MTL - Banished to Another World-Chapter 612

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Painting and painting, suddenly burst into laughter. . .

"I am a **** person, my language is a pattern, and my language is a battle."

As long as he can make a sound, no, as long as he can make a voiceprint, these voiceprints can constitute the plaids and formations he needs to achieve his purpose of summoning and using energy.

"As long as I think, what I say is true."

"Boom-!" His soul sea exploded, just as a star disappeared, and a new star was lit.

His soul sea turned into endless black, with a deep whirlpool in the middle and a small sapling in the middle of the nest.

The saplings are very arrogant, the branches are waving freely, the whirlpools are opened, and there is a piece of land in the middle, and the other half of the land is a curved sea.

A recliner appeared on the beach, the sapling lay on the lounge chair, and then the branches were swung, and there was a book in his arms.

The cover of the book has four characters: the exile guide.

Who in the soul sea makes a low laugh and finds you!

The book on the exile guide has two lines, one connected to the ground, and a long, faint line that extends out to the endless darkness.

Strictly walked slowly to the side of the sapling, reaching out to touch the body of the book, he did not move the two lines.

He can now find the guide, see the guide and Long Yannan, and the line of contact with him, but he can't move them for the time being.

"I don't recommend cutting off that line, even if you have that ability." The small saplings lifted the roots of the tree. "The Longyan man must be a high-ranking person. People who know the top are always good, maybe I don't know. You need to use him when you keep this line, which is equivalent to leaving one more road for yourself."

"Can I control it?"

Xiao Sapling knows that he is talking about the guide, hehe: "It's not working now. But this thing is nothing more than a map, the encyclopedia of the planet, and a hidden storage tool with rewards and punishments and supervision procedures. As long as you You can completely understand the basic meanings and rules of energy, you can dismantle it. But violent destruction is the worst means, I do not recommend you to use it, after all, this thing will be used for you except that you will punish you when you break the rules. There are also quite a few. It is best to wait until you have the ability to transform it, then do it and let it work for you."

"It's simple." Perhaps he finally found this thing hidden in his soul, even if he has no way to solve it for a while, the stern expression has never been easier.

"I have a little hope for myself, juvenile. According to my preliminary judgment, the energy you know now is equivalent to the level before the third grade of primary school, and the technical content of this guide has reached professional level, and the difference is not too far."

Strictly pulled the corner of his mouth, "Who likes his behavior has been supervised and regulated?"

"Who told you not to be a good person in your life! Criminals must of course have the treatment of criminals. Besides, who can be unsupervised and ruled in this world? Without legal rules, there are natural rules waiting for him, no one. It’s really free. Just like the dragon-faced man who met with you, with his ability, he can’t take the planet down and kill the family, but if he does, who? Will you still abide by the Interstellar Treaty? No, I think there should be something in him that is supervising him and restraining him." The younger Sapling said more excited and sat up.

"You see, in the interstellar treaty, the patrols and the law enforcers are all separated. I don't know what the patrols mean, maybe they are looking for and discovering, but this is obviously preventing some people from being too powerful. It avoids the confusion between the functions of the police and the courts and the functions of the procuratorate in some small places. As a result, the sad result of a group of wolves and tigers and leopards is raised. The dragon-yan man, his power is very strong, his lover is still this one. The native of the planet, but he is still..."

"Stop!" Suddenly surrendered. "You don't have to say it, I understand what you mean. In short, I am the kind of bad guy who still needs supervision and sometimes can't control himself, right?"

"This is what you said, but it is not what I said."

There is no way to take a small sapling strictly. "At least after the reduction of the **** value of 100 million points, I don't want this thing to affect me again. Long Yannan said that my behavior will directly affect the life of the toot, which means doodle. There is also a connection with this guide, I hope to cut it off!"

"One point is one day, do you really give up such a good condition? You think, as long as you have been doing the rules that meet the guidelines, the life of the toot will increase and increase, if you have a contribution of 100 million points, toot I can live more than 270,000 years."

