit dumbfounded. They didn’t even know that their princess’s belly had smashed an egg!

"Damn demon! What did he do to our Royal Highness Princess!" The soldier who loved the wonderful fragrance could not help but curse.

The Tucheng warriors and the worms were immediately divided into two groups.

The insects who stood up gnawed their teeth and reaffirmed: "I said this is to keep the worm king of my family. Jiuyuan is very powerful now, but if you kill our worm king, all the worms will Nine original people are not dead! Unless you want to be harassed by various poisonous insects forever, all the plants planted are eaten by insects. Children must be protected from poisonous insect bites every moment, and animals and beasts do not want to survive. ""

"A good threat." The original war actually laughed.

The insect witch did not relax, but was even more nervous. "This is only if you kill our worm king. If you don't do it to us, we will not be enemies with you."

"But I heard that your worm family has been hooked up with the city of Fire. Do you want to divide the site, manpower and property of our nine originals?"

Worm and sweat, "This is all because of the requirements of His Royal Highness."

"Oh?" The original war did not believe, "Well, in order to avoid your constant harassment in the future, I will first kill your worms, as long as they kill enough, and continue to chase all the members of the worms in the future, one day will Kill you, are you right?"

The worm trembled. "You, you are not afraid of the revenge of our worms?"

The original war laughed, "I am afraid that you will retaliate, so you have to kill you."

The worms are sluggish. The original battle clearly smiled very refreshingly, but in their eyes it was terrible!

"However," the original war tone turned. "My priests don't like me to kill more, so basically I don't want to provoke me to go to Jiuyuan. I won't chase him to kill him. You want to stay." Is the worm king right?"

As soon as the worms saw the hope, they nodded madly.

The original battle touched the chin. "In this way, as long as the sublime of Miaoxiang agrees not to do the right thing with Jiuyuan and is willing to continue to breed the worm king, this matter is not unconsidered."

Stan and others received the original war, and the worm king could not kill, but it could not be easily handed over to the worm.

The worms are excited and sorrowful. First, let's not say whether another soul in the wonderful fragrant body agrees to no longer do the right thing with Jiuyuan. It is Miaoxiang himself. I am afraid that after knowing that there is a worm in my stomach, I will not be willing to continue breeding. ?

The original battle finally swept a circle of these wonderful incense subordinates, he did not believe these guys, but strictly said that the battle with the horns requires a lot of cannon fodder, and these cannon fodder can not use Jiuyuan people, then these are not Jiuyuan prisoners of war Have their use.

But before this, Jiuyuan will still give these people a chance, as long as they choose to be sincere, at least not to avoid trouble, then they can also get rid of the fate of cannon fodder.


On the other end, I don’t know that my subordinates have been sweated by the wonderful fragrance of the pot.

He has been answering questions in the back, but now he has not even answered a question!

He clearly wrote the words he knew, and he could combine them. He could not understand at all.

For example, this question:

The planet's biological bones and flesh and blood have wonderful effects. They are the best life weapon materials. When I incorporate them into alloys, ordinary alloys also have active reactions. When I incorporate them into the liquid metal found on this planet, the ordinary liquid metal is converted into a reactive liquid metal of different reactions according to the different proportions of the incorporation.

This is a great discovery! However, these active metals, like their own will, could not make use of the original life weapon production program to make life weapons, and each trial failed.

The following are the test procedures and equations.

Question: Find out at least one reason for the failure.

Ok, the title he can barely understand, but what are the equations and the experimental process?

Miaoxiang is as big as a bucket.

I also saw this question strictly.

He can't understand the alien equation, even if the words and symbols can be converted, but the knowledge that has not been learned can not be understood immediately after being converted into the words you are familiar with.

The focus is on the experimental process.

The experimental process is completely recorded, and even the operation screen can be observed from different angles.

Strictly and gradually seeing God...

The author has something to say: I originally wanted to write this copy at the end, but I can see it at eleven o'clock, or upload it quickly~