Strictly sinister: "But if I can't help but do something, it will have a scum value of 100 million points? Isn't it that the more constrained people, once they get free, the attack is particularly powerful?" Maybe I will be too happy to make irreparable things at that time. In short, I am over enough for the time when this moment is restrained! Toot wants to live forever, I can naturally help him by other means, instead of letting His life days are in the hands of a program."

"That's hard work, juvenile. Before you get rid of the 100 million scum, your understanding of energy and rules can be upgraded from the third grade to the third grade, so that you can really break free. Although I think Before you reach a higher level of civilization and get a higher level of energy, you can't change the guide at all, at most it is destruction or imprisonment." The small saplings wave the branches.

"That's enough." As for the contact with higher civilizations..., I thought of the star network all over the universe, and thought of the legal opportunity that I lost to get into the Star Network. I don't know how to help Domino. If you can use the network port in the spacecraft left by the Afghan family to sneak into the Star Network?

However, this is still a relatively distant matter, and it may not be considered for the time being.

The stern consciousness emerged from the sea of ​​souls and slowly opened his eyes.

In the eyes of others, his eyes were squatting, just as if he had regained his gaze from a faraway place, and his eyes finally reflected the near scene.

Slightly smirk, his smile makes any creature look very comfortable, and people want to naturally get close to him.

He first looked at the original battle. After encountering the other's slightly worried eyes, he told the other person with a smile: He is very good, no matter how good.

Then he looked at Yan Xiaole sitting at his feet.

Yan Xiaole's body is still the same, and the blood and blood of the meridians that have appeared before have all disappeared.

Strictly touch his round head, "Good boy, give me some time."

Yan Xiaole nodded fiercely. How much time is up!

Dominot made a sound and flew to the front of the silence to stop.

Strictly point his metal tentacles, "Remember to remind me to change your body in the future. Maybe it won't be good at first, but we all have a lot of time, right?"

Toby seriously, he is very much looking forward to the new body of strictness. The people of the previous family have said that they should use the liquid active metal found on this planet to give him a body, but it has not been realized. Can he realize this dream?

Strictly, he did not intend to do everything himself. He looked at the apprentices in the distant land. He had already glimpsed a little mystery of energy and life. Even if it was only a little bit, he believed that Jiuyuan and even the planet would go in the future. The most important thing is that he has the confidence that their civilization will not be weaker than any civilization!

To make a civilization form and have the right to speak, this will undoubtedly take a long time, and all he has to do is to give him the enlightenment of the person he is looking for.

Slightly skip the fire ant king, look down at the two fire ants called, squat down/body, gently touch their backs and appease them: "Hello, don't be afraid, give me a few minutes."

The two fire ants didn't know why they were called, and they didn't know how long it was, but they all felt comfortable with this human being, and they moved their tentacles and conveyed friendly feelings.

The fire ant king stared at the stern move, but one of his imagined witches tore the two fire ants into several pieces and cut and crushed did not appear.

He only saw that the witch touched two fire ants, and then... no more.

When the two fire ants left, they said "thank you" to the witch, why?

"Hey, that little witch, how many times do you have the confidence to save my queen?" Fire Ant King did not know that his soul was at least three degrees softer.

Suddenly, I finally looked up at the fire ant king, laughing without a word. "I thought you wanted me to be your queen."

The fire ant king is obviously also a cheeky face. "If there is the original one, I still want the original." Before he had no hope and hope, the days were too much, and wanted a queen to want to give fire ants. An account of it.

"Love is a good habit, especially in the companion." Strictly, the fire ant king finally got a good impression.

Nodded in the original battle, I was deeply impressed. He and the sternness are old ones, and in the future they will all the way to the end, not new!

"I have seen the body composition of your fire ants, saying that you are a pure energy body. It is true that you are not adulterated. I have a clue about resurrecting this dead egg, but one must explain in advance, even if it can be revived. Dead eggs, I can't guarantee that the soul after the resurrection is still the original."

The fire ant king was silent for a while, "I have to try." Otherwise he can't give up.

Look at him like this, I can't help but want to wake him up. "I am resurrecting this dead egg, which is equivalent to helping it re-architect energy. Its body cells will all be reborn from death to life, that is, finally with cell memory. It doesn't necessarily stay, and the soul is not easy to keep on the object that loses energy. Newborns, since they are new students, how can they be the same as in the past?"

"I know. In short, no matter what the outcome, as long as you try your best, the fire ant will be your friend." The fire ant king is not angry, but a little grateful to repeatedly remind him of this.

"Since the queen died, my family now has female ants responsible for giving birth to future generations, but they are not queens, and they cannot produce the most powerful warriors. Without strong fighters, new ant kings cannot be born, so even if I reach In the field of breaking the sky, you can't leave the tribe. So the queen is necessary for me and for our fire ants!"

"Understood." Slightly nodded, as long as the fire ant king is clear-headed, he does not want to save the ant and is complained. "Right, there is another thing, this blood lake does not destroy its original terrain, most Don't move anywhere, then it will slowly recover."

"Oh? Are you really?" This is a small surprise for Fire Ant King. Without a blood lake, he is still very painful and distressed. If he didn't beat the two, he would be so singular with the other side!

Affirmative answers were given in a strict manner.

The fire ant king had the bottom of the matter, and with the harsh and eccentric force field, he later said that the question of export was soft and three points: "The **** with the gods appearing in the fire city Is it related to you?"

Suddenly blinking, "What god?"

The fire ant king looked at the original battle again.

The original battle with the witch fruit, put on a good father who is doing his best, and shook his arm.

Yan Xiaole, I don’t know anything.

Domino Nomi: I know, I also know what the gods on the gods are, but I will not say!

The fire ant king is also not sure whether the **** image is related to these nine original people.

Strictly with a little concern for friends, "Is there something wrong with Fire City? Is it related to the image you said?"

"Fire City did have a little trouble." Fire Ant King also felt that this was difficult to solve. The Fire City Lord and the priests asked him what to do. How did he know?

Out of the boredom of the people who have been in the city for many years, the fire ant king said the fire city.

It turned out that seven days ago, the fire priest of the city of Fire City sacrificed to Vulcan, and the miracle landed outside the city.

This miracle is a statue like Vulcan. If it is just a god, it will be like a deep **** in the leg bones of the statue.

God's rumor: The gold is now, the fire city is changing. The city owner stayed and the priest died.

After the smoldering of this sacred image, it was deeply puzzled by the gods. Just as other priests and city lords demanded to see the gods, the smolders showed the gods to the other two priests, but did not show them to the city.

Later, according to the analysis of the three priests, the gold in the gods - they did not know the gold word, but they adopted the veto method, not the bones, nor the pottery and the porcelain that Jiuyuan just came out - these two words they are Jiuyuan has seen it, and actually guessed the metal utensils used by the Dingyi tribe.

The first six words of God are still good, at least only to remind the Fire City to change, did not say gold, the Fire City will die. But the last six words are bigger, which means that the city is still alive because of the gold or the change of the tribe, but the priest is dead. But it can be like simply warning that if the city owner stays, the priest will die.

In short, no matter what kind of development, the priests of the city of Fire will always die.

Is it true that the fire city priests can not be treated with caution?

After day-to-day quarrels and discussions, a godsman boldly put forward an idea: since it is a god, it is a warning, and this **** is still appearing after the ritual ritual sacrifice, then is it understandable? Therefore, if the city owner is killed first, then the priests of the Fire City will not have anything to do?

As soon as this statement is made, naturally, as a stone stirs up thousands of waves, the three priests and the participating priests and their warriors are all boiling.

Some people support the statement made by the gods, and some people object.

The main vein of the city of Fire City is the oldest blood. From the first day of the city of Fire City, the dominance of this blood has not changed.

And most of these priests are from this blood and family.

Now they are going to kill the most powerful successor of this blood, is it the highest ruler in Fire City?

But a god, but who can dare to ignore the gods?

There is a dispute, and some people will be leaked. Soon the city master not only knows the content of the gods, but also knows that some people in the temple want to kill him.

Then things were completely noisy, and the city masters even smashed up with the temple. Finally, the three great priests of the temple were helpless. They had to join the city masters to make a large sacrifice to the ancient fire **** and summon the current Vulcan.

After listening to it, the mouth did not close for a long time.

He really just made a little joke. In his view, how can such a poor provocation method succeed? If he sees such a **** with a god, there is a word against him or against Jiuyuan, he will destroy it for the first time, even the **** will not be left, and will not believe it, and then Investigate all the appearances of this idol and look for suspicious people.

You see that even the guide did not punish him for this action. Oh, of course, this is also related to the relationship between Fire City and Jiuyuan. Everything he does now to Fire City can be counted in revenge, and the guide allows blood to be returned.

Can the priests and the lords of the city of Fire believe so much?

Are they stupid?

Of course impossible.


At this time, he did not think that he thought it was a bad provocation. It was because he had seen too many more provocative means, but in this world that believes in prophecy, believes in the gods, and most regions are still in their original state, who has Do you have a courage to make a fuss about the gods? Even if you think of such a method, who dares to do such a bold move like a god? After doing it, who dares to doubt the gods?

No wonder some people say that the more ancient the means, the more effective it is.

Strictly felt very pleasant for this accidental unintentional ending.

Hahaha! It’s so cool, the Lord of Fire City has actually done it with their priests!

The lip angle of the original battle was also slightly bent, but it was not very obvious.

The fire ant king is still sighing. "If it is not the desire to die behind the queen, I will control them."

"The city owner and the priest really fight?"

"There was no real fight, but the city lord asked the priests to re-sacrifice and seek a new god. The city owner also mentioned that there would be such a **** appearing, and forcing the priest to forcibly sacrifice, and ask me to give him the ability to re-give the blood. Relatedly, he believes that such a **** is the punishment of the ancient fire gods for the priests, and believes that as long as the ruin is severely punished, other priests will be loyal to the sacrifices."

Well done! Strictly praise the Lord of Fire City. This is the bottom of the salary, you said that killing the city owner can make the priest live, but now you can kill other priests to let other people live, which one would you choose?

"So what is your opinion?"

The fire ant king has a headache. "I intend to lower the new god, let the flames die, although he used to send food in the three priests to send the most diligent."

Strictly coughed, "I also feel that this is the best way." As for the death of the flames, can the city and the priests think about the same intimate cooperation, just wait until they go to Wucheng, carefully Just look at it and you will know.

The Fire Ant King received strict support and was going to go back to the gods.

Strictly stated that he also wants to breathe. He really wants to be close to his ear when he is dying, telling his opponent the original contents of his little jokes. If you want to come to the flames, you will definitely die, hahaha!

Strictly go, the original battle will naturally follow.

Seeing that the two can be invisible, the fire ant king did not refuse, but he refused to carry two people, and deliberately did not summon the flying ants to bring them up - no one wants the ugly to see outsiders.

Strictly seeing this wave, very angry: "Nothing, you go first, we have a way to go." Later, let you see what is called a real spell spell!

The fire ant king is very curious, these two people have no wings, and they have not seen their ability to fly. How do they go up to the ground?

Strictly took out the small pockets and let the original warfare wrestle the wow fruit to the chest, and then greeted the apprentices, then silently recited in my heart: what I said is true.

After washing your brain, you grabbed the palm of the original battle with a smile and calmed your mind, and slowly said: "The gods bless, anti-gravity, floating up."

Focus on the next few words. The voiceprint forms a mysterious pattern between the heavens and the earth, stimulating the energy of the world and changing the attraction of the two to the planet.

In the original battle, I felt my body light, and I was gently and gently pulled, and floated up.

This feeling is different from the previous use of willingness.

Fire Ant King turned his head in hatefulness, not watching! These two human beings are purely angry with him